Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu’s mother had Qin Huairu, and then Qin Huairu’s mother married Qin Huairu’s current father!

Liu Lan's words.

It once again made these people in the second cafeteria think about it.

This is a typical Li Daitao stiffness.

What a ruthless Yi Zhonghai.

What a wicked Yi Zhonghai.

A group of people started to quarrel again.

When they were having fun scolding Yi Zhonghai for not being a human being, Shazhu helped them solve the puzzle about whether Qin Huairu was born within marriage or outside marriage.

"Don't be blind. After Qin Huairu's mother married Qin Huairu's father, Qin Huairu's mother met Yi Zhonghai. The two of them fell in love for some reason. They stayed in the sorghum field for more than two hours. Ten A few months later, Qin Huairu’s mother gave birth to Qin Huairu.”

"Yi Zhonghai is cuckolding others. This person is really disgusting."

"Whether it's disgusting or not, I don't know. Anyway, Yi Zhonghai never knew about this. In 51, our steel rolling mill was engaged in construction assistance. Yi Zhonghai went to Qinjia Village as the leader of the team. It happened that he lived in Qin Huairu's house. Slowly Slowly, he knew that Qin Huairu was his daughter, and he had to fulfill his responsibilities as a father. He forced Jia Dongxu to marry Qin Huairu in the name of master. The sewing machine in Jia's family was bought by Yi Zhonghai's gang, but the neighbors I don’t know, they all thought the Jia family was rich and caused a lot of trouble.”

Shazhu is not afraid of Qin Huairu causing trouble for him.

This is summarized based on Qin Huairu's remarks.

It doesn't matter whether it's true or false, Qin Huairu said so anyway, and it was recognized by Yi Zhonghai.


In the courtyard.

The neighbors all seemed to have nothing to do with their own affairs.

Jia Zhang's beating had nothing to do with the neighbors present.

We can't let them take the beating for Jia Zhang!

Jia's drama.

It feels at ease to watch.

There is also a kind of pleasure to vent the depression in the heart.

Deserve to be beaten.

A few days after the death of my aunt, her body was not yet cold, and Yi Zhonghai had not mourned, you, Jia Zhang, couldn't wait to help Yi Zhonghai clean up the house, and showed your attitude towards Yi Zhonghai to the neighbors.

Too hasty.

The beating was caused by Jia and Zhang herself.

Even if Yi Zhonghai is in a hurry to marry Yi Zhonghai, he still has to wait a few days for Yi Zhonghai to bury his aunt. Even if the aunt gives her last words not to have Yi Zhonghai take care of her affairs, how many times will Yi Zhonghai sleep with her as his aunt? My spouse of ten years has to pretend, so he has to pretend too.

So cold-blooded.

Before his ex-wife's death was settled, he was in a hurry to marry Jia Zhang, an old devout woman in the courtyard who had been widowed for decades.

Neighbors felt that Yi Zhonghai had played a big game.

Jia Zhang said that Qin Huairu was Yi Zhonghai's biological daughter. Just because she was Yi Zhonghai's biological daughter, Yi Zhonghai couldn't bear Qin Huairu farming in the countryside, so she let Qin Huairu marry Jia Dongxu to make Qin Huairu suffer. The commercial grain in the city was obtained.

Qin Huairu is the daughter-in-law of Jia Zhang. Jia Zhang is widowed and her son is dead. If she marries Yi Zhonghai smoothly, it is equivalent to Yi Zhonghai using an almost weird way to make Qin Huairu call him dad. plan of.

If Auntie hadn't broken up the relationship between Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu before she died, who in the neighborhood would have known that Yi Zhonghai had a future?

I'm afraid even Jia Zhang would think that Yi Zhonghai was being nice to Qin Huairu because of Qin Huairu's wishes.

Who would have thought.

They are father and daughter.

So Auntie died under a conspiracy.

If Yi Zhonghai knew Qin Huairu was his daughter ten years ago, and knew that he could not recognize Qin Huairu openly, he had thought hard about such a way to secretly seduce Chen Cang.

By marrying Jia Zhang, he confirmed that Qin Huairu was his daughter and asked Qin Huairu to call him daddy.

Jia Zhang married Yi Zhonghai, and Yi Zhonghai was Jia Zhang's man. As Jia Zhang's daughter-in-law, Qin Huairu had to call her husband "father" no matter what.

Yi Zhonghai also got his wish and realized his dream of having Qin Huairu call him daddy. The sound of gasping air echoed in the hearts of the neighbors.

All panicked.

I have never felt like I am now that Yi Zhonghai is a conspirator. Thinking about the incident of withholding Si Zhu's living expenses that happened some time ago, it was the aunt who was collecting and exchanging the remittance orders from beginning to end.

When the matter was exposed, Yi Zhonghai decisively put all the responsibility on Auntia, saying that he did not know about it, and even complained in front of the neighbors that Auntie almost killed Silly Zhu. The matter of the lives of two brothers and sisters.

By stepping on the aunt, he showed his nobility.

At first, some neighbors felt that Yi Zhonghai was kept in the dark and that it was his aunt who did it. But after experiencing such a strange thing, I thought that my original behavior of apologizing for Yi Zhonghai was very childish.

Yi Zhonghai is not a human being.

It's a beast.

With this thought, he no longer held any hostility towards those who came to settle accounts with Yi Zhonghai.

The enemy of your enemy is your friend!

Each one of them said nothing and watched with bated breath as those people whipped Jia and Zhang.



This is also the responsibility of Jia Zhang, who was too greedy, and some things were confirmed by Jia Zhang.

Even though those people were slapping her face wildly with big palms, Jia Zhang still spoke cruel words to those people, and all she could get in exchange was severe beatings.

He only thought that these people were here for Yi Zhonghai's family business.

Yi Zhonghai's family's savings, house, and job have been regarded by Jia Zhang as the Jia family's property. Facing these people, Jia Zhang is like an old hen protecting her calf.

"You just beat my old lady to death today. My old lady is also the owner of this house. I'm not afraid of you. You want to snatch the Yi family's property from my old lady for the rest of my life!"


"Beat me to death. This belongs to my old lady too. Unless my old lady dies, you can't even think about it!"


On the way back to the courtyard.

Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai walked as fast as flying.

Originally, Er Gouzi only informed Yi Zhonghai, but he did not expect that Qin Huairu was also there. When he heard that Jia Zhang ran to Yi's house to help clean up the house, he was blocked by a group of people who were not from the courtyard.

have to.

come together.

Qin Huairu followed Yi Zhonghai and hurriedly walked towards the courtyard.

Looking at Yi Zhonghai, he looked hesitant and didn't know what to say.

I always feel that there is something different about Yi Zhonghai now.

Yi Zhonghai walked so fast that Qin Huairu almost had to jog to keep up.

Strange things.

Big weird thing.

Yi Zhonghai, what happened?

Or maybe Yi Zhonghai has other plans in mind?

Qin Huairu's guess was absolutely correct.

When Yi Zhonghai heard that someone broke into the courtyard and blocked Jia Zhang in his home, he felt extremely depressed.

He seemed to have guessed something.

The pace quickened again. (End of chapter)

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