Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 371 Talking about things with your pants is actually inherited from the widow of the Jia fam

In the courtyard.

There is a rumor that Yan Fugui drinks one or two bottles of Erguotou a day and still has half a bottle left in a month.

Silly Zhu had never drank Yan Fugui's wine and always thought it was a rumor spread by the neighbors.

But after looking at the crime scene in front of me, I felt that the neighbors were right, so he drank the way Yan Fugui did. His bottle of Erguotou would probably last until Yan Fugui died.

What literati drink is not wine.

It's the artistic conception.

Even if it is cold water, as long as the mood for drinking is reached, it is still wine, and it is still one of the top ten fine wines.

Thumbs up towards Yan Fugui.

Not a word was said.

But it is worth a thousand words.

Yan Fugui blushed. Who asked him to live in a scholarly family and claim that he was an educated man, but he did such a despicable behavior?

Xu Damao didn't have such scruples as Silly Zhu, he just said whatever he wanted, and made fun of the fact that he mixed Yan Fugui wine with water or water with wine.

"Third uncle, what you are doing is wrong. You have violated a taboo in this industry."

Yan Fugui was a little confused.

He looked at Xu Damao stupidly.

He secretly said that in all the years he had mixed wine with water, he had never heard of a taboo on mixing wine with water. Otherwise, how would Xu Damao's words be explained?

"Da Mao, you."

Xu Damao said he disliked Yan Fugui, and his expression was as regretful as Yan Fugui had lost.

Yan Fugui became a monk with a height of two feet, and was a little confused.

Neighbors all teased Yan Fu about mixing wine with his water, saying how stingy he was and how stubborn he was. But people like Xu Damao, who lamented that he had lost a huge amount of wealth, it was really the first time a young lady met him on a sedan chair. arrive.

"Third uncle, you don't understand."

Xu Damao just made a high profile.

Silly Zhu, who was familiar with Xu Damao, knew that Xu Damao didn't hold it in well. Looking at the expression on Bi Sun's face, he was trying to trick Yan Fugui, but he didn't know what Xu Damao would say.

"When I look at your behavior, I can tell that what's in your bottle is wine. If you mix the water in the water tank with the wine, you'll end up with just one bottle of white wine."

Yan Fugui nodded in agreement.

A reasonable look.

"When you mix the wine in the bottle into the water vat, you get a vat full of wine. This wine is enough for you to drink for a year. If you can't drink it, you can also sell it. The money you earn can continue Buy wine, continue to mix it into the water tank, continue to sell wine, and by then you will be the leading liquor boss in our courtyard."

"This is a gamble. It's either bad or bad."

Yan Fugui was also confused.

He even said a few words of excuse with a guilty conscience.

Silly Zhu, who couldn't hold himself back, echoed.

"Xu Damao, as you wish, pour the wine in the bottle directly into the Yongding River, and the third uncle will harvest a full supply of Yihe liquor."

"That's okay, third uncle, just do as Silly Zhu says."

"Anything is fine, you Xu Damao, you are trying to beat me with your third uncle, mixing wine in a water tank, and mixing wine in the Yongding River, I'm crazy."

"Look, the little old man is still anxious."

"It's not that I'm in a hurry, it's that why are you here?"

Yan Fugui pointed at Shazhu and Xu Damao in confusion.

Silly Zhu decisively put the shit basin on Xu Damao's head.

"I walked to the door and was dragged to your room by Xu Damao."

"I asked the third uncle to help testify."

It was the stupid Zhufan's turn to be confused.

Help testify.

What kind of proof?

Could it be that he was messing around with someone and was caught by his husband? Xu Damao asked them to help prove his innocence.

Not only Shazhu thought this way, but Yan Fugui also thought the same way.

When Xu Damao was 13 or 14 years old, he climbed on the wall of the women's restroom to watch people use the restroom. He has the gene for liking women engraved in his bones. He is also a movie projectionist. Even though he has a big donkey face, he can be called a movie projectionist. , he is the kind of fierce person who is capable of dimensionality reduction. Many people envy him, and some lesbians want to be the wives of projectionists.

"Da Mao, it's not what the third uncle said to you. You really need to take it easy. Young people, you need to understand that your health is important and you can't mess around."

"Look, the third uncle has noticed it. You Xu Damao is fast, Jia Dongxu is hanging on the wall, and sooner or later you will follow in Jia Dongxu's footsteps."

"Go away, what are you talking about? I'm telling you about the deaf old lady in front of the third uncle."

"Xu Damao, you are really capable. Not satisfied with provoking the lesbians of your age outside, you started attacking the deaf old lady who is the ancestor of our compound. You probably don't want us to call you a deaf old man." "

There was a "puff" sound.

As soon as Yan Fugui drank the watery wine in his mouth, he squirted it out, spraying it into the water tank like a fountain.

They all say that Shazhu is honest.

Is this honesty?

In one sentence, Xu Damao was tied to the deaf old lady in the backyard. Since there were no outsiders in the house, the deaf old lady's gossip might still be spread.


The deaf old lady stole the show.

The courtyard house was also in disgrace.

While at school, someone was asking Yan Fugui if he knew the origin of the deaf old lady in the courtyard, whether she was really born in Bada Hutong, and who Xiao Yuhong she was.

Yan Fugui was dumbfounded at the time.

What a mess.

After coming back, I wanted to ask about the reason, but I didn't expect that Xu Damao dragged Silly Zhu into his house.

"Silly Zhu, don't be joking."

"Third uncle, I'm not kidding, I just don't believe Xu Damao. He climbed up the wall to watch a lesbian go to the toilet, but refused to admit it after his death. He even said it was my handiwork, which caused me to be hung up and beaten by our old man. "

"Can you please stop mentioning the things in the past? I'm going to tell you something serious now. I heard that the deaf old lady in our backyard was Xiao Yuhong from the Bada Hutong. I asked about it and found out that there really was a number one named Xiao Yuhong. .”

This matter.

Silly Zhu doesn’t know.

After hearing what Xu Damao said, he was dumbfounded.

What a thing.

The deaf old lady worked as a brothel girl.

How can this be.

He began to rack his brains to think about the contents of the script. After much deliberation, he could not give an accurate explanation. In the script, the birth of the deaf old lady was a mystery and was not mentioned at all. It seemed that from the beginning of the plot, The deaf old lady lives in the courtyard house, but according to the script, the deaf old lady said harsh words when she angrily slapped Jia Zhang.

When you married into this courtyard, my old lady was the ancestor of this courtyard.

Jia Dongxu was born in 30 years.

At that time, there was a mixed bag of fish and dragons, but the deaf old lady could be regarded as an ancestor in this courtyard. It can be seen that the deaf old lady must have secrets that outsiders don't know. Silly Zhu narrowed his eyes.

Looked at Xu Damao.

"I know you don't know. I'm telling you, brother, Jia Zhang is so crazy today that she ran to Yi Zhonghai's house to tidy up Yi Zhonghai's house and mended Yi Zhonghai's pants."

Silly Zhu took a breath of cold air.

The script explains that Qin Huairu destroyed Sha Zhu's blind date props by using Sha Zhu's underpants to make trouble. Either he came to look for Sha Zhu's underpants in front of the lesbian who was on a blind date with Sha Zhu, or he gave away the washed underpants. Sending mended trousers, I thought it was Qin Huairu's original creation, but I didn't expect that I learned it from Jia Zhang. Maybe this is the method Jia Zhang taught Qin Huairu to ruin the fool's blind date.

On being a widow.

Jia Zhang is more experienced than Qin Huairu.

Toxic Widow.

Silly Zhu, who thought of the key point, shook his head.

Xu Damao misunderstood.

"Silly Zhu, why are you shaking your head? What I'm telling you is the truth. By the way, there's one more thing. Aunt's mother-in-law's family came to settle accounts with Yi Zhonghai, and Jia Zhang, who happened to be cleaning up the housework at Yi Zhonghai's house and sewing pants, Jia and Zhang were blocked, and they slapped Jia and Zhang several times. The man in the lead, his name was Li Yujie, and the man who came with Li Yujie recognized the identity of the deaf old lady."

"Why do I feel so weird?"

"The person who recognized the identity of the deaf old lady is an honest and honest old farmer. You can tell by the look on her face that she is not a liar. You will know it when you meet that person."

"Xu Damao, what do you mean?"

"Silly Zhu, I just want to ask you, haven't you been in contact with a deaf old lady before, and whether she has such a profligate style."

"I don't know. How about you go see the deaf old lady now?"

"Don't go, the whole room smells like urine."

Silly Zhu and Xu Damao both turned their attention to Yan Fugui. When did the deaf old lady's house become a toilet.

I didn't hear what Yan Fugui said about the smell of urine in the whole room.

"The deaf old lady stood up for Yi Zhonghai, but she was scolded like a grandson by Li Yujie, and she was doused with urine by Li Yujie. By the way, the urine that was poured over the deaf old lady was Yi Zhonghai's urine."

"The good news should not flow to outsiders."

"Nothing's wrong, go home quickly, me."

Yan Fugui looked at the water tank filled with cold water in front of him with a pity look on his face. He seemed to have sprayed some wine in it just now. According to Xu Damao, this was just a tank of wine.

"Third uncle, what do you have for dinner? The two of us will have a meal at your house."

Silly Zhu couldn't stand it anymore.

Pulling Xu Damao out of Yan Fugui's house.

When walking to the middle courtyard.

Something suddenly occurred to me.

"Xu Damao, let me ask you, have you decided to get married?"


Silly Zhu noticed Xu Damao's tone.

Not very happy.

The night of flowers and candles in the bridal chamber.

But it is one of the four great joyous events in life, but the turtle grandson Xu Damao is not very interested in it.


"I told you, you don't know." Xu Damao patted Silly Zhu's shoulder with his hand, his tone suddenly became meaningful, and the expression on his face was also filled with emotion, "I really envy you. When you find a woman you like, she also cares about you."

Xu Damao told Sha Zhu that he had feelings for Liu Yufen, and he proposed to have sex with Liu Yufen in public.

But Liu Yufen rejected it.

Silly Zhu couldn't understand why Liu Yufen rejected Xu Damao.

Are you worried that the bed will collapse after marriage?

So Xu Damao’s daughter-in-law is Lou Xiao’e as stated in the script!

Silly Zhu looked at the sky, and God brought things back to their original point. Xu Damao was about to marry Lou Xiaoe, but he didn't know if he would sacrifice Lou Xiaoe's family for the sake of his future as explained in the script. It seemed that he would help to plead for mercy. Saved Lou Xiao'e's family.

After a night of tenderness, Lou Xiao'e gave birth to a boy named He Xiao to Sha Zhu. A few years later, she appeared in the courtyard with He Xiao, protesting against those who said Lou Xiao'e was an old hen that couldn't lay eggs, which also made Yi Zhong Hai and Qin Huairu felt like they were facing a formidable enemy, and they told Sha Zhu not to associate with He Xiao.

This is all part of the script.

in reality.

Silly Zhu has Li Xiuzhi, a virtuous daughter-in-law praised by countless people.

"Xu Damao."

"Stop talking, brother, go home."

"Is everything okay?"

"You can't solve the problem, so let me face it alone."

"What a fool, you even pulled the article."

Silly Zhu muttered something, and just as he was about to walk home, he saw the deaf old lady flying towards him from the backyard, seemingly still holding a few pieces of clothes in her hand.

In my mind, I subconsciously remembered what Yan Fugui said just now. The deaf old lady was doused in urine by Li Yujie, and the urine that was doused on her was Yi Zhonghai's urine.

Shouldn't he ask himself to help her wash her clothes?

When the aunt was alive, the aunt took care of things like washing clothes, cleaning the house, three meals a day, etc. The deaf old lady didn't have to move at all, and things like going to the toilet couldn't be done by anyone. Do it for her, otherwise she will have to ask a aunt to go to the toilet for her.

Yi Zhonghai, Jia Zhang and others have not returned yet.

I can only find Silly Pillar.

Silly Zhu hoped that the deaf old lady was coming towards her, not her wife.

What are you afraid of?

But something happened.

Carrying urine-soaked clothes, the deaf old lady came to Silly Zhu in one step or another. She opened her mouth and shouted to Li Xiuzhi who was busy in the house.

"Shazhu's wife, you help my old lady wash the clothes. My old lady is a five-guarantee household, and you are the street clerk, so you have to do things for my old lady."

The sound is very high.

Instantly attracted the attention of many people.

Seeing the deaf old lady suddenly attacking Li Xiuzhi, they all had expressions as if this was true. The eldest mother was dead, Yi Zhonghai was busy with things in the factory all day, and Jia Zhang was a master who didn't play well enough, and there was no one to take care of the deaf person. The old lady had no choice but to give in to Silly Zhu and his wife.

On the one hand, Shazhu cooks delicious food and is the leading two-income family in the courtyard.


The standard for measuring the quality of a family is whether several people make money and one person makes money. This is a common phenomenon. If both parents have classes, it is a good family.

On the other hand is the deaf old lady who wants to disgust the stupid couple.

Now let’s see how Silly Zhu and his wife respond.

Under the attention of the neighbors.

Li Xiuzhi walked out of the room and looked at the deaf old lady calmly. Just as she was about to speak, Silly Zhu took the opportunity.

"Old lady, my wife has been busy all day for the neighbors. She is tired. If you trust me, I will wash your clothes for you."


"He Daqing ran away with the widow. I washed mine and Yu Yu's clothes. The clothes I washed were very clean, but there are ugly words in my head. If your clothes are washed out, they will be torn and unwearable. Now, you can’t blame me, I promise to wash it with your hands, no need to wash it.” (End of Chapter)

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