Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 354 What a cruel fool, he is trying to force Yi Zhonghai to die

Faced with Liao Sangui's deliberate pretense of confusion.

Zhang Shihao was not discouraged, he suddenly mentioned Yi Zhonghai.

"Then let's talk about Yi Zhonghai."

Liao Sangui felt sad.

After secretly saying something bad, Yi Zhonghai was regarded as a deadly sword hanging over Liao Sangui's head.

Over the years, he tried his best to avoid meeting Yi Zhonghai, fearing that meeting Yi Zhonghai would break his defense. When he heard the words "Yi Zhonghai" flying out of Zhang Shihao's mouth, the reaction on Liao Sangui's face was , which is a bit unnatural.

Zhang Shihao, who had been staring at Liao Sangui, saw that when he mentioned Yi Zhonghai's name, Liao Sangui's mouth trembled unnaturally a few times. With many years of experience, he keenly concluded that there must be something different between Yi Zhonghai and Liao Sangui. A well-known secret.

Yi Zhonghai became the straw that broke the camel's back.

Liao Sangui was worried that his reputation would be ruined, and he felt unnaturally panicked.

This kind of panic created a conflict under the desire to keep the same expression on his face, and this conflict was reflected in his facial expression.

Although it lasted only a short time, Zhang Shihao still caught this subtle change. Based on the subtle trembling on Liao Sangui's mouth, he concluded that there was something wrong with this person.

Lies are not terrible.

A terrible, unimpeachable lie.

Zhang Shihao could only hope that the three words "Yi Zhonghai" would be effective. He sighed and talked about Yi Zhonghai with Liao Sangui in a calm tone.

"You're not going to tell me that you don't know Yi Zhonghai, are you?"

"I know Yi Zhonghai, an eighth-level worker in the steel rolling mill. When I was the logistics director, I heard Yi Zhonghai's name. He has a good reputation, especially in their courtyard."

Liao Sangui seemed not to see through Zhang Shihao's thoughts, and used the matter of helping the deaf old lady in Yi Zhonghai Courtyard to fool Zhang Shihao.

He praised Yi Zhonghai enthusiastically.

"There is a helpless old lady in their courtyard. Yi Zhonghai and his wife have been taking care of this old lady's food and drink for so many years. I should not say that if it were not for Yi Zhonghai, this old lady would probably be gone long ago. , Yi Zhonghai didn’t spit, how dare his wife take care of the old lady? Because of this incident, many people were impressed by Yi Zhonghai, and ordinary people can’t compare to his enthusiasm for helping.”

Change of tone.


"God is not open-minded. Such a good person has no children. This also reflects the feelings of Yi Zhonghai and his wife. There are three types of unfilial piety. Not having children is the most important. If you don't have children, you will cut off the relationship and find another man. He and his wife divorced a long time ago, but Yi Zhonghai and his wife still live respectfully to each other until now. Yi Zhonghai is great!"

"Let's talk about He Yuzhu."

Zhang Shihao did not become angry because Liao Sangui praised Yi Zhonghai indiscriminately, and the expression on his face remained very calm.

The topic turned to Silly Zhu.

Liao Sangui stared at Zhang Shihao hesitantly.

After more than ten seconds, a look of realization appeared on his face.

"He Yuzhu? Isn't he just Silly Zhu? Everyone in the steel rolling mill calls him Silly Zhu."

"Tell me about the situation when he entered the factory."

"Si Zhu was brought into the factory by Yi Zhonghai. When I saw him, I was shocked. Good guy, this is a sixteen-year-old boy. He looks like a young man in his twenties, seventies or eighties. Yi Zhonghai Zhonghai let me see Shazhu's household registration book, and I realized that this child had a young and mature face. Logically speaking, it was against the rules for Shazhu to enter the factory, but Yi Zhonghai told me about Shazhu's family. According to the situation, my father ran away with the widow and there was a younger sister to support, so I relented and left Silly Zhu behind and made him an apprentice in the Second Canteen."

"Tell me about you."

"If I have anything to say, let's talk about Silly Zhu. Silly Zhu is really speechless when it comes to cooking. The food he cooks is delicious. His cooking skills are second best in the steel rolling mill. No one dares to say that he is second. One, the cooking skills passed down from family, this is what I have been doing all my life..."


In the courtyard.

The courtyard meeting is still going on.

After hearing about the immoral things Yi Zhonghai had done, plotting against sixteen-year-old Silly Zhu and six-year-old Yuyu in order to provide for their old age, the neighbors became angry and cursed Yi Zhonghai categorically.

Some people are extremely excited.

Perhaps this is the only way to show that they have nothing to do with Yi Zhonghai.

This includes the Jia family widows. The Jia family widows did not want to follow the crowd at first. They wanted to show themselves to be different. Even if they did not help Yi Zhonghai, they had to remain neutral. However, as the situation gradually developed, the Jia family widows His emotions were also aroused, and he scolded Yi Zhonghai, "How could you do such an immoral thing?"

Mrs. Jia Zhang also burst into tears.

She suddenly thought of her son Jia Dongxu.

"Uuuuuuuuah, Dongxu..."

Among the more than a hundred neighbors, the only one who didn't scold Yi Zhonghai was the deaf old lady.

The ancestor of the courtyard was not a widow of the Jia family. At her age, Liu Haizhong would not dare to do anything to the deaf old lady without saying a few words to Yi Zhonghai.

What's more, the deaf old lady didn't eat all day.

My stomach growled with hunger.

She didn't even have the strength to speak.

Seeing Yi Zhonghai downcast, his head almost hit the ground.

The deaf old lady felt inexplicably panicked. As members of the elderly care group, the deaf old lady and Yi Zhonghai had a mutually beneficial relationship in the courtyard. Tonight's compound meeting was caused by the deaf old lady. It was she who persuaded Yi Zhonghai to look for Liu Haizhong to plot against Silly Zhu and his wife.

Until now, Yi Zhonghai has given the deaf old lady a huge favor before he revealed the mastermind behind it.

But Yi Zhonghai couldn't let Yi Zhonghai feel cold and feel that the deaf old lady was just taking advantage of him.

Due to both emotion and reason, the deaf old lady should not sit back and watch the neighbors spit on Yi Zhonghai, who was about to become an ostrich.

The icing on the cake is not as good as the timely help.

The deaf old lady was worried that Yi Zhonghai was being pushed into a panic and would not provide her with the care until she died. The Siheyuan Elderly Care Group would be disbanded, and she would only be the deaf old lady who would suffer.

I thought about it.

He spoke slowly and said a few words to smooth things over.

"Haizhong, Fugui, neighbors, my old lady said a few words. If it is true, you will listen. If it is not true, you will take it as a joke. Yi Zhonghai was wrong about this matter. He should not have plotted against Fool Zhu for the sake of his retirement. What happened? It has already happened. If we hold on to it, it will appear that we are all old-minded. What I mean is, let Yi Zhonghai apologize to Si Zhu and his wife, in the courtyard..."

The solution given by the deaf old lady was in the interests of the neighbors present. Naturally, the neighbors would not disagree stupidly and nodded their heads intermittently.

When Yi Zhonghai saw that the deaf old lady stood up for him, he gave up as soon as it was good. He hurriedly resorted to borrowing a donkey from the slope and said a few high-profile words sincerely.

"In order to provide for my retirement, I plotted against Silly Zhu. It was my fault. Here, in front of the neighbors, I apologize to Silly Zhu. It was my selfishness and I was wrong."

He walked up to Silly Pillar.

It is a ninety-degree bow towards Silly Pillar.

The expression on his face was very sincere.

The commotion made Silly Zhu even begin to doubt whether Yi Zhonghai was apologizing to him from the bottom of his heart, or whether it was just a fake show on his face to fool others.

I felt a little unhappy.

I always feel like things shouldn't be settled like this.

I want Yi Zhonghai to learn a big lesson.

If Yi Zhonghai dares to plot against him, he must be prepared to be plotted by him. “Second uncle, third uncle, can I not accept Yi Zhonghai’s apology?”

Silly Zhu's loud voice rang in the ears of the neighbors, and the expression on his face was also very decisive.

"Yi Zhonghai has plotted against me time and time again and ruined my blind date. I admit it. My marriage is very happy now and my wife is virtuous. But the fact that I cannot accept is that Yi Zhonghai started plotting more than ten years ago. Me, why? Just for a pension, they plotted against me in every aspect. Is it because I am young and easy to bully? Or because I don’t have an adult in my family and let him manipulate me? Bullied me again and again? Bullying me, yes, but You can’t plot against my wife! The neighbors have all seen what happened tonight. It’s not that I, He Yuzhu, don’t care about neighborhood friendship, it’s that he, Yi Zhonghai, is not a human being.”

A scene where Silly Pillar doesn't follow the routine.

Yi Zhonghai's mind went blank for a moment, and he looked at Silly Zhu blankly.

The script is wrong.

If he apologizes to Shazhu in front of the neighbors, Shazhu should forgive himself generously. If he doesn't accept his apology, it is Shazhu's fault.

Good guy.

He didn't expect Silly Zhu to say that he would not accept the apology.

I'm like this, what else do you want?

Are you really going to force me, Yi Zhonghai, to death?

Neighbors around.

He also looked at Silly Zhu with surprise.

Is Si Zhu not ready to let Yi Zhonghai go?

Just what Silly Zhu said was like the rhythm of the two families never having contact with each other.

The deaf old lady only had endless regrets now. She found that she seemed to be unable to see Silly Zhu clearly. Is this still the Silly Zhu she knew?

When did my mouth become so numb, and my brain's thinking became much more active.

Could it be Li Xiuzhi?


Apart from this explanation, the deaf old lady could not think of any other explanation.

This woman Li Xiuzhi, Silly Zhu is really the right one to marry.

"Silly Zhu." Taking advantage of Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady's opportunity to act like ostriches, Liu Haizhong whispered to Silly Zhu, "What do you mean?"

"Second uncle, I do not accept Yi Zhonghai's apology. It is my misfortune and the misfortune of the neighbors to live in a courtyard with such a hypocrite. In order to provide for his retirement, he can plot against me, He Yuzhu, and my wife. He can plot against me as well. Neighbors here, please be careful.”

Liu Haizhong was stunned.

Until Yan Fugui tugged on his back collar with his hand.

Only then did Liu Haizhong come back to his senses.

Apparently, Yi Zhonghai really offended Silly Zhu to death.

Silly Zhu's schemes have been repeated several times, but failed again and again.

He finally understood why Silly Zhu was so angry. If he didn't beat Yi Zhonghai painfully, Yi Zhonghai would probably have plotted against Silly Zhu.

There is no way to guard against thieves for a thousand days.

If it were a stupid pillar in his bangs, he would have to do the same thing.

"Yi Zhonghai, Silly Zhu doesn't accept your apology. I don't think our hospital can resolve the conflict between the two of you." Liu Haizhong's eyes fell on Yan Fugui, "Old Yan, help me get one Idea, how to resolve the matter between Yi Zhonghai and Shazhu."

Yan Fugui looked at the deaf old lady.

I had no choice but to accept the job.

Neighbors around.

They all felt sad for a while.

Just when everyone thought the matter was over, Yi Zhonghai, whose head was about to be hidden in the soil, suddenly raised his head.

The face is ferocious.

Everyone who saw the expression on Yi Zhonghai's face had such a strange idiom in their mind.

Follow Yi Zhonghai's line of sight.

It's a fool.

The injustice has its end.

Debt has its owner.

Who forced you Yi Zhonghai? Who did Yi Zhonghai look for? You can't blame us neighbors. We just watched the excitement, nothing more. The neighbors who thought it had nothing to do with themselves were also wondering, what happened to Yi Zhonghai? He had the courage to find trouble with Silly Zhu. What happened tonight was obviously Yi Zhonghai's fault.

Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady's target is Silly Zhu. They wanted to work together to plot against Silly Zhu. They used their reputation of respecting the elderly and loving the young to force the two of them to take charge of the deaf old lady's three meals a day. The matter is at the fault of Shazhu and his wife.

The result was such a crazy counterattack from Silly Zhu.

Seeing Yi Zhonghai staring at him, Shazhu wanted to eat him alive, so he smiled openly at Yi Zhonghai.

This smile.

fell into Yi Zhonghai's eyes.

That's sarcasm.

He was so angry that he broke his guard and spoke out what was on his mind.

"Silly Zhu, Li Xiuzhi, it's not like I, Yi Zhonghai, have any blood feud with you, why are you treating me like this, Yi Zhonghai? What's wrong with me? I just saw that the old lady had no one to take care of me, and thought that our courtyard is a loving courtyard, who If your family is in trouble, please help.”

Yi Zhonghai's chatterbox is open.

The more you talk, the smoother it becomes.

to the end.

It is still an immutable moral kidnapping.

"I'm not doing it for myself, I'm doing it for the neighbors. If I tell you, it will at least leave a good impression that the people in the Red Star Courtyard are nice. If someone has something big or small, it goes without saying that the neighbors will come over to help if they know it. With such a reputation, would it be easier for a young man to find a partner, and would it be easier for an older girl to find a partner? I really have no bad intentions."

"Bah bang bang!"

Silly Zhu applauded unexpectedly.

He also gestured towards Yi Zhonghai, asking him to continue.

"The old lady is the anchor of our courtyard. There is no problem that the old lady cannot solve. As long as the old lady is here, our backbone is also there. If we are not afraid of the old lady being angry, the old lady doesn't have much time left. One day to live is one day lost. , I can’t eat how much money you have for stupid money.”

Yi Zhonghai's emotions.

Getting a little excited.

When it came to three thousand yuan, I changed my routine, from moral kidnapping to Chun Chun's teaching, and adopted that kind of guidance routine.

"Three thousand yuan, even if it is all given to the old lady, how far can she spend it if she opens the flowers? Silly Zhu, Li Xiuzhi, you are still young, and you still have a long way to go."

The expression on Yi Zhonghai's face turned into helplessness as he was thinking about Sha Zhu and his wife, but was misunderstood by Sha Zhu and his wife.

The expression of a good old man. (End of chapter)

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