Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 352 Compound meeting, moral kidnapping reappears

In fact, the neighbors misunderstood the behavior of Sha Zhu and his wife. Including the deaf old lady and Yi Zhonghai, they all misunderstood the meaning of Sha Zhu and his wife studying and learning culture at this time.

Not to deal with the deaf old lady.

But the couple is really learning knowledge.

Unexpectedly, the deaf old lady's plan to come to Sha Zhu's house to cause mischief was accidentally foiled.

Listening to the sound of Sha Zhu and his wife studying, the deaf old lady, who was supported by Yi Zhonghai, could only put away the thought of going to Sha Zhu's house for dinner.

Like a defeated duck.

He walked towards the backyard dejectedly.

The couple was studying the old man's masterpiece. The deaf old lady and Yi Zhonghai were tied together and did not dare to go in and act.

There are some thoughtful neighbors around.

The ancestors of the courtyard watched Luo Mo leave.

I had an instant epiphany.

Jia Zhang's family is full of mischief in the courtyard.

The deaf old lady fills the courtyard with the ancestral genealogy. If any family improves their lives and does not give the deaf old lady a clue, that would be disrespectful and violates the will of the courtyard.

I look down on Jia Zhang, but I look down on the deaf old lady even more.

Unfortunately, there is no way to deal with the deaf old lady.

The way Shazhu and his wife behaved opened up a new way of thinking for them. Shazhu could force the deaf old lady to retreat by learning his masterpieces, and so could they.


He Yuyu, who had not appeared in the courtyard for several months, announced his return with a voice like "Sister-in-law, silly brother, I'm back."

Silly Zhu and his wife, who were studying in the house, put away their study materials and came out one after another, welcoming He Yuyu back to the house.

Jia Zhang, who was diagonally across the street, saw Shazhu and his wife greeting He Yuyu. A hint of disdain subconsciously appeared on his face, and he snorted coldly.

"What are you showing off? You're just a college student from the University of Posts and Telecommunications. What's so great about it? Do you really think you are the only college student in the He family in the courtyard?"

in tone.

Full of deep jealousy.

The sound of laughter coming from the He family stimulated Jia Zhang to the maximum extent. Jia Zhang twisted her face in anger and scolded Silly Zhu and Li Xiuzhi regardless.

Qin Huairu looked helpless.

She now.

There is absolutely no arrogant capital.

The day the matter with Yi Zhonghai is unclear, the day it will be harassed by rumors. The leaders of the steel rolling mill want Qin Huairu to explain this!

how to explain?

Talk about father and daughter.

Lao Qin wants Yi Zhonghai's life.

Talk about the relationship between men and women.

Both of them have to dip into the pig cage.

Seeing He Yuyu coming back, Qin Huairu suddenly wanted to see He Yuyu. In her heart, a college student was the pride of heaven and an omnipotent existence. He Yuyu was admitted to college and was the first college student in the courtyard and the street. This shows that He Yuyu's ability might be able to give her the best of both worlds.

Because he asked for He Yuyu, he turned a deaf ear to Jia Zhang's complaints and jealousy.


Deaf old lady in the backyard.

Seeing He Yuyu come back, she instantly felt like she was alive again.

Just now, Silly Zhu and his wife were studying the old man's masterpiece. She was worried about her own life and did not dare to go in and cause trouble.

It’s different now.

The college student is back. Based on the fact that Shazhu and his wife are very fond of He Yuyu, a college student, they must prepare some delicious food for He Yuyu.

Didn't eat at night.

Just go to Shazhu's house and have a meal.

As soon as he got off the bed, before he could hold the crutches in his hands, Yi Zhonghai poured a basin of cold water on him.

"Old lady, you still want to go to Shazhu's house, right? What is your identity, and what is He Yuyu's identity? He is a college student, and your identity as a shoemaker is all fake. Do you think that if you go there, Shazhu can give it to you? Good food? Priority is given to college students, do you understand?"

The deaf old lady said nothing.

There is only endless regret in my heart.

If I had known this, why bother.

The aunt should not have been allowed to die.

The eldest mother died, and there was no one to take care of her deaf old lady.


Silly Zhu family.

Taking advantage of Yu Yu's break to eat, Sha Zhu and his wife told He Yu Yu about what happened in the courtyard and the changes that had happened in the He family.

He Yuyu was eating steamed buns and drinking sorghum rice porridge.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

The changes were so great that He Yuyu couldn't accept them for a while.

Li Xiuzhi entered the street and became a clerk in the street.

Inside the city.

The standard for measuring whether a family's life is good or not is not how much money you earn, but whether both members of the family have formal jobs.

Jia Zhang did not agree with Jia Dongxu to marry Qin Huairu. A large part of the reason was that Jia Zhang wanted Jia Dongxu to marry a working girl from the city, so that the Jia family would become the leading dual-income family in the courtyard that was envied by countless people.

He Yuyu also listened to a lot of what Jia and Zhang said about the Jia family's dual career.

Unexpectedly, the first family in the courtyard to become a dual-income family was my own family.

Li Xiuzhi became a clerk in the street. Although she carried the word "temporary agent" in front of her, she was still a clerk after all, and when she spoke about it, she had a lot of dignity on her face.

He Yuyu has nothing but infinite admiration for Li Xiuzhi.

When I heard that Li Xiuzhi was working as a clerk in the street, Silly Zhu didn't even get involved. It was purely Li Xiuzhi's own ability.

Compared with the changes in his own family, He Yuyu was more surprised by the situation of the Yi family in the courtyard.

From the age of six, He Yuyu felt that He Daqing no longer wanted them, his son, and Yu Yu. He never expected that He Daqing had been mailing living expenses to them. In ten years, he mailed a total of 1,200 yuan. All this money was withheld by Yi Zhonghai and his wife.

Auntie is resistant to thunder.

But He Yuyu, who knew Yi Zhonghai well, immediately guessed that this matter was actually planned by Yi Zhonghai, and Auntie had died for Yi Zhonghai.

Without Yi Zhonghai's approval, an aunt and a woman would dare to do the stupid thing of withholding living expenses.


He Yuyu is also an activist.

A loud sound.

Stand up from the stool and pretend to go outside.

Silly Zhu grabbed He Yuyu.

This girl.

Ever since I went to college and became a college student, my temper has been getting worse day by day.

It was obvious that he wanted to settle accounts with Yi Zhonghai.

"Yu Yu, everything is over. Don't be like Yi Zhong Hai." Li Xiuzhi saw Silly Zhu grabbing He Yu Yu and comforted him, "If a person is bitten by a dog, he can't bite the dog again. What happened to Yi Zhong Hai?" , someone takes action for us."

Yuyu's eyes fell on Shazhu.

Facing Yu Yu's question, Shazhu nodded and told him about the steel rolling mill.

"What your sister-in-law said is absolutely right. Yi Zhonghai is like a rat crossing the street now. If Auntie is dead, can those people in Auntie's family spare Yi Zhonghai? Qin Huairu's father will not let Yi Zhonghai go. Yi Zhonghai is now It’s Zhu Bajie looking in the mirror, but he’s not a human being inside or outside.”

He Yuyu looked at the Yi family diagonally opposite through the glass.

Yi Zhonghai was a well-known hypocrite in the courtyard. She knew that Yi Zhonghai would not accept such a big mess.

If she were in Yi Zhonghai's position, she would feel resentful and want revenge if all her years of hard work were wasted. Human nature.

He Yuyu is not afraid of Yi Zhonghai. She is worried that Li Xiuzhi and Shazhu will be plotted by Yi Zhonghai.

He looked at Li Xiuzhi.

His eyes fell on Shazhu.

"Brother, tell me, what is the relationship between Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu? Are the three children Banggan, Xiaodang, and Huaihua the children of Yi Zhonghai?"

"You have to ask Qin Huairu!"

"Sister-in-law, look at my brother."

"Xiao Wuxin, you have learned how to complain to your sister-in-law. I happen to have something to discuss with you." Silly Zhu pointed at Li Xiuzhi, "This is also what your sister-in-law meant. Your sister-in-law said that we both have jobs. You are still in college, so we don’t want the living expenses that dad mailed you, and we will give them all to you.”

"You can give it to me, I just need it urgently."

He Yuyu explained the purpose of her return.

It’s true that he doesn’t go to the Three Treasures Palace for anything.

Don’t go home if you have money.

They have recently been engaged in some kind of research and development, and it has been successful and can be used for national defense, but they have no funds.

I don’t know if he came specifically for the three thousand yuan.

no more, no less.

Just a shortfall of three thousand yuan.

Only when there is a country can there be a family, and only when there is a family can there be a country.

Shazhu and his wife handed He Yuyu a huge sum of three thousand yuan on the spot. Because of the emergency, Shazhu rode his bicycle and escorted He Yuyu back to the University of Posts and Telecommunications overnight.

The scientific research team of the University of Posts and Telecommunications heard that Shazhu had funded their R&D of 3,000 yuan. In line with the principle that heroes cannot be nameless, they issued a certificate of acceptance to Shazhu with a red official seal on it.

of course.

These things.

Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady didn't know.

Otherwise, he would not have encouraged Liu Haizhong to hold a compound meeting to support the deaf old lady the next day.


The next day.

eight pm.

Liu Haizhong, who was fooled by Yi Zhonghai's high hat, and Yan Fugui, who received three yuan from Yi Zhonghai, organized a courtyard meeting among the neighbors to discuss the diet and daily life of the deaf old lady.

Just one day.

Neighbors all realized that the ancestors in the compound had become a phoenix shedding feathers, worse than an old hen laying eggs.

The deaf old lady who lost her eldest mother lived a life worse than even a dog.

Yi Zhonghai didn't come back at noon and had dinner at the steel rolling mill.

In the courtyard, other families were also hiding from the deaf old lady, which made the deaf old lady not eat last night and she was hungry all day long today.

At that time, I was really hungry and couldn't hold on any longer. I was thinking about who was eating in the courtyard, so I went over and had a bowl.

The ancestors of my courtyard eat your food to give you face.

The deaf old lady has such a mentality.

But I didn't expect that the neighbors had learned the trick that Silly Zhu and his wife had used to force away the old deaf lady last night. When the old deaf lady came to a house, people would either read the books written by the old lady or recognize the words in the old lady's works.

The deaf old lady didn't dare to interrupt other people's studies, so she could only look for them one by one. While they were studying, they forced the ancestors of the courtyard to drink a large tea jar of cold water.

old age.

Poor health.

In the afternoon, I had diarrhea and no energy.

The compound meeting in front of her is the deaf old lady's last hope.

Looking at the people around me, I suddenly felt strange. When did these people become out of the control of the deaf old lady?

It wasn't until I saw Silly Zhu and his wife that the deaf old lady felt a little better.

The hatred last night, the hatred at noon today.

Paid for one piece.

Even if he died, he would have to die at Silhu's house.

Who knows, in the courtyard now, Shazhu has the best conditions. Both the couple make money. Shazhu is also a professional cook, and his cooking is delicious.

Silly Zhu and his wife saw the deaf old lady looking at them. Although they didn't know why the courtyard meeting was held, they felt a bit bad out of thin air.

The couple looked at each other.

They each thought about it: The deaf old lady really regards the courtyard as her own palace.

It wasn't until Xu Damao, who was standing next to him, kindly told what happened to the deaf old lady today that Silly Zhu and his wife suddenly realized why they were holding a courtyard meeting.

The visitor is not good.

It's really for them.

Fortunately, last night, He Yuyu and a huge sum of three thousand yuan were sent away overnight, and they also issued a sponsorship document to Sha Zhu. With this thing, the moral kidnapping of Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady was not at all on Sha Zhu and his wife. On the head.

Love so and so.

Anyway, Silly Zhu and his wife do not support the deaf old lady.

Taking advantage of the time to show off their bangs, the couple racked their brains to think of words that were against moral kidnapping.

"Everyone is here, let's hold a brief courtyard meeting. Today's courtyard meeting has a theme, harmony, friendship, and neighborly help."

Yan Fugui's face.

There was a bit of excitement.

These words Liu Haizhong said were handed over to Yi Zhonghai.

He is also a shrewd master.

Yi Zhonghai gave him three yuan, and he gave Yi Zhonghai some pieces of paper with writing on it.

Beautifully named.

Polishing fee.

I also look down on bangs.

Liu Haizhong himself felt quite beautiful. He saw the neighbors looking at him, and he also saw the deaf old lady and Yi Zhonghai who used to disdain him, begging for him in a low profile because of things.

Liu Haizhong enjoys this feeling of being sought after by others.

He straightened his back.

"I just said that our courtyard is a harmonious and loving courtyard. If one party is in trouble, all parties will provide support. Specifically, who needs support? The old lady in the backyard came back in the evening. Lao Yi found me and told me that the old lady didn't show up last night. Let’s eat. I didn’t eat at noon today. I couldn’t bear the hunger. I drank a large tea jar of cold water. When I went to the toilet, I almost fell into it. Fortunately, nothing happened. Otherwise, how would outsiders see our courtyard.”

"Second uncle, if you want to tell me, this matter is easy to handle. As the old saying goes, the train runs fast only because of the headband. You are now the second uncle in charge of our courtyard. I think the old lady's daily life is just that. It’s up to you, the second uncle, to take care of it.”

Xu Damao saw that it was not convenient for Shazhu and his wife to say something.

I stood up for Silly Pillar.

He is truly a wicked villain.

a few words.

He held up Liu Haizhong, but also put Liu Haizhong on the fire.

Liu Haizhong is not trying to shirk, nor is he agreeing.

Liu Haizhong was not the only one sitting on the wax, the deaf old lady was also conflicted.

Does the deaf old lady know who Liu Haizhong is? The official fan eats the eggs by herself and lets her two biological sons nibble on the steamed buns. This kind of cold-blooded nature, the deaf old lady, as Liu Haizhong's biological mother, probably can't eat it. To spread the eggs in the bangs.

The target of the deaf old lady is Silly Pillar.

Except for Silly Zhu, the deaf old lady would not agree to anyone taking care of her in the courtyard.

The deaf old lady knows clearly who can make the deaf old lady eat well and who cannot let the deaf old lady eat well. (End of chapter)

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