Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 358 The woman who testified against Yi Zhonghai

Faced with Yi Zhonghai's routine, everyone tried to protect him from disaster.

Silly Zhu was the first one who couldn't bear it.

There are good things.

You, Yi Zhonghai, have it all to yourself.

When bad things happen, you push us to fight against thunder. Do you really treat us like stupid boys?

Just when Shazhu was about to open his mouth to dismantle Yi Zhonghaitai.

Xu Damao took the initiative.

He couldn't fall behind Silly Zhu when it came to choking Yi Zhonghai.

"Yi Zhonghai, what are you talking about? People are looking for you because you have done something immoral that I'm sorry for. Neighbors are not afraid of trouble! But you can't just help others do evil! What happened to you, Yi Zhonghai, has nothing to do with us. It has nothing to do with us. We neighbors have nothing to do with each other! We will not be your accomplices, Yi Zhonghai!"

Xu Damao made the first move.

Silly Zhu had to cooperate with Xu Damao no matter what.

Taking advantage of Xu Damao's words, he said the words Xu Damao choked in his mouth.

"Yi Zhonghai, you are really a complete hypocrite. You dare to act but don't act like it. When you scheme against others, why don't you think about the consequences? People come to your door and want to put the shit basin on the heads of the neighbors. You are so unnecessary. There are very few people in the world who have a thick face. Why didn't I see you when I was fighting the little devil? You Yi Zhonghai, who is as thick-skinned as a city wall, can stop bullets absolutely."

"Comrade, please don't listen to Yi Zhonghai's nonsense. Our neighbors in the courtyard cannot bear to see Yi Zhonghai who has done all the evil things in the world. If Yi Zhonghai says it, you can just treat him like shit. We will not help him."

Xu Damao was worthy of being a movie projectionist who traveled around the capital. He was a good talker and in a few words, he brought the topic to the purpose of this group of people.

"Old fellows, please ask, what exactly did Yi Zhonghai do, and why did you come to our door with such a big fanfare? There is no other meaning. If he really does something that is outrageous, we will hold a special meeting in the courtyard to criticize him. Yi Zhonghai’s immoral behavior.”

"It's my sister's business."

People around me heard it.

Instant interest arose.

Sexy news!

This thing.

There may be a market.

Everyone excitedly focused their eyes on Yi Zhonghai, wondering why Yi Zhonghai had made the mistake of cheating.

Regardless of his relationship with Qin Huairu, the mere appearance of Qin Huairu in the courtyard proves that Yi Zhonghai is also the one who keeps the red flag at home and the colorful flags flying outside.

Messing around outside.


What's abnormal is that I can't understand why someone would come to Yi Zhonghai's house for being stupid and make him so disgraced.

Too careless.

That's what matters.

Yi Zhonghai saw that the neighbors were looking at him with talking eyes, and they were already asking questions.

Just want to explain.

Regarding the purpose of these people's visit, he vaguely guessed that they should be related to Liao Sangui.

In other words.

Yi Zhonghai blamed Liao Sangui for everything, which angered Liao Sangui's family, and they took revenge.

"That matter is not what you think. What does your sister's matter have to do with me? If it were really me, Yi Zhonghai, who did it, I, Yi Zhonghai, admit it. In front of the neighbors of Yiyuan, how dare you let your sister come out? Are you going to confront Yi Zhonghai and me? It's a mule or a horse, let's pull him out and run around."

I thought the other party wouldn't dare.

It's just a matter of confrontation.

Show that you have a clear conscience.

But I didn't expect that the other party was unkind, and all the details that needed to be prepared were ready.

The leader, the bald man, shouted and looked at Yi Zhonghai up and down. The more he looked at him, the more disdainful his face became.

This looks good.

Also considered a person.

It's just that this thing is not done very authentically.

They had agreed to plot against Sha Zhu together so that he could take the opportunity to sell favors to Sha Zhu. Yi Zhonghai got the favor from Sha Zhu, but after the incident was exposed, he put the shit basin on Liao Sangui's head without even thinking about it.

Liao Sangui's death has become a destined fact.

Yi Zhonghai was fine.

This is not okay.

Liao Sangui's son specially found his brother-in-law.

That is, a big bald head.

He told the big bald head everything about Liao Sangui being plotted by Yi Zhonghai, begged the big bald head to vent his anger on him, and gave him a sum of money.

The big bald man and Liao Sangui have a bad relationship.

But after all, I have to call Liao Sangui father-in-law.

Yi Zhonghai plotted against Liao Sangui, which meant that he didn't give the big bald head face.

The bald head also complained in his heart that his father-in-law, who seemed to be a very smart man, did something like this with shit under his butt, causing trouble for the whole family.

Deserve it!

Tucao returns to Tucao.

Revenge is still necessary.

The big bald man came to the courtyard with a group of little brothers and blocked Yi Zhonghai all morning.

The bald man was also an expert in crooked ways. He knew that Yi Zhonghai would give him a so-called confrontation in public, so he made preparations for this in advance.

Looking at Yi Zhonghai, a look of disdain appeared on his face.

"Yi Zhonghai, you really can't shed tears until you see the coffin. Do you think my sister is too shameless to see people and doesn't even dare to leave the house? Or you have committed suicide and you will die without any evidence! What a joke! You, Yi Zhonghai, thought wrong."

Yi Zhonghai's heart.

There was a thump.

Listen to what the big bald guy means.

This is bringing his sister with him.

"Did I think wrong, or did you think wrong? I, Yi Zhonghai, am upright and not afraid of slanting shadows."

"Sister, come out and see what kind of character this bastard who cheated you is."

in the crowd.

Make way.

A graceful figure appeared in front of everyone.

Silly Zhu was dumbfounded for a moment.

She is really a beautiful girl, even prettier than Qin Huairu. She is around 27 or 28 years old.

I thought to myself.

The bald head is really good enough.

How could he find such a girl?

Silly Zhu doesn't think that Yi Zhonghai can do anything to find a woman outside. Based on Silly Zhu's understanding of Yi Zhonghai, if a hypocrite really wants to find a woman, he won't find someone who has a brother or a father who is extremely strong. A woman, just two words, trouble! Yi Zhonghai would only look for women like Qin Huairu who are helpless at home and dare not complain after being wronged.

to be honest.

The kind of person who has been wronged and suffered a great loss, but dare not cry out or seek justice, and can only secretly complain about his bad fate!

The first time he saw this woman, Shazhu felt that this was a trap specifically targeting Yi Zhonghai, and suddenly there was something abnormal in his heart. If Shazhu was in the position of a bald head, he would also look for her. A woman comes to disgust Yi Zhonghai, but this woman will dress up as she pleases. It is best that she is a thick-set woman with a beard, a rosy nose, and a lion's mouth. At first glance, she looks like a man dressed up. Through this method, she can Possibly disgusting Yi Zhonghai.

Unexpectedly, the bald man found a woman who was more feminine than a woman. Silly Zhu didn’t know what to say.

On the contrary, Xu Damao, who was next to him, almost laughed out loud when he saw this woman. At the last moment, he forced the laughter back into his stomach by relying on his concentration. .

Turning his face, he saw that Shazhu was still looking at the woman who suddenly appeared with a confused look on his face.

I saw the eyes of the neighbors focused on the woman again.

No one paid any attention to either of them.

He hurriedly grabbed the collar of Shazhu's clothes with his hands.

Silly Zhu noticed that someone was tugging on him, and turned his head in the direction of the sound of tugging on his clothes, and saw Xu Damao looking at him with a strange look on his face.

I was a little stunned for a moment.

It was really the first time that Shazhu met Xu Damao with this expression.

The voice suddenly dropped.

"what happened?"

"This woman."

Silly Zhu's heart might be frightened out if his throat was blocked. He knew what kind of virtuous person Xu Damao was.

Turtle grandson is lustful.

And his brain is hard.

It's the film projectionist at the steel rolling mill again.

This profession.

At the moment, it is truly the envy of countless people.

Xu Damao can talk and is willing to spend money. He is really an invincible master. According to the script of "Love", Xu Damao settled Qin Jingru who was on a blind date with Silly Zhu with a roast duck and a new suit of clothes.

Silly Zhu looked at Xu Damao with his strange eyes.

"You shouldn't have had a relationship with her, right?"

"Don't talk nonsense, can I have a relationship with her?" Xu Damao explained the whole story to Silly Zhu in a low voice, "I don't have such courage, this woman, her name is..."

Women are women.

But she is not a woman in her right mind.

The name doesn't matter anymore.

People from Weijiazhuang.

When I was seventeen or eighteen years old, my family arranged for the woman to get married. After the marriage, I was considered happy. The only bad thing was that the woman was not able to live up to expectations. She was unable to give birth to a boy and a girl for her husband's family. As time went by, It is called an old hen that does not lay eggs.

There are three types of unfilial piety, the greatest of which is not having offspring.

My husband's family thinks that our family cannot be cut off because of you.

It is also bad fortune telling.

One day when I was working in the fields, it suddenly rained. The woman's clothes got wet from the rain. When she went home to change clothes, a man who was repairing tiles on the roof next door happened to be transferred to the woman's home to take care of the clothes. The woman saw clearly.

This was originally a misunderstanding.

However, the husband's family, who had long been thinking about divorce, took this opportunity to make a big fuss, labeled the woman as unruly, and divorced her.

After a woman gets divorced, her brain is stimulated and she becomes a little crazy. When she meets people, she will say that she has feelings for the man and that the man has made such promises to her.

When Xu Damao went to Weijiacun to play a movie, he really wanted to have something to do with a woman, but when he learned about it, he was frightened into a cold sweat.

When he saw that the bald man brought the woman to the courtyard and used the woman to testify against Yi Zhonghai, he subconsciously laughed.

Silly Zhu looked at the woman.

I thought to myself.


Another infertile woman.

He suddenly thought of Lou Xiao'e. According to the description in the script of "Qin Man", Lou Xiao'e was unable to have children for several years after marrying Xu Damao. In the end, she was called an old hen that couldn't lay eggs by the people in the courtyard. This old hen that couldn't lay eggs seemed to be still alive. What came out of Silly Zhu's mouth was that every time he and Xu Damao got into trouble, he would use this incident to stimulate Xu Damao and his wife.

But it doesn't seem to be Lou Xiao'e's fault.

It's Xu Damao's fault.

"Does her husband have any children?"

"My new daughter-in-law gave birth to a big fat boy. I don't know how this woman found out about it, and her madness became even more serious. When she was celebrating the full moon, she broke into someone's house. She insisted that the child was hers, and was beaten with sticks. He came out and then disappeared, somehow falling into the hands of the big bald man."

These things don't matter anymore.

important things.

It was Yi Zhonghai who couldn't eat it and was carrying it around.

This woman.

But she was emotionally hurt, and when Bald asked her to testify against Yi Zhonghai, she naturally said whatever she had to say.

These people in the key courtyard don't know that women are crazy.

Moreover, in order to make the scene look more real, the bald man cleaned up the woman. If Xu Damao hadn't recognized the woman, he would have been fooled by the bald man.

Go to the theater.

Watch Yi Zhonghai's play.

Both Shazhu and Xu Damao knew that this was a big drama that put a shit basin on Yi Zhonghai's head.

Who kept Yi Zhonghai from knowing the inside story?

Seeing that the woman really came out, and she was still such a beautiful woman, Yi Zhonghai frowned unnaturally, and his kind face became even more kind.

"My child, I am Yi Zhonghai. I don't know what grudge you have against me, or whether I, Yi Zhonghai, have offended you in some way. I asked you to come to the courtyard with these people to blame me. I, Yi Zhonghai, don't care. I am older. No, I don’t care. In a few years, I will be done. But you are still young and you still have a lot of time to enjoy. You can’t go further and further on the road of crime. If there is anything, let’s talk it out, or you Don't be afraid if you are threatened by them. I, Yi Zhonghai, am here and I will block them for you. I don't believe there is no room for you to reason."

The same old vocabulary of moral kidnapping.

It flew out of Yi Zhonghai's mouth.

After finishing speaking.

A look of no regrets as I can endure complaining for you.

If he didn't say his name, there would still be some room for relaxation. He couldn't point his bald head at Yi Zhonghai and tell the woman Yi Zhonghai's name.

None of them are fools.

Know what that means.

However, Yi Zhonghai was clever and wanted to trick the other party. He mentioned his name several times, making the woman remember the three words Yi Zhonghai in a short time.

Moreover, Yi Zhonghai's current words are very similar to the words used by the woman's father-in-law to trick women, and they are also such a moral kidnapping.

The woman's emotions were instantly stimulated.

She pointed at Yi Zhonghai and shouted the three words "Yi Zhonghai" in a high voice with a strong questioning tone.

Yi Zhonghai was dumbfounded.

The script seemed a little different from what he imagined.

"Girl, you have to think about what happened to me and you."

Yi Zhonghai's voice.

With a bit of panic.

"What have you thought about? I have thought about it a long time ago. Yi Zhonghai, you are not a human being, you are a complete bastard, you are a beast, do you really think I don't remember what you did to me? God, you Why don't you open your eyes? A thunder will chop this bastard Yi Zhonghai to death for me. Please chop Yi Zhonghai to death quickly. I am so innocent, but I met Yi Zhonghai. He talked sweetly, saying that the incense in the family cannot be cut off, and the incense cannot be broken. Damn it, my life is so painful, wu wu wu..." (End of this chapter)

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