Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 370: The deaf old lady was born in the 8th Hutong, her stage name is Xiao Yuhong

Pour urine.

It was also a method that Li Yujie came up with after a lot of thinking.

Taking action, he was worried that the deaf old lady would be beaten for good or bad, and that he would not be able to explain himself clearly.

I could only think of other ways to deal with the deaf old lady. I saw an unemptied chamber pot next to me, reached out and grabbed it, and without thinking, poured the urine in it onto the deaf old lady's head.

What a bloody mess.

bah bah bah.

It should be urine topping.

The ancestors of the courtyard relied on Yi Zhonghai as the chief steward, and they always showed off their power in the courtyard. Anyone who entered the house would be offered delicious food and drinks as their ancestors.

I have never been scolded by the neighbors for my dirty words.

As a result, Li Yujie poured urine all over his head.

There are so many neighbors around.

Face was really lost in the mud.

The deaf old lady looked like a drowned rat. What made people speechless was that she smacked her lips, as if tasting the saltiness of the taste.

Li Yujie asked murderously.

"what about the taste?"

"You wicked boy, you poured urine on my old lady, and you asked me how it tasted. Do you want my old lady to tell you that it tastes a bit salty?"

Don't care about the old deaf lady pretending to be deaf.

He cursed at Li Yujie.

Her behavior at this time is somewhat similar to the playful Jia Zhang.

It can be seen that she is also an evil woman.

"Hey, this old lady is no longer deaf." Li Yujie seemed to have discovered a new world, with a look of surprise on his face, "Pouring a pot of urine on her head overnight cured this old lady's deafness. It's strange. It’s very strange, this is God’s eyes opened.”

Neighbors are doing their best to restrain themselves.

Otherwise, I would really worry about laughing out loud on the spot.

Li Yujie is not afraid of the deaf old lady, but it does not mean that they are not afraid of the deaf old lady. If the glass of their house is smashed at night, there will be no place to reason.

"Brother, I heard that there is a detective team captain in Anqiu named Jia Gui. He used the folk remedy of donkey urine plus donkey dung and eggs to cure Heiteng Guisan's inability to sleep. You can use the urine in the chamber pot. , cured the old lady’s hearing loss. This is also a folk remedy.”

"This is the first time I heard that pouring urine can cure deafness."

"This is a folk remedy."

"Yes, yes, it's a folk remedy. It doesn't matter whether it's pouring donkey urine or pouring urine. As long as it can cure the disease, it means good urination. But it also depends on whose urine is used. Some people's urine is in charge, and some people's peeing is not. "

"Let me see whose urine this is."

Li Yujie turned over the chamber pot and found that the word "Yi" was engraved on it. There was only one family named Yi in the courtyard, and that was Yi Zhonghai.

As the name suggests.

Yi Zhonghai's urine fell on the deaf old lady's head.

"Er Gouzi, I can't read. Please help me see what the word is."

"No need to look, that's my chamber pot, Yi Zhonghai."

Yi Zhonghai's face was livid.

Admitted something of his own.

He knew that even if he didn't admit it, Li Yujie would make a big fuss out of it.

"Yi Zhonghai, this is your chamber pot, and that is your urine." Li Yujie's sinister tone sounded, "Your urine has cured this old lady's deafness. You two are really a couple. This is not fat water." A foreigner's land."

"Li Yujie, what exactly do you want to say?"

"It's not what I want to say, but what are you going to do? How did my sister die? Why do I have to carry someone else's shit when she dies? I know this, and you also know it. In a word, you Yi Zhonghai's My sister wants half of the family fortune.”


"Just because my sister is dead." Li Yujie looked at Jia Zhang, "You are so worried that I will take away half of Yi Zhonghai's family business, and you still said that you didn't sleep together."

"You are talking nonsense."

"Whether I'm talking nonsense or not, the neighbors know it all, and the proof is in my pants." Li Yujie, who had ridiculed Jia Zhang for a few words, turned his attention to the deaf old lady and started to choke at the deaf old lady, wanting to defend him. My sister vented her anger, "As for you old and immortal thing, I really feel worthless for my sister. Although Yi Zhonghai asked her to take care of you, Yi Zhonghai just farted. The one who really takes care of you is my sister. , serving you three meals a day, but in the end you are just an old white-eyed wolf who is not familiar with the food, sitting back and watching my sister die."

The speechless deaf old lady wanted to kill the other person with her eyes, but because she thought of some past events, her momentum suddenly dropped.

"If I were you, I would hide at home obediently and not come out. But it's better for you. You insist on showing off, and you look like someone's crotch is torn and exposed. I heard that you are called the ancestor of the compound. It's really strange. In the city In the courtyard, there is also a courtyard where the ancestors of the neighbors live.”

The deaf old lady was trembling all over.

He didn't care that he was hungry.

He turned around and ran back to the backyard.


Such a voice came vaguely.

"Second brother, I think this old lady looks familiar. When I was picking up dung for others in the city, I seemed to have seen this old lady in the Bada Hutong. Her name was Xiao Yuhong."

A stone stirred up a thousand waves.

The already noisy courtyard suddenly became more enthusiastic.

Mainly, the neighbors who had been holding back their smiles just now were completely off guard.

Eight alleys.


This is all a mess.

Their eyes immediately fell on the person who claimed to know the deaf old lady. He was dressed like an honest and humble old farmer and said that the deaf old lady was Xiao Yuhong from Bada Hutong. It was him.

It's a bit like Yi Zhonghai. Yi Zhonghai's face is so deceptive. Many people see Yi Zhonghai's hypocritical and kind face and subconsciously think that Yi Zhonghai is a good person.

The old farmer's appearance, including his attire, could not make anyone suspect that he was telling lies.

So this statement.

There is a certain degree of credibility.

The deaf old lady is equal to Bada Hutong, equal to Xiao Yuhong.

Maybe the deaf old lady really did that kind of thing.

The neighbors started to look at each other. You looked at me and I looked at you. Suddenly, I felt that this explanation made sense. Before they moved into the courtyard, the deaf old lady lived in the backyard. She had no children, but she would come and go every now and then. Some people come to visit and have no income, but they have enough food and clothing. However, she is a big eater and loves to eat. The neighbors have never even heard of some of the names of some foods, but the deaf old lady can name them and knows how to make these delicious dishes.

In essence, he is not a suffering person.

Extremely homeless.

Stay with Yi Zhonghai for retirement.

I heard that people who do that kind of business will drink so much Juezi soup that they will never be able to conceive a child.

The atmosphere of the scene.

It suddenly became weird. Yi Zhonghai clearly felt this strangeness. Although he did not know the true identity of the deaf old lady, he knew that the deaf old lady did not come from the Bada Hutong.

There is no smell of dust on him.

The problem is that the neighbors don't know which old farmer to believe.

Peers are enemies.

Li Yujie brought seven or eight people here. Yi Zhonghai hated the person who said that the deaf old lady was from Bada Hutong. His enemies were extremely jealous when they met him. When he saw that the neighbors were still looking at him with playful eyes, he couldn't stand it anymore and asked for him. The deaf old lady said a few words.

"What nonsense are you talking about? The old lady is a serious lady, what about Bada Hutong, what about Xiao Yuhong, the old lady is so old, you can't bear to arrange it like this."

"Er Gouzi, you can't talk nonsense. The fat woman in the city is shameless and wants to sleep with Yi Zhonghai. We country people have to be shameless. We can't let anyone poke our backs."

Li Yujie said this.

It sounds a bit like adding fuel to the fire.

"Second brother, when did I ever tell a lie? Back then, I had no choice but to work in the city because I had no choice but to work in a job that people in the city were not willing to do. I worked as a excrement worker. I had to excavate the excrement once and then give it to me. Five copper coins, when I went to beg for wages, I met this old lady at Dung Tou’s house, and Dung Tou even showed off to me, saying that the old lady’s name was Xiao Yuhong, and she was the number one in Qingfeng Pavilion in Bada Hutong.”

"Did you really recognize her?"

"I told the truth, because she was my dream. At that time, I wanted to make money. I went to Qingfeng Pavilion in Bada Hutong to look for this little Yuhong. She turned into ashes, and I could recognize her."

"What can turn into ashes after death?"

The sound coming from the door of the courtyard attracted the attention of the neighbors, and when the figure of the speaker came into their eyes.

Unnaturally, he felt a little guilty.

Director Jia from the street is here.

It turned out that the third aunt saw that something was not quite right and was worried about causing trouble, so she decisively sent Ergoudan out again and asked him to go to the streets to find Director Jia.

Seeing Director Jia, Yi Zhonghai seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw. Now he has no idea of ​​leaving the courtyard for anything.

Make trouble in front of Director Jia.

Also a good thing.

hurriedly said hello.

"Director Jia, you are here."

"How can I not come to such a big matter for you? Come with me and go to the streets to solve it. What does it look like to be crowded in a courtyard? People who don't know, would think you are going to do something."

Yi Zhonghai, Li Yujie and his gang followed Director Jia in a crowd and walked towards the street.

The noisy courtyard did not become quiet because of their departure, but became even more eager.

In front of Yi Zhonghai, some things were inconvenient to say.

No one is here.

The deaf old lady hid in the house again and refused to come out.

Everyone can speak freely.

"Do you think that person is telling the truth? Why do I feel that things are a bit weird? The old lady actually comes from that kind of place. Why is she called Xiao Yuhong? Don't tell me Xiao Yuhong's name. I really I heard that when our dead guy was drunk, he read Xiao Yuhong’s name and was scolded by me.”

"I think the matter is true. From one person's expression and attire, one can tell he is telling the truth. It is impossible to tell lies. Not everyone is Yi Zhonghai."

"I think so too. This is about knowing people but not knowing her heart. No one knows what she does. No wonder she doesn't have children. It would be strange for someone from a place like that to have children."

"What do you think Yi Zhonghai did? He turned the deaf old lady into the ancestor of the courtyard. The deaf old lady will get a share of whoever improves his life. It turns out that he is a shameless person. The reputation of our courtyard is ruined. It’s completely lost.”

"Do you think Yi Zhonghai has that kind of relationship with the deaf old lady?"

Lively courtyard house.

It suddenly became quiet, as if you could hear a sound even if you dropped a pin on the ground.

The relationship between Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady!

This is a big deal.

"I think it's possible. Think about how Qin Huairu came here. Yi Zhonghai got it by cuckolding his father. If he can do something like that, he can do whatever he wants with the deaf old lady."

"Absolutely. Otherwise, why would Yi Zhonghai be so obedient to the deaf old lady?"

"I suddenly remembered something. Yi Zhonghai helped Qin Huairu Baimian late at night. Would he go to the deaf old lady's house late at night and take it by the way? Anyway, the neighbors are all asleep."

"I have to ask the second uncle if he has ever encountered such a thing."

Follow what others say.

The more you say it, the more outrageous it becomes.

What remains true is that the deaf old lady is still from the brothel rumored by people, and some people made up a story about the love and hatred between the deaf old lady and the poor scholar.

These things.

The deaf old lady didn't know it, and she heard some bad remarks about herself intermittently in her ears, but because Li Yujie had just poured urine on her head.

He was busy cleaning up the dirt on his body.

Don't care about this.

She also talked about the good things about being a big mom.

If the aunt was not dead, she would have come to help the deaf old lady organize her affairs without the deaf old lady’s advice. After the eldest mother died, the deaf old lady had to rely on herself. Although Mrs. Jia Zhang stated that she would take care of the deaf old lady's three meals a day, because she was concerned about Yi Zhonghai's family business, she also had the idea of ​​​​powering the deaf old lady. She was ready to make the deaf old lady recognize the reality and not to take her away. As a hard-working aunt, she followed Yi Zhonghai to the streets.

The deaf old lady, who was used to being taken care of by her aunt, was faced with the situation of doing everything herself.

I want to wash my hair.

I grabbed the thermos bottle, but there was no boiling water in it.

Gritting his teeth.

Stomp your feet.

I washed my hair with cold water and threw the clothes I had changed on the ground. I thought that when Yi Zhonghai came back, I would talk to Yi Zhonghai and ask Jia Zhang to help clean the clothes through Yi Zhonghai's mouth.



Silly Zhu comes back from get off work.

Before people entered the courtyard, they were stopped by the mysterious Xu Damao.

He frowned subconsciously.

After resolving the conflict with Xu Damao, Xu Damao became much bolder when he saw Sha Zhu. Regardless of whether Sha Zhu agreed or not, he directly took Sha Zhu into Yan Fugui's home.

No knocking.

Plunged right in.

Yan Fugui was startled. He turned around and saw Silly Zhu and Xu Damao. He ignored them and put the things in his hands aside.

Xu Damao couldn't understand.

As a cook, Silly Zhu could see clearly that there was a ladle filled with water on the plate next to him. There seemed to be traces of watering in the ladle. Next to it was a ladle for scooping water. Next to the ladle was a ladle. There was an Erguotou bottle filled with either water or wine. There was a lid next to the bottle.

A proper crime scene.

Things that are clear can no longer be clear. (End of chapter)

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