The noise in the courtyard.

It did not end with Jia Zhang and the deaf old lady being taken away by Huang Jinbiao and the others.

On the contrary, he was even more eager than before.

Neighbors who thought they had been deceived, consciously or unconsciously instigated by Liu Haizhong, gathered around Yi Zhonghai, denounced Yi Zhonghai, and asked Yi Zhonghai to use tricks to coerce the neighbors into offering wine and food to the deaf old man. Give me a reasonable explanation for my wife's matter.

The economic strength of every household is not relaxed.

In other words, Yi Zhonghai earns more.

However, Yi Zhonghai was reluctant to spend money and wanted to gain a good reputation. The courtyard ancestors were worshiped and served by the neighbors in the courtyard.

Not so many things were found in the deaf old lady's house, so the neighbors really didn't say anything.

The key point was that the deaf old lady had too many things in her home, which blinded the eyes of the neighbors present. The anger at being fooled was like an erupting volcano, exploding in an instant.

Yi Zhonghai no longer has the title of Chief Steward.

Just now, Liu Haizhong expressed his attitude of making decisions for the neighbors one by one.

In this case, if the neighbors still can't get out of their way, their wives won't let them go.

"Yi Zhonghai, Silly Zhu said that you are a hypocrite. We neighbors still don't believe it, but so many things were found in the deaf old lady's house. You are really a complete hypocrite. How do you explain it?"

"Don't fool us with the excuse that Yi Zhonghai doesn't know that the deaf old lady is reselling supplies. We are not three-year-old children. If we were deceived by you for a while, we will not be deceived by you for the rest of our lives."

"I finally understand you Yi Zhonghai. My aunt withheld Sha Zhu's living expenses and almost starved Sha Zhu and Yu Yu to death. You Yi Zhonghai didn't know about this. Liao Sangui embezzled Sha Zhu's salary and forced Sha Zhu to pick up garbage to support Yu Yu. You also said you didn’t know. If you say you don’t know now, who will believe you? Do you really think we are stupid? "

"Yi Zhonghai, if you don't give us a reasonable explanation for this matter, we will go to the street and the steel rolling mill and ask the leaders of the street and the steel rolling mill to give us a reasonable explanation. Why are we being allowed to eat? Are the hungry neighbors going to honor a rich old lady who has a savings of four to five thousand yuan? Yi Zhonghai, tell me, how do you feel at ease?"

Yi Zhonghai's body.

Inexplicably swaying on the spot.

But he still gritted his teeth and replied with five words.

"I really do not know."

He is different from the deaf old lady.

An old deaf woman is like a walking coffin, and she is not as familiar as a bad old woman who is about to die.

Knowing that the neighbors would look down on him, Yi Zhonghai still chose life as the most important thing when his life was at stake, with a sad expression on his face.

"I know you don't believe it, but I, Yi Zhonghai, will not deceive you about this matter. Think about it, think about it carefully. How big a sin is reselling materials, do I, Yi Zhonghai, dare? I, Yi Zhonghai, swear to God, absolutely not If I participate in the reselling of materials by the deaf old lady, I, Yi Zhonghai, will have no descendants, and I, Yi Zhonghai, will be extinct."

"If you, Yi Zhonghai, have no children or grandchildren, then you are deprived of your family? People like you don't deserve children! Do you have children? Who is your child?"

Qin Huairu hiding in the crowd.

Listen to this question.

Subconsciously feeling a little guilty, he couldn't help but shrink his neck and curl up his body as much as possible.

She suddenly lost the joy that Yi Zhonghai was her biological father. She also felt that Yi Zhonghai would not be her supporter in the courtyard and the steel rolling mill. She even thought that she would be in trouble because of the fact that she was Yi Zhonghai's daughter. The consequences of walking around in circles.

In an instant, Qin Huairu's mood changed from excitement to panic.

She worried she would also be greeted with fists by angry neighbors.

Qin Huairu is like this.

Jia Zhang is like this.

Jia Zhang, who originally wanted to say a few good words for Yi Zhonghai to gain Yi Zhonghai's favor and plan for Yi Zhonghai's family business, saw Yi Zhonghai being questioned by the neighbors about whether he was destitute, and immediately turned into a trembling quail. Hiding in the crowd, I didn't dare to take a breath.

"Kill this stupid bastard."

The figure of Yi Zhonghai.

Soon he was drowned in the angry crowd.

It is a typical situation of the poor helping the rich. They knew that the deaf old lady had no shortage of things, but they did not expect that the deaf old lady was so rich. Yi Zhonghai was the initiator of this matter, so the neighbors could only vent their anger on Yi Zhonghai.

In an era when a person's monthly salary was less than 30 yuan, the deaf old lady, who was regarded as a filial ancestor by everyone in the compound, had a pile of supplies at home and more than 4,000 yuan in cash.

Some people have never seen what it looks like to push a thousand dollars together in their entire lives.

The people in the compound were shocked.

He thinks that compared with the deaf old lady, he is the one in need who needs to be taken care of. I have seen five-guarantee households with more than 4,000 yuan in cash, and a family with meat and flour.

Only Yi Zhonghai, who was beaten, knew what was going on.

After decades of hard work, I finally accumulated more than 4,000 yuan in savings, but it was suddenly confiscated.

Where are you going to make sense?

There is no place to reason.

The money was Yi Zhonghai's last coffin book. He originally wanted to leave it to Qin Huairu, but now it was regarded as stolen money from the deaf old lady reselling supplies.

Thinking about it with my buttocks, I realized that there was no way I could get the money back.

The pain in Yi Zhonghai's heart reached the extreme level of depression. The pain in his body and the anxiety deep in his heart made him feel uneasy as if he was in a frying pan.

The neighbors were still beating and kicking Yi Zhonghai.

Yi Zhonghai received a severe beating.

If Liu Haizhong hadn't been worried that the neighbors would give Yi Zhonghai a bad name, so he protected Yi Zhonghai as the second uncle in charge, Yi Zhonghai would have had to go to the hospital for a while.

The more the neighbors fought, the more angry they became, and the more they wanted to beat the stubborn Yi Zhonghai. Even if they were pulled away, they would still keep swearing.

"Yi Zhonghai, you said that the deaf old lady has no children. You said that our courtyard is a civilized and harmonious courtyard, but we can't do things like depriving the whole family. When we improve our lives, we give the deaf old lady some food. As a result, the deaf old lady searched her home. With a deposit of more than 4,500 yuan, is this the ancestor of the courtyard that Yi Zhonghai asked us to honor?"

"More than four thousand five hundred yuan?"

Yan Fugui's voice was trembling.

As a veteran of the courtyard house, he knew what this money meant.

Absolutely astronomical figures.

Just now when Jia Gui and the others were searching for stolen money, Yan Fugui suddenly felt urgent to urinate and ran to the corner of the front yard to use the bedpan to relieve the problem.

I didn't know that I took out three thousand yuan from the flour bag and one thousand five hundred yuan from the old hen. I mistakenly thought that the deaf old lady only wanted supplies.

"Repay the stolen money? Old Liu, what's going on? Why so much money?"

"The comrades from the security department found more than 4,500 yuan in stolen money from the old deaf lady reselling supplies from the dough bag and the old hen." Liu Haizhong's voice had a somewhat unclear meaning, "The neighbors thought of what they had done before. Lao Yi asked them to respect the old lady, so he gave Lao Yi a good beating."

Only then did Yan Fugui notice Yi Zhonghai's bruised and swollen cheeks.

I sighed inwardly.

Do not live by sin.

It’s also strange.

I used to think that Yi Zhonghai was a good person, but now the more I look at him, the more he is not a good person. This is all a mess.

The ancestors are right, know people, know faces, but don’t know hearts.

Yi Zhonghai was so calculating that his cleverness was mistaken for him. Although he didn't know how the deaf old lady had so many things in her home, Yan Fugui confirmed that these things were more or less related to Yi Zhonghai. He pushed up his glasses that were about to slide down to the tip of his nose. Behind the lenses was his wise gaze.

on the surface.

This matter has nothing to do with Yi Zhonghai. Yi Zhonghai keeps saying that he doesn't know. In fact, it is definitely not that simple.

The more I think about what Yi Zhonghai just explained, the more mysteries become. Over the years, Yi Zhonghai and his wife have been living together with the deaf old lady. They have established their character by taking care of the deaf old lady, and they have given her some food from time to time. When you eat stew, you won’t forget the deaf old lady.

The neighbors all see it.

I have to go there every day to chat with the deaf old lady and have daily routines.

Yi Zhonghai knew what the deaf old lady had and didn't have at home.

Because it is impossible for so many things to fly around in a very short period of time. When Yi Zhonghai comes, he hides them, and when Yi Zhonghai leaves, he takes them out again.

Completely inconsistent with the logic of thinking!

It doesn’t make sense logically!

Look at Yi Zhonghai's unlucky face again.

"Those things shouldn't belong to Yi Zhonghai's family, right?"

Yan Fugui gradually figured it out.

He heard about what happened during the day yesterday. From Yi Zhonghai's perspective, he must take action. He came back late at night. No one in the courtyard except the deaf old lady believed that Qin Huairu was Yi Zhonghai's daughter. , but Jia Zhang is an unstable bomb. After much thought, he can only put things on the deaf old lady.

So Yi Zhonghai smuggled these things into the deaf old lady's house at night, thinking that the deaf old lady was a five-guarantee household and the ancestor of the courtyard house. No one would casually doubt the deaf old lady, let alone go to the deaf old lady. Search the old lady's house.

The perfect plan ended up unexpectedly.

No one expected that the first person to arrive at the courtyard was not Li Yujie who divided Yi Zhonghai's property, but Jia Gui and Huang Jinbiao who arrested the deaf old lady.

They regarded the supplies and money that Yi Zhonghai had moved to the deaf old lady's house overnight as evidence that the deaf old lady was reselling supplies. However, Yi Zhonghai was still unable to tell the truth about this matter.

In an instant, it turned into a situation where the yellow mud fell off the crotch, it was not just shit, it was still shit.

People are not as good as the sky.

Yan Fugui murmured this, and then sighed towards Yi Zhonghai.

"Lao Yi, you are just bullying me. The deaf old lady is so rich, and you still ask the neighbors to give some to the deaf old lady when they improve their lives."

"That's right, it's such a bully. With so much money and so many things at home, we, the neighbors who can't even have enough to eat, are allowed to serve the deaf old lady with wine and food. This deaf old lady is better than The landowners and wives back then were hateful.”


Silly Zhu did not follow the neighbors to the backyard to watch the fun. The moment Jia Gui and Huang Jinbiao appeared in the courtyard, he was a little big-headed.

When outsiders were still wondering whether the deaf old lady was reselling supplies, Si Zhu already knew that this was a fact.

Why are you so determined?

It's because Silly Zhu is considered a participant in the deaf old lady's reselling of supplies.

How can an old lady with small feet and limited mobility resell supplies?

Silly column carries it on his back.

It was also his fault that he listened to Yi Zhonghai's words, saying that the deaf old lady was the Dinghai Shenzhen of the courtyard, and being able to help the deaf old lady with things was a blessing that Silly Zhushang had cultivated throughout his life.

I mistakenly believed Yi Zhonghai's lies.

I did something that set me on fire.

Pull out the radish and bring out the mud.

The old deaf lady was arrested, so he probably wouldn't be able to escape from this matter.

Hiding at home, I was thinking of ways to solve this matter.

Think about it.

There is really no good way.

Mainly I am worried about my family's safety and future.

Now Shazhu is not in a situation where one person has enough to eat and the whole family is not hungry. He married a daughter-in-law, Li Xiuzhi, who is very virtuous. She also relies on her own efforts to become a clerk in the street. If it is confirmed that Shazhu helps the deaf old man With his wife's identity as an accomplice in reselling supplies, Li Xiuzhi's job as a street clerk was probably ruined.

As for the future of Yuyu, Shazhu must also consider it.

Having read the script of "Qin Man", he knew that He Yuyu was almost rejected by his husband's family because of his reputation as a chicken thief for helping Bang Gang. He Yuyu, who was originally a leader in the textile factory, also suffered from this incident. The work was delegated to the front-line workshops, which were the hardest and most tiring.

Reselling supplies is much bigger than chicken thieves.

Rainwater is a college student again.

If you are involved in this incident, you will be expelled from school.

Silly Zhu couldn't even imagine how the rain would react. He had seen examples of this. Some people ended their lives out of thought.

Li Xiuzhi's future needs to be considered.

He Yuyu’s future must also be considered.

The heavy burden fell on Silly Zhu.

For the first time, the desire to kill Yi Zhonghai arose. Yi Zhonghai was so stupid. If it weren't for him, he wouldn't be sitting on the wax like this. Such a disgusting person shouldn't live in the world.



Qin Huairu felt helpless.

Don't know what to do.

Because those neighbors who scolded Yi Zhonghai suddenly thought of Qin Huairu, and out of love for Wujiwu, they also scolded Qin Huairu.

Some people also want to beat Qin Huairu.

Jia Zhang finally did what a mother-in-law should do, protected Qin Huairu, and slapped her face several times for Qin Huairu.

Qin Huairu cried.

Jia Zhang's beating touched her most sad weakness, which made Qin Huairu no longer have the need to act, and she cried like rain.

She is trying her best to create the image of a weak woman.


A woman's greatest weapon.

The tears of a beautiful woman are even more powerful. They can stimulate the man's instinct to care for women to the greatest extent.

In the script, why is Shazhu so controlled by Qin Huairu?

The answer is here.

Qin Huairu knows when to cry and when not to cry. Plus, she looks good, so when she cries, she gives people the impression of a pear blossom with rain.


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