The day after the compound meeting ended.

The deaf old lady walked out of the courtyard early in the morning on crutches. Yi Zhonghai's renewal was urgent, otherwise no one would be responsible for the deaf old lady's three meals a day.

Yi Zhonghai couldn't even take care of himself, let alone the old deaf lady.

The old deaf lady who couldn't bear the hunger last night went to Yan Fugui's house to have a meal, but Yan Fugui choked her in front of all the neighbors in the courtyard, saying that her nose was not a nose and her face was not a face.

She, the deaf old lady, is also a shameless person.

For the sake of her own happy life, the deaf old lady put five yuan into Matchmaker Li's hand.

Under the reward, there must be a brave man.

For the sake of money, these matchmakers have to treat Yi Zhonghai's marriage as a top priority.

Yi Zhonghai is an eighth-level worker in a steel rolling mill, earning 99 yuan a month.

Such conditions.

It's hard to find even with a lantern.

At least after Yi Zhonghai retires, someone will take over his job at the steel rolling mill.

As for the requirements for Yi Zhonghai's other half, the deaf old lady told matchmaker Li that the person must be honest and have a warm heart to take care of the lonely elderly. It is best to be homeless and have no children.

After speaking out.

The deaf old lady has another big thank you.

If the eggs were not placed in a basket, the deaf old lady would not place her hopes on Matchmaker Li alone. She found five or six matchmakers throughout the morning and spent more than thirty yuan.

The kind that casts a wide net.

Near noon, the deaf old lady spent money to have a meal outside, and then slowly returned to the courtyard, where she saw Jia Zhang still helping to clean up Yi Zhonghai's house.

There was an unnatural snort in his mouth.

If you want to eat Yi Zhonghai, you have to see if my old lady agrees.

With the crutch in his hand, he poked the ground hard and walked into the backyard with his head held high.

Jia Zhang, who was cleaning up the house at Yi Zhonghai's house in the Central Court, saw that the deaf old lady was like an old hen returning from victory. There was a somewhat puzzled expression on her face, but she didn't think much about it and walked towards the back of the deaf old lady. , spit out a mouthful of phlegm.


What an air.

Nothing to be proud of.

They are all reduced to begging for food all over the courtyard, and they even display the genealogy of the ancestors of the courtyard.

Yi Zhonghai and I, Jia Zhang, are getting married, and she doesn’t want to go back to the countryside in despair and live such a hard life.


Inside the rolling mill.

Rumors spread.

Thanks to Xu Damao, the workers all knew about Yi Zhonghai's donation of 50 cents at the charity donation meeting, and also about the glorious past of Yi Zhonghai's donation of 30 yuan to the Jia family at the donation meeting.

Everything is afraid of comparison.

In this comparison.

Yi Zhonghai instantly became a selfish and evil villain.

Who among the workers doesn’t know about the intrigues with the Jia family?

Therefore, Yi Zhonghai's donation of 30 yuan was full of selfishness. On the other hand, if you donated 50 cents for a loving donation, it was obvious that there was no love.

There are different opinions.

Say anything.

But Yi Zhonghai was kept in the dark.

The hypocrite showed off too much and was obsessed with clearing his character at the expense of serious work, so he didn't pay attention to those things. Qin Huairu heard the news and ran back to the ninth workshop to tell Yi Zhonghai about it. Only then did Yi Zhonghai realize that he had once again become a man of the hour in the steel rolling mill.

He was shaking with anger.

You can guess with your toes who is behind it.

One is Xu Damao, the other is Liu Haizhong, and Shazhu is also possible.

It's too late to say anything now.

After stopping the machine, a man squatted at the door of the workshop and sulked.

Guo Dabo, who had been reprimanded by the factory leader, saw Yi Zhonghai from a distance and was very angry. Since he was transferred to the ninth workshop and became the director of the ninth workshop, he has suffered a lot of bad luck with Yi Zhonghai.

It’s also strange.

In a steel rolling mill with tens of thousands of people, no one's rumors were spread, only rumors about Yi Zhonghai were spread.

Once, it doesn't matter, it may be a false rumor, twice, three times, it can also be explained by this reason.

But up to now, there have been no more than 70 or 80 rumors related to Yi Zhonghai from the steel rolling mill, but they are about the same. They are basically spread once every two weeks, and the contents are all varied.

Yi Zhonghai’s character.

Visibly bad.

Guo Dabo moved to Yi Zhonghai in three steps and then scolded Yi Zhonghai head-on.

"Yi Zhonghai, what do you mean? Do you think that the temple in our Ninth Workshop is too small to accommodate your big Buddha, Yi Zhonghai? If you don't want to stay in my Ninth Workshop, just bring it up and I will comply with your wish, Yi Zhonghai. Now it's time to work Everyone is busy at work, but you, Yi Zhonghai, are the only ones standing here fishing in troubled waters."

Turning her face, she saw Qin Huairu staring at him stupidly.

He also took Qin Huairu with him.

"Qin Huairu, what are you looking at? I've been in the factory for a year and a half, and I'm still a first-level worker. I think it's shameful. Liang Ladi, who joined the factory at the same time as you, is now a second-level welder, and they are both widows. , look at this person, and then look at you, Qin Huairu."

"Director Guo, I have been busy for several hours just now. Now I am tired. Let's take a rest." Yi Zhonghai saw Guo Dabo reprimanding Qin Huairu, feeling sorry for his daughter, "It's not fishing in troubled waters."

"I understand, you Yi Zhonghai are showing off yourself. The workers are resting, but you Yi Zhonghai insists on working, showing that you forget about food and sleep. The workers are working, but you, Yi Zhonghai, are idle again. Yi Zhonghai, you want all the benefits of co-writing, and you don’t want to keep any of the disadvantages."

Yi Zhonghai didn't know what to say.

He looked at Guo Da Paizi angrily.

He turned and walked towards his work station.

He's not stupid.

It can be seen that Guo Dapizi is angry.

No matter what.

He is also the workshop director.

"What are you going to do? Now you know how to work? Toothpaste? The factory leader is looking for you, Yi Zhonghai, go quickly." Guo Dazi is also a wonderful person, and he hurt Yi Zhonghai in a strange way, "You, Yi Zhonghai, have given up to the steel rolling mill again." You have made great contributions, and the leaders of the steel rolling mill are thinking of how to commend you."

Guo Dapizi's words.

Yi Zhonghai didn't believe a word he said.

Even though he was rumored to be a dog, the factory leader still had the thought of praising Yi Zhonghai.

What about coaxing ghosts?

Knowing that he would be scolded again if he went there, he had no choice but to walk towards the office building of the steel rolling mill.


Second canteen.

Silly Zhu frowned and looked at Liu Lan in front of him.

Don't say it.

This woman, if you look at her carefully, is quite pretty.

No wonder Deputy Director Li is eyeing Liu Lan.

What Sha Zhu laments is not this, but that Liu Lan is too well-informed. Before today, the impression Liu Lan gave to Sha Zhu was that he was a loudspeaker who spread rumors about nothing. He could not hide things in his heart, and some gossips were shared. However, from now on, Shazhu's understanding of Liu Lan has reached a new level. This woman.

It's not just the steel rolling mill where rumors are spread.

Outside the rolling mill, things are still not to be underestimated.

Liu Lan just found Si Zhu and said that he wanted to tell Si Zhu something. Si Zhu mistakenly thought that Liu Lan was going to talk about Yi Zhonghai's 50 cent donation last night.

As a result, Liu Lan quietly released a big thunderstorm for him.

What he was talking about was not actually Yi Zhonghai's donation of 50 cents, but mysteriously telling Silly Zhu about the deaf old lady paying someone to find someone to marry Yi Zhonghai.

When Shazhu heard this, he thought it was false.

There was no need to discuss the matter of the deaf old lady finding a partner for Yi Zhonghai with Liu Lan. How did Liu Lan know about this? His eyes were full of doubts.

As for Liu Lan, you can doubt anything about her, but you can't doubt the accurate source of Liu Lan's information.

Seeing Si Zhu didn't believe it.

He quickly repeated what he had just said.

"Silly Zhu, don't believe it. This is you. If it were anyone else, I wouldn't necessarily tell her these things. The deaf old lady in your compound spent money to arrange marriage for Yi Zhonghai. All she wants from the woman is one The condition is that I must serve her, the deaf old lady."

Silly Zhu frowned.

Still a little unconvinced.

"Don't believe it. When did I, Liu Lan, tell you lies? Among the matchmakers that the deaf old lady found, there was a sister of mine. This sister really had a woman whose husband died. She just came to the steel rolling mill. She came to me and asked me if I knew Yi Zhonghai, and I said of course I did, and she told me the whole story."

His shoulder touched Silly Zhu’s shoulder.

"Didn't we say before that Qin Huairu's mother-in-law, Jia Zhang, was going to marry Yi Zhonghai? It was said that Yi Zhonghai wanted to overtake in a corner and make Qin Huairu call him daddy. Why did the deaf old lady help Yi Zhonghai find a partner?"

"You didn't lie?"


"I guess it's because of some food and drink..." Silly Zhu recounted the events of last night to Liu Lan, "Jia Zhang will not spoil the deaf old lady, so I guess the deaf old lady wants to give her to her for herself. Find someone to serve her."

"I just said, how can this old lady find a partner for Yi Zhonghai? The co-authorship is for herself."

Silly Zhu looked at Liu Lan who was complaining in front of him.

Suddenly he realized that Liu Lan could help him with the deaf old lady.

The key is how to say it.

I made some mistakes for a while.



Li Xiuzhi looked at Jia Zhang in front of her.

He slowly moved his gaze to Director Jia next to him.

The two looked at each other for a few times.

Li Xiuzhi then set her sights on Jia Zhang again.

I racked my brain, but I didn't understand that the intimidation strategy would work so quickly.

Jia Zhang went to the street, found Li Xiuzhi, and consulted on the policies related to widow remarriage.

The streets were in uproar.

The Jia family is a constant problem in the street. When Jia Dongxu died, people from the street came to do ideological work for Jia Zhang and Qin Huairu, promoting the remarriage of widows.

Regardless of whether it was Jia Zhang's behavior or moral kidnapping, this matter has been dropped and has been delayed until now.

The Jia family widow is also different from other widows.

Other widows don't make trouble and live their own lives behind closed doors. The Jia family's widows have one thing for a while and have all kinds of content.

They all suspected that Mrs. Jia Zhang had taken the wrong medicine.

A kind-hearted staff member couldn't help but muttered while bringing boiling water to Jia Zhang.

"Auntie, we promise to find a good man for Qin Huairu."

That's what I thought.

Qin Huairu is less than thirty years old.

Someone wants her.

Only Li Xiuzhi and Director Jia knew what was going on.

Did not say.

Just be aware of it.

"It's not our Jia family Huairu who remarried, it's my old lady who remarried."

Noisy streets.

There was a moment of deathly silence.

People's eyes subconsciously focused on Jia Zhang.

My old wife remarried.

According to the data, Jia Zhang was born in 1908, and it is now 1961. She is fifty-three years old this year. A fifty-three-year-old widow has remarried, but a young widow under thirty has not remarried.

For a moment, I suspected that they had heard wrongly.

"I won't tell you anymore. I told Xiuzhi that Xiuzhi and I live in the same courtyard. It's impossible for her to lie to my old lady, and my old lady can't take advantage of Xiuzhi."

Jia Zhang looked at Li Xiuzhi seriously.

In order not to return to the countryside.

We can only make a fuss about remarriage.

When she came in just now, Mrs. Jia Zhang's desire to remarry was not very strong. She felt that she still had to guard for old Jia. She overheard that the widow of the Liu family in No. 35 Courtyard was sent back to her hometown. Mrs. Jia Zhang really When she was anxious, she thought that Li Xiuzhi was joking with her. The so-called deportation of Jia Zhang was just to scare the widow, but it turned out that Li Xiuzhi was not joking with Jia Zhang at all.

The widow of the Liu family in Courtyard No. 35, whom Jia and Zhang knew, and they had made cloth shoes together, was sent back to her hometown yesterday, and today the widow of the Liu family has been rented by a new tenant.

I think of myself from the widow of the Liu family.

I feel that I can no longer guard Lao Jia.

Back in the countryside, Qin Huairu stayed in the city and fooled around as much as he wanted. The Jia family was no longer the Jia family. For the Jia family and Banggeng, Jia and Zhang had no choice but to sacrifice themselves.


Only after he was determined to remarry, he seriously proposed the idea of ​​remarrying to Li Xiuzhi.

Li Xiuzhi felt that this matter needed to be treated with caution, so she invited Jia Zhang to the conference room and also asked Director Jia to participate.

In case you don’t know clearly when you get there.

In front of Director Jia and a staff member, Li Xiuzhi asked Jia Zhang seriously.

"Grandma Bangge, now is not the time for you to just say whatever you want. This is the street, which represents the law. What did you just mean, was that you should bravely pursue your own happy life?"

"My wife doesn't understand what it means to bravely pursue your own happy life. I just think that since I have been here for so many years and my son is gone, it's time to think about myself and have a companion. It’s good to have someone to take care of you when you get up at night, just like Director Jia told me, there is only one person coming in and out, but if something happens, there won’t even be anyone who knows what is cold and what is hot.”

"Have you thought about it, want to remarry?"

"Think about it."

"As for Qin Huairu, do you want us to help you with the work? She still can't turn around with some people's thinking."

"No, our Huairu told me that she agreed with Yi Zhonghai and I."

Jia Zhang also deliberately emphasized his tone on the word Yi Zhonghai.

There was also a look of happy imagination on his face. (End of chapter)

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