Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 365 Jia Zhang, who helped Yi Zhonghai wash clothes, was beaten

In the courtyard.

There is a tradition of not locking the door, which is something Yi Zhonghai advocated when he was the steward. It is said that it is to show the morality of the neighbors in the courtyard. They do not pick up things on the road and do not close their doors at night.

Some people didn't listen, such as Silly Zhu, who regarded Yi Zhonghai's suggestion of not locking the door as fart. The door should be locked.

Since Yi Zhonghai proposed the idea of ​​not locking the door, he had to set an example, so he could only go to the dark side and do the deed of not locking the door.

Mrs. Jia Zhang knew that the Yi family's door was unlocked, so she pushed the door gently without any effort, then stepped in and looked around at the furniture and arrangements in Yi Zhonghai's home.

The more I watch it, the more I like it.

There was a master-disciple relationship before, so she only thought about these things.

With the implementation of the father-daughter relationship between Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai, the relationship between the Jia family and the Yi family has been upgraded from a master-student relationship to a male-female relationship.

As the old saying goes.

In-laws, in-laws, only with relatives can you have a family.

Things that I didn't dare to think about before can now be thought about.

Qin Huairu is Yi Zhonghai's daughter. Banggan, Xiaodang, Huaihua and others want to call Yi Zhonghai "Grandpa", and Yi Zhonghai also has to leave the family property to the Jia family.

For the sake of Yi Zhonghai's family fortune, Jia Zhang, who favored sons over daughters, found Xiaodang and Sophora japonica a little more pleasing to their eyes.

It is really a big house, it looks a little bigger than Jia's house, and there is a small partition next door.

This house should be lived in by the Jia family.

The more she looked at Jia Zhang, the more curious she became. Wherever she looked, she suddenly frowned, and the expression on her face was a bit ugly.

I thought to myself.

It's really not like that if there is no woman in the family.

It had only been a few days since Auntie's death, and Yi Zhonghai's house had become a garbage dump. On the bed were piles of Yi Zhonghai's old clothes that had not been washed. There were also rotten shoes under the bed, and the pots and pans from last night's meal were all there. It was soaked in water and not washed at all.

Mrs. Jia Zhang shook her head, rolled up her sleeves, and started washing the dishes and tidying up the house.

Not a moment's time.

There was a crackling sound from inside the house, making the neighbors who had not yet left the central courtyard all startled.

Some people looked up at the sky.

The sun does not seem to rise from the west.

Therefore, there is no possibility of explanation for Jia Zhang's behavior of running to Yi Zhonghai's house to help Yi Zhonghai clean up the house. It can only be described as a miracle.

Look at me.

Let me look at you.

They all felt that Jia Zhang had taken the wrong medicine.

Everyone in the neighborhood knew who Jia Zhang was. She was a well-known and lazy owner in the courtyard. She talked about making shoes all day long, forcing Qin Huairu to finish working in the factory and also busy with things at home. A little girl who takes off a doormat.

Such a lazy bastard came to Yi Zhonghai's house to help clean up the house. After thinking about it, Jia Zhang offered to take care of the deaf old lady's three meals a day and daily life. Everyone considered this weird aspect of the matter. It is believed that when Jia Zhang saw her aunt died and Yi Zhonghai became a bachelor, she had the idea of ​​remarrying in her heart. She thought of marrying Yi Zhonghai, otherwise the act of helping Yi Zhonghai clean up the house could not be explained at all.

Good guy.

There were two widows in the Jia family, one was Jia Zhang, and the other was Qin Huairu. As a result, Jia Zhang was tempted first, but Qin Huairu was devoted to keeping Jia Dongxu a widow.

Too bloody.

Some people think it's impossible. For example, the third aunt, as Yan Fugui's daughter-in-law, saw the essence of the matter at a glance, and felt that the reason why Jia Zhang took the initiative to help Yi Zhonghai clean up the house was not to marry Yi Zhonghai, but for the sake of marrying Yi Zhonghai. Those belongings of Yi Zhonghai's family are gone.

When Yi Zhonghai died, his savings went to the Jia family, his job went to the Jia family, and the house went to the Jia family.

A truly profitable thing.

such a pity.

Their family did not marry a daughter-in-law named Qin Huairu, otherwise all the property of Yi Zhonghai's family would belong to their Yan family.

After taking a look at the Jia Zhang family who opened the door of the Yi family and regarded the Yi family as the Jia family, she felt a little envious in her heart and turned around to leave.

As soon as he turned around, he saw several young people from the countryside pouring into their courtyard.

Why are you so sure that the other party is a young man from the countryside?

Because the third aunt saw what the other party was wearing. He was wearing hemp shoes, the clothes on his body were not fit, and they were also covered with patches, and he had a faded hat on his head.

The young people in the city usually wear green rubber shoes, and although their clothes are patched, they are not dusty.

What is more conspicuous is the skin color. The skin color of the young men in the city is fairer, while the skin color of the young men in the countryside tends to be wheat-colored due to work.

More than a dozen young people just broke into the courtyard.

Looking at their faces, it was clear that they were coming with bad intentions.

This morning, something happened in the courtyard that the bald man brought people to settle accounts with Yi Zhonghai. When the neighbors saw this state, their first reaction was that Yi Zhonghai must have caused a big trouble again, otherwise the courtyard should not be So many people came here, their imaginations widened, imagining what Yi Zhonghai had done again.

It’s also strange.

Ever since Jia Dongxu’s accident.

Yi Zhonghai, a good man praised by countless people, suddenly turned into a smelly piece of shit.

more than a year.

A lot of things happened around Yi Zhonghai.

Thinking that this was Yi Zhonghai's business and had nothing to do with the neighbors, he opened a passage with a clatter, clearing the way to Yi Zhonghai's house.

Jia Zhang has regarded Yi Zhonghai's family business as her own, so it is Jia Zhang who has to shoulder the responsibility.

Just when the neighbors were making up their minds about watching the show, the leading man asked the third aunt closest to him.

"Sister, let me ask, is this the courtyard house at No. 95 Nanluogu Lane? Some people also call it the Red Star Courtyard."

"Yes, this is the Red Star Courtyard."

"Can I ask you again, which family is Yi Zhonghai?"

Neighbors who already have a theater mentality.

Upon hearing the other party's question, I suddenly felt confident.

It was just as they imagined, they were looking for trouble for Yi Zhonghai.

When the person who caused trouble for Yi Zhonghai met Jia Zhang, who was helping clean up Yi Zhonghai's house, things got really big.

Not worried about the trouble Jia Zhang or Yi Zhonghai would bring to them, they pointed to Yi Zhonghai's house with the door diagonally open and said kindly: "Comrade, that's Yi Zhonghai's house. Yi Zhonghai works in the steel rolling mill now. Do you want us to call Yi Zhonghai for you?"

"Excuse me."

"No trouble, we are all neighbors in the same courtyard. We meet each other without looking up. Ergouzi, go to the steel rolling mill and call the first man, and tell him that someone is looking for him."

Ergouzi ran towards the steel rolling mill.

The leading man, under the attention of the neighbors, walked towards Yi Zhonghai's house, where the door was wide open.

In the process of traveling. I also find it a bit strange.

A broken home is worth a thousand dollars. In the countryside, no matter how bad a house is, you have to lock it when you go out. But in the city, people working in the steel rolling mill not only leave the door unlocked, but also open the door wide.

Didn't think much about it.

With the intention of watching a show, he walked into Yi Zhonghai's house.

The scene that caught their eyes instantly broke their defenses.

An obscenely fat woman was cleaning up the house. Judging from her posture, she looked more like the hostess than the hostess. The leading man was sure that this was Yi Zhonghai's home. He saw the photo of Yi Zhonghai hanging on the wall. , so his expression instantly dropped.

As soon as his sister died, Yi Zhonghai couldn't wait to renew his relationship with such a fat woman who weighed 200 kilograms.

I think my sister's life is too unfair.

Married to such a bastard, the shameless woman entered the house as the hostess before her body was cold.

He couldn't help but let out a cold snort.


This cold snort made Jia Zhang, who was immersed in her busy life, turn around and see several men whom she didn't recognize and who looked like they were countrymen, appearing at Yi Zhonghai's home.

My mood suddenly turned bad.

Jia Zhang has regarded the Yi family's property as her own. Anyone who comes to snatch the Yi Zhonghai family's property from her will be Jia Zhang's enemy.

In particular, I saw a young man of fifteen or sixteen years old in the crowd.

Jia Zhang immediately thought about this bad aspect, thinking that after Yi Zhonghai's eldest mother died, he felt that he had no hope of providing for himself in old age, so he specially called someone from his hometown to continue the incense of the Yi family. This was partly the reason. On the other hand, the people in Yi Zhonghai's family heard about the death of his eldest mother, and also knew the fact that Yi Zhonghai had no children for so many years. In order to take advantage of Yi Zhonghai's family, they brought people to the city. It would not be good. This young man wants to take over Yizhonghai's job and spend Yizhonghai's savings.

This is not okay.

Yi Zhonghai's position is great, Yi Zhonghai's savings are also great, and Yi Zhonghai still wants to get married in Yi Zhonghai's house.

Jia Zhang just wanted to get rid of these people.

In order to get rid of these people, he resorted to the shameless behavior of his own courtyard, pointed out a few young people, and taught them a lesson.

"Who are you? Who are you? Why do you just break into someone's house so casually? Is this the place you should come to? Get out of here, sneak out, and you have trampled on the place I just cleaned. You guys These country people are really dirty. If you don’t go out, I’ll fall out with you. Is this your home? You just broke in like this?”

Jia Zhang has forgotten his roots.

She had completely forgotten her household registration, and she was still in her hometown. Judging from the household registration, Jia Zhang was also from the countryside, and her daughter-in-law Qin Huairu had just converted to a city household registration not long ago.

"Is this your home?" The leading man, without going out, deliberately asked, "Isn't it?"

"Why isn't it our home?" Jia Zhang didn't think much and followed the other person's words and said, "It's not our home. I can stay in this house."

She just wanted these people to leave so as not to delay the Jia family's plan to wipe out Yizhonghai.

I really didn't consider other aspects.

"That person is your man?"

The man pointed to the photo of Yi Zhonghai on the wall.

When Jia Zhang saw the other party pointing at Yi Zhonghai and asking her if she was her man, her heart skipped a beat.

He was too worried to think that if he talked about his in-laws, the other party would take advantage of it, and the Yi Zhonghai family's family business was really a big piece of meat. Not to mention the Jia and Zhang family, the neighbors in the courtyard also wanted to eat it.

People are not killed for their own sake.

Money moves people's hearts.

Jia Zhang did not say that Yi Zhonghai was her man, nor did she say who she was to Yi Zhonghai. She summarized her relationship with Yi Zhonghai with a vague and general answer.

"Does it have anything to do with you whether he is my man? After all, we are a family."

"You are a family?"

"We are a family, not a family. I will clean it for Yi Zhonghai?" Jia Zhang pointed to Yi Zhonghai's dirty clothes soaked in the basin, "You have outsiders doing the laundry."

"You and Yi Zhonghai are the same family, so we are all outsiders?"

"Of course you are outsiders, why don't you go out? This is where you should stay."

Mrs. Jia Zhang took the broom and wanted to drive these people away. She was also used to running rampant in the courtyard, so she thought that no one would use violence against Ms. Jia Zhang.

I don't know.


Just when Jia Zhang was waving a broom and preparing to drive those people out of Yi Zhonghai's home, the other party responded to Jia Zhang's expulsion with a big slap.

The neighbors standing in the courtyard first heard the crisp sound of a slap on the face, and then they saw the scene of Jia Zhang covering her face and spinning in circles.

My heart skipped a beat.

What a cruel person.

This slapped Jia Zhang in circles.

One by one, they held their breath, fearing that they would make some noise and attract the attention of those people.

Let's talk about Jia Zhang. When the other party slapped her hard on the face, she felt a sharp pain. The burning pain came to Jia Zhang. Jia Zhang felt that her cheeks seemed to have become fatter. , there is still a bit of salty taste in the mouth, and this salty taste is also mixed with a fishy and sticky taste.

Blood was drawn.

He wiped the blood seeping from the corner of his mouth with his hand.

took a look.

Jia Zhang's voice suddenly rose a lot.

"Blood, this is blood. You hit me and you made my old lady bleed. How could you hit my old lady?"


Second canteen.

Liu Lan and the others gathered around Sha Zhu and asked Sha Zhu again the question they had repeated several times.

"Qin Huairu is really Yi Zhonghai's daughter?"


"Yi Zhonghai is Qin Huairu's father?"


"How is this possible? How can Yi Zhonghai be Qin Huairu's father, and how can Qin Huairu be Yi Zhonghai's daughter? Shouldn't they be related to each other? Silly Zhu, are you sure you heard it right?"

"In front of the leaders of the steel rolling mill, Qin Huairu personally admitted that she is Yi Zhonghai's daughter. This cannot be false."

"What if Qin Huairu deceived the factory leader?" Liu Lan looked at Silly Zhu, "It's not like you don't know who Qin Huairu is, then he is not a good person. Qin Huairu dares to lie and deceive the leader."

"Liu Lan, it's useless for you to tell me all this now. You have to find and talk to the leaders. Besides, it's not like you didn't hear the notice from the Propaganda Department just now. People have rectified Qin Huairu's name. Listen. It is said that it has been approved by Qin Huairu’s mother.”

"Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu's mother had Qin Huairu, and then Qin Huairu's mother married Qin Huairu's current father?" (End of Chapter)

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