Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 357 The deaf old lady who was scared away

some things.

I really need Xu Damao to do it.

Otherwise it won't hurt Yi Zhonghai's buttocks.

This bastard specially picked up the neighbors to go to work and when the courtyard house was the most crowded, he deliberately said something to Yi Zhonghai and emphasized the word "pig cage".

Yi Zhonghai, who had not slept a wink since the confrontation with Liao Sangui all night, felt his head buzzing.

Qin Huairu and I were soaking in the pig cage.

What did we do and why did we dip the pig cage.

He also didn't sleep all night, and his mind was a little confused. Otherwise, according to Yi Zhonghai's usual calmness, the words "immersed in the pig cage" would have already explained the situation.

Yi Zhonghai, who was confused and lost his composure, was stunned on the spot by Xu Damao's few questions and his mind was confused.

On the contrary, Jia Zhang, who heard the news and ran out to watch the fun, reacted quickly and knew that Xu Damao, a bastard, was making fun of his daughter-in-law again.

Opening his voice for a broken gong.

He started to curse at Xu Damao.

"Well, Xu Damao, you are really wicked. It is not easy for our Jia family to be orphaned and widowed. You are going to add insult to injury to our Jia family. My old lady is not done with you. How come our Huairu and Yi Zhonghai got into the pig cage? Look. Huairu and Yi Zhonghai came to our house to pick up the ashes?"

Jia Zhang became angrier as she talked.

He told Xu Damao's glorious past.

"On the other hand, you, Xu Damao, are not a good person. At a young age, you were lying behind the women's toilet and peeking. You were caught by someone and found your house with your ears pulled. You were beaten up by your father. Xu Damao, Xu Damao, you Now we are talking about our Huairu and Yi Zhonghai, come on, come on, my old lady wants to see how you talk about things."

Li Xiuzhi looked at Shazhu.

A couple for many years.

Know the roots.

Silly Zhu told Li Xiuzhi about the incident of Xu Damao being caught peeking into the women's restroom. He did not add any exaggeration and just said what he had to say.

The commotion made Li Xiuzhi speechless.

Xu Damao and Silly Zhu are both talented people. One is holding a bun to hide from the soldiers. The bun is okay, but someone bought it with fake money. The other is so horny at a young age that he even climbed the back wall of the women's restroom. .

shook his head.

Stepping forward, I left the courtyard and went to work.

When Si Zhu saw that his wife was gone, he was no longer anxious. Xu Damao pointed at the drama between Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu and said he had to watch it.

Yi Zhonghai.

He knelt down and watched the Jia family's drama attentively.

Xu Damao was so angry that his teeth were trembling when he saw Silly Zhu looking like a member of the public. You Silly Zhu, I helped you, but you just watched the show.

Fuck it.

Turning his face, he saw Jia Zhang rushing towards him with his teeth and claws bared, and shouted loudly.

"Jia Dongxu, you are so pitiful. After you died, your body of 1.70 meters suddenly increased to 1.80 meters. Why? Those ten centimeters were cuckolds. You, your body was enlarged by being cuckolded. The relationship between Yi Zhonghai and your wife is not normal, they are picking up the ashes, Jia Dongxu, please take them away quickly."

"Xu Damao!" Yi Zhonghai finally reacted, with a livid face, and glared at Xu Damao with murderous eyes, "Do you still want to stay in this hospital?"

"Yi Zhonghai, you are not the boss now, you are just an ordinary neighbor like me. What right do you have to prevent me from living in the courtyard? Just because I told you about the fact that Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu were collecting ashes? Co-authored me Xu Damao violated your taboo, Yi Zhonghai, by telling the truth."

Xu Damao knew that he had said the wrong thing.

If Yi Zhonghai really hangs on to Xu Damao, he will have to shed his skin even if he doesn't die.

Therefore, he had an idea to find out the fact that Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu were fooling around, and made a fuss about the fact that the two were fooling around, making Yi Zhonghai lose his temper.

Yi Zhonghai was really angry to death. He suddenly realized that he seemed to have fallen into Xu Damao's plan.

Such a gaffe.

It was like invisibly confirming the fact that he and Qin Huairu had an abnormal relationship!

What else would he do?

At this time, the widow rushed out of Jia's house.

Qin Huairu covered her face and ran quickly outside the courtyard.

Yi Zhonghai felt a chill in his heart when he saw this. He had thought that Qin Huairu would deny him, but when Qin Huairu refused to acknowledge their father-daughter relationship, Yi Zhonghai's heart still hurt slightly. After Yi Zhonghai was taken away last night, although he didn't know what happened, according to the nature of the neighbors in the courtyard, they were sure to talk about Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai's affairs, and it was possible to hold a courtyard meeting.


Qin Huairu did not admit their relationship at the compound meeting last night, otherwise Xu Damao would not have blocked Yi Zhonghai early in the morning and used such harsh words as "dipping pig cages" to stimulate Yi Zhonghai.

Things are not easy to handle.

Do not admit that they are father and daughter.

Do you admit that it's just picking off ashes?

Some doubts flashed across Yi Zhonghai's face. He didn't understand what concerns Qin Huairu had that would make her unwilling to admit that they were father and daughter at the risk of admitting to picking up ashes.

In the ear.

Hearing the sound of the cane hitting the ground a few times, he knew that the deaf old lady was coming. He turned his head in the direction of the sound and saw the deaf old lady looking at him with concern.

I breathed a sigh of relief.

"old lady."

"Zhong Hai, my old lady knows that you are fine."

His eyes fell on the neighbors present, and when he saw Xu Damao and Silly Zhu squatting on the steps like streetwalkers, looking at Yi Zhonghai with playful expressions, the deaf old lady's face showed an unnatural expression. Not fast.

"Have the neighbors seen it? Zhong Hai is fine, nothing happened at all! Those things you said last night were all rumors."

The faces of the neighbors are not pretty.

They knew they were resented by the deaf old lady.

The lice on the monk's head were obvious to him.

The neighbors all know the reason why Yi Zhonghai was taken away by Zhang Shihao last night. It was because Liao Sangui withheld ten months of Shazhu's salary ten years ago.

According to the gossip, the accomplice who together with Liao Sangui intercepted ten months of Sha Zhu’s salary was none other than Yi Zhonghai who was in front of the neighbors.

Yi Zhonghai was brought in for a face-to-face confrontation.


Went straight in.


Return to the courtyard.

If Yi Zhonghai can come back, that means everything is fine.

The deaf old lady saw this and complained to the neighbors.

"Last night, after Zhonghai left, you kept saying how bad Zhonghai was, how he was immoral, whether he was good or not, whether he was immoral or not, Zhang Shihao and the others didn't know? If you can come back, it means that Zhonghai is okay. Since it's okay, what you did last night Talking about it is just a rumor."'

I don’t know who gave me the courage.

Yi Zhonghai also straightened his back.

His eyes fell provocatively on Shazhu's face.


It's provocation.

Anyway, when Yi Zhonghai's gaze fell on Silly Zhu's eyes, it was a provocation.

Silly Zhu couldn’t understand either.

Is Yi Zhonghai a wild dog?

There are nine lives.

Withholding living expenses, Yi Zhonghai has nothing to do with it, but withholding wages, Yi Zhonghai still has nothing to do with it, and deliberately provokes himself.

Silly Zhu has a feeling of being in trouble.

Looking at Yi Zhonghai's face that has a long way to go.    I was stunned for a moment.

Did Yi Zhonghai put the blame on Liao Sangui again?

Think about it.

It is really possible. On the financial ledger, the person who signed for Sha Zhu was Liao Sangui, and Sha Zhu had no evidence that Yi Zhonghai and Liao Sangui conspired to withhold wages.

Such an immoral thing, if it were Silly Zhu, it would definitely be something that God knows and you know and I know, and it is impossible for a third person to know about it.

in this way.

This is the situation where the public says the public is right and the mother-in-law says the mother-in-law is right!


Although Yi Zhonghai can't be bothered to death, Yi Zhonghai can still be disgusted. Judging from Liu Haizhong's mouth, it is estimated that the steel rolling mill is now filled with the words and sounds of Yi Zhonghai and Liao Sangui's partnership to withhold wages.

Think more deeply.

Yi Zhonghai puts everything on Liao Sangui's head, and Liao Sangui's family will not let Yi Zhonghai go.

Regardless of what's going on now, Yi Zhonghai has never had a good life.

Silly Zhu also smiled provocatively at Yi Zhonghai.

When the deaf old lady saw this, she didn't know if she had taken advantage of the leopard's courage. She felt that it was necessary to teach Silly Zhu a lesson and spoke up.

"Silly Zhuzi, grandma has to say something to you no matter what she says. You can't just listen to the wind and rain. What others say is what it is. You have to think about some things. Your salary has nothing to do with you. You Yeah, you can’t learn well from bad people, and the same goes for your wife.”

"Old lady, whose grandmother are you? Who is your grandson? I remember telling you before in front of the neighbors that you and I, He Yuzhu, are just ordinary neighbors. Who are you pretending to be the elder? I don't believe it. Yi Zhonghai is fine. As for the reason why Yi Zhonghai can return to the courtyard, it must be that Yi Zhonghai put all the blame on Liao Sangui's head, just like the incident of withholding living expenses, which also made Aunt Kang Lei."

Thumbs up on the spot.

"Yi Zhonghai, you are really good at calculating. Ten years ago, when you withheld living expenses, you thought of keeping yourself out of the matter and withholding wages. You did the same. Don't look at you pretending to be nothing. You are full of money. The bad water, I, He Yuzhu, put down my words, a dog can't change from eating shit, you, Yi Zhonghai, will always be that virtuous."

"Si Zhu, what you said is really good. I, Xu Damao, support you. Isn't Yi Zhonghai still the same virtuous person? I've already scrapped the ashes with Qin Huairu."

"Xu Damao."

"Jia Zhang, you can find evidence that they don't remove the ashes."

When everyone is bickering.

A large group of people burst into the courtyard with a roar.


He is obviously a bald man.

What attracted the most attention was not his bald head, but his face.

This person has a fierce face, and he is not a good person at first glance. He is followed by several young people who are also not good people.

These people in the courtyard.

Typical nest.

In the courtyard, no one is convinced by anyone. They are no match for you on the face, but they have to scold your eight generations of ancestors in their hearts, and even beat you up when they are anxious to sleep at night.

Outside the courtyard, everyone is more cowardly and cowardly than the other.

Seeing so many people barging in, I remembered that they still had to go to work. They were leaving under the guise of going to work or being late soon.

Not moving is okay.

A move.

On the contrary, it attracted the attention of those people.

The bald leader reached out and stopped Yan Fugui, who didn't want to cause trouble.

"Lao Bangcai, why are you going? If we don't come and you don't leave, my name is Yan Fugui. I'm a teacher at the primary school attached to the steel rolling mill. I'm going to class."

"Master in charge of the Siheyuan, hey, he is such a big official, it scares me to death. What is your name? Yan Fugui?"

"Yes, yes, I am Yan Fugui."

"So, you are not Yi Zhonghai?"

Upon hearing this.

The neighbors who were on tenterhooks just a moment ago suddenly felt their hearts in their stomachs. It had nothing to do with them. They were looking for Yi Zhonghai.

The thought of watching a show took over.

They all thought about it.

Yi Zhonghai had offended someone again.

All eyes were focused on Yi Zhonghai.

The bald head saw that the neighbors were all looking at the same person, and seeing the kindness on his face, he guessed that this kind person was the hypocrite Yi Zhonghai from Siheyuan.

When he came, he was told that the kindest person in the courtyard was also the most wicked person. He would definitely be right to catch this person and beat him up.

"Are you Yi Zhonghai?"'

"What are you doing with Yi Zhonghai?"

The deaf old lady asked Yi Zhonghai before he could answer.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion.

I always feel that these people come to Yi Zhonghai because they have something to do with Liao Sangui.

"Who are you?"

"This is the ancestor of our courtyard, the anchor of our courtyard, and the godmother of Yi Zhonghai." Xu Damao kindly pointed out the relationship between the deaf old lady and Yi Zhonghai, "If you want to find Yi Zhonghai, you must first get through this old lady. .”

"Yi Zhonghai's godmother?"

The bald head looked at the deaf old lady, and with a wave of his hand, several young men came up, grabbed the deaf old lady's limbs, and moved the deaf old lady to another place.

When had the ancestors of the compound been so wronged?

Those who rely on their elders and sell them out say unfilial words.

One of the slightly older people stared at the deaf old lady for more than ten seconds and suddenly asked the deaf old lady.

"Is your surname Jin?"

A common question.

In an instant, it was like a scourge coming over. The old deaf lady turned pale with fright. While denying it, she ran quickly towards the backyard with a cane.

Silly Zhu and Xu Damao both focused their attention on someone.

I was far away and didn't seem to understand.

Could scare away the deaf old lady.

It's quite capable.

The book returns to its true story.

After the deaf old lady left, Yi Zhonghai also had no backer.

This made Yi Zhonghai feel a little guilty.

Bite the bullet.

admitted his identity.

"I am Yi Zhonghai, an eighth-level worker at the steel rolling mill. What do you want from me? I don't know you, and I have never dealt with you. So many of you broke into our courtyard. What do you want to do? Bully no one in our courtyard. , you still have to step on our courtyard house, let me tell you, the neighbors in our courtyard house are not afraid."

Yi Zhonghai wanted to encourage everyone to deal with Bald and the others.

If Yi Zhonghai's moral heavenly body had not been broken and he was still the steward of the courtyard, the neighbors would have to agree with Yi Zhonghai because of his kindness.


Yi Zhonghai's reputation was ruined, and he was no longer the boss.

The deaf old lady was scared away.

Only a fool helps Yi Zhonghai stand out. (End of chapter)

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