Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 386 The deaf old lady disagrees with Yi Zhonghai marrying Jia Zhang

Feeling aggrieved, Mrs. Jia Zhang covered her beaten face with her hands and returned to Jia's house.

Behind her was Qin Huairu, who had just entered the hospital.

Qin Huairu didn't see the scene where Yi Zhonghai beat Jia Zhang's family. When she entered Jia's house, she saw that the left side of Jia Zhang's cheek looked like a pig's head through the faint light in the house.

I felt a little sad in my heart.

"Mom, what are you doing?"

Mainly she wanted to show her concern for Jia Zhang, but she didn't expect that her inquiry would make Jia Zhang instantly think of the relationship between Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai.

He walked up to Qin Huairu and slapped Qin Huairu twice without saying a word.

You Yi Zhonghai hit me.

I will beat your daughter, Yi Zhonghai.

Only Qin Huairu was injured.

The widow did not dare to resist and went to cook honestly.

Dinner is sorghum rice porridge and stick noodle steamed buns.

After dinner, they served Mrs. Jia Zhang to eat and drink first. When Mrs. Jia Zhang was full, Qin Huairu kindly asked for a favor from Mrs. Jia Zhang and left Jia's house with a bowl of sorghum rice porridge and two stick noodles steamed buns. , sent to Yi Zhonghai.


Yi Zhonghai, who was being looked at by a bunch of old ladies, was very angry. He didn't want to eat, but he was full of anger.

But because this meal was brought by my daughter.

That kind of contradictory emotions occupied his heart, especially when he saw Qin Huairu's cheeks were red. He could guess who hit Qin Huairu with his toes.

I was so angry that I wanted to talk to Jia Zhang on the spot.

Beat my daughter.

what you up to.

The moment I was about to leave, I thought of something, and like a deflated balloon, it suddenly became wilted.

Qin Huairu also felt disappointed. At that time, she really expected Yi Zhonghai to stand up for her, and she was also thinking about how she could persuade Yi Zhonghai and how she could smooth things over in front of the neighbors.

The result is the result.


He told Yi Zhonghai, "Eat while it's hot," and left Yi Zhonghai's house.

Yi Zhonghai saw that Qin Huairu was not very happy, but he didn't say anything. He was gnawing on cornbread, drinking sorghum rice porridge, and thinking about today's events.

The matter of watching melons has become a thing of the past.

Life must go on.



Deaf old lady's house.

Although the doors and windows of every house were closed, the smell of rice still followed the air, penetrated into the deaf old lady's house, and flew into the deaf old lady's nasal cavity.

Didn't eat lunch.

My stomach was growling with hunger.

I could smell the smell of eating in every household again.

The formula that one plus one is greater than two was instantly established.

The Wuzang Temple issued a strong protest.

Finally, I couldn't hold it any longer, so I got off the bed, found a stick, and walked outside with the stick in my hand.

Her crutch was broken in two by Jia Zhang because she smashed the glass of Jia's house at night. Yi Zhonghai did not buy her a new crutch. The deaf old lady had no choice but to find it. A stick was used as a crutch. The feeling in the hand was not very good. It was not as smooth as the previous crutch. Moreover, the burrs of the stick made bloody cuts in the jaw part of the hand, and the blood continued to flow.

Standing in the courtyard.

The deaf old lady looked at the people around her, thinking that those people had seen her, so she couldn't pretend not to see her. As long as the other party said hello, the deaf old lady would go to their house to eat.

But I didn't expect that the neighbors in the backyard regarded the deaf old lady as nothing, pretending they couldn't see her.

The most wicked person is Xu Damao.

When I saw the old deaf lady standing in the courtyard like a wooden person, I knew that the old deaf lady was no longer what she used to be. The old deaf lady who had no one to take care of her looked like shit.

Whoever sticks to it will be unlucky.

He deliberately stuffed the white flour bun in his hand into his mouth, chewed it a few times, and swallowed it in his stomach on the ground in front of the deaf old lady.

I was in a hurry to eat.

Coughed a few times.

"Ahem, cough, hey, this white flour steamed bun is really good. Old lady, you are taking a walk after eating. It's not me, Xu Damao, who told you that if you want to live a long life, you can't just walk around. See Which bastard is dead? Why do you say that bastard can live for more than a hundred years? It’s because the bastard is motionless all day long.”

The deaf old lady rolled her eyes at Xu Damao.

Suddenly he didn't want to deal with Xu Damao.

She couldn't afford to offend Xu Damao.

The deaf old lady without the blessing of being a five-guarantee household is nothing but Xu Damao, who is a wicked person to the core.

I was worried that Xu Damao would smash the glass at night.

Stepping on his little feet, he walked forward tremblingly.

Arrived at the middle school.

The deaf old lady's eyes immediately fell on Shazhu's house. Among all the people in the courtyard, Shazhu's house was the largest, and Shazhu and his wife both had jobs.

Both couples make money and have their own quotas.

If you take care of her deaf old lady, her deaf old lady's life must be very good.


Silly Zhu and his wife ignored her, and the deaf old lady couldn't force Silly Zhu and his wife to serve her. Regarding the matter of reselling supplies, Silly Zhu and his wife had a hundred reasons to draw a clear line with the deaf old lady.

He sighed.

Entered Yi Zhonghai's house.

Seeing that Yi Zhonghai didn't turn on the light, he helped Yi Zhonghai turn on the light.

The moment the lights came on, the deaf old lady's sharp eyes saw the sorghum rice porridge bowl and wowo head plate placed by Yi Zhonghai on the table, and she couldn't help but lick her chapped lips.

Empty bowl.

Empty plate.

Yi Zhonghai must have eaten it himself.

There was a bit of resentment in my heart. My old lady is the one who lives with you, Yi Zhonghai, after all. After dinner, you, Yi Zhonghai, ignored my old lady's life and death.

Is there a Yi Zhonghai like you?

I found a stool to sit on, and sat down on it with my butt heavy.

"Zhong Hai, my old lady wants to talk to you."

Seeing Yi Zhonghai frowning and looking worried, the deaf old lady changed the topic and asked about the reason for Yi Zhonghai's bad mood.

"You are thoughtful, tell my old lady."

Yi Zhonghai ignored the deaf old lady.

say what.

Said that I was stripped naked by a bunch of old ladies.

She couldn't afford to lose this person.


"Are you okay?"

"When I say it's okay, it's okay. Old lady, I'm fine. It's okay."

Yi Zhonghai shouted.

The tone of her voice was so hoarse that the deaf old lady was stunned.

I don't understand what happened to Yi Zhonghai.


Silly Zhu, who was waiting for Li Xiuzhi to eat, was stunned for a moment when he heard this.

He just saw the scene of the deaf old lady standing in the middle courtyard staring at his home, and also witnessed the entire process of the deaf old lady entering Yi Zhonghai's house.

According to the instructions in the script of "Qin Man".

The deaf old lady and Yi Zhonghai were two people who worked together in collusion. One became the moral god of the courtyard by taking care of the helpless old lady, and the other became the big man who ran rampant in the courtyard through Yi Zhonghai's care. The ancestors of the courtyard.

I never thought that the two of them would fall out.


Yi Zhonghai was watched over and over again by a bunch of old ladies. It was when he was in a bad mood that he didn't see Jia and Zhang being slapped by Yi Zhonghai.

At this time, you, the deaf old lady, approached Yi Zhonghai. scolded.

Deserve it.

Purely self-inflicted.

He couldn't help but sigh, and a helpless expression appeared on his face.

Li Xiuzhi looked at Shazhu and frowned slightly.

Silly Zhu was also caught by Li Xiuzhi. Looking at Li Xiuzhi's expression, he knew that Li Xiuzhi was asking him to confess. He was busy pouring beans and explained the ins and outs of the matter to Li Xiuzhi.

There was a "pop" sound.

The rice in Li Xiuzhi's mouth sprayed onto Silly Zhu's face like a fountain.

Silly Zhu wiped a handful of rice grains from his face with his hand.

This wife.

Fortunately, I got married.

If this happens during a blind date, it probably won't work.

"Yi Zhonghai was looked down upon? I asked why Jia Zhang was slapped. I thought the two had a conflict and the co-authorship was because of this incident."


The deaf old lady analyzed from Yi Zhonghai's tone that Yi Zhonghai was not in a good mood, but she did not think about it elsewhere, mistakenly thinking that Yi Zhonghai was because of the confiscated materials and money.

In the eyes of outsiders, this is all money and things from a deaf old lady reselling supplies.

But in the eyes of the parties involved, this was clearly Yi Zhonghai's savings.

The deaf old lady also knew that Yi Zhonghai had completely crossed over. After decades of hard work, he suddenly ended up with nothing.

If it were her, a deaf old lady, she would be like Yi Zhonghai, in an extremely bad mood.

Then I wanted to comfort Yi Zhonghai.

"Zhonghai, I know you are in a bad mood, but things have already happened. It won't help if we continue to dwell on it. My old lady means that we must look forward. In the courtyard and the steel rolling mill, I want to see you Yi Yi There are many people who laugh at Zhonghai, but we cannot let them see the joke."

Yi Zhonghai glanced at the deaf old lady.

Continue to lie down.

He really didn't want to talk to the deaf old lady.

"Zhong Hai, my old lady came to see you tonight just to talk about your affairs."

Yi Zhonghai turned over and pointed his butt at the deaf old lady.

The deaf old lady was not angry with Yi Zhonghai because of his unreasonable behavior.

In the courtyard.

Only Yi Zhonghai can provide for her until her death.

other people.

Can't count on it at all.

"Yu Lan is gone. You are alone now. I want to talk about your affairs. You can't live alone like this. It's really not possible without a woman in the family. This sewing business must be done by women. "

Yi Zhonghai was even more confused.

He suddenly thought of the pair of trousers with Jia's name on them.

Now these pants are still on Yi Zhonghai.

I am embarrassed today because of these pants.

"Can you please stop talking?"

Yi Zhonghai sat up straight, said something to the deaf old lady, and then turned his body into a lying position.

"Zhong Hai, there are some things that you have to face. My old lady just wants to ask you a question. Do you want to marry a future wife? Just tell me and my old lady will help you."

Deaf old lady means.

Anyone can marry Yi Zhonghai.

Only Jia and Zhang could not do it.

Just like what Jia and Zhang did, marrying Yi Zhonghai, the deaf old lady would not have a good life. Banggan, Xiaodang, and Sophora japonica are not good things.

"During this period, I have finally understood that Mrs. Jia Zhang has not been kind to you. From the second day after Yulan's accident, Mrs. Jia Zhang has been trying to make ends meet, either cleaning your house or mending your clothes. , the neighbors in the courtyard say that the two of you are hooking up together. My old lady knows that you two have nothing to do with each other, but those people outside don’t know, and they even made conspiracy theories. This is not good for you. Yi Zhonghai’s reputation is a big challenge.”

Change of tone.

Speak out your attitude.

"Anyway, my old lady doesn't agree with the matter between you two. You can marry anyone, but you can't marry Jia Zhang. Qin Huairu is your daughter. If you marry Jia Zhang, do you want Qin Huairu to call you daddy? I'll give it to you. Go ahead and find a woman who is worthy of you in every aspect, Jia Zhang is not worthy of you."

The belly of the deaf old lady.

He shouted in frustration.

It kept screaming.

"Zhong Hai, is there anything to eat?"



The deaf old lady didn't say anything. She walked out of Yi Zhonghai's house with a cane and walked toward Sha Zhu's house. After walking a few steps, she heard the sound of the door being closed.

He knew that Shazhu didn't want to see him.

He turned and walked towards the front yard.

No matter what, you have to have a meal in the courtyard.



Liu Haizhongjia.

After dinner.

It's rare that he didn't beat up two unfilial sons.

Mainly because Liu Haizhong was thinking about things. Today's incident of Yi Zhonghai looking at melons finally put an end to Liu Haizhong's thoughts. The incident of the deaf old lady reselling supplies a few days ago made Liu Haizhong's heart completely fall to the ground.

The disgraced Yi Zhonghai and the notorious deaf old lady were tied together and no longer posed a threat to Liu Haizhong.

What Liu Haizhong has to do now is how to show off his majesty.

He is planning a compound meeting, a compound meeting where he can show off himself.

More important things.

It was Liu Haizhong who wanted to use this incident to trample on Yi Zhonghai's face.

Whether Yi Zhonghai has money or not, Liu Haizhong knows best. In the eyes of outsiders, Yi Zhonghai, who earns ninety-nine yuan a month, is actually nothing.

Today is daytime.

Liu Haizhong met a colleague from the finance department of the steel rolling mill and learned from this colleague that Yi Zhonghai only made more than ten yuan a month.

The remaining money was either due to mistakes made by Yi Zhonghai and was assessed, or was deducted by the steel rolling mill for some reason.

Money to buy Qin Huairu's work quota.

Still holding it.

Li Yujie divided Yi Zhonghai's family property because Yi Zhonghai brought the things to the deaf old lady's house overnight and was unable to take them out in the end.

Paid by the steel rolling mill.

The remaining matters also deducted Yi Zhonghai's salary.

After all, Yi Zhonghai, who earns ninety-nine yuan a month, will only get thirteen or four yuan when he is exhausted, which will last almost ten years.

In the past, Yi Zhonghai donated money and materials to the Jia family. Relying on his own money, he often spent twenty or thirty yuan at a time. The most excessive time was when Yi Zhonghai took the lead and donated fifty yuan.

Liu Haizhong is the second boss in charge, and he has always been at odds with Yi Zhonghai.

Yi Zhonghai donated twenty or thirty yuan, but he still had to come up with a similar amount.

This tone.

It has to come out no matter what.

"Guangtian, Guangfu."

The two brothers whose names were called.

His body trembled subconsciously.

"You go and inform the neighbors, just like I said in Liu Haizhong, there will be a hospital-wide meeting at eight o'clock in the evening, so that the neighbors can attend on time."

The two brothers got the order.

Ran out of Liu's house. (End of chapter)

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