Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 387: Courtyard Meeting, Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai were embarrassed


Since there was no means of entertainment, the neighbors who had nothing to do after dinner used the compound meeting as a prop to pass their time.

I heard that there was going to be a courtyard meeting, and with the intention of watching the excitement, the middle courtyard was filled with people in a blink of an eye.

With Yi Zhonghai's reputation being ruined, the neighbors no longer have any resistance to the compound meeting. At least Liu Haizhong will not force them to donate money and materials to the Jia family.

And he also knew what was going to be discussed in today’s compound meeting.

No one in the neighborhood knows about the conflict between Liu Haizhong and Yi Zhonghai.

Less than three minutes to go.

More than a hundred neighbors from the front, middle and back courtyards were all crowded into the middle courtyard.

Even the deaf old lady, who never attended very often, made an exception to attend today.

I also found myself a stool.

But as soon as his butt touched the stool, Liu Haizhong glared and roared at the deaf old lady.

"Who asked you to sit down? You were a five-guarantee household before. For the sake of your five-guarantee household, you were asked to sit and attend the general meeting of the hospital. Now you are no longer a five-guarantee household, and you are still a criminal old lady who resells supplies. What are you doing sitting down?”

Brothers Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu moved the stool from under the deaf old lady's buttocks with great discernment.

This is also the first time in so many years that the deaf old lady has attended the compound meeting standing up.

The mood is a little heavy.

But the mood of the surrounding neighbors was somewhat cheerful.

Deserve it.

Let me show you the genealogy of the ancestors of the courtyard.

This is how I have to deal with it.

After cleaning up the deaf old lady, Liu Haizhong looked around at the neighbors present and spoke slowly: "Everyone is here. We are having a meeting now. The matter is not big. There are two things in total."

He raised three fingers on his right hand.

It made the neighbors laugh inwardly.

"The first thing, some neighbors know, some neighbors don't know, I was going to the toilet at that time and heard someone making a noise. This is wrong. You can't spread rumors casually. Yi Zhonghai was looked at in the ninth workshop today. Neighbors should stop talking about it, and don't say that Yi Zhonghai's pants have a patch with the word "Jia" on them. Yi Zhonghai is a bachelor now, and Jia Zhang is a widow. It's reasonable and reasonable, don't spread rumors."

Only then did the deaf old lady realize that she had misunderstood Yi Zhonghai.

Co-author Yi Zhonghai is worried that he is being underestimated.

Suddenly I didn't know what to say.

Such a big man is still an eighth-level worker, but he is looked down upon.


I thought it was a rumor, but I saw Yi Zhonghai's shy face.

shook his head.

He sighed.

Feeling that he must speed up the pace of recruiting Yi Zhonghai, Yi Zhonghai is already wearing pants with the word "Jia" written on them.

"Now let's talk about the second thing. The current situation is not very easy for the neighbors. Every household does not have enough to eat. There is a shortage of food and supplies. This is the theme of our meeting today. I heard Director Jia from the street say , saying that some places have been without food for a long time, and people there can’t even dig wild vegetables. The streets have launched an activity to donate love. I think that when other places encounter difficulties, we should extend our hands appropriately. There’s no harm in it.”


Some vocabulary.

I couldn't express it, so I told it in my own words.

"Neighbors all know that our courtyard is a civilized courtyard, and it is ranked among the top courtyards in the street. However, because of some people, our courtyard has lost its advanced status. I will not mention the name here."

Who is here.

Naturally, he was referring to Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady.

"Although the lives of our neighbors are also very difficult, compared with those people, we can still do well. At least we don't have to dig wild vegetables. I propose to organize a donation event. There are no mandatory requirements. How much can be donated? Just donate as much as you want, and the third uncle will be responsible for recording the names and sending the donation and list of our courtyard to the street tomorrow."

It's different from Yi Zhonghai donating money and materials to the Jia family.

For Liu Haizhong's proposal.

The neighbors really agreed.

A difficult one, P Plus support.

And this is a matter of honor for each company.

I didn't hear Liu Haizhong say that he would also include the name of the donor.

"As the second uncle in charge, I will donate 20 yuan." Liu Haizhong took out 20 yuan and warned the neighbors worriedly, "Donate appropriately according to your ability, but you can't donate here. Donating money and leaving your own children hungry is not allowed to happen."

Silly Zhu looked at Li Xiuzhi.

Li Xiuzhi nodded angrily.

I knew that Liu Haizhong's words spoke to Li Xiuzhi's heart.

The same was said in Shazhu's heart.

Although Liu Haizhong was not highly educated, his words were more acceptable to the neighbors than what Yi Zhonghai said.

Yi Zhonghai is used to playing tricks. For the sake of the Jia family, he has tried to trick you in all aspects of morality. He wishes you could give all your money to the Jia family.

What Si Zhu can't figure out now is why Liu Haizhong suddenly became enlightened.

Could it be that he also got a book similar to the script of "Qin Man"?

"The second uncle is right. You should donate according to your ability. Everyone knows that my family has a lot of people and I don't earn much. I'll donate five yuan."

Yan Fugui, who has always been stingy, took out five yuan.

Put it on the plate.

He also wrote his name on the paper.

At the previous meeting where Yi Zhonghai made donations to the Jia family, the most Yan Fugui ever received was one yuan.

After Yan Fugui fired the first shot, Sha Zhu and his wife fired the second shot.

After listening to Liu Haizhong's words, the couple unified their thoughts.

This matter.

It must reflect the love between the couple, but it cannot exceed the bangs.

"The second uncle's suggestion is very good, and what the third uncle said makes sense. To give love, you have to do what you can. Although we both make money, our family still supports a college student, so the two of us donate 18 Bucks.”

Xu Damao donated ten yuan.

Even the poorest bitch in the family donated fifty cents.

Yi Zhonghai, the deaf old lady, and Qin Huairu donated a total of one yuan and seventy cents.

Liu Haizhong said that he should donate as much as he can. The neighbors were angry, but they didn't say anything. Silly Zhu and Li Xiuzhi both shut their mouths.

Xu Damao will not let go of these three families easily. Who let these three families bully Xu Damao openly or covertly? Xu Damao will not bear the name of Xu Damao even if Xu Damao does not fall into trouble.

"Second uncle, third uncle, what you say makes sense, but it doesn't make sense. I remember the previous meetings where Yi Zhonghai raised donations for the Jia family. Each time, the starting price was thirty yuan."

Light words.

But it implies murderous intent.

Let Yi Zhonghai complain secretly. It's not that he doesn't want to dedicate his love, it's just that he is powerless. It seems like ninety-nine yuan a month, but after various assessments and deductions, it's only thirteen or four yuan, and he can't even find fifteen yuan.

Although the current minimum standard is five yuan, Yi Zhonghai's salary of thirteen or four yuan exceeds this, but Yi Zhonghai still has to support his ancestors.

Who made the character of the ancestors of the courtyard and Yi Zhonghai living together become deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Moreover, Yi Zhonghai also knew some details about the deaf old lady.

Busy spoke up to smooth things over for himself.

"Da Mao, I, Yi Zhonghai, am not a cold-blooded person, this is who I am."

"What is not that kind of person? Donate money and materials to the Jia family. You, Yi Zhonghai, start with thirty yuan each time. Now it's your turn to donate to other neighbors. You, Yi Zhonghai, donated fifty cents. You are an eighth-level worker in the steel rolling mill. , with a monthly salary of 99 yuan, I, a person with 278 yuan, can donate 10 yuan, but you can donate 50 cents for 99 yuan? No wonder the factory leader said that the humanistic spiritual work of our steel rolling mill is seriously slow. , it’s all because of your influence, Yi Zhonghai.”

Xu Damao is not stupid.

Of course he knew that Yi Zhonghai was short of money.

If he doesn't take this opportunity to force Yi Zhonghai, how can Yi Zhonghai be even more moneyless in the future? Only by forcing Yi Zhonghai to pay can Yi Zhonghai get over the feeling of not being able to open the pot, and also make the deaf old lady hungry for several days. .

"Old Liu, I really don't have that much money now. How about you lend me thirty yuan and I'll donate it." Yi Zhonghai, who was worried about the long nights and dreams, simply said to Liu Haizhong: "I will pay you back then."

"Yi Zhonghai, please pull it down quickly. If you want to donate, you can donate. If you don't want to donate, don't donate. Is there anyone who borrows money to donate? If word spreads, people think what's going on in our courtyard."

Xu Damao made up his mind.

Tomorrow I will go to the steel rolling mill to publicize the glorious past of Yi Zhonghai whose monthly salary was ninety-nine yuan, but he donated fifty cents. I can't deal with you Yizhonghai, and I don't believe that the steel rolling mill can't deal with you Yizhonghai either.

Turtle Sun set his sights on the deaf old lady.

This old lady.

Because Xu Damao bought pig trotters and didn't give them to the deaf old lady, he took advantage of the darkness and smashed the glass of Xu Damao's house at night. It was a cold day and Xu Damao almost froze to death.

"Old lady, you were reselling supplies and were stripped of your title as a five-guarantee household by the street. This is your chance to launder your reputation. Why did you just donate a dollar?"

The deaf old lady simply resorted to pretending to be deaf and dumb.

Deal with Xu Damao.

"Xu Damao, what are you talking about? You said that my old lady shouldn't donate a dollar at such an old age. It's not my old lady who said that to you. What Yan Fugui said just now is reasonable. When one party is in trouble, all parties will support it, and my old lady cannot be beaten by anyone. A jab in the back of the spine.”

Xu Damao still feels that the Jia family is easier to deal with than the deaf old lady.

Not as knowledgeable as the deaf old lady.

He quickly pointed the finger at the Jia family.

"Qin Huairu, you are now the head of the Jia family. Even if the Jia Zhang family is lazy and becomes a excrement-making machine, your Jia family will not be in such difficulty. Donate two cents."

Qin Huairu's face turned pale.

As soon as her salary was paid, Jia Zhang had it in her hands.

Under the guise of saving money to marry Banggan, he only left some money for Qin Huairu's daily expenses.

Two cents.

No, no.

It was fifty cents, or Qin Huairu gritted her teeth and saved it from the vegetable money. Who asked Xu Damao to put the other thirty cents of the Jia family on the head of the deaf old lady.

Subconsciously, we have to act pitiful.

Under the influence of Jia Zhang's widowhood experience, Qin Huairu habitually thought of pretending to be pitiful when something happened.

That is, relying on men.

One and a half years after joining the factory, why am I still a first-level worker? This is the reason. I don’t want to rely on myself, but think about how to rely on men all day long.

Liang Ladi, who entered the industry at the same time as Qin Huairu, is now a second-level welder.

This is the difference between a widow and a widow.

"Da Mao, it's not easy for our Jia family to be orphaned and widowed."

"What is not easy, why is it not easy? You, Qin Huairu, had a rural household registration before. When you entered the steel rolling mill, your household registration was transferred to the urban household registration. Bangge and the others settled down with their mother, and now they also have urban household registration. Jia and Zhang are still I have a rural household registration." Xu Damao expressed his intention towards Qin Huairu, "Is it appropriate for you to donate 20 cents from your monthly salary of twenty-seven and five yuan?"

Silly Zhu and Li Xiuzhi looked at each other.

Xu Damao’s words.

It was beyond their expectations. They thought that tonight's courtyard meeting would not be peaceful, but they did not expect that the person who became the vanguard would be Xu Damao.

Turtle Sun fights against Yi Zhonghai, the deaf old lady, and the Jia family.

Neither of them said anything.

Li Xiuzhi has the title of street clerk, and no matter what she says, she will be disgusted. Silly Zhu is Li Xiuzhi's man, and he cannot cause trouble for Li Xiuzhi.

It would be best for Xu Damao to come forward.

"Why is it inappropriate? What is inappropriate? What happened to our Jia family donating two cents? I remember someone who donated two cents before."

People's eyes.

It fell on Silly Zhu.

Li Xiuzhi saw that all the neighbors were looking at Silly Zhu.

He frowned slightly.

No need to ask, from the way the neighbors looked at Sha Zhu, they knew that the person who donated two cents was her man, Sha Zhu.

I just don’t know what kind of donation meeting will force Silly Zhu to donate two cents.

"Okay, just say a few words." Liu Haizhong noticed that the heat was almost over, and as the second uncle in charge, he summarized the Siheyuan donation meeting, "The third uncle just counted, our Siheyuan donated a total of 76 Yuan, the Jia family donated 20 cents, Yi Zhonghai donated 50 cents, and the deaf old lady donated one yuan. I won’t read out the names of the remaining neighbors and the amount of money. These money will be handed over to Liu Haizhong before I go to work tomorrow. It’s delivered to the streets.”

Yi Zhonghai was stunned.

Good guy.

You read the names of the three of us and the amount of donations, and you got the name of the one who donated the least. The others stopped reading, and the co-author, Yi Zhonghai, was embarrassed.

Xu Damao rolled his eyes and raised his thumb in front of Liu Haizhong.

"Second uncle, you are a seventh-level forger in the steel rolling mill, and you do things openly. I, Xu Damao, am proud of you. Unlike some people, who pretend to be an eighth-level forger, but in fact they are nothing like that."

Yi Zhonghai also didn't expect that things would develop to this point.

I want to explain it in words.

But was interrupted by bangs.

"Did the third uncle say anything? If not, our courtyard meeting is over. We don't want to delay the rest time of the neighbors."

"Wait a minute, I'll add a few words."

Yan Fugui immediately.

He called out to the neighbors who wanted to leave.

Some words.

It must be said clearly.

Mainly for deaf old ladies.

"Lao Yi, you and the old lady live together. You take good care of the old lady. Look, the old lady is all over the courtyard asking for food. Tonight, at our house, forget it, let's not talk about it. You Lao Yi pay attention Meaning." (End of chapter)

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