Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 359 It’s hard to explain Yi Zhonghai

The woman who complained about Yi Zhonghai's evil deeds collapsed on the ground with a "pop", and in front of the neighbors present, she burst into tears and ranny nose, crying so hard that she felt sad.

Silly column discovered.

What a beautiful woman.

When she cries, she feels like a vixen possessing her.

While the woman was crying, she kicked her feet back and forth, causing two small ravines to appear on the ground with her shoes. Her hands were not idle, slapping her thighs rhythmically.

Silly Zhu suddenly remembered Li Xiuzhi.

Thinking about it: When Li Xiuzhi cries, will she look like the woman in front of her and look like an extreme shrew?

A tingling feeling came to Silhu.

He shook his head vigorously.

Bluntly impossible.

Li Xiuzhi is beautiful, virtuous, and well-reasoned in doing things. She is a good woman who is hard to find even with a lantern.

Even if such a good woman cries, it will be the kind of crying that makes men feel sad for her. It cannot be the kind of crying that can be compared to a shrew.

Xu Damao didn't know that Sha Zhu thought of his wife Li Xiuzhi because of the crying of the woman in front of him, and thought that Sha Zhu couldn't bear to watch such a big show.

He murmured a complaint that only Silly Zhu could hear clearly.

Silly Zhu did not explain to Xu Damao.

On the one hand, I am too lazy to explain.

On the other hand, something is wrong with Yi Zhonghai.

The hypocrite was probably confused by the woman. His originally kind cheeks were now covered with dark clouds, and he looked at the crying woman with a bit of cruel eyes.

The bald man saw Yi Zhonghai like this.

I snorted in my heart.

It turns out you old boy is angry.

Don't be afraid of Yi Zhonghai's anger, but be afraid that Yi Zhonghai won't be angry.

"Yi Zhonghai, what do you mean, you want to kill my sister with your eyes, so that there will be no proof of the evil things you did to my sister."

The neighbors were reminded by the big bald man's words and quickly turned their attention from the woman to Yi Zhonghai.

Don't say it.

He really had a ferocious look that made him want to eat the woman alive.

The neighbors who originally believed in Yi Zhonghai now began to doubt Yi Zhonghai.

If he really had a clear conscience, he wouldn't have such an intimidating look, but should have a frank and indifferent look.

Some people shook their heads, with expressions on their faces that looked down on Yi Zhonghai.

This change has a large part to do with the woman's appearance.

Women are beautiful.

This is a fact.

A beautiful woman who looks like a fairy in a painting, in front of you, is crying and talking about how she has been wronged.

Any normal man will have infinite sympathy for women, and from the woman's perspective, he will blame and complain about the man who made the woman cry.

In the script, the reason why Qin Huairu is able to take control of Silly Zhu is because Qin Huairu is beautiful. If it were an ugly widow, Silly Zhu would have run away long ago.

The tears of the beautiful woman greatly aroused the sympathy of the neighbors present for her. Even Jia Zhang, who originally did not want to participate in this matter, felt that there was something wrong with Yi Zhonghai.

What man doesn't like beautiful women?

Jia and Zhang both sympathized with women, not to mention the neighbors present, who were all questioning Yi Zhonghai with their eyes.

Yi Zhonghai's scalp was numb at this look.

I can't bear it.


"What are you looking at me for?"

"Let's see if you, Yi Zhonghai, are a hypocrite."

"Xu Damao!" Yi Zhonghai called the names of Xu Damao and Sha Zhu successively, "Si Zhu!"

"Yi Zhonghai, the person who called you a hypocrite is Xu Damao, not me, He Yuzhu. What are you shouting at me? We, the gentlemen in the capital, spit and nail, and admit it when they have done it. They have never done it and refused to admit it. This It’s just an embarrassment to the gentlemen in the capital.”

Silly Zhu opened his mouth.

It's the familiar moral kidnapping routine.

"You asked someone to bring your sister out to confront you. They followed your wishes, Yi Zhonghai, and called out your sister who had been wronged. This shows that they have no evil intentions and are honest. You, Yi Zhonghai, How did you do it? When you see a girl coming out to confront you, you threaten her with your eyes. This is obviously because you, Yi Zhonghai, have something in your heart. It's a man who feels that he is not a woman, so he exposes this matter to the neighbors. In front of me, explain clearly what is going on."

I saw Liu Haizhong hadn’t left yet.

He hurriedly greeted Liu Haizhong.

"Second uncle, this is related to the honor of our courtyard. You can't back down. If this spreads out, it will be said that the former steward of our courtyard, Yi Zhonghai, has done something wrong to the girl and is still looking for justice from the girl's family. Sometimes, if you threaten others, our courtyard is just a courtyard. When the neighbors go out, they will definitely get stabbed in the back. The men can’t find their partners, and the women can’t find their husbands. You have to do this."

Being fooled by Silly Zhu like this.

He felt his blood boiling in his bangs.

My mind goes blank.

His body involuntarily walked in front of the woman, put his hands behind his back, and spoke in a boss-like tone towards the woman and the bald head.

"I am Liu Haizhong, a seventh-level forger in the steel rolling mill, and the second steward of this courtyard. I am responsible for everything in the courtyard. I, Liu Haizhong, will handle your affairs in front of the neighbors and you." You guys promise not to tolerate anything."

"Second uncle, you are good." Xu Damao was afraid that the matter would not be too big, so he tried to fool Liu Haizhong. He gave Liu Haizhong a thumbs up and compared Liu Haizhong with the reincarnation of Qingtian, "You are Bao Qingtian of our courtyard."

Yi Zhonghai's lungs were about to burst with anger.

I was criticized.

The two of you compliment each other.

When Bao Qingtian was still alive, he didn't have a crescent moon on his forehead despite his virtue in bangs.


Yi Zhonghai pointed at those people present.

Don’t believe in yourself, but believe in people outside.

What a good neighbor to me.

"Lao Yi, while the matter can still be handled within the courtyard without causing trouble in the streets, tell me honestly whether you deceived this lesbian into doing something immoral with you for the sake of the Yi family's incense. You tell me about the matter and I will help you deal with it. It is not impossible to deal with it. Your wife died and the lesbian was deceived by you again. At worst, the two of you will get married, otherwise you, Yi Zhonghai, will have no good harvest."

An expression that looked like he was thinking about Yi Zhonghai.

Think about it.     There is still a solution.

It's just that Yi Zhonghai's mind is now dominated by emotions, and his mind is filled with one thought, I can't accept this shit basin, otherwise Qin Huairu's part will be even more unclear.

So he refused Liu Haizhong's kindness.

"Liu Haizhong, which end do you have? Who am I, Yi Zhonghai? It's not like you don't know when I did such immoral things."

"Yi Zhonghai, stop putting such a high hat on yourself. What should I give to you Yi Zhonghai? The second uncle knows, hey, if you were a gentleman, you wouldn't have ruined my blind date. If you were a gentleman, how did Qin Huairu come here?"

"Si Zhu, what you said is wrong. It's not how Qin Huairu came here. I want to ask Yi Zhonghai how Banggen, Xiaodang and Huaihua came here."

"Silly Zhu, Xu Damao, shut up my old lady."

"Jia Zhang, shut up too."

"In bangs."

"Second uncle, think about it, there are not 40 men in our courtyard, but he also has 30, marriageable men, seven or eight. For such a good-looking woman, why don't you say that I, He Yuzhu, deceived her? Why don't you say that Xu Damao You deceived her, why didn't you say that your second uncle and third uncle deceived her, but you insisted that Yi Zhonghai deceived her, it must be something Yi Zhonghai said or did to others."

Silly Zhu choked Yi Zhonghai again.

"Yi Zhonghai, I thought you were a complete hypocrite at first, but now I realize that you are still a despicable person who dare not admit it."

"Second uncle, this eldest brother, Silly Zhu's words are also my Xu Damao's words. Don't deal with it internally in the courtyard. Let's go to the streets. We will all testify for this lesbian and prove that she was deceived by Yi Zhonghai."

"Silly Zhu, Xu Damao, find a rope and tie up Yi Zhonghai, who is cheating on lesbians."

Silly Zhu and Xu Damao haven't set off to find the rope yet.

The lesbian who was crying on the ground suddenly moved. She got up from the ground, rushed to Yi Zhonghai in two steps, raised her hand and slapped Yi Zhonghai twice.



By the time the neighbors reacted, two clear five-finger marks had already been engraved on Yi Zhonghai's head.

This does not explain the hatred.

The woman suddenly opened her mouth and bit down on Yi Zhonghai's palm.

Yi Zhonghai, who was immersed in being slapped by the woman, felt a heartbreaking pain in his palm. He lowered his head subconsciously and saw that the woman regarded Yi Zhonghai's hand as a cooked sheep's hoof, biting into it. Let go.

There was an ouch in his mouth.

With his free hand, he pulled the woman's hair hard, trying to get her to release her bite on his palm.


The woman is a beautiful lesbian, but her mind is still a little unclear.

Biting Yi Zhonghai's hand with more force, Yi Zhonghai also felt an increasing pain and pulled the woman's hair harder.

Some neighbors who were watching the excitement started to move and gathered around Yi Zhonghai, accusing Yi Zhonghai repeatedly.

Say anything.

He said that Yi Zhonghai was not a human being and deceived the lesbians. Saying that Yi Zhonghai did something sorry for the lesbian, otherwise the lesbian would not bite Yi Zhonghai's palm like this. This is the ultimate expression of resentment against Yi Zhonghai, and asked Yi Zhonghai to quickly explain the problem honestly.

The most damaging person.

None other than Xu Damao.

This bastard didn't have the courage to beat up Yi Zhonghai in person, but he envied Silly Zhu's behavior of beating up Yi Zhonghai. He took advantage of the opportunity when the neighbors surrounded and accused Yi Zhonghai to do dark things under the light.

From time to time, his hand struck Yi Zhonghai's body. After the successful blow, he kept saying words to excuse himself.

"Yi Zhonghai is a bastard, but the neighbors can't attack Yi Zhonghai. Don't attack Yi Zhonghai, but you can't attack Yi Zhonghai. This is wrong."

He slapped Yi Zhonghai with his hand.

"Stop fighting Yi Zhonghai. Yi Zhonghai is already like this. You are fighting Yi Zhonghai. Yi Zhonghai will be beaten to death by you. Stop fighting. For my sake, Xu Damao, stop."

Put your feet out.

He kicked Yi Zhonghai hard on the butt.

"Yi Zhonghai, what are you looking at me doing? You don't think that I, Xu Damao, will hit you, do you? No! I, Xu Damao, don't have the habit of shady people behind my back no matter what I do."


He stabbed Yi Zhonghai hard in the stomach.

"Neighbors, please stop fighting. If you fight Yi Zhonghai, Yi Zhonghai will blame me, Xu Damao. You can't take advantage. I, Xu Damao, will take the blame for you."

"Xu Damao is right, don't fight Yi Zhonghai, let's start sorting things out now."

Lieutenant Liu Hai rescued Yi Zhonghai from the siege of the neighbors.

As the second uncle in charge.

Forcing the neighbors not to take action against Yi Zhonghai.

It's also been a long time in the sea.

In the past, I didn't dare to make trouble with Yi Zhonghai. When I finally caught the opportunity, I would naturally be as cruel as I could.

Just a few minutes.

The trouble made Yi Zhonghai miserable.

He looked like a beggar, and his face was covered with marks of beatings, most of which were the work of Xu Damao. This bastard was the one who beat Yi Zhonghai the most.

"Yi Zhonghai, what else do you want to say now? Be honest. Otherwise, if you go to the street soon, you will regret it."

Yi Zhonghai gritted his teeth and looked at the people in front of him.

My heart felt cold.

When it falls on a woman.

His body suddenly shook.

When the woman saw Yi Zhonghai looking at her, she brought up the trick she had been crying about just now, sat down on the ground, and accused Yi Zhonghai.

"Yi Zhonghai, you are not a human being. You said that you have no children and are destitute. When someone in your courtyard was planning to provide you with old age care, something went wrong. A man named Shazhu had no contact with you for the rest of his life. You have to do it for yourself. Think about it, no matter how good the elderly are, it is not as good as your own children. You said you are an eighth-level worker with a salary of more than 100 yuan a month. You said I will follow you Yi Zhonghai. You can eat well and drink spicy food. You don’t need me to go out to do it. Living, as long as I take care of the children at home, you said your salary can completely support me and the children. You also mentioned the names of the children, and you have already thought of them. The boy will be called Yi Chuanzong, and the girl will be called Yi Xianghong."

The woman changed her tune.

Looking at Yi Zhonghai.

"I listened to your words and gave them to you. Why did you turn your back on me? Do you know? I was at home and I didn't dare to go out. I was afraid that someone would poke me in the back and say I was not a woman." I am a bad person, Yi Zhonghai, you are not a human being, you lied to me, saying that your family has gold and silver, how could you do this to me!"

"You fart."

"Now I feel like I farted. At that time I farted, and you said my fart smelled good. Haha, this is a man. He thinks I'm good, praises me, thinks I'm bad, and ridicules me. Boy, my My child, your father doesn’t want you anymore, my poor child, your father doesn’t want you anymore, don’t be afraid, you still have your mother, we will depend on each other from now on, child.”

"Yi Zhonghai, you already have a child with him, do you still want to be tough on this matter?" Liu Haizhong waved his hand as if he was still alive, "If you want to be tough, go to the streets." (This chapter) over)

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