Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 380 Yi Zhonghai is at the end of his rope

Qin Huairu was sobbing.

Director Jia finally appeared with the street staff, followed by Li Yujie and several others.

Looking at the belated unofficial protagonist, Yi Zhonghai couldn't help but feel a little bit of complaint in his heart, couldn't he have come earlier?

Come early, deal with Yi Zhonghai's matter early, find a way to trick the neighbors away, and get the deaf old lady's things back to her own house, so there will be no consequences of being confiscated.

One wrong move.

Step by step.

His throat suddenly felt hot, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

But Yi Zhonghairen did not faint.

He stared at those people with a pair of confused eyes, and suddenly wanted to howl loudly. Unfortunately, his mouth seemed to be covered by an invisible big hand, and even a slight humming sound could not escape from him. Flying out of the mouth.

Nothing to say.

Some, there is only endless abjection and desolation.

Yi Zhonghai didn't know when he became so unlucky.

He shook off the bangs that were trying to support him, and stepped towards Director Jia and the others.

The matter of the deaf old lady has been settled, and there is no need to be sad for the things that are destined to be lost. Yi Zhonghai has to consider the things at hand.

"What's going on? Who was beaten?"

Director Jia pointed to the scar on Yi Zhonghai's face.

I really didn’t mean to be late.

It was just something that delayed me, so I didn't catch up with the wonderful drama of the deaf old lady.

Yi Zhonghai also wanted to cover up for the deaf old lady, but Liu Haizhong, who couldn't speak well but wanted to be an official, took it as an opportunity to flatter Director Jia and told the story of what happened in the courtyard just now. I told Director Jia again.

At first, Director Jia's face was not very cold.

As Liu Haizhong spoke, his face became colder and colder.

An old lady from a five-guarantee household in the jurisdiction was reselling supplies. The security department confiscated nine kilograms of pork, twelve kilograms of lamb legs, thirteen kilograms of pork bones, two kilograms of beef, three whole chickens, and two barrels of cooking oil from her home. Ten kilograms, one hundred and fifty kilograms of white flour, one hundred and thirty-five kilograms of rice, sixty kilograms of millet, and thirty-five kilograms of stick noodles. In addition, they found a huge sum of three thousand yuan hidden in the white flour by the deaf old lady and the money hidden in the old mother's house. There was more than fifteen hundred loose coins in the chicken's belly.

Director Jia’s heart.

Wow, so cool.

Although some things were caused by her ex, for such a big thing, we have to say that she has no responsibility. Why was it not discovered by the street but by the security department?

This is malfeasance.

The future is clouded.

He gasped for breath, and his chest ached with anger.

There are really many things going on in the courtyard. The deaf old lady resells supplies and is called the richest man in the courtyard. The former steward Yi Zhonghai also coerces and induces the neighbors to treat the deaf old lady as an ancestor's offering. Whose family improves their lives and does not give the deaf old lady money? Mrs. Duandian was a disrespectful act and would be repeatedly picked upon by Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady. The angry neighbors beat Yi Zhonghai after learning the true nature of the deaf old lady's reselling of supplies.

Yi Zhonghai's bruised and swollen cheeks were proof that he had been beaten.

He pointed at Yi Zhonghai's forehead.

I don’t know what to say either.

He turned around and gave instructions to a street worker, who then walked towards the backyard carrying the paste and hemp paper seals.

You can guess with your toes what they are going to do.

There is no other explanation other than sealing the house of the deaf old lady.


The deaf old lady’s five-guarantee household is about to be cancelled.

It's simply a delight.

The shouting voice flew out from the mouths of the surrounding neighbors, and was also mixed with modifications such as Qingtian. Even the well-informed Director Jia was also off guard.

She didn't want to say anything, so she scolded Yi Zhonghai a few times.

"Yi Zhonghai, listen, listen to what the neighbors are saying. This is all a good thing that you, Yi Zhonghai, have done. What do you want to do? Be the local emperor of the courtyard? The neighbors are forced to shout "Qingtian is coming, Yi Zhonghai" Zhonghai!”


Yi Zhonghai spat out another mouthful of blood.

It’s different from just now.

This time I really felt a little dizzy.

The local emperor's accusation was not a responsibility that Yi Zhonghai could afford.

Words that are heart-wrenching to kill.

resounded in Yi Zhonghai's ears.

"Director Jia, let me tell you, Yi Zhonghai is a complete hypocrite. He looks decent and human, but he is actually a beast in human skin. He wants to gain a good reputation in the name of taking care of the lonely elderly. , I was not willing to spend money, so I tricked the neighbors into helping support the deaf old lady. The neighbors paid for the supplies. Yi Zhonghai had a good reputation. My sister was ruined by despicable people like Yi Zhonghai."

Li Yujie really hated Yi Zhonghai to the extreme.

The words stabbed Yi Zhonghai's lungs hard.

"You saw it just now. In less than ten minutes since we entered the courtyard, Yi Zhonghai vomited two mouthfuls of blood. This was not blood. This was a trick he used on the donkey under the slope. The next step was to pretend to be faint and faint. We have to go to the hospital anyway. What if we stay in the hospital for a few days and the doctor says we can't talk or see outsiders, will our affairs still be handled? "

Speaking of which.

Yi Zhonghai was also speechless. He was not pretending to be dizzy, he was really struck by that top-heavy feeling.

The body swayed.

Li Yujie pointed at Yi Zhonghai and said, "Have you seen it? This is still an acting school. I don't know how many people have been deceived by him. In our hometown, a basin of cold water is poured on the head, and it is guaranteed to be alive and dancing. stand up."

There are really people cheering.

Went to get some cold water.

Director Jia stopped him.

He asked Yi Zhonghai.

"Yi Zhonghai, are you okay now? If you have something, go to the hospital. But regarding the matter between you and Li Yujie, we will notify your security department and handle it under the supervision of your security department."

There is no explanation in the following sentences.

Yi Zhonghai smiled and agreed.

In the end, he didn't agree.

"Director Jia, I'm fine. I just didn't sleep well last night and am a little weak. I think I can still hold on and I can't delay your business, Director Jia."

Liu Haizhong cursed a few times for being shameless.

Do you really think he can't hear the flattering meaning in Yi Zhonghai's words?

It's already this time, I've become a sieve, and I'm still dreaming.

Think of something good.

This unbeatable Xiaoqiang spirit made Liu Haizhong a little wary, and he greeted a few neighbors and said that they would help count things together.

Director Jia refused, so he brought four or five people over because he was worried that the neighbors in the courtyard would be angry at Yi Zhonghai's actions and do some small plots in private.

Under Director Jia's intentional actions, street staff entered Yi Zhonghai's home. Everywhere you look.

He looked downright desolate.

The eldest mother had only died a few days ago, and the atmosphere in Yi Zhonghai's family suddenly became different.

In front of Yi Zhonghai, he rummaged through the boxes and cabinets to find them.

Yesterday, I found the relevant laws and regulations on the street. When the mother died, Li Yujie sought a donation for the mother as her brother-in-law. It was legally feasible.


Mrs. Jia Zhang hid in Jia's house, pressing her big face against the glass, looking across the glass at Yi Zhonghai's house diagonally opposite.

Unlike Liu Haizhong, who knew that Yi Zhonghai had nothing now, Jia Zhang still had certain illusions about Yi Zhonghai.

I cursed in my heart.

This is all their Jia family's money.

Just like that, they were separated.

Want to go out and have fun.

But dare not.

The street director asked Jia and Zhang to give him a hundred courage in front of him, but Jia and Zhang didn't dare to do it. She knew who she could afford to offend and who she couldn't.

The depression in my heart.

I don’t know how to describe it.


"What, just a little bit?"

Director Jia frowned.

A look of disbelief.

Under the leadership of Yi Zhonghai, a total of one hundred and thirty-eight yuan and more than ten kilograms of stick noodles were found from Yi Zhonghai's house. According to Yi Zhonghai's explanation, this was the entire savings of the Yi family over the years.

Add a zero at the end.

All a little less.

Yi Zhonghai said that his entire net worth was only one hundred and thirty-eight six yuan.

Who believes?

No one present believed it.

Except bangs.

"Yi Zhonghai, we had a good discussion in the street yesterday. Li Yujie made a request for a half share. In the end, with the negotiation of the street, it became a one-third share. You also agreed to the coordination of the street. You are like this What kind of attitude? There are no children, no burdens, and the old lady in the backyard resells supplies and earns more than 4,000 yuan and less than 5,000 yuan. Don't say that you spent the money on the deaf old lady. If you really say that, things will be terrible. Seriously, I mean, do you understand?”

Of course Yi Zhonghai understands.

The key is that he has no money.

You can't lend money and give money away.

"Director Jia, Yi Zhonghai is dishonest. An eighth-level worker with a one-and-a-half-year prerequisite earns a salary of ninety-nine yuan a month and a hundred yuan a month. In one and a half years, he will earn at least seventeen or eight hundred yuan. Now Taking one hundred thirty-eight and six yuan and saying it is his entire net worth, this is no joke."

"Yi Zhonghai, I'll give you five minutes to think about it. Hurry up and hand over the money at the price we agreed on on the street yesterday afternoon, two thousand six hundred yuan. The rest of you, all come out with me. In five minutes , either you go out, or we come in, if you still can’t get the money, I will notify your steel rolling mill directly.”

"Lao Yi, don't hold on. You should give these two thousand six hundred yuan to others. Although Auntie is gone, this is the time when Auntie was alive. We must fulfill the promise we made to others. .”

Yi Zhonghai's embarrassment was visible in his bangs.

I feel happy.

He said a few words of comfort.

He finally figured out that Yi Zhonghai really had no money. He might have some money, but he just didn't want to take it out, so he deliberately mentioned it a few times.

Unexpectedly, Yi Zhonghai did not follow the routine and replied that it would be good to find a steel rolling mill.

All the parties involved said so.

Director Jia could only follow the procedures and send a letter to ask someone from the steel rolling mill to assist. Finally, under the leadership of a deputy section chief of the security department of the steel rolling mill, the matter was successfully completed.

The steel rolling mill paid more than 2,400 yuan on behalf of Yizhonghai. Together with more than 130 yuan from Yi Zhonghai, it was enough to give Li Yujie 2,660 yuan.

It will be slowly deducted from Yi Zhonghai's future salary.

Jia Zhang, who was hiding in Jia's house, also ran out of Jia's house when Yi Zhonghai gave Li Yujie the money. She stared at Li Yujie with a pair of gloomy eyes, envious and jealous, and the resentment in her heart was beyond words. You know how to describe it, this is her Jia family's money.

Perhaps because he saw Jia Zhang looking at him gloomily, Li Yujie, who had received the money, shook his head towards Jia Zhang and yelled something dirty.

It kind of reminded Director Jia.

When he was about to leave, he deliberately took a step slowly. When the people from the security department of the steel rolling mill and Li Yujie left one after another, he turned his head and looked at Jia Zhang and Mrs. Jia who were standing still, through the bangs behind his butt. Yi Zhonghai and the two shouted loudly.

"Ms. Jia Zhang, Yi Zhonghai, you two hurry up and file a marriage application for me. After I approve it, you two go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get the certificate."

Yi Zhonghai, who was so immersed in the state of losing money, belongings and humiliation, didn't even pay attention to Director Jia's incident, and subconsciously nodded his head.

But Jia Zhang is different.

When she heard that Director Jia asked her to write an application to marry Yi Zhonghai, her eyes suddenly widened.

What a thing.

I married Yi Zhonghai.

What kind of marriage?

I'm arguing with Yi Zhonghai, what should our old man do?

Then he shook his head.

Director Jia was stunned. Yi Zhonghai agreed to marry Jia Zhang, but Jia Zhang did not agree to marry Yi Zhonghai. Since she did not agree to marry Yi Zhonghai, why would Mao sew pants for Yi Zhonghai?

"Ms. Jia Zhang, I'll tell you what I told you again. Since you don't agree to remarry Yi Zhonghai, how do you explain yesterday's pants? Which neighbor can help sew pants? Your household registration is not there Street, understand what I mean, think about the good or bad, think about it yourself, give it half a month to think about it."


Pat your butt and leave.

The courtyard and the neighbors were left covered in feathers.

Endless gossip spread among the neighbors.

"Is the matter between Yi Zhonghai and Jia Zhang really true?"

"It must be true. Didn't you hear what Director Jia said just now? He asked Yi Zhonghai and Jia Zhang to apply for marriage so that he can help with the certification."

"The Jia family is the first of its kind for old widows to remarry. If I'm not afraid of jokes, I always thought that the widow who remarried first was Qin Huairu, but it turned out that the widow who remarried first was Jia Zhang."

"You think that if Jia Zhang and Yi Zhonghai really get married, how will they be buried together in the future?"

"Yi Zhonghai and Yi Ma, Lao Jia and Jia Zhang."

"Yi Zhonghai was not involved in Auntie's death. I heard that Li Yujie took Auntie's ashes away."

"According to this, Yi Zhonghai will be buried with Jia and Zhang in the future? What should old Jia do?"

"Who knows, just take a step and see."

"What are you talking about? One moment old Jia is buried together, and another moment Yi Zhonghai is buried together, it has nothing to do with us. I think, if Yi Zhonghai and Jia Zhang are getting married, will they have a banquet? I won't hide it from you. He said, "I haven't eaten meat for more than two years. I once dreamed about eating at a banquet, and I was so greedy that as soon as I sat down on the stool, I was kicked awake by our dead ghost." (End of this chapter)

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