Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 363: I prove that Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu are gathering ashes

It must be the matter between Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai. The leaders of the steel rolling mill were so upset that they wanted to resolve the matter personally.

Think about it.

The leaders of the factory also came forward.

The steel rolling mill with tens of thousands of people are all discussing this matter.

This kind of sexy news about a master and his apprentice picking up ashes is extremely popular and everyone likes it. It will probably take less than a few days.

Those outside also knew that there was a man named Yi Zhonghai in the steel rolling mill, and he was messing around with a woman named Qin Huairu.

Qin Huairu is the daughter-in-law of Yi Zhonghai's dead apprentice.

What if this rumor reaches the ears of the leader?

It seems they are incompetent.

Being questioned by superiors is a big no-no.

After a brief meeting, it was decided to call Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai in front of them and ask what was going on.

Whether it's picking up ashes or father and daughter, there has to be an explanation.

Moreover, the factory leaders also felt that they could not allow things to develop like this anymore and had to force Qin Huairu to express his position.

Liu Lan also contributed to this.

Liu Lan told Deputy Factory Director Li about Qin Huairu's abnormality, and Deputy Factory Director Li brought the matter to the factory committee and said that Qin Huairu would rather admit to cheating with Yi Zhonghai than admit that she was Yi Zhonghai's daughter. .

Gathering ashes and the relationship between father and daughter.

Which is more important.

all know.

Definitely the latter is a better solution.

But Qin Huairu focused on the former.

Then came this so-called supervisory meeting.


Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu entered the conference room one after another.

All kinds of feelings suddenly came to their hearts. All the leaders of the steel rolling mill, large and small, were present, as well as more than ten worker representatives.

What broke Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu's guard was that they saw the three Liu Haizhong people in the conference room.

It is said that their identity is the neighborhood representatives of the Siheyuan.

Liu Haizhong, Sha Zhu and Xu Damao, because they lived in a courtyard and were neighbors with Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu, they had the rare qualification to participate in such an important factory leadership meeting.

Silly Zhu and Xu Damao don't care, just keep a normal mind.

The bangs are like a child who got firecrackers during the New Year, and his mood is so happy.

Xu Damao glanced at Liu Haizhong from the corner of his eye, touched Silly Zhu with his elbow, and winked in Liu Haizhong's direction.

Silly Zhu glanced at Liu Haizhong out of the corner of his eye and saw Liu Haizhong with a smug look on his face. He complained in his heart. According to his guess about Liu Haizhong, Guan Mi had a highlight. He couldn't go back to the courtyard at night. , a special courtyard meeting should be held to show off.

Liu Haizhong indeed had such an idea. Attending such a conference for the first time, Liu Haizhong was a little stunned. He felt that he had been highlighted. He thought that he had achieved the most important step in his official career and successfully succeeded as a courtyard neighbor. Attended the factory committee meeting about the relationship between Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu.

Think of excitement.

He couldn't help but let out a cold snort.

But it instantly attracted the attention of everyone present. With a sharp look, Director Yang broke the highlights in his bangs and knocked them back to their original shape.

Liu Haizhong smiled hurriedly at the other party as if to please.

The leaders of the factory simply paid attention to Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu, and had no intention of answering Liu Haizhong. If Liu Haizhong hadn't been favored by a neighbor from the courtyard, he wouldn't even be qualified to attend such a meeting.

"Before the official start, I would like to convey the praise of Hongxing Street to our factory employees Liu Haizhong, He Yuzhu, and Xu Damao."

A letter of commendation.

Appeared in the hands of Director Yang.

The record-keeper next to him took the letter of praise from Director Yang and read it out in public.

"Hongxing Street praised the three employees of the steel rolling mill, Liu Haizhong, He Yuzhu, and Xu Damao. In the face of Yi Zhonghai's cheating on women, Liu Haizhong..."

Yi Zhonghainao melon seeds.


He already had thoughts of killing Xu Damao.

This is because Yi Zhonghai rose to the top because of him.

The content of the praise said that Liu Haizhong led He Yuzhu and Xu Damao to arrest the criminal Yi Zhonghai on the street. Although it was later proven that this was a complete false accusation and was based on suspicion, Hongxing Street was grateful for the courage to do so in an emergency. The three people who took action offered praise.

A special letter was sent to the steel rolling mill, requesting the steel rolling mill to reward Liu Haizhong and the other three.

While claiming credit and rewards for the three Liu Haizhongs, they also did not forget to criticize Yi Zhonghai, saying that his character was not good enough, that he was too calculating, and made various accusations.

Liu Haizhong's blood boiled when he heard the words praising him, and he wanted to express his position in front of the leaders present.

It's just that they didn't give Liu Haizhong a chance.

After the recorder finished reading the letter of commendation, Director Yang began to speak.

"Yi Zhonghai, Qin Huairu, do you know why I called you here?"

Qin Huairu nodded.

Yi Zhonghai murmured in a low voice.

"There are some things I won't say, but you all know them. Listen to what your co-workers say about you."

He stood up from the stool, walked to the window, and pushed open the window with his hand.

The air inside the house.

Instantly refreshed a lot.

But the voices of the workers' discussions also penetrated into the ears of everyone present as the windows were pushed open.

"What is the relationship between Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai?"

"It's a relationship. Qin Huairu didn't say that she and Yi Zhonghai have a father-daughter relationship."

"It's strange. Normal people would choose a father-daughter relationship, but Qin Huairu implicitly admitted that she and Yi Zhonghai are in a relationship. I really can't figure it out. What else has more serious consequences than picking up dust."

"You probably have to ask Qin Huairu about this. It's fair to say that if they have no relationship, why should Yi Zhonghai buy a job for Qin Huairu?"

"The even more disgusting thing is that after Qin Huairu became a widow, Yi Zhonghai kept trying to get Qin Huairu to marry Sha Zhu, and let an unmarried young man marry a widow with three children and a mother-in-law. Yi Zhonghai What on earth is Zhonghai thinking? Is it true that it is going to do something dark under the light as people have speculated?"

"If this continues, the reputation of our steel rolling mill will be completely ruined."

The window was closed again.

Director Yang also sat on the stool again. He knocked on the table with his hand, and when Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai turned their eyes on him, they looked at their changed faces.

Slowly said: "You all heard the voice just now, and the workers present also heard it. The matter is very serious. As some people said, it is easy to solve. Why must it be complicated? Yi Zhonghai, Qin Huairu, you all think carefully about what to say."

Yi Zhonghai heard this.

My heart skipped a beat.

I don't know if it's because he has done too many immoral things, but I always feel that he can't explain it clearly. Whenever he categorically says that he is Qin Huairu's biological father, he will have a creepy feeling.

What frightened Yi Zhonghai even more.

It was his dream the night before yesterday that he was treated like a pig and slaughtered.

The man who killed Yi Zhonghai said some cruel words to Yi Zhonghai, saying, "Yi Zhonghai is cuckolding me," and "Yi Zhonghai is bullying me."

Yi Zhonghai felt that this was the hint given to him by God.

How to say it, how to say it, became a big stone weighing on Yi Zhonghai's heart. He resented his aunt and said frankly that she would not let him go even if she died. With two explanations, Yi Zhonghai would not be as helpless as he is now.

Bitter expression.

appeared on Yi Zhonghai's face.

Seeing how worried Yi Zhonghai was, Deputy Director Li suddenly thought that this matter had become a big deal. Director Yang was also the one who resisted the thunder, so he had the opportunity to become a regular employee.

He didn't follow Factory Director Yang's wishes and let Yi Zhonghai think about how to solve this matter.

Get to the point.

"Yi Zhonghai, Qin Huairu is a lesbian. We have to take care of the emotions of lesbians. You are a gay man, and you are much older than Qin Huairu. As the old saying goes, age is where the experience lies. What Director Yang said just now , you have also heard, you have also heard the voices of the co-workers, let me ask you a question, what is the relationship between you and Qin Huairu? Is it the kind of ashe-picking relationship that outsiders say? Or is it a pure father-daughter relationship? Please explain it carefully so that we people can worry less."

The conversation turned.

A stick that kidnaps morality.

It hit Yi Zhonghai on the head.

"I'm not the only one who wants to know. Director Yang and the others also want to know. The tens of thousands of people working in the steel rolling mill want to know even more. A piece of smelly meat ruins a pot of fresh soup. You two can't be affected. The reputation of the steel rolling mill, right? You worked hard for a hundred days to improve the humanistic spirit of the steel rolling mill, but it was also ruined by the two of you!"

Yi Zhonghai did not respond to Deputy Director Li immediately, but turned to look at Qin Huairu.

From the way Yi Zhonghai looked at Qin Huairu, Shazhu noticed a look of care from the elders to the younger ones. This kind of care was the kind of pure care for the family. Silly Zhu saw Li Xiuzhi's concern for him in Li Xiuzhi, and Silly Zhu also used this concern for Li Xiuzhi and He Yuyu.

It should be father and daughter.

We need to remove the word "should".

It's father and daughter.

He was a little confused. Since they were father and daughter, Yi Zhonghai thought Qin Huairu was his daughter. It was impossible for Qin Huairu not to know this kind of concern.

When both parties know each other.

Why did Yi Zhonghai no longer insist that he was Qin Huairu's father? At least he hadn't said so since yesterday. Instead, he had adopted a cold treatment method of ignoring and not responding.

Qin Huairu was even more afraid of the father-daughter statement. She did not admit that she was Yi Zhonghai's daughter from the beginning. In the courtyard last night, she would rather admit that she was removing ashes than reveal the father-daughter statement.

A very strange situation.

Is it true that as the workers suspected, admitting the relationship between father and daughter would have more consequences than admitting to picking up ashes? Qin Huairu was so scared that she did not dare to admit it.


Silly Zhu felt curious in his heart.

100% in the mood of watching a movie.

The more unlucky Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu were, the happier Shazhu became. He raised his head and looked at Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu with a playful expression.

Yi Zhonghai probably felt Sha Zhu's attention, and narrowed his eyes slightly towards Sha Zhu.

Silly Zhu also returned a sharp look.

At this time, Yi Zhonghai was still resentful of Silly Zhu.

It's so bad.

Silly Zhu wanted to know where Yi Zhonghai got the courage. He himself had become a mud bodhisattva crossing the river and wanted to take revenge on him.

He deliberately gave Yi Zhonghai a disdainful expression.

After receiving the expression, Yi Zhonghai gritted his molar teeth.

"Yi Zhonghai, you are still not honest when we get here." Seeing Yi Zhonghai's provocation towards Silly Zhu, Deputy Director Li deliberately changed the subject to the leaders present, "You are acting like this to Director Yang. Watch it? Or show it to Secretary Ding? Or show it to the workers here? In the past year or so, you, Yi Zhonghai, have become really famous in our steel rolling mill. If I remember correctly, from the time of Jia Dongxu’s accident, Rumors about you, Yi Zhonghai, have never stopped, can you tell me why? Are people spreading rumors about you? Or are you, Yi Zhonghai, just such a person?"

"Deputy Director Li is right. You, Yi Zhonghai, single-handedly destroyed the humanistic work of our steel rolling mill. Now, when the superior leaders mention our steel rolling mill, they are still saying that our steel rolling mill has not done anything. The previous The matter is over, let's talk about it now, what is the relationship between Qin Huairu and you? Can you tell me? Do you have to destroy our steel rolling mill so that you, Yi Zhonghai, can feel at ease? "

Liu Haizhong suddenly couldn't sit still.

He felt he had to speak.

At this moment.

I saw Yi Zhonghai being reprimanded by the leaders, and heard the leaders' voices criticizing Yi Zhonghai, and even Hongxing Street praised Liu Haizhong.

There is a kind of blood boiling in the bangs.

Suddenly stood up from the stool.

"Leaders, I have something to say."

Yi Zhonghai heard his familiar voice, and without turning around, he knew the person speaking was Liu Haizhong.

I cursed a few times in my mind.

In the courtyard, fight with him to fight for the first rank; in the steel rolling mill, fight with him to fight for the rank of worker.

Seeing that he was unlucky, he really couldn't sit still and wanted to die.

Yi Zhonghai knew that Liu Haizhong could not say anything good, so he wanted to know what Liu Haizhong would say about him and Qin Huairu.

"My name is Liu Haizhong, the second steward of the Red Star Courtyard. I am fully responsible for the daily affairs of our courtyard."

The leaders are frowning.

Thinking about what this steward is.

"Yi Zhonghai and I are neighbors and we are employees of the steel rolling mill. I think Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai have an immoral relationship. Jia Dongxu is Yi Zhonghai's apprentice, Qin Huairu is Jia Dongxu's daughter-in-law, and Yi Zhonghai When Jia Dongxu was alive, he cuckolded Jia Dongxu, and after Jia Dongxu died, he continued to cuckold Jia Dongxu."

"Liu Haizhong, you must have evidence for what you say. Without evidence, it's just a rumor."

"Director Yang, who said I don't have evidence? I have evidence."

I heard there is evidence in Liu Hai that proves that Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai are having an affair.

The leaders present were all moved.

Can this matter still be corroborated?

Although Si Zhu didn't know what evidence Liu Haizhong was going to say, he subconsciously wasn't optimistic about Liu Haizhong's so-called evidence.

"I went to the toilet once at night. At about eleven o'clock, I found Yi Zhonghai sneaking out of their house and meeting Qin Huairu in the corner of the central courtyard. Wasn't this picking up ashes? It must be removing ashes!" (End of chapter) )

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