Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 361 The Drama of Bitter Love Qin Huairu

Yi Zhonghai had some experience of being beaten. Before the opponent's fists and kicks fell on him, he grabbed his head with both hands and curled up his body as much as possible, turning himself into a sandbag. The opponent's fist fell on him.

Thanks to Silly Zhu.

After the conspiracy was exposed, Shazhu beat Yi Zhonghai four or five times, beating Yi Zhonghai as if he was his father's enemy.

Silly Zhu's fist frightened countless people. The first thing for any protagonist who traveled to the Siheyuan from all over the world was to strengthen his body to avoid being beaten by Silly Zhu.

Yi Zhonghai is not a time-travel protagonist, but a native of the Siheyuan. Naturally, he is not treated as a time-travel protagonist. Yi Zhonghai's fist hurt Yi Zhonghai.

In the process of being beaten, he gradually discovered this method of beating that would make him suffer less.


Treat yourself like a dead pig.

During the few times that Si Zhu beat Yi Zhonghai, Yi Zhonghai found that the more he begged for mercy after being beaten by Si Zhu, the more violently Si Zhu beat him.

On the contrary, he didn't speak or beg for mercy. Silly Zhu didn't even bother to fight until the end.

Yi Zhonghai recalled the experience of being beaten by Silly Pillar to the present. While gritting his teeth and enduring the beating, Yi Zhonghai was still thinking about why he was beaten.

That is to say, who is the big bald guy?

It is clear.


Those who come are not good, and those who are good will not come. Since the other party has brought such a big show to him with great fanfare, it is naturally a blood feud.

Think about it.

There are only a few people with hatred.

The first one is Silly Pillar.

Silly Zhu would not do such a thing. To beat Yi Zhonghai, Silly Zhu had no excuse at all.

The second one is Xu Damao!

Yi Zhonghai suspected that Xu Damao was behind this.

Who would have thought that on such a big occasion today, Xu Damao, who was supposed to go to the countryside to show a movie, unexpectedly appeared in the courtyard. He even added fuel to the fire by saying a lot of bad things about Yi Zhonghai, and encouraged Liu Haizhong to escort him. He went to the street and made Yi Zhonghai lose face.

In Yi Zhonghai's heart, Xu Damao is a pure evil villain.

There is nothing that Xu Damao cannot do.

The third one is Liao Sangui.

Who allowed him to force Liao Sangui to death.

Thinking wildly.

Yi Zhonghai also felt that the fists and feet that landed on his body were less painful.

This made the big bald man and others who punched and kicked Yi Zhonghai unhappy. After beating for a long time, Yi Zhonghai was like a dead pig and kept silent.

No more thoughts to continue.


The bald man squatted in front of Yi Zhonghai and gently patted Yi Zhonghai's cheek with his hand.

"There's no movement at all. It looks more like a dead pig than a dead pig. Yi Zhonghai, I didn't realize that your bones are quite hard. Did you think that we could spare you just like this? Do you know why I beat you? Because You are wicked because you do evil, because you are not a human being, Yi Zhonghai..."

The conversation turned.

Indicated his intention.

That is his identity.

Yi Zhonghai's doubts were relieved.

The bald man was actually Liao Sangui's son-in-law. This was what the bald man said to Yi Zhonghai himself.

Looking at the big bald man with a ferocious face in front of him.

Yi Zhonghai's scalp felt numb.

By now.

He still doesn't think it's his responsibility.

I don't know what he was thinking, but he actually pinned the cause of Liao Sangui's incident on Shazhu's head, and told the story of that day in an exaggerated manner.

"Comrade, please listen to my explanation about this matter. It has nothing to do with me. This is all the fault of Shazhu, the Shazhu of our courtyard, the monitor of the second cafeteria of the steel rolling mill. I blame him. If it hadn't been for the leader of the steel rolling mill that day, Shazhu In the interview, I told him about the fact that he didn’t get paid at the beginning. The factory leaders would not order a thorough investigation, let alone hand over the matter to Zhang Shihao and the others. The reason why I didn’t admit it was that there was nothing I could do about it. It was better for two people to get involved than one. It’s good for people to fold in.”

Yi Zhonghai was worried about being beaten.

Talk about your own value.

He also had the idea of ​​diverting trouble to the east.

Thinking about these bastards who are not good people at first glance, looking for trouble with Shazhu, whether it is Shazhu who beats up the big bald head, or the big bald head beats up Shazhu.

For Yi Zhonghai, everything is a matter of complete benefit and no harm.

I wish I could start a dispute between the two of them and let Silly Zhu and the big bald dog bite the dog, so that Yi Zhonghai can watch the show.

A more important point.

Yi Zhonghai could make a big fuss out of this incident and ruin Silly Zhu's reputation, but he couldn't let Yi Zhonghai struggle in the cesspit while Silly Zhu watched the show from above.

To die together.

"I am an eighth-level worker in the steel rolling mill and the steward of our courtyard. Shazhu is the cook in the steel rolling mill and a resident of the courtyard. I also have the old lady in the backyard as a backup. Isn't there a saying, keep the green hills? Don’t worry about running out of firewood, I’m still alive and can avenge your father-in-law.”

"So you are useful?"

"it works!"

"What you said makes sense."

"As soon as I looked at your fortune, I knew you were a good person."

"I looked at your face and found that you are also a good person. Can I ask you a question?"

"You said."

"What on earth does Qin Huairu have to do with you? Why do some people say that you are women? Others say that you are picking up ashes. They say that they are all your children."


"It's okay not to say it, we all know it."


Inside the rolling mill.

Qin Huairu looked at those who pointed at her.

A mind full of ideas.

Did you break a law of heaven?

People were poking at Qin Huairu's back with their eyes. Qin Huairu understood the meaning in their eyes. They were just saying that Qin Huairu was not a woman and was messing around with her master.

What's the truth?

Not important anymore.

No one knew the pain in Qin Huairu's heart.

Facing those people's pointing fingers, Qin Huairu could only act as a deaf person who couldn't hear. He couldn't argue with them one by one.


The more you run away from it.

The more popular things become.

This is the charm of rosy news, not to mention that Qin Huairu still has the rosy news of fooling around with her master across generations.

It’s also strange.

The eldest mother gave two explanations: father and daughter and picking up the ashes. The workers all chose to believe the latter.

It also has something to do with Qin Huairu, who pretends to be pitiful all day long and doesn't tell the truth.

This morning, another incident occurred in the courtyard where a woman accused Yi Zhonghai of teasing, which brought the peach news to a new level. Some people are discussing how many women Yi Zhonghai has, and who other women are there besides Qin Huairu, or whether Qin Huairu ranks first or second among Yi Zhonghai's women.

Compare Qin Huairu's looks with that woman's.

All kinds of rumors.

That's very rude.

The rumors that spread all over the sky pierced Qin Huairu's defense, making Qin Huairu, who was determined to pretend to be deaf and unable to hear, no longer able to continue.

Looked up.

He looked at those people present.

"In your eyes, I, Qin Huairu, do not follow the rules of a woman and am a cold-blooded beast."

The conversation turned.

Qin Huairu mockingly acknowledged the responsibilities of those people.

"Maybe, you are right, but I can't help it. My husband is dead, and I still have three children to support. My youngest is less than two years old now, and the stickie has reached the age of growing up again. , I am a poor man who is half-grown, and my family’s food has been eaten up long ago. My mother-in-law just doesn’t do anything. My man’s master, help me. You say I am unruly, what should I do to be like you? Will you be happy if I sew my mouth shut and stop eating? "

The expression on the face.

With a bit of weirdness.

With an expression of 'Are you going to force me, Qin Huairu, to death?', he even told what happened when Silly Zhu forced Yi Zhonghai to help the Jia family at the compound meeting.

"After my man's accident, I joined the factory. I didn't understand anything. I couldn't understand the drawings. I didn't know anything. As my man's master, Yi Zhonghai helped the neighbors to dedicate their love to our Jia family and provide money if they had money. Being able to contribute, I don’t mean just having things, and I don’t mean coveting other people’s money.”

The meaning behind the words.

It’s really hard for my Jia family.

"But Silly Zhu said that Yi Zhonghai is my man's master. If my man dies, Yi Zhonghai should shoulder the burden of supporting our Jia family. My mother-in-law even kowtowed to Yi Zhonghai three times because of this. , Yi Zhonghai followed Shazhu's wishes and helped our Jia family. Then the workers said that I, Qin Huairu, did not keep the rules of women and had this or that relationship with Yi Zhonghai. I can do whatever you say when co-authoring? My Jia family can't do anything. ?”

MCA, who was at the scene, was about to speak out in defense.

Liu Lan, who was protecting the calf, started to sneer.

"Qin Huairu, who are you showing off to? Day by day, you know how to wipe your tears, pretend to be pitiful, and act out the drama of suffering. I have learned everything about you. Your current monthly salary of twenty-seven and five yuan seems to be enough to support you. It's a bit difficult for a family of five, but Huaihua and Xiaodang are only nine years old together. How much can two girls eat? You, Qin Huairu, and your mother-in-law, Jia Zhang, are the only two adults. How come more than twenty yuan is not enough? ?Why does it have to be helped by Yi Zhonghai?"

Change of tone.

Called out Qin Huairu's trick.

"Yi Zhonghai is your man's master. If he doesn't help your man, why should the neighbors help him? Why should Yi Zhonghai ask the neighbors to help him help his apprentice's widowed mother and wife? No one is rich, and this one is Nian Jing, you can't starve your own children to help your Jia family, right? Silly Zhu asked Yi Zhonghai to help your Jia family, is it wrong? Anyway, I think it is right! Jia Dongxu kowtows to Yi Zhonghai, this is a kiss, fuck Qin Huairu still has the nerve to blame Silly Zhu if we don’t support him and let the neighbors who are not relatives support him?”

Qin Huairu and Liu Lan.

There are similarities.

As women, they were all looking for a job. Liu Lan saw Qin Huairu's plans clearly, and this was why she looked down on Qin Huairu.

It took more than a year to enter the factory.

She was praised as the pretty widow of the steel rolling mill.

I was idle all day long, fishing in troubled waters, and did not calm down and learn skills at all.

The widow Liang Ladi, who joined the factory at the same time as Qin Huairu, is now a second-level welder, while Qin Huairu is still a first-level worker. This first-level worker still had to work hard for a year and a half.

It broke the record for the longest time it took to promote a first-level job in a steel rolling mill.

Now the steel rolling mills are spreading rumors about what happened to Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu. If Liu Lan were to replace him, he would definitely explain the details clearly and bring out the evidence.

Qin Huairu did not object to his relationship with Yi Zhonghai, and did not prove the fact that she and Yi Zhonghai were father and daughter.

According to Liu Lan, as long as it is proven that the latter is the father and daughter, the rumors between Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai will disappear.

The widow did no such thing.

It's a completely casual attitude.

"The matter between you and Yi Zhonghai was very easy to solve. How come it has become such a big problem for you, Qin Huairu? Qin Huairu, don't think that I don't know what you think. You just want to find a solution for yourself. Those who help are willing to help. Can you please save some face? There are not a hundred workers here, but also seventy or eighty. You say loudly, what is the relationship between you and Yi Zhonghai? Take out Once the evidence comes, the truth will come out.”

Qin Huairu was also frightened into a cold sweat by these words.

Which of her fathers comes to mind.

Can I talk about this casually?

After all, Yi Zhonghai was going to die, and her mother might not live long either.

A matter of several human lives.

Be cautious.


"Qin Huairu, are you going to tell me whether it's really picking up the ashes? Because I really can't imagine anything with more serious consequences than picking up the ashes."

Liu Lan spoke more and more seriously.

When those people present heard this, they all showed bad expressions.

They focused their attention on Qin Huairu.

"I'm not, I didn't. Anyway, this matter is different from what you think."

Feeling the unkind eyes of everyone.

Qin Huairu felt like he was sitting on pins and needles, like he had a lump in his throat.

She shook her head again and again.

My heart was also in a mess.

"You don't mean that, what do you mean? You have to resolve the matter, right? If you don't resolve it? Just let the rumors between you and Yi Zhonghai fly like this? Qin Huairu, fly out of our steel rolling mill. When the time comes, What is affected is not the reputation of Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai, but the honor of the entire steel rolling mill."

Liu Lan's voice.

taller and taller.

Some workers who originally wanted to leave were attracted to the spot.

"Let's talk about Yi Zhonghai now. Yi Zhonghai is an eighth-level worker because he won the title of advanced personal ethics in the steel rolling mill. This title is because Yi Zhonghai helped take care of Jia Dongxu's family. As for how you, Qin Huairu, entered the factory, worker Everyone knows that it was Yi Zhonghai who bought you the quota to enter the factory. If you affect the reputation of the steel rolling mill, there is a possibility of taking back the quota."

Qin Huairu was stunned on the spot.

Why is this script wrong with her design?

Why is it still linked to being expelled?

If this is fired.

Qin Huairu could only cry more than pee.

She is in a hurry.

Baba defended himself.

Liu Lan looked at Qin Huairu and snorted coldly. Her attitude was very clear and she would not give the widow a chance to play tricks.

This woman is so cruel!

Just by putting Yi Zhonghai on the fire, he knew that Qin Huairu was not a good person.

You can put the shit basin on Yi Zhonghai's head and make Yi Zhonghai suffer.

some things.

It's not just what Yi Zhonghai says.

But Qin Huairu said whatever he said was what he said.

Who let Qin Huairu be a woman?

This one.

It's enough for Yi Zhonghai to drink a pot.

"Qin Huairu, take care of yourself and think carefully. Don't think that all the co-workers are fools." (End of Chapter)

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