Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 353: Spreading rumors about Yi Zhonghai

In the courtyard.

Only the He family, a dual-income family, has the conditions to provide the deaf old lady with food and clothing and satisfy the deaf old lady's requirements for good food, drink and entertainment.

For your own happy life.

The deaf old lady untied Liu Haizhong, and instead of resorting to moral kidnapping, she snorted lightly and spit out thick phlegm.

It instantly attracted the attention of the neighbors.

Liu Haizhong took the opportunity to seek help from Yan Fugui next to him. Finally, under Yan Fugui's suggestion, he linked the support of the deaf old lady with the honor of the courtyard.

"What Xu Damao said makes sense. I, Liu Haizhong, am the steward, and the old lady is the anchor of our courtyard. In both emotional and logical terms, I should take care of the old lady's food and daily life. When Lao Yi was the steward, I was responsible for it. Three meals a day for the old lady. Considering that the old lady is old, taking care of the old lady is a good thing to do for the benefit of the neighbors in the courtyard, so this matter was put at the courtyard meeting, and the neighbors worked together to find a way. Nothing can happen that makes the old lady drink cold water to satisfy her hunger."

"Old lady, do you drink cold water to satisfy your hunger?"

Silly column's voice.

An untimely sound.

No gloating.

There is only confusion, intense confusion.

The deaf old lady suddenly felt that this was an opportunity to morally kidnap Sha Zhu. She was so hungry that she didn't consider the grudges between Sha Zhu and her, and said a few words that she thought she could trick Sha Zhu into.

"My old lady didn't eat last night. She was hungry all night. She didn't have breakfast and didn't eat at noon. She's still hungry tonight. Silly Zhuzi, grandma is hungry."

It doesn’t matter whether Si Zhu admits it or not, whether he recognizes it or not.

The deaf old lady acted shamelessly first. In front of the neighbors present, she called her one by one stupidly, and even called herself grandma.

People are shameless.


Be thick-skinned.

Everything is there.

"Second uncle, third uncle, something is wrong."

Silly Zhu did not dwell on Silly Zhuzi and his grandma, and directly used Liu Haizhong and Yan Fugui to prepare to kill Yi Zhonghai's majesty.

Opportunities delivered to your door.

Not caught.


"The neighbors all know that the old lady is a household with five guarantees. The organization is responsible for the food and drink while alive and the funeral after death. She has been working with Yi Zhonghai for her food and daily life. At the beginning of each month, the street will pay the old lady's ration on time. I brought it to the old lady, who said she had been hungry for several meals and took cold water to satisfy her hunger. What does this mean?"

The deaf old lady panicked.

She already knew what Silly Zhu was going to say.

Yi Zhonghai also couldn't sit still.

Good guy.

I wanted to plot against Sha Zhu, but I didn't expect that Sha Zhu would make a fuss about Yi Zhonghai's head.

"It shows that Yi Zhonghai embezzled the rations of the deaf old lady. The deaf old lady said she was hungry for four meals. Our courtyard is a civilized courtyard. We do not close the door at night and do not pick up things on the street. There is no petty theft. There is no thief stealing the old lady's rations. What happened, where did the old lady’s rations go? It must have been embezzled by Yi Zhonghai."

Silly Zhu looked at Yi Zhonghai.

He pointed the finger at the Jia family.

"Yi Zhonghai, please tell me, did you embezzle the old lady's rations and then give the old lady's rations to the Jia family? Don't say you didn't. In these famine years, the Jia and Zhang family ate in vain. It is well said, a horse cannot grow fat without night grass, and a man cannot make a fortune without windfall, Jia and Zhang must have extra income.”

The widow of the Jia family eating melon on the side.

His eyes widened instantly.

What a fool.

You actually caused trouble to the east.

The deaf old lady is obviously here for you, Silly Zhu. You Silly Zhu actually pretended to be confused and put the shit basin on the heads of our Jia family.

"Silly Zhu, why do you say that to us, Lao Yi!"

The expressions on the faces of the neighbors.


We are old and easy.

Auntie's body is still in the funeral home, and you, Jia Zhang, just call us Lao Yi. Could it be that the rumors about the steel rolling mill are true?

"What are you looking at? My old lady is Dongxu's mother, and Lao Yi is Dongxu's master. We are godfather."

"Yi Zhonghai, you embezzled the old lady's rations and almost starved to death. This is a matter of life and death. Do you want to explain now and let us call the people from the street, or do the neighbors tie you up directly? Go to the streets and explain the situation.”

Silly Zhu ignored Jia Zhang's nonsense.

He questioned Yi Zhonghai from a distance.

The deaf old lady felt that it was impossible for her not to talk to him.

Yi Zhonghai is dead.

Who else could she count on?

He could only stay together with Yi Zhonghai.

"Silly Zhuzi, grandma made a mistake and made you misunderstand. It's not that Zhonghai embezzled grandma's rations, it's grandma who is too lazy to do it herself."

"Second uncle, third uncle, listen, this is a joke, a big joke. We have noodles and rice at home, but because we are lazy and don't want to do it, we starve ourselves four times. What kind of behavior is this? It's delicious and lazy. Old thoughts and behaviors! I remember the old man said this, make a living by yourself and create a brilliant future with your hands. I just can’t understand how lazy people are. They would rather starve to death than cook. For this kind of behavior , for such a person, do we need to discuss her diet? Doesn’t cooking for her encourage this bad behavior of freeloading? "

"Well said." In Silly Zhu's situation, Xu Damao would definitely praise him even more, "It's so shameless."

"Xu Damao!" Yi Zhonghai glared at Xu Damao, who was adding fuel to the fire, and his eyes were about to burst into flames. I can't deal with Silly Zhu, and I can't deal with you, Xu Damao. "What are you going to do?"

"Yi Zhonghai, you are no longer in charge. You are a neighbor of the courtyard just like me. You, a resident of the middle courtyard, don't let me, a neighbor in the backyard, tell the truth. What do you want to do? Become the emperor of the courtyard? If the courtyard becomes a Is it your Jinluan Palace of Yi Zhonghai?"

Yi Zhonghai was speechless.

The body is shaking.

If he is no longer the boss, even Xu Damao would not look down on him.

The emperor's hat.

Can you wear this?

"Who is the Tu Emperor? When did I stop letting you speak?"

"Xu Damao, don't behave like an animal!"

"Silly Zhu." Xu Damao raised his thumb and gestured towards Silly Zhu, "You are this one."

In the courtyard.

In front of the neighbors.

People who call Yi Zhonghai a beast.

Silly Pillar is the first.

"Silly Zhu, who do you think is a beast?"

"You are not deaf, are you? I said you are a beast! I didn't understand. Let me repeat it. Are you Yi Zhonghai a beast or a big beast? Just talk about my living expenses. Without your permission, a aunt dares to do it? I am There is no evidence! There is also the matter of embezzling ten months of my salary. You'd better pray that you weren't involved, otherwise I won't be done with you."

Yi Zhonghai became a deflated balloon.

The whole person suddenly withered.

Look at Silly Pillar.      There is a feeling of being speechless.

Some neighbors who didn't know the truth were shocked after hearing what Silhu said.

Silly Zhu took the opportunity to speak.

"Neighbors remember that when I entered the steel rolling mill, I picked up garbage in exchange for food for ten months in a row in order to survive the rainwater. The reason why I did this was because someone told me that there was no salary as an apprentice, and I only had to make a living! I only know now, Apprentices are paid, fifteen yuan a month, and the former canteen director of the steel rolling mill, Liao Sangui, who embezzled my salary, was caught by the police at six o'clock in the afternoon."

Yi Zhonghai almost sat on the ground.

Although I was prepared to put the responsibility on Liao Sangui, I still panicked when I heard that Liao Sangui was taken away by the police.

got caught.

How come I don't know about this?

Looking at Silly Zhu, I found that the expression on Silly Zhu's face was full of disdain.

I believed a little bit in my heart.

But he was so stubborn that he refused to admit it.

"What does it have to do with me?"

"It has nothing to do with you? Yi Zhonghai, do you dare to say it has nothing to do with you?"

Looking at Yi Zhonghai's face full of panic.

A thought came to mind.

Got other ideas.

In order to ruin Sha Zhu's blind date, Yi Zhonghai made up all kinds of bloody rumors for Sha Zhu, such as those who like to beat people, those who like widows, etc., which made Sha Zhu's reputation become bad.

in turn.

Can't Silly Zhu make up rumors for Yi Zhonghai?

According to Yi Zhonghai's current character, as long as he speaks out the rumors made up by Silly Zhu, some people will believe them.

"Although my father ran away with the widow, he still fulfilled some of his father's responsibilities. Let's not talk about the living expenses, but let's talk about the work in the canteen of the steel rolling mill. He was obviously a regular worker. Why did you, Yi Zhonghai, tell you that? I became an apprentice, and I am an apprentice because you, Yi Zhonghai, spent a lot of favors by begging your grandfather and grandma! Don’t deny it, it’s written clearly in the steel rolling mill file, and you, Yi Zhonghai, can’t deny it.”

Xu Damao's assist.

It struck in an instant.

"Ouch, I said something was wrong. Silly Zhu's cooking skills are inherited from his family. He took over Daxi's private work at the age of sixteen. He is so proficient in cooking that he can even work as a master spoon chef in a state-owned canteen. How come he got into a steel rolling mill? But he became an apprentice. It turned out to be you, Yi Zhonghai, who caused trouble. Everyone said that you, Yi Zhonghai, were a hypocrite. I, Xu Damao, didn’t believe it, but I believe it now. You, Yi Zhonghai, are really a hypocrite, and you deserve to be exterminated."

Silly Zhu remembered something.

According to the script of "Love".

Xu Damao said that Yi Zhonghai was from a poor family, and it was just a matter of 50 steps and a hundred steps.

It seems that he is also homeless.

Childless for the rest of his life.

Xu Damao was good to me and had eased the relationship. He was helping himself like this tonight. He had to help Xu Damao leave a descendant no matter what.

"Yi Zhonghai, when you personally took me to the steel rolling mill and met Liao Sangui, I thought you were thinking about me. But now I understand that you were worried that I would run around in the steel rolling mill and ruin your plot with Liao Sangui. You are really not a human being, what Xu Damao said just now is right, you deserve to be exterminated."

"Lao Yi, you are really unreasonable. We are all neighbors in the same courtyard. Look at the things you have done. It is simply appalling. I remember clearly that you came back late that night. It was around ten o'clock and almost eleven o'clock. Door, after I opened the door for you, you said you worked overtime and came back late."

"I also remembered one thing. That night, Yi Zhonghai left carrying something. Unprepared, he gave Liao Sangui a gift."

"Distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors. It is better for us in the Siheyuan to attack our neighbors. The person who does this is the man in charge of the Siheyuan."

"Who says it's not? Fire prevention, theft prevention and Yi Zhonghai."

"Yi Zhonghai, Yi Zhonghai!"

It's really overwhelming.

Under the condemnation of Yan Fugui and others.

Other neighbors.

also joined in.

He kept saying all kinds of things about Yi Zhonghai, either saying that Yi Zhonghai was a beast or that Yi Zhonghai was a bastard, and scolded him.

Not stupid in bangs.

Seeing that the situation was not good, he decisively held a compound meeting to consider three meals a day for the deaf old lady, and turned it into a denunciation meeting to denounce Yi Zhonghai.

As the second uncle in charge, he taught Yi Zhonghai a lesson.

"Yi Zhonghai, in view of the extreme cruelty of your behavior, and in order to restore peace and tranquility to the neighbors in the Siheyuan, I, Liu Haizhong, now act as the second uncle in charge, criticize and educate you. You have also lived for decades. How could you do this? You have turned the position of the steward into a street rat..."

Twenty-seven or eight households in the neighborhood.

The only people who did not lecture Yi Zhonghai were Yi Zhonghai himself and the deaf old lady. The remaining two people were Jia Zhang and Qin Huairu.

Mrs. Jia Zhang was thinking about Yi Zhonghai's family fortune, and it was impossible for her to fall out with Yi Zhonghai on this occasion.

The old Qianpo secretly wondered whether to give Yi Zhonghai a moment of help in the nick of time, so that Yi Zhonghai could feel the sincerity of the Jia family towards him.

Qin Huairu was not as indifferent as Jia Zhang. Seeing Yi Zhonghai being taught a lesson and thinking about the things Yi Zhonghai had done, the widow's heart was as sharp as a knife.

The whole person was placed on the fire.

She admitted that Yi Zhonghai was her father, but when she thought of Yi Zhonghai's behavior as a beast, he was cursed by countless people, and she became the beast's daughter.

Don't admit it.

The rumors of messing around with Yi Zhonghai cannot be dissipated.

The widow hesitated.

Don't know what to do.


"Tell me about it!"

"say what?"

"Say what you need to say."

"I really don't know what I should or shouldn't say."

"Liao Sangui, you are here because we have definite evidence. Let you say it now to give you a chance to atone for your crimes. If we say it, you will have no chance to redeem yourself."

"I, Liao Sangui, have a clear conscience and have nothing to say."

"You still have a clear conscience. Then let me remind you that He Yuzhu, from the No. 51 Canteen of the Steel Rolling Plant, joined the factory in and worked as an apprentice in the No. Canteen for two years. For ten months, he was unpaid. We also checked the steel rolling plant. Fortunately, the financial department’s distribution records from ten years ago are all there, and we retrieved them.”

In the hands of Zhang Shihao.

He held up a ledger that looked a little dated.

He published a chapter of it.

The side where the writing will be written.

Welcoming Liao Sangui.

He pointed at the signature above.

"You don't recognize the signature on this, right? According to the accounting department staff, He Yuzhu's signature on this was signed by you, Liao Sangui. It started from the first month after He Yuzhu entered the factory and lasted until ten months. Later, He Yuzhu started to receive wages from the eleventh month, you won’t deny this, right?”

"I'm not denying it, I admit it."

"So you admit that you embezzled ten months' salary from He Yuzhu?" (End of Chapter)

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