Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 378 Deaf old lady Jia Zhang was taken away

We only arrested those who participated in the reselling of the deaf old lady's supplies. The neighbors who did not participate all kept their hearts in my stomach.

This promise.

Although it calmed the hearts of the neighbors present, it also caused some people to have some thoughts that they shouldn't have.

For example, Liu Haizhong, after hearing the words of Huang Jinbiao, he suddenly set his mind on Jia Zhang.

Jia Zhang, who was disliked by others, looked around and saw that all the people in the courtyard were her enemies.

The reason he offended Liu Haizhong was purely because Jia Zhang didn't take Liu Haizhong seriously. Because Yi Zhonghai was Jia Dongxu's master and the great master of the Intermediate Court, every time there was a meeting in the courtyard, Liu Haizhong was choked and speechless. So, in the end, he was disgraced and lost face.

The county magistrate is not as good as taking charge now.

I have long wanted to deal with the Jia Zhang family.

In front of Director Jia, he was guaranteed to remarry the widow of the Jia family, so naturally he would not let go of such a rare opportunity.

It's also weird. His brain is not strong enough and his IQ is not online. Liu Haizhong, an expert in stick education, has rarely learned how to use the opportunity to slam people into the shit basin.

"Both captains, I remembered something that has something to do with the Jia family."

Liu Haizhong had just mentioned the Jia family's name, but before he could say anything else, Jia Zhang started to defend himself in a panic, saying that he had to clean the Jia family first.

"Our Jia family did not participate in the deaf old lady reselling supplies. We Jia family don't know about the deaf old lady reselling supplies. It has nothing to do with our Jia family. The deaf old lady loves to be shot and killed, and she loves to squat all her life. Squatting down for the rest of your life, just follow her, our Jia family is the Jia family, and the deaf old lady is the deaf old lady."

"Ms. Jia Zhang, I didn't say anything. How did you know that Liu Haizhong was going to say that your Jia family was involved in the deaf old lady's reselling of supplies?" Liu Haizhong's IQ has only been outstanding in his life. He looked around. The neighbors around me started talking word for word, "You, Mr. Jia Zhang, have a guilty conscience. You didn't bring it upon yourself."

"His uncle, please intercede for our Jia family. Our Jia family really has nothing to do with the deaf old lady reselling supplies. This is all the old lady's own business, and our Jia family has no involvement."

Jia Zhang, who was ill and sought medical treatment indiscriminately.

He regarded Yi Zhonghai as the last straw.

It is also natural to develop habits.

When the Jia family encountered problems before, Yi Zhonghai helped to deal with them.

But she didn't consider Yi Zhonghai's current situation. She asked a person who was like an ant on a hot pot to stand up for her, but she could only return in vain. Moreover, Jia Zhang's words also completed the mission of identifying the deaf old lady.

The deaf old lady in the room who heard Jia Zhang's words shivered and opened her mouth wide, but could not say a word, as if an invisible big hand covered her mouth.

I can only greet the eight generations of Jia and Zhang's ancestors in my heart.

Jia Zhang in the courtyard saw that Yi Zhonghai remained silent and asked for help from Yan Fugui who was present.

"His third uncle, please intercede for us and give me, Jia Zhang, ten pieces of courage. I, Jia Zhang, don't dare to do anything that breaks the law and loses my head."

"Ms. Jia Zhang, it's useless for you to beg anyone now. You didn't resell supplies. How can you explain your fat body? If you didn't resell supplies, you would be lazy and eat all day long, and you could become a 200-pound fat man. Don't Talking about puffiness, the last time the steel rolling mill was specially weighed, it was two hundred pounds high. I think your so-called shoe making by Jia Zhang is just a cover for the deaf old lady to resell supplies."

"I don't have it, my Jia family doesn't have it." Jia Zhang begged Jia Gui and Huang Jinbiao, "Both captains, you have to make the decision for my old lady. Liu Haizhong is giving shit to our Jia family. Basin.”

"I, Liu Haizhong, even gave your Jia family a shit basin, ask the neighbors, who will believe it?" Liu Haizhong, who was thinking of knocking Mrs. Jia Zhang to the ground, glared at Mrs. Jia Zhang, "If you follow It doesn't matter to the deaf old lady, why did you publicly express your concern for the deaf old lady at the compound meeting? I really thought that I didn't know what you, Jia Zhang, were thinking. You just wanted to take care of the deaf old lady under the guise of taking care of the deaf old lady. Take back in your hand the part of the resold supplies belonging to your Jia family."

Jia Gui and Huang Jinbiao.

They looked at each other.

I don’t know what Jia Zhang did to offend all the neighbors in the courtyard. For such a long time, no one stood up to speak for Jia Zhang.

A real failure as a human being.

"Since the steward of your courtyard said that you, Jia Zhang, were involved in the deaf old lady's reselling of supplies, and there is no one in the neighborhood to prove it for you, Jia Zhang, you can only come with us."

"I'll prove it." Ms. Jia Zhang was really smart. When she heard that no neighbor could prove it for her, she wanted to prove it to herself. She also played the Banggeng and the others card, "Our family's Banggeng, Xiaodang, Huaihua, Qin Huairu, they can all prove it."

Jia Gui had no time to complain to Jia Zhang.

He waved his hand.

A pair of shiny handcuffs came towards Jia Zhang.

When Jia Zhang saw that the security department had taken action, she didn't know what to think, but she actually thought of running. In the past, Jia Zhang found it difficult to walk, but now she can walk as fast as flying, and her steps are much more flexible. She can run in threes and twos. Out of the backyard.

Two people from the security department chased him out.

Seeing Mrs. Jia Zhang run away, one or more of the neighbors present felt that Mrs. Jia Zhang had gone crazy. If she hadn't run away, it would have been easy to explain. But once she ran away, everything turned out to be something serious.

You can run away from the monk, but you can't run away from the temple.

Qin Huairu is a worker in a steel rolling mill.

If someone traces the case to the steel rolling mill, Qin Huairu will not end well, and the work quota Yi Zhonghai bought for Qin Huairu may be cancelled.

Some people are still thinking wildly about how long Jia Zhang can run.

For them, the farther away the better, their hometown in the countryside and distant relatives will all go there.

What shocked them was that Jia Zhang was escorted from the central courtyard to the backyard by two security officers in less than two minutes.

Asked in detail.

Only then did I know how Jia Zhang escaped.

Having been kicked in the head by a donkey, I ran back to Jia's house alone. I was so anxious that I didn't close the door. The security department who was being followed pulled me out of the quilt like a mouse.

Neighbors who know the process.

all laughed.

Jia and Zhang were deliberately teasing them because they didn't have a way to kill time.

"Please pay attention to your quality. Our courtyard is a civilized and advanced courtyard. Didn't you see that the security department is solving the case?" Liu Haizhong, who was acting like a steward, said a few words to the neighbors, "Don't delay the security department's affairs. .”

"It doesn't matter. We found the materials that the deaf old lady resold, found the money for the materials that the deaf old lady resold, and arrested the deaf old lady. We also arrested the deaf old lady's accomplice in reselling the materials, Jia Zhang. We have exceeded our quota. We have completed the task assigned by our superiors." Huang Jinbiao explained and took the lead towards the deaf old lady's house to arrest the deaf old lady. As he was leaving, he said: "Are you coming out on your own? Or are we asking you to come out? "

The deaf old lady made no sound.

Jinbiao had no choice but to take action and lift the deaf old lady out of the house and into the courtyard.

Looking at the neighbors in the courtyard, seeing Yi Zhonghai, and seeing the handcuffed Jia Zhang, the deaf old lady felt that the sun was dazzling, so she looked up at the sky and sighed.


This simple sigh contained many emotions of the deaf old lady, including ups and downs, bitterness, and so on.

That kind of inexplicable depression.

There is no way to express it.

Then there was another sigh.

Finished sighing.

The deaf old lady seemed to have discovered a new world. She suddenly realized that she could speak and said something that in the eyes of outsiders was just a tough talk.

"These things have nothing to do with my old lady."

How many shots are there if there are dates or not? What if this reason comes to fruition?

"It doesn't matter. Where did these things come from? Why were they searched from your deaf old lady's house? The amount of supplies is almost the same, and the stolen money from reselling the supplies is not much different. Please explain to me why the amounts match up. Did you get it? Did you get the money right? It’s impossible for these things to grow wings and fly to your deaf old lady’s house, right? Why not fly to someone else’s house?”

A loud question.

This brought the deaf old lady to a standstill.

It also made the surrounding neighbors secretly give a thumbs up.

Look what they asked.

It's not yours, so how come it was found in your home?

The deaf old lady saw the expressions on the faces of the neighbors and finally nodded helplessly.

You have to admit it even if you don’t admit it.

Unless the origins of these things are told.

In this case, it would be equivalent to betraying Yi Zhonghai. The deaf old lady now has no one to use, so she can only work on Yi Zhonghai.

And strictly speaking, it was not the deaf old lady who suffered in this matter. After all, the things belonged to Yi Zhonghai, and the real reseller was Yi Zhonghai.

There was still some small joy in her heart.

There is not much difference between the amount of supplies and the amount of money. Otherwise, those people would have to search the deaf old lady's house. Some things were hidden, but if they met an expert who searched and were found, they would be Trouble.

"It seems that you admitted it. How did you, an old lady with small feet, move these things to your house? Who are your accomplices? How did you resell them?"

"Jia Zhang, Mrs. Jia Zhang is the deaf old lady's accomplice in reselling supplies. As fat as she is, she can easily carry not only one bag of white flour, but two bags of white flour. I really think she can carry it on her back." Fat women are for a living."

in the crowd.

There were several sounds of adding insult to injury.

I can't see the deaf old lady, but I can't see Jia Zhang either.


Just now, Yi Zhonghai was not mentioned in the bangs, otherwise they would have said the word Yi Zhonghai.

have to say.

Some small regrets.

Jia Zhang didn't care about pretending to be dead. She saw that the deaf old lady was also handcuffed like herself, and she saw that the deaf old lady admitted that she was reselling supplies.

Thought of nothing.

Just the same meaning.

You deaf old lady can die, but I, the Jia Zhang family, cannot die. If I, the Jia Zhang family, die, Qin Huairu will remarry, and my Jia family’s job will be gone.

I begged a few words to the deaf old lady.

"Old lady, because my wife is an orphan and a widower, it's not easy for me. The white-haired person gave the black-haired person a gift. You have to help me, old lady, and prove for me that I didn't participate in your reselling of supplies. Otherwise, I The Jia family is no longer the Jia family, old lady, help me."

The deaf old lady was really angry.

You, Mrs. Jia Zhang, are fine, but my deaf old lady is fine?

It's not the disgusting thing that Yi Zhonghai did, like half-pooping.

Change to usual.

No matter what, he had to wave his crutch and give Jia Zhang a lesson, but now because he was shackled and the crutch had not been taken out by the gold label, he could only suppress this idea in his heart.

With Mrs. Jia Zhang away from the Jia family, Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai will be more at home, and the deaf old lady will become more and more like an outsider.

And how this matter will end in the end.

The deaf old lady didn't have a specific plan.

But I knew I couldn't die inside.

For future pension and end-of-life issues, I leave it to Yi Zhonghai.

Jia Zhang is very important.

Nothing can happen.

So I decided to help Jia Zhang, because helping Jia Zhang is also helping the deaf old lady herself. The more people involved, the bigger and more serious the matter will be.

"Jia Zhang has nothing to do with this matter. Everyone in the neighborhood knows who Jia Zhang is. She specializes in cheating my teammates. I ask Jia Zhang to help me resell supplies. Is it possible?"

The deaf old lady turned her face and saw Qin Huairu, who was in a daze next to her.

His mood, which had calmed down a bit, suddenly became furious again.

Qin Huairu's shameless character is really similar to Yi Zhonghai. I won't let your mother-in-law go to jail, but you have such an ugly expression.

Who are you showing this expression to?

I really thought my old lady had taken advantage of your trick.

"Huairu, you are worried. Your mother-in-law is fine. If she participates, she participates. If she does not participate, she does not participate. My old lady will not insist on saying that a person who has not participated is a participant. Again, reselling supplies with Jia Zhang has nothing to do with it.”

"You mean no?" The folding fan in Jia Gui's hand pointed at the deaf old lady, "You are exonerating her accomplices. Jia Zhang was involved or not. We have to go back and try her. If she is innocent, we will let her go. , apologize to her, on the contrary, you have to go in for a while anyway."

People on the scene.

All dumbfounded.

I thought that Jia Zhang could escape, but she didn't expect that Jia Gui was superior and used the deaf old lady's reasons to excuse Jia Zhang to trick Jia Zhang in turn.


so amazing!

No one thought there was such a trick.

Seeing that the matter was settled, Huang Jinbiao was ready to escort the deaf old lady and Jia Zhang away.

Unexpectedly, the deaf old lady started to act evil.

The body suddenly swayed.

Jia Gui and Huang Jinbiao have met too many people like the deaf old lady.

A warning in advance.

"Old lady, are you about to faint? I didn't expect that your deaf old lady is still a genius. She can predict that she is going to faint in advance. To tell you the truth, we are not afraid. We have specialized doctors in the security department. I will definitely cure you of your problem of fainting whenever you want."

Speaking of which.

How can the deaf old lady still have the nerve to continue pretending to be faint?

I could only lower my head and follow him obediently. (End of chapter)

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