Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 362 Yi Zhonghai, what is your relationship with Qin Huairu?

Chapter 362 Yi Zhonghai, what is your relationship with Qin Huairu?

Liu Lan’s words.

It aroused the resonance of everyone present.

Workers who originally did not want to participate in the incident also joined the group to denounce Qin Huairu.

The mouth of Youyou.

It can't be blocked.

The best solution is to tell the truth.

He has a relationship with Yi Zhonghai. Why he did it? Is he wronged by the Jia family or bullied by Jia Dongxu or Jia Zhang? Let’s make it clear.

Thanks to the neighbors in the courtyard.

The workers in the steel rolling mill all know that Mrs. Jia Zhang is a lazy and evil mother-in-law who specializes in bullying Qin Huairu.

Stimulated by the Jia family, he wanted to take revenge on the Jia family and put a cuckold on Jia Dongxu's head.

This explains.

The workers can barely accept it.

As for the idea that Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai are father and daughter, according to the workers' perception, it is easier for them to accept father and daughter than removing ashes.

Change it to them.

Will also choose the latter.

Smart people do this.

None of the workers could understand Qin Huairu's operation.

It was a very easy matter to solve, but the widow insisted on complicating it and refused to acknowledge the relationship between father and daughter. Now she said something in front of them that I was a widow and I was justified, which made the co-workers not very happy. Liu Lan's words made Qin Huairu choked.

"Qin Huairu, you are a widow, and we also know that it is not easy to be a widow. Just like what you just said, a poor man living in poverty has a very difficult life. Why don't you let your mother-in-law work? I heard that my mother-in-law is living in poverty. He does nothing every day, and spends his time trying to influence the relationship between the neighbors. Jia Dongxu is alive, it doesn’t matter. Jia Dongxu is dead, no matter how lazy Jia Zhang is. Who do you blame? Blame yourself! Does the country now have a policy for widows to remarry? , you remarried Jia Zhang and you can still be lazy? Do you have to make your life so difficult? "

"Last time, because of your remarriage, the street specially sent a letter to notify our steel rolling mill. The steel rolling mill also paid more attention to your remarriage of Qin Huairu and asked Sister Liu to organize a blind date for the widowed gay men in the factory to go on a blind date with you Qin Huairu. Wuyang There are hundreds of gay men, but you Qin Huairu didn't like any of them. You are already a widow, and you still pick them! It's not that you dislike them for being old, but you dislike them for having children. Now you are telling us that the workers are forcing you to go. Damn it, Qin Huairu, do you feel guilty for saying this?"

In front of me are the passionate workers.

Breaking through Qin Huairu's defense.

It surprised me that.

Her drama of suffering was not only ineffective, but also made herself a target of public criticism.

The widow panicked.

What's going on with yourself?

She knows best.

Her eyes were like water from a river that had opened its gates, and instantly squeezed out of them. A look of grievance flooded her cheeks. This seemed to be the only thing she could do.

Seeing Qin Huairu pretending to be pitiful again, Liu Lan was the first to quit.

"Qin Huairu, put away your tears and show them to whom? I told you just now that you brought your troubles to yourself. You remarried! I introduced hundreds of men to you, but you don't like any of them. Is it possible that you don't like any of them? Only Silly Zhu can fall in your eyes, Qin Huairu? I heard that your mother-in-law, and you, are still thinking about Silly Zhu’s lunch box, saying that Silly Zhu is inhumane, and seeing your Jia family’s orphans and widowers, It’s easy, and we don’t even want to help, so how can we do it? Silly Zhu only needs his own wife to support your Jia family?”

Liu Lan stared at Qin Huairu with sharp eyes, like a sharp knife, which made the widow feel weak, and she seemed to have no voice to retort.

An invisible big hand tore apart Qin Huairu's false feelings and pretense of pity, layer by layer, revealing a real widow pretending to be pitiful in front of the workers.

This feeling.

It poked Qin Huairu's heart, making Qin Huairu unable to accept it. She felt that her chest was clogged and her throat was holding her breath!

The widow was completely defeated.

Not only did he fail to achieve his goal, but he was also caught by others, because Yi Zhonghai didn't help, and Jia Zhang was too lazy to do it.

What Qin Huairu said was not easy to accuse the Jia family, was like an invisible big slap, hitting Qin Huairu's face hard. When it spread, it seemed that Yi Zhonghai, Jia Zhang and others were not human beings.

"This Qin Huairu is shameless."

MCA’s angry voice.

Breaking the silence of the scene.

Sha Zhu was not married, and you, Qin Huairu, plotted against Sha Zhu, and MCA had nothing to do with it. But after Sha Zhu got married, you, Qin Huairu, still wanted to plot against Sha Zhu under the pretext of the Jia family's difficulties. Ma Hua was the first to disagree.

He was like an angry lion, staring at Qin Huairu.

"Qin Huairu, can't we have a little face?"

"What kind of face do you want for a widow who has been on the ring?" Liu Lan looked like she had seen through the truth of the matter, and her tone was a bit disdainful. "If you want face, you won't go to the ring."

Ma Hua didn't know if he really understood what Liu Lan meant, or if he was specifically poking at Qin Huairu's lungs. Following Liu Lan's words, he once again brought the topic to Yi Zhonghai.

You, Qin Huairu, don't admit that you are picking up ashes with Yi Zhonghai, and you don't admit that you have a father-daughter relationship with Yi Zhonghai, so I will put you two on the fire.

Big fuss.

The leaders of the rolling mills will naturally come forward.

"Qin Huairu just said that my master forced Yi Zhonghai to help their Jia family. As Jia Dongxu's master, Yi Zhonghai had to help the Jia family after Jia Dongxu's death. Otherwise, even the spittle of his co-workers would drown him. But just now Qin Huairu also said that the Jia family was having a hard time, and also said things that could not reveal the blame, which shows that Yi Zhonghai has not fulfilled his responsibility of helping and caring, and this is deceiving the steel rolling mill."

"MCA, why did Yi Zhonghai deceive the steel rolling mill?"

"Missing a string, have you forgotten? The reason why Yi Zhonghai was promoted to the eighth-level worker is that he received advanced personal assistance at the end of the month from the steel rolling mill. This advancement was due to helping the Jia family. Now Qin Huairu is talking about Jia in front of the neighbors. The family is having a hard time, and it's obvious that Yi Zhonghai didn't provide enough support. Otherwise, with half of Yi Zhonghai's salary of ninety-nine yuan a month, the Jia family would have no worries about food and clothing."

Qin Huairu finished listening.

My hair was numb.

Ma Hua, who seemed to have an honest face, also learned bad things and actually resorted to the strategy of diverting trouble to the east, using the steel rolling mill to put pressure on Qin Huairu.

The county magistrate is not as good as taking charge now.

The rolling mills came forward.

Can Qin Huairu still say no?

What a poisonous thought!

"Ma Hua, it's not what you said." Qin Huairu explained anxiously to Ma Hua, "What I mean is, it's not that there is no help, it's..."

Qin Huairu hasn't finished speaking yet.

He was interrupted by Liu Lan.

See it.

Qin Huairu is not a human being inside and out, she wants to have her cake and eat it too.

"At this time, you are still covering up for Yi Zhonghai. What are you covering up for? Qin Huairu, I still say the same thing. In front of everyone, what is your relationship with Yi Zhonghai? Even if you say that you are father and daughter, you don't Like. And your surname is Qin, and Yi Zhonghai's surname is Yi. These days, you have not denied it. On the contrary, there are some unclear meanings in the matter of removing ashes. Qin Huairu, Banggan, Xiaodang, Sophora japonica Three children, is their father Yi Zhonghai?"

"Didn't you say that Jia Dongxu was Yi Zhonghai's son before? Why did it change to Bangge that he was Yi Zhonghai's son now? Could it be?"

The words behind.

Did not say.

But all the workers present knew what this worker was going to say.

It’s nothing more than sharing between father and son.

His complexion didn't look very good.

"The more you talk, the more confused you become. Didn't Yi Zhonghai and Jia Zhang have Jia Dongxu? When did they get involved with Qin Huairu? I heard that Yi Zhonghai has always cared about Jia Zhang, but now why does he care about Qin Huairu?"

"Knowing people, knowing faces, but not knowing their hearts. Yi Zhonghai looks kind-hearted, but in fact he is full of bad ideas. Qin Huairu and Jia Zhang stand together. People who are not blind will choose Qin Huairu. Who makes Qin Huairu beautiful? He got one right after he entered the factory The nickname of the Pretty Widow, Yi Zhonghai makes people old-hearted, and even after death, he will be a romantic ghost under the peonies."

… ˆ ˆ Got a beating.

Dragging his tired body back to the steel rolling mill, Yi Zhonghai suddenly paused on the spot.

Kill people and kill your heart.

He actually heard these rumors related to himself and Qin Huairu.


The pot exploded with a buzzing sound.

I felt really mixed in my heart, knowing that those people in the courtyard were unreliable and would talk nonsense, but when things really happened in front of my eyes, Yi Zhonghai still felt a little sad.

He doesn't worry about himself.

Worried about Qin Huairu.

When people follow what they say, rumors spread by word of mouth turn into undoubted truth.

He cast his gaze on the workers who were choking around Qin Huairu.


But instead of worrying that these rumors will ruin his reputation, does Yi Zhonghai still have a reputation now?

No more.

The real source of worry for him was Qin Huairu.

This is the key.

Qin Huairu is still young. If she can't bear it anymore and commits suicide, the only one who will regret it is Yi Zhonghai.

The aunt is at a critical point.

Rumors about Yi Zhonghai, Huo Huo and Qin Huairu were exposed.

This is pure bullshit.

The steel rolling mill probably no longer has a place for Qin Huairu to stand up. In order to keep Qin Huairu in the city, Yi Zhonghai really worked hard and begged his grandfather to sue his grandmother for the favor, and also spent a lot of money. Only then did Qin Huairu stay in the steel rolling mill.

was driven out of the steel rolling mill.

It was like Yi Zhonghai wasted all his efforts.

Think more deeply.

Qin Huairu was fired, and Yi Zhonghai had to suffer the same consequences.

Superior leaders doubted the character of Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu.

That's how he's been for the rest of his life.

Regarding the question of who the rumor maker was, Yi Zhonghai could guess roughly with his toes. Liu Haizhong, Xu Damao, Shazhu and other neighbors in the courtyard could not see Yi Zhonghai well.

I cursed a few times in my mind.

Plan for today.

How to minimize the impact of this incident!

Go directly to stand up for Qin Huairu?

Not suitable.

And Qin Huairu didn't want Yi Zhonghai to stand up for her. In the courtyard, seeing Yi Zhonghai being surrounded by the bald man and the others, Qin Huairu covered her face and ran out of the courtyard quietly.

Just when Yi Zhonghai was thinking about it, an inappropriate tone sounded in his ears.

"Yi Zhonghai, were you beaten??"

Those who criticized Qin Huairu instantly moved their eyes to Yi Zhonghai. When their eyes touched Yi Zhonghai's bruised nose and swollen head, they all wanted to be happy.

Which angel sister's handiwork actually made Yi Zhonghai such a virtuous person.

Let out a bad breath for them.

"Let's not talk about the fact that you were beaten. Look at your injuries. Ouch, the person who beat you thought you were a little devil and was beating you up. No, we changed the subject again. Now let's get down to business. You What is the relationship with Qin Huairu? Is Jia Dongxu your biological son? Are Banggan, Xiaodang, and Huaihua your sons and daughters? "

Yi Zhonghai glanced at the speaker.

Silly Zhu's right-hand man, Er Canteen's missing root.

He didn't care about his face and sneered expressionlessly.

"Qin Huairu and I are innocent. We have nothing to do with each other. Qin Huairu is the daughter-in-law of my apprentice Jia Dongxu. Jia Dongxu is no longer here. As a master, I can't let anyone poke my back and say that people are leaving. Jia Dongxu is no longer here." , I just ignore the Jia family!!"

Change of tone.

"Anyway, I, Yi Zhonghai, have a clear conscience and am upright."

"Yi Zhonghai, we didn't believe it at first, but we couldn't stand what others said. If there was no trick, why didn't Qin Huairu deny it? According to some theories, Qin Huairu was the person involved, and the person involved admitted it. We I must have believed it.”

Exit from the street.

Xu Damao wanted to go back to the courtyard to meet Duke Zhou.

Suddenly I felt that I couldn't do this without myself, so I worked tirelessly to get ahead of Silly Pillar and returned to the steel rolling mill first. By chance, I happened to encounter the scene where Yi Zhonghai was trying to explain himself.

As the troublemaker of the courtyard.

This matter.

You have to participate in whatever you say.

Otherwise, I would be sorry for his name Xu Damao.

Biexun deliberately asked Yi Zhonghai loudly in a tone of extreme shock.

"Master, you are the only one who is upright and innocent. The co-workers will not talk about your relationship with Jia Zhang. Anyway, Jia Dongxu is dead, so you have the right to give face to the dead. Now let's talk about your relationship with Qin Huairu. If it doesn’t matter, can the steel rolling mill cause a scene?”

"Xu Damao, can you please stop being so stupid?" Yi Zhonghai looked at Xu Damao with hatred that could not go away. It was this bastard just now who preached about him deceiving women all the way, causing Yi Zhonghai to be showered with spit from the neighbors. , "This is a rumor! Whoever believes it is stupid."

People on the scene.

He looked at Yi Zhonghai dumbly.

This sounds like it.

Why does it smell like adding fuel to the fire?

Whoever believes it is stupid.

We believed it.

"Yi Zhonghai, who are you talking about? If you and Qin Huairu are fine, why are you making such a big deal? There are more than 10,000 people in the steel rolling mill. Why don't you say that others are messing around with Qin Huairu, but you, Yi Zhonghai, are picking up the ashes with Qin Huairu? What do you need to say about the things you did? They are all facts!"

"This matter is no longer a matter for you two. It is a matter for all the people in the steel rolling mill."

"Yi Zhonghai, Qin Huairu, you happen to be here. I'll go find you if you can. Come on, follow me to the factory office. The leaders of the steel rolling mill want to talk to you."

Yi Zhonghai became a big fool.

Qin Huairu looked confused.

The two of them looked at each other, with a feeling of imminent disaster in their eyes.

Any fool knows why the factory leaders are looking for them at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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