Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 390 Yi Zhonghai, if you marry Jia Zhang, you will have to hold a banquet.

The deaf old lady couldn't sit still.

On crutches.

Went to the middle courtyard.

From a long distance away, I saw Jia Zhang who was busy working in the Yi family.

He frowned slightly.

Looking at Mrs. Jia Zhang's happy face, it's true that the remarriage is going to go wrong.

The deaf old lady did not object to Mrs. Jia Zhang marrying Yi Zhonghai, but she objected to Mrs. Jia Zhang not serving her three meals a day after marrying Yi Zhonghai. If Mrs. Jia Zhang could be like Auntie when she was alive, she would When the ancestral mother served her, delicious food and drinks were served in front of the deaf old lady. The deaf old lady raised her hands and feet to agree to the two of them being together.

Doesn’t this mean that Jia Zhang is unreliable?

So I disagree.

The deaf old lady was going to have a good chat with Jia Zhang. It was best for Jia Zhang to retreat and go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to divorce Yi Zhonghai. She couldn't waste the matchmaker's money.

He had just reached the door but had not yet taken a step into the house.

Jia Zhang's chubby body was lying across the threshold, and her disgusting eyes fell unabashedly on the annoying face of the deaf old lady.

Know people and make good use of them.

From Jia Zhang's behavior of blocking the door to prevent her from entering, the deaf old lady had already seen the miserable days of her ancestors in the compound after Jia Zhang remarried Yi Zhonghai.

This is not okay.

"Lao Jia's wife."

Specially poking at Jia Zhang's heart.

Deliberately calling Mrs. Jia and Zhang with the four words "Lao Jia's wife".

Jia Zhang also knew what the deaf old lady was thinking. She just felt that the things belonging to Yi Zhonghai's family had fallen into her own hands, and she still had the guts to show off.

I really looked down on the aunt, who regarded such a shameless thing as an ancestor and served her with every possible care. Even if she was plotted by Yi Zhonghai, the deaf old lady didn't say a word for her.

Mrs. Jia Zhang will not follow in the footsteps of her aunt, and Mrs. Jia Zhang has grandsons and granddaughters.


Not afraid of the deaf old lady either.

She is Yi Zhonghai's daughter-in-law, so Yi Zhonghai can't help the deaf old lady.

His mouth curled up.


"I used to be Lao Jia's wife, but now I am Lao Yi's wife."

"Old Jia's daughter-in-law, this is not a joke. Although there is a policy for widows to remarry, it is only for young people, such as your Huairu family. How old are you? You are in your early fifties. You said that you have changed from Old Jia's daughter-in-law to If the news spreads about Lao Yi's wife, he won't be stabbed in the back."

The deaf old lady looked like she was thinking about you, Mr. Jia Zhang.

For retirement.

My heart will break.

"Old lady, how can I joke about this? It's not like you don't know who I am, Jia Zhang, I am really Yi Zhonghai's wife now, otherwise I wouldn't have brought my bedding here."

Jia Zhang pointed to her luggage.

A look of pride on his face.

"Today I checked with Yi Zhonghai. Director Jia from the street opened a letter of introduction for me, and Shazhu's daughter-in-law Li Xiuzhi was also there at the time."

Jia Zhang wanted to divert the disaster eastward.

Let the deaf old lady resent Silly Pillar.

"Our Jia family has a big family and a lot of things to do, so we won't take care of you, old lady."

The deaf old lady did not expect that Mrs. Jia Zhang would make such a clear request not to take care of her, and stared at Mrs. Jia Zhang with a pair of cloudy eyes.

Don't take care of me.

How do I live?

"You used to be a five-guarantee household and took care of you, but by the way, you are no longer a five-guarantee household, and you are still a criminal who resells materials. What should we do if Zhonghai is taking care of you and is misunderstood? What should we do? Hai is a shameless person in Zhonghai, old lady, I won't invite you into the house, please go slowly."

"Jia Zhang, are you really so stubborn in what you do?"

"What do you say?"


Jia Zhang learned the old deaf lady's ability to pretend to be deaf and dumb.

"Be careful, Xiao Jia comes to find you."

"The matter between Lao Jia and I cannot allow you, the old lady, to worry. I will be buried with Lao Jia, and Zhonghai will be buried with Auntie."

"You will be punished."

A cursing deaf old lady.

Returned to his home.

He sat cross-legged on the bed.

She's not the kind of person to sit back and wait.

We must find a way.

Even Mrs. Jia Zhang is no longer afraid of the deaf old lady. It can be seen that the status of the deaf old lady in the courtyard is getting worse day by day.


As time passed, the neighbors who had finished their work for the day returned home one after another, and each learned a piece of news that shocked them from the mouths of their own women and children.

Mrs. Jia Zhang remarried.

Just today.

The man who remarried was Yi Zhonghai.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

How could Jia Zhang remarry Yi Zhonghai? Why did Yi Zhonghai agree to marry Jia Zhang?

Although there were rumors that Yi Zhonghai and Jia Zhang were fooling around and planning to get married after the death of their aunt, the neighbors did not believe it and knew that it was a false rumor.

As a result, today, Jia Zhang was arguing with Yi Zhonghai.

Reality was like a loud slap in the face of the neighbors. They all gathered in the middle courtyard without anyone telling them. Seeing is believing and hearing is false. No matter what, you have to see it for yourself. , when they looked at Jia Zhang who was still busy at Yi Zhonghai's house, they were instantly stunned.

Something is wrong.

Since Yi Zhonghai married Jia Zhang, today is Yi Zhonghai's day of great joy. Why didn't Yi Zhonghai come back during this great day?

I didn't hear that Workshop No. 9 is working overtime today.

The neighbors who were so happy could only face Jia Zhang's white and fat face.

Among the neighbors, the most active person was undoubtedly Yan Fugui, the man from the front yard. He didn't see Yi Zhonghai in the middle yard. He asked about it and found out that Yi Zhonghai hadn't come back, so he waited at the gate of the yard.

Yan Fugui, a teacher and educator, had a plan engraved in his bones. Yi Zhonghai married Jia Zhang. Whether it was Jia Zhang's second marriage or Yi Zhonghai's second marriage, it was still a marriage.

When you get married, you have to have a banquet.

Even if there is no banquet, some wedding candies and wedding cigarettes must be given.

As for seeing the bride.

Too lazy to look.

It's not like they haven't seen Jia Zhang's face before.

so disgusting.

More importantly, it would be even better if we could stay for a meal as a way of congratulations.

Yan Fugui gave full play to his calculating nature and stood guard at the door of the courtyard, thinking that even if Yi Zhonghai didn't want to see Jia Zhang, you still had to come back to this house.

Waited for more than thirty minutes.

Yan Fugui saw Yi Zhonghai's figure from a distance. Instantly happy.

Just by the dejected look on Yi Zhonghai's face, he knew that Yi Zhonghai didn't care much about this matter, and he couldn't figure it out. Since you, Yi Zhonghai, don't like Jia Zhang, why are you still arguing with Jia Zhang?

When Yi Zhonghai came to him, Yan Fugui threw these messy thoughts away and shouted out congratulatory words to Yi Zhonghai enthusiastically.

"Lao Yi, when I get back from get off work, I heard from our woman that you have a wife? She is Jia Zhang from the Jia family. Congratulations, the iron tree is blooming and bearing fruit."

Yi Zhonghai raised his head.

He nodded towards Yan Fugui.

"Lao Yi, you don't look right. Are you sick? If you are sick, you need to go to the hospital."

Yan Fugui pushed up the frames of his glasses and found an excuse.

This saves face for Yi Zhonghai.

Otherwise, ask Yi Zhonghai directly if he doesn't like Jia Zhang.

Yi Zhonghai nodded, but then shook his head and explained.

"In the past few days, a lot of things have happened at home. I'm a little exhausted mentally and physically. Moreover, a lot of things have happened in the factory. Forget it, I won't tell you. Even if I tell you, you won't understand."

"Every line is like a mountain." Yan Fugui sighed: "I really don't understand the things about the steel rolling mill."

"I won't talk to you anymore, I'm going back."

"Lao Yi, wait a minute, I have something to ask you."

Yi Zhonghai seemed to have guessed what Yan Fugui was going to say.

Somewhat flustered.

But more than anything, I was speechless.

At this time, you, Yan Fugui, still want to take advantage of me. Is it worth setting up a banquet for me to marry Jia Zhang?

But he still waited patiently for Yan Fugui's next words.

"It's a good thing that you are getting married to Jia Zhang. After all, you have to set up a few tables to celebrate and let the neighbors in the courtyard have fun together."

When Qin Huairu came back from get off work, she went to the toilet first. She didn't know about Jia Zhang and Yi Zhonghai getting their certificates. When she came out of the toilet, she happened to hear about Yan Fugui tricking Yi Zhonghai into setting up a banquet.

My heart skipped a beat.

Instantly panicked.

Although Yi Zhonghai asked Qin Huairu for his opinion today, Qin Huairu did not think that Jia Zhang would remarry Yi Zhonghai so quickly.

Unexpectedly, Yi Zhonghai and Jia Zhang secretly obtained evidence.

You are married.

How will I, Qin Huairu, face you?

Qin Huairu stopped and hid aside.

He stretched his head out from the corner in a sneaky way, and when he saw that Yi Zhonghai and Yan Fugui were not setting up a banquet and were chatting happily, he hurriedly adjusted his posture.

My heart was in my throat.

To be fair.

I really don't want Yi Zhonghai to agree to Yan Fugui's suggestion and have wine in the courtyard to celebrate his marriage to Jia Zhang.

Will Qin Huairu go out to have a meal when the time comes?

What should the three children, Banggan, Xiaodang, and Huaihua, do if they see Qin Huairu not going out to eat and make trouble with her?

How do you face the neighbors when you go out to eat?

What if Xu Damao and Sha Zhu join forces and let Qin Huairu kneel at Yi Zhonghai's feet and call him daddy in front of the neighbors in the first courtyard? Will Qin Huairu call him daddy?

Don't shout.

It might break Yi Zhonghai's heart.

Neighbors must know that Yi Zhonghai is Qin Huairu's biological father.


Qin Huairu always felt awkward in her heart.

The best way is not to hold a banquet.



Silly column spoke up.

It attracted the attention of the neighbors in the courtyard.

Did they know that Silhu and Yi Zhonghai had no contact with each other?

Seeing Yi Zhonghai's face, Yi Zhonghai shouted one after another.

Today I called you a big man.

There is weirdness.

In fact, there was something really fishy. When he returned home, he learned about Jia Zhang's remarriage to Yi Zhonghai from Li Xiuzhi's mouth, so he turned around and walked out of his house.

He blocked Yi Zhonghai who was wandering in the courtyard.

"When I went back to the courtyard just now, I heard from the neighbors that you got married to Bangge's grandma today. Is that true?"

Silly Zhu had a kind smile on his face.

Sincerity exudes between his brows.

When people who don't know the inside story see this, they will definitely think that Sha Zhu is really happy about Yi Zhonghai marrying Jia Zhang.

But Yi Zhonghai doesn't think so.

Only Yi Zhonghai knows what happened between Silly Zhu and him.

It can be completely described by the idiom "blood feud".

Don’t reach out to hit the smiling person.

There were neighbors watching.

Yi Zhonghai dealt with Si Zhu against his will.

"of course it's true."

"After Auntie's accident, it was revealed that Qin Huairu was your biological daughter. She also said that in order for Qin Huairu to call you daddy, you got together with the Jia Zhang family. I thought this was a rumor, but I didn't expect it to be true. By the way, this wedding is a happy event, are you not ready to express your gratitude?"

"Silly Zhu, it's not that I'm not saying anything, but I'm thinking about how to express it." Yan Fugui asked Yi Zhonghai, "Old Yi, do you think so?"

In front of Yan Fugui.

Yi Zhonghai couldn't say much.

He could only look at Qin Huairu secretly and ask Qin Huairu to help him out.

Qin Huairu didn't want to participate.

But he saw Yi Zhonghai looking at him.

Thinking that the two people will have that kind of relationship after all.

It’s impossible not to help.

He offered a few words of help.

"Thrift is now being advocated from above. If there are twenty-seven or eight households in the yard, plus the children of each family, if we do it, there won't be more than a dozen tables to sit down. It's so extravagant and wasteful." Qin Huairu thought of an excuse, "If someone secretly reports it, the neighbors will None of us have any good fruit to eat.”

"Qin Huairu has hit the point. There are so many neighbors in the yard. If you invite this family or not that family, it will easily lead to conflicts. It would be too expensive to invite them all. It's best not to do it." Liu Haizhong unexpectedly interjected, "Silly. Zhu, please stop making noise, who among the neighbors doesn’t know about the matter between you and Lao Yi?"

"Second uncle, what you said is not right. I am not refuting you. When I got married last year, Yi Zhonghai stopped me and asked me to hold a banquet. If I didn't hold a banquet, it would be like digging up the ancestral graves of Yi Zhonghai's family. Instead of following me To say that the Jia family is in trouble means that it is not easy for the Jia family to be orphaned and widowed. The words imply to me that even if there is no banquet, the Jia family has to be treated to a meal. Why is it Yi Zhonghai's turn, so he doesn't have to do it. Are you having a banquet? Do you think you have such double standards in Yi Zhonghai's eyes when you co-author anything?"

"Silly column, you."

"The second uncle and the third uncle are also here. I'm not just here to eat and drink. I'm a cook. Although this profession is not too lofty, it still allows me to talk. I'm thinking about the neighbors. It's not easy for every household in the neighborhood. Some neighbors can't afford to eat dumplings during the Chinese New Year, and there are so many things going on in the courtyard. Taking advantage of the happy event of the grand master marrying Jia Zhang, the neighbors can have a good time."

"I think what Shazhu said is reasonable. Our courtyard really needs happy events."

"Third uncle, you have thought of the same thing as me. Now there is a policy of widows remarrying, but because of the old principles passed down for thousands of years, many people still hold on to the old idea of ​​​​same life and death. It's wrong to be from whose family you die. Grandma Banggeng is in her early fifties, but she can bravely take the step of remarrying and marry Yi Zhonghai without hesitation. She has given countless lives. Widows set an example of remarriage, allowing these widows to pursue their own happy lives without any scruples. Is this wrong?" (End of Chapter)

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