Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 369 The deaf old lady who was pissed on

After giving Jia Zhang a stern warning with his eyes, Yi Zhonghai put on a kind expression on his face and dealt with Li Yujie with a smile.

"Yujie, things are not what you think. Dongxu and I have nothing to do with each other. What should I say so that you can believe it?"

Yi Zhonghai performed a drama of bitterness.

He looks like an infatuated man.

He made Qin Huairu's father cuckold, completely humiliating the word "infatuated man".

If it was really infatuation, how did Qin Huairu come about?

For the first time, the neighbors were resistant to Yi Zhonghai's expression.

"How can I believe it? My sister is dead, and this fat woman is washing clothes for you, tidying up the house, and wiping the windows. When I came in, she was holding mended clothes in her hands. It was clear that she was you, Yi Zhonghai. pants."

Neighbors watching a play.

Take a deep breath.

Good guy.

Mrs. Jia Zhang sewed trousers for Yi Zhonghai, which is usually a treatment reserved only for gentlemen in the family.

His playful eyes fell on Jia Zhang and Yi Zhonghai.

Did they really sleep together?

"Is there a woman who sews your pants and is innocent with you? She is a widow and you are a bachelor. You just happened to get together. What a great thing!"

"Yujie, even if I jumped into the Yellow River, I wouldn't be able to escape. What should I say so that you can believe it?"

"I don't believe anything you say. You can see the current situation clearly. I brought my brothers at home here just to ask you, Yi Zhonghai, how do you explain my sister's matter?"

Yi Zhonghai had a kind expression.

A sudden change, in a very short period of time, gave people a somewhat ferocious meaning. It simply lasted for a short time, so short that it was almost ignored.

Want to explain?

What kind of explanation?

"Yujie, if you have anything to say, please tell me. For the sake of your sister, I, my brother-in-law, won't make things difficult for you. Why did I have a relationship with Yulan?"

A few crocodile tears.

squeezed out from Yi Zhonghai's eyes.

The neighbors were even more shocked.

Yi Zhonghai was actually forced to pretend to be pitiful with tears.

"You bunch of bastards who have killed a thousand swords, you all made Zhong Hai cry. You are not human, Lao Jia, Xiao Jia, you have to make the decision for Zhong Hai!"

This occasion.

Is it useful to call out Lao Jia and Xiao Jia?

People have accused Yi Zhonghai and Jia Zhang of sleeping together. Yi Zhonghai is equivalent to Lao Jia's love rival and Xiao Jia's stepfather. Let Lao Jia's love rival come forward and Xiao Jia's stepfather step forward. Jia Zhang's Her brain circuit is really not that big. As soon as she finished speaking, she was stopped by Yi Zhonghai with a sharp tone.

"Jia Zhang, can you shut up? Does this matter have anything to do with you? You, an outsider, should not get involved in our family's affairs, otherwise I will never be done with you."

"Hey, you are so protective, and you keep saying that you are innocent. Yi Zhonghai, no matter when you got involved with this fat woman, but my sister's bones are still cold, you and her are still husband and wife."

"Fart, one is a dead person and the other is a living person, how come they are husband and wife? You can't force Zhong Hai to be buried with Juehu, right?"

Just said a word.

Mrs. Jia Zhang rolled out like a ball.

Got kicked.

The person who kicked Jia Zhang was not Li Yujie, but Yi Zhonghai who was closest to Jia Zhang.

Seeing that Jia Zhang was still trying to undermine him, Yi Zhonghai couldn't hold it in anymore. He kicked Jia Zhang, then slapped Jia Zhang hard in the face with a big slap.

One hit and one kick.

Jia Zhang recognized the current situation and honestly stopped talking, but showed her pitiful grievances in front of everyone.

How could Jia Zhang be so aggrieved if she didn't have enough mischief?

Neighbors feel that their eyes are not good enough.

Today was really an eye-opener.

Seeing that the neighbors were all watching the joke, Qin Huairu stretched out her hand to help Jia Zhang aside. She didn't know what she whispered to Jia Zhang. Jia Zhang's eyes turned to Yi Zhonghai and Li Yujie, and then honestly Really nodded.

Seeing Qin Huairu coaxing Jia Zhang into silence and not interrupting, Yi Zhonghai's heart was filled with the words "brothers fighting tigers, father and son go into battle".

He looked at Qin Huairu.

Turn your head.

He stared at Li Yujie in front of him.

"What's the explanation? You said, as long as it is something that I, Yi Zhonghai, can do, I, Yi Zhonghai, will risk my life to help you do it. If you can't do it, I will try my best to do it."

"If I want your life, will you give it to me?" Seeing the change in Yi Zhonghai's face, Li Yujie teased Yi Zhonghai, and talked about the purpose of his visit, which was an explanation, "We won't do anything that breaks the law. My sister and you After living for so many years, you have served you so well, and you have listened to your words and served a bullshit ancestor of the courtyard. You have gained a reputation for this. Everyone knows how my sister died. I really feel sorry for my sister. It’s worth it, I will share half of the Yi family’s property for my sister.”

The hearts of the neighbors.

Jumped up with a pop.

Every household has a small account, one's own account and another's account.

Yi Zhonghai was promoted to an eighth-level job last summer. A month's salary plus benefits and bonuses for an eighth-level job was almost 99 yuan, and more than 80 yuan for a seventh-level job at that time.

The couple has no children, so their monthly expenses are only ten yuan, definitely no more than twenty yuan. A monthly likes collection costs sixty or seventy yuan, which is seven hundred or eight hundred yuan a year.

It is estimated that Yi Zhonghai's family still has at least four to five thousand yuan in savings.

Divide in half.

That's two to three thousand yuan.

It is equivalent to Yan Fugui's salary for ten years.

His eyes suddenly became eager.

I am also looking forward to this drama more and more.

Unlike her neighbors, Mrs. Jia Zhang was in a panic. After her eldest mother died, she regarded Yi Zhonghai's family property as the property of the Jia family. The house was given to Bangge to get married, and the job was given to Banggeng. , Yi Zhonghai's savings were used to buy a family property for Banggen, and dowries for Xiaodang and Huaihua. The rest belonged to the Jia Zhang family, and they lived a comfortable life of eating whatever they wanted.

Before Yi Zhonghai's money has been given to the Jia family, Yi Zhonghai's brother-in-law will take half of it, and he will give it to that damn aunt.

Jia Zhang wanted to ask him why he should share the Jia family's money.

Worried that Yi Zhonghai would agree to the other party's request, he forgot the lesson he learned from Yi Zhonghai's slap just now, and hurriedly spoke out to disrupt the situation.

No matter what, Yi Zhonghai couldn't let Yi Zhonghai give away the Jia family's money.

"What good thing are you thinking of sharing half of Zhonghai's family property? In what capacity do you share half of Zhonghai's family property? Just as your brother-in-law? When a girl gets married, she throws away the water. When a girl gets married, she belongs to someone else's family. Man. In all these years, not one egg has been laid for Yi Zhonghai. Yi Zhonghai has become extinct, has his back poked every day, and still has the face to divide Yi Zhonghai’s family business. It’s really shameful. This If before, a woman who had no children would have been divorced by Yi Zhonghai without him, this would be her blessing. If she dies, what will she need from Yi Zhonghai's family property?"

The expression on the face.

There was a sudden pain.

While talking, he accidentally pulled the scar from her beating, but he quickly adjusted it and put on a posture of returning victoriously.

In Jia Zhang's heart, she was standing up for Yi Zhonghai, and Yi Zhonghai had to listen to her no matter what she said, protecting the Yi family's family business like a baby.

Things were just as Jia Zhang thought.

Because what Jia Zhang said was reasonable and logical, Yi Zhonghai did not share the same understanding as Jia Zhang, but deliberately paused for a while.

Probably he wanted to use these words of Jia Zhang to test Li Yujie's bottom line. Not a bad idea.

But underestimated the changes.

The deaf old lady suddenly came in the backyard.

When Auntie was alive, three meals a day were delivered to the deaf old lady on time and on time. On the one hand, it is filial piety, and on the other hand, she lets the neighbors see her taking care of the deaf old lady. After the eldest mother died, the treatment of the deaf old lady also dropped. Yi Zhonghai didn't even eat breakfast, let alone the deaf old lady.

The old deaf lady who couldn't bear the hunger came out to look for food.

Subconsciously walked towards Yi Zhonghai's house.

But he didn't expect that he accidentally joined Li Yujie in the battle against Yi Zhonghai, and heard Jia Zhang's reluctant words.

Outsiders may think that Jia Zhang and Yi Zhonghai have slept together, but the deaf old lady sees something inside that outsiders cannot see.

Jia Zhang did not go after Yi Zhonghai, but for Yi Zhonghai's family business.

The eldest mother died, and the deaf old lady's life became a rootless floating water. If the Jia family got Yi Zhonghai's family business, the deaf old lady would not have a good life.

Some methods cannot be put on the surface.

He deliberately made a mistake.

"Girl from the Zhang family, what's wrong with you? Who made you angry again? You've ruined a good courtyard house. What do you mean, you still want to fight with me, the old lady?"

He waved his crutch.

Harsh words came out of his mouth.

"When you married into this courtyard, my old lady was the ancestor of this courtyard. No matter how careless you are, my old lady will really let you taste the power of my old lady's crutches."

He looked at Yi Zhonghai.

"Zhonghai, please take me to the hospital to check. I don't know what's wrong with my body. I feel dizzy, weak, and have no energy at all."

Yi Zhonghai knew that this was the step the deaf old lady was creating for him.

Busy following the words.


"Old lady, I will carry you to the hospital right now."


He squatted down with his body.

When you can't find a good solution for a while, it is the best choice to avoid it temporarily.

Take advantage of this time to think of ways to see what to do.

Yi Zhonghai really didn't want to give the money. It was all his hard-earned money, and he planned to leave it to Qin Huairu. Moreover, after giving the money, he was also worried about being gossiped about, which confirmed the fact that Yi Zhonghai had a guilty conscience.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he squatted down, he was kicked by Li Yujie and fell to the ground. Fortunately, his face accidentally touched the ground, and it seemed that a big drama of scratching the skin was staged.

Yi Zhonghai turned over and looked straight at Li Yujie who kicked him with fire-breathing eyes, and covered his bruised and bleeding cheek with his hand.

"who are you?"

The deaf old lady put on the airs of being an ancestor of the compound.

In this courtyard.

Except for Silly Zhu and his wife, no one has to give the deaf old lady some face.

"Why hit Zhonghai?"

The cane poked the ground hard.

"Believe it or not, I asked the people on the street to arrest you all? You just broke into our courtyard and beat the people in our courtyard. What do you want to do?"

"If I'm not mistaken, you are the immortal old lady who is served by my sister and is as comfortable as Lafayette, right?"

In the eyes of the deaf old lady.

Showing some fear.

Seeing that the other party was dressed like a country boy, he concluded that the other party had never seen much of the world, so he used this intimidation method, thinking that he could scare the other party away.


Not only did he not scare the other party away, he even gave the deaf old lady a few life-threatening thumbs with his backhand.

A few words comparable to Lafayette.

It's really heartbreaking.

What is Lafayette?

The Queen Mother of Cixi!

In this day and age, saying that the deaf old lady is the Empress Dowager Cixi is not a metaphor that the deaf old lady regards the courtyard as a domineering Forbidden City.

Spread the word.

Not bad.

She showed off her ability to pretend to be deaf and dumb.

"What are you talking about? If you come to our courtyard to look for someone and you haven't found him yet, then go and look elsewhere. You will definitely find him somewhere else. Don't just stand there stupidly. Go quickly."

"Brother, this old immortal seems to be deaf."

Li Yujie is on the head of the speaker.

A slap in the face.

He laughed and cursed.

"What are you talking about? You keep saying you are old and immortal. What do you look like? People heard you and thought we country people are incompetent. But you can't lose the face of us country people and you can't call us "Immortal"."

"What's that called?"

"Called." Li Yujie thought for a while and gave a serious answer, "What should I call her? She is old and immortal. It seems that we are uneducated. We are literate people, so we call her old thing."

"What's the difference between an immortal and an old thing?"

"Why is there no difference? The name is different. Remember, let's call her old thing." Li Yujie said loudly to the deaf old lady: "Old thing, you should die quickly! You have been domineering for many years. It’s over!”

The first words made the deaf old lady so angry that her lungs were about to explode because she was pretending to be deaf and could not speak even if she was angry. The last words almost scared the deaf old lady to death.

Your days of domination and prosperity have passed!

The deaf old lady had indeed lived a domineering life for a while. Even if the little devil came, she still ran rampant in the courtyard.

These few words.

It means a lot.

It means being held accountable!

The deaf old lady, who has become mature in age, knows that she cannot show any flaws on her face, so she bites the bullet and continues to pretend to be deaf and mute.

"You said your name is Wang Goudan? Hey, what are these names? Why are you still called Goudan? This is a bad name! Goudan and Maodan, what do you think you have become?"

The deaf old lady didn't know what to say either.

She knew that she had to change the subject of the other party, and she couldn't let the other party call her an old guy on the left or an old guy on the right.

But she didn't expect that the allusion from the misfortune suddenly hit her in the head.

The voice just fell.

Li Yujie, who had long disliked the deaf old lady, grabbed the chamber pot next to her and poured the urine in it onto the head of the ancestor in the courtyard. (End of chapter)

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