Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 364 The truth comes out, we are in-laws

As soon as Shazhu heard what Liu Haizhong said, he knew what Liu Haizhong was going to use to prove that Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai were removing ashes.

It must be the incident of helping the white noodles late at night as mentioned by Jia Zhang.

as predicted.

After getting permission from the leaders present, Liu Haizhong told the story of Yi Zhonghai helping Qin Huairu make noodles late at night. He also pointed out that the person who broke the news was Jia Zhang. He also said that after hearing the news from Jia Zhang, Liu Haizhong , waiting in the courtyard for more than 20 days in a row, I saw with my own eyes that Yi Zhonghai secretly handed the flour bag filled with white flour to Qin Huairu in the dead of night. The explanation given by Yi Zhonghai at the time was to ask Qin Huairu to steam some full-bodied steamed buns for Banggan and the others, instead of steaming Erhe noodles or Sanhe noodles, saying that the children needed nutrition.

Silent conference room.

It suddenly became even quieter.

Relief is a good thing. As the steward of the courtyard house and Jia Dongxu's master, Yi Zhonghai is reasonable to help the Jia family whose living conditions are poor after Jia Dongxu's death.

Outsiders also have nothing to say.

It was a reasonable thing, but it was also a good thing that everyone praised. Why did Yi Zhonghai have to complicate it, and why did Yi Zhonghai choose to help Qin Huairu in the middle of the night when the neighbors were asleep.

It's hard not to suspect that there's something going on between them.

Everyone in the room regarded the white noodles as the subtext of the transaction.

The purpose of calling Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu here today is to conduct thorough verification, to bring the matter to light, and to stop spreading random rumors.

As long as it is a witness.

All appear here.

Director Yang greeted a few times, and the security department went to the courtyard to call Mrs. Jia Zhang to the conference room, and relayed to Ms. Jia Zhang exactly what Liu Haizhong had just said.

Although Jia Zhang had a nickname that specifically deceived his teammates, he also knew that there were some things he couldn't say at this time, so he told a few lies, saying that he was out of anger when he revealed that Yi Zhonghai had helped Qin Huairu Bai Mian late at night. Angry words are lies that cannot be believed.

Liu Haizhong was annoyed by the fuss, and just when he was about to argue with Jia Zhang, he heard Deputy Factory Director Li uttering some threatening words.

Jia Zhang didn't know anything about it. She was so frightened by Deputy Director Li's intimidation that she immediately became a softie and told everyone present the whole story.

The incident of Yi Zhonghai helping Qin Huairu make noodles late at night was confirmed by Jia Zhang.

Is the truth.

The pressure was also put on Yi Zhonghai.

There was no need for Director Yang to ask any more questions. Yi Zhonghai told the story of why he helped Qin Huairu Baimian.

He will also look for opportunities.

I found an excuse for myself not to make the neighbors jealous.

"Nowadays, people eat stick noodle steamed buns, and some people have to save money on eating steamed bun noodles, and only eat a few dumplings with white flour during the Chinese New Year. There are also some people who can't afford white flour dumplings during the Chinese New Year, so they use stick noodles to make dumplings. I support Qin Huai Ru Bai Mian, letting the neighbors see it, is equivalent to putting the Jia family at the forefront. We all know what year it is now, and I am worried that the neighbors will borrow white noodles from me. I have no choice but to steal it late at night. Do it quietly.”

To the end.

He repeatedly promised that he and Qin Huairu were innocent, and that there was no such dirty relationship between men and women as the workers imagined.


The initiative in the matter is not in the hands of Yi Zhonghai, but in the hands of the leaders in the conference room.

Deputy Director Li became a villain.

"Qin Huairu, what is your relationship with Yi Zhonghai? I will give you five minutes to think about it. You should think it over carefully before answering."

Silly Zhu and the others were left in the conference room.

Deputy Director Li pulled Director Yang out of the conference room. He didn't know what he was talking about, and kept talking in a low voice as he walked.

Looking at Deputy Director Li and others leaving, Shazhu always felt that something was a little strange, but he didn't think much about it. Anyway, his main duty now was to watch the show.

Jia Zhang and Liu Haizhong started to argue.

Liu Haizhong educated Jia Zhang as the second uncle in charge, saying that Jia Zhang had brought discredit on the Siheyuan.

Jia and Zhang, in turn, scolded Liu Haizhong half to death, saying that it would be nice for Liu Haizhong not to see their Jia family.

Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu didn't speak. They looked at me and I looked at you. They had just noticed that something was wrong, but they didn't know how to deal with it.

Some words.

They couldn't say anything in front of Liu Haizhong.

All he could do was stare.

Five minutes passed by in a flash, and Deputy Director Li and Director Yang, who had returned, sat in their previous seats, wondering what had happened. The factory leaders, who looked angry just five minutes ago, There was joy on his face.

Could it be that the relationship between Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai has been confirmed.

Otherwise, there is no way to explain the changes in the expressions on the faces of Deputy Factory Director Li and others.

The temptation in Shazhu's heart was solved by Director Yang.

He knocked on the table with his hand and asked Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu again. Different from before, this time he added a few qualifying words.

"Qin Huairu, Yi Zhonghai, now we are giving you a chance. If we tell the matter, you should know the specific consequences. The phone number in Qinjiacun can be opened. You won't force us to make this call, right? ? It’s not that I can’t fight, but I think I should give you a chance. You are workers in the steel rolling mill, I am the director of the steel rolling mill, and we are members of a big family.”

Qin Huairu's heart.

It suddenly rose to his throat.

His eyes fell on Director Yang’s face.

Seeing the serious look on Director Yang's face, I knew that what Director Yang said was true.


Here she was thinking hard about Yi Zhonghai and her parents in Qinjiacun, but she couldn't bear to call them.

in this way.

What else is he insisting on?

"Director Yang, me."

"Qin Huairu, you may have difficulties, so you would rather admit that you and Yi Zhonghai are collecting ashes than admit that you are Yi Zhonghai's daughter. You have difficulties, but the steel rolling mill does not have difficulties? You may not know that you and Yi Zhonghai The matter about Zhonghai has reached the ears of superior leaders."

The conversation turned.

The tone became serious.

"Deputy Director Ding, who was in charge of spiritual and humanistic work just now, received a call from his superior. The leader said this on the phone, can you do it? If you can't do it, don't occupy the manhole and don't shit. He changed it. Come up with capable people. This is no longer your Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai's business. This is our steel rolling mill's business. Can you say it now? You can't say it. I will send someone directly to call your parents, in front of your parents. Ask them in front of your mother who Qin Huairu is."

Qin Huairu felt a chill in his heart.

I will cry subconsciously.

Deputy Factory Director Li likes this kind of widow with pear blossoms and rain, but because of the Jia Zhang family behind Qin Huairu, and because Qin Huairu has caused so many troubles, Deputy Factory Director Li really has no other ideas about Qin Huairu. .

Pretend to be pitiful when seeing a widow.

He slapped the table hard with his hand.

He shouted sharply at Qin Huairu.

"Why are you crying? We people want to cry more than you, but can we cry? Can crying solve the problem? If crying really solves the problem, we will cry."

His tone softened.

"Crying won't solve the problem! Your relationship with Yi Zhonghai is a normal father-daughter relationship. I'm just worried that your current father can't accept this fact and wants to fight Yi Zhonghai desperately. You protect your father with all your strength. , protecting Yi Zhonghai, but have you ever thought about the steel rolling mill!"

I don’t know if Deputy Director Li’s words had an effect.

It was Factory Director Yang's call to inform Qin Huairu's parents that finally broke Qin Huairu's defense. The sound of crying.

It flew out from Qin Huairu's mouth.

Through the sound of crying, Qin Huairu told everyone present her concerns.

She admitted that Yi Zhonghai was her father, and also talked about her reasons for not recognizing Yi Zhonghai as her father. Just like Deputy Director Li said, she was worried that Qin Laoshi would fight Yi Zhonghai, and then two lives would be tragic.

Yi Zhonghai, who was standing nearby, listened to Qin Huairu's story.

Scalp numbness.

On the one hand, he felt sad for his own life, and on the other hand, he felt relieved that Qin Huairu could think about him, and there was a bit of warmth in his heart.

The truth comes out.

The following is the rumor refuting part.

The loudspeaker of the Publicity Department came out with Yu Haitang's beautiful voice.

"Attention all workers in the steel rolling mill. Recently, there are rumors circulating in our steel rolling mill about the relationship between Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu. After an in-depth investigation by the leaders of the steel rolling mill, we will now inform you of the investigation results. Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu are Qin Huairu. The relationship between colleagues is clean and honest. Rumors only stop with the wise. Workers are asked to focus their attention and time on work and never spread such baseless rumors again."

It was broadcast several times in a row.

The workers at the steel rolling mill didn't say anything, but they still murmured in their hearts.


Dragging her tired body, Jia Zhang returned to the courtyard dejectedly, but it was not because she felt that the world was falling apart because it was confirmed that Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu were father and daughter.

So tired.

It was the first time to see such a big leader.

Say something that shouldn't be said.

Jia Zhang was about to pee at that time.

along the way.

He was also thinking about what happened to Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu. Before going to Qinjia Village to provide support, Yi Zhonghai really focused on Jia Dongxu in terms of caring for his elderly. However, after returning from Qinjia Village to support construction, Yi Zhonghai's thoughts on Jia Dongxu... Then something changed. At that time, Mrs. Jia Zhang was still wondering why Mao Yi Zhonghai suddenly looked at Jia Dongxu from looking at his apprentice to looking at his son-in-law. It turned out to be because of Qin Huairu.

No wonder Yi Zhonghai returned to the courtyard and then talked to Jia Zhang about Jia Dongxu's marriage.

At that time, Jia Zhang's idea was to find Jia Dongxu a girl with a job in the city, so that the Jia family would become a dual-income family that everyone would envy.

Yi Zhonghai wanted Jia Dongxu to marry Qin Huairu. Faced with Jia Zhang's disapproval of Qin Huairu as a country girl without a job, Yi Zhonghai proposed to give Jia Dongxu a sewing machine, and was also responsible for all the expenses for Jia Dongxu's marriage, including the bride price given by Jia Dongxu to Qin Huairu. , it was Yi Zhonghai who helped pay for it, and the original five yuan gift money was abruptly converted into twenty yuan by Yi Zhonghai, saying that the Jia family had face if word spread.

There is a fart face.

Purely because Qin Huairu is his daughter, he is trying to elevate Qin Huairu's status.

Those things that I can’t figure out.

I have it all figured out now.

In this regard.

Jia Zhang didn't say anything. For her, the father-daughter relationship between Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai brought more benefits to the Jia family than the relationship between the two.

It's possible that Banggan, Xiaodang, and Huaihua are Yi Zhonghai's children. The Jia family has been disgraced, and even more so.

It proves that there is a father-daughter relationship. Bangjian, Xiaodang, and Huaihua are Jia Dongxu's children, Jia Zhang's grandson and granddaughter, and Yi Zhonghai's nephew and niece.

They say that a nephew is a dog, he eats it and then runs away.

But in Jia Zhang's eyes, this is profit.

The Jia family can openly and honestly suck blood from Yi Zhonghai, eat Yi Zhonghai, and spend flowers with Yi Zhonghai. Yi Zhonghai has no sons, just a daughter named Qin. After his death, all the property belongs to the Jia family.

Think about it this way.

Jia Zhangshi had a lot of highlights in an instant.

After Yi Zhonghai's death, some people in the courtyard started to plot against Yi Zhonghai's family property.

These are all the things of the Jia family.

It's from the Jia family!

If you want to take away their Jia family's things, it will be equivalent to killing Jia and Zhang.


We should be optimistic about those industries for Yi Zhonghai.

Thinking of this, Jia Zhang couldn't help but speed up her pace a lot, her footsteps became a lot lighter, and her buttocks swayed from side to side.

Neighbors in the courtyard house.

All dumbfounded.

This is Jia Zhang?

How come she has the charm of a kiln sister from the Bada Hutong.

"Grandma Banggen, are you back? What did the steel rolling mill call you for? Is the matter between your family Huairu and Yi Zhonghai settled?"

"Yes, yes, it's settled." Mrs. Jia Zhang greeted her with a smile, and did not insult her as those people thought. "The matter has come to light."

"So they're okay?"

"It's okay. There's nothing wrong at all. It's just those people who are fooling around."

Jia Zhang raised her voice.

The purpose was to call the neighbors out of their homes so that she could say something to prove Qin Huairu's innocence.

The neighbors really gave Jia Zhang family face.

Hear sounds.

One by one came out of the house, and soon they gathered in the middle courtyard.

Jia Zhang saw that the neighbors were almost out.


"My old lady put it down. The relationship between our Huairu and Yi Zhonghai is not a fooling around relationship. They are a father-daughter relationship. My daughter-in-law Qin Huairu is Yi Zhonghai's biological daughter and only daughter. Yi Zhonghai and I am an in-law.”

Emotions are getting higher and higher.

Before Yi Zhonghai returns to the courtyard, certain things must be settled.

"Our Dongxu is Yi Zhonghai's apprentice, and he married Yi Zhonghai's daughter. This is a close relationship. Why, they want to call Yi Zhonghai grandpa."


"Of course it's true. Our Huairu admitted it personally in front of so many leaders of the steel rolling mill. This can be false, but it's true. She is really Qin Huairu's daughter."

No matter how the neighbors react.

Mrs. Jia Zhang didn't even return to her home, but walked towards the Yi family diagonally opposite.

She has been coveting the Yi family's fortune for a long time.

In the past, he was a disciple of Wuming, but now he has a dual relationship of in-laws and master-disciple. The Yi Zhonghai family is also his own family, and no one can say that Jia and Zhang are doing something wrong.

in this way.

Just ignore it. (End of chapter)

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