Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 391 Yi Zhonghai and Jia Zhang held a banquet, and Liu Haizhong wished for a baby.

Jia Zhang was in her early fifties, but she bravely took the step to remarry and married Yi Zhonghai without any hesitation. She set an example for countless widows to remarry, allowing these widows to pursue themselves without any scruples. happy life.

These words.

Every word is like a knife.

Every sentence is like a sword.

The chop hit Yi Zhonghai's body, leaving Yi Zhonghai completely helpless.

Looking at the problem from a political perspective, Si Zhu's proposal has a certain sense of justice.

But looking at the problem from Yi Zhonghai's point of view, this was clearly a harsh stab in his heart.

If Yi Zhonghai were thirty years younger, married for the first time, and married a young lady, the banquet would really have been served, and we would have had a lot of fun together.

The problem is that Yi Zhonghai is now in his fifties, and his wife is Jia Zhang, an old widow in her early fifties. There are rumors that Yi Zhonghai murdered his aunt, married Jia Zhang afterwards, and asked Qin Huairu to call her father.

Have a banquet.

It's really not the best solution.

Yi Zhonghai was worried.

The surrounding neighbors were looking at Shazhu with shocked eyes. From Shazhu's body, they saw such a word.

After three days of separation, you should look at each other with admiration.

I really didn't expect that Silly Zhu could be so eloquent. He connected Yi Zhonghai's drinking with the widow's remarriage, and gave Yi Zhonghai a reason that he couldn't refuse.

think carefully.

There is some truth in it.

Mrs. Jia Zhang is really an example of a widow remarrying.

The old widow Jia Zhang, who had been caring for Lao Jia for 20 to 30 years, chose to remarry when she was in her early fifties. This is a huge support for widows to remarry, and it is also a fruitful result of the street widow remarriage work.

"Lao Yi, I think what Si Zhu said is reasonable."

Yan Fugui's calculating eyes fell on Yi Zhonghai.

For a meal.


"Jia Zhang is able to remarry at this age, so widows who are younger than Jia Zhang have no fear and they can all remarry. From this point of view, Jia Zhang promoted the trend of widows remarrying. You Yi Zhonghai also contributed a lot to this process."

"Old Yan." Yi Zhonghai looked at Yan Fugui who suddenly rebelled, "You?"

"Lao Yi, I also think what Lao Yan said is reasonable. I didn't think of this just now, so I said that I agreed not to have a banquet. Now I understand that this banquet must be provided, just like what Lao Yan said just now In that case, this is a major event that affects the widow's remarriage. I, Liu Haizhong, will be responsible for Dai Dong's affairs, Lao Yan will be responsible for keeping accounts, and you, Lao Yi, will be responsible for being the groom's official."

Inside the head of bangs.

They all began to imagine that through Jia Zhang's remarriage to Yi Zhonghai, they would stand out in the limelight, be praised by the street leaders, and then be valued and given important responsibilities.

In this case.

He became an official.

Liu Haizhong took the initiative to arrange a banquet for Yi Zhonghai.


In Jia's house, Jia Zhang, who was thinking about going out to help Yi Zhonghai, heard the so-called role model remarks made by Yan Fugui and Liu Haizhong.

Suddenly there was no thought of going out.

I think Yan Fugui is right.

At his age, he remarried Yi Zhonghai.

Picture what?

Don’t you just want to stay in the city and enjoy your happiness?

If he was praised by the people on the street because of this incident, his registered residence might change from the countryside to the city.

By the time.

No one can use Jia Zhang’s household registration as an excuse to send Jia Zhang back to her hometown in the countryside.

She agreed with the banquet, swung her big butt, came out of the house, and moved to Yi Zhonghai with a smile on her face.

"Head of the family, I think the third uncle and the second uncle are right. I am Jia Zhang's age and you are your age. This is our support for the street widow to remarry. Isn't it just a banquet? It should be done!"

While talking.

Blinking at Yi Zhonghai.

Have a meal.

You can't eat it for free.

Do you want a courtesy?

On the one hand, they can satisfy their craving for food through the banquet, and on the other hand, they can get some extra money.

A perfect way to kill two birds with one stone.

The eight-year-old Banggeng heard that he could eat the banquet. Regardless of whether Jia Zhang remarried or Qin Huairu remarried, he also expressed his attitude and said some words about the banquet.


Li Xiuzhi was at home, watching everything in the courtyard through the glass, and heard what those people were saying to deceive Yi Zhonghai in order to have a meal.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

She thought she was well-informed and had seen the beastly nature of the neighbors in the courtyard, but today, Li Xiuzhi still felt that she had gained a lot of knowledge.

The animalistic nature of the neighbors in the courtyard has no bottom line at all.

In order to have a feast, he would do anything and say anything, including Jia Zhang's grandson Bangge. In order to have a feast, he would not worry about his grandmother remarrying Yi Zhonghai.

This is something that Li Xiuzhi finds even more strange.

It was Yi Zhonghai who was actually persuaded by the neighbors.

Agree to have a banquet.

Fearing that the night would be long and full of dreams, the banquet was scheduled for tomorrow, but the man of his own happily agreed to take charge of the banquet.

I can't figure it out.

Maybe you have some ideas.


The next day.


The courtyard was decorated with lanterns and colorful decorations early in the morning, and two big red words "happy" were posted at the entrance of the courtyard. Liu Haizhong, as Dai Dong, organized all this, directing the neighbors to go about their business, and the men were commanded by him. When cleaning the courtyard, the woman was ordered by him to tidy up the house. Neither Jia Zhang nor Yi Zhonghai moved, one was in the Yi family and the other was in the Jia family.

Jia Zhang will remarry from the Jia family to the Yi family. She is wearing the same new clothes that Qin Huairu wore when she married Jia Dongxu, with a red flower on her head.

Yi Zhonghai wore clean work clothes from a steel rolling mill.

Silly Zhu was busy cooking alone.

I don’t know if it was Jia Zhang’s idea. She was worried that Silly Zhu would steal things, so she arranged for Banggeng to be watched specially. Banggeng stared at Silly Zhu motionlessly, with his sister Xiaodang next to him.

The two little guys were chatting incessantly.

Silly Zhu, who was curious, listened for a while and almost hurt his stomach from laughing.

Xiaodang asked Banggeng if he was going to have a banquet today, when he was going to have a banquet, and why he was going to have a banquet today.

Banggeng replied that they were having a feast today because their grandma Jia Zhang remarried Yi Zhonghai, and said they would start eating after Jia Zhang and Yi Zhonghai paid their respects to the old man.

He told Xiaodang to eat the meat first and hold the steamed buns in his hand when eating at the banquet. If he doesn't eat, he should still hold the steamed buns. If he says he grabs the steamed buns, others will not grab them.

Xiaodang added that it would be great if he could eat every day.

Banggeng said that they could let Qin Huairu remarry, and they would eat the table where Qin Huairu remarried, and then eat the table where Jia Zhang and Qin Huairu remarried, and then eat the table where Jia Zhang and Qin Huairu remarried, so that they would eat the table every day. .

A truly filial person.

Silly Zhu remembered the contents of the script of "Qin Man" and vaguely remembered the description of the three children of the Jia family, Banggan, Xiaodang, and Sophora japonica. According to the description in the script, they were all fed to unfamiliar white-eyed wolves. I thought it was an error in the script.

I didn't expect the script to be true.

Just by talking about these words between Xiaodang and Banggeng, we can see the nature of Banggeng and Xiaodang.

Three-year-olds look big, seven-year-olds look old.

Banggen is eight years old and Xiaodang is five.

He shook his head slightly and started working again.

The difficult ones won’t.

It’s not difficult to meet people.

When it comes to cooking, Shazhu Siheyuan ranks second, and no one dares to rank first.

Due to the lack of supplies, there were no hard dishes at today's banquet. There was only one pork stewed with vermicelli until it was full. Yi Zhonghai bought ten kilograms of pork on the black market, and Silly Zhu prepared to put it all into the dish.

Know who Jia Zhang is.

When putting the meat in, a few aunts were specially called. In front of them, Yan Fugui helped weigh the meat, and finally threw it into the pot.

Yan Fugui felt distressed and didn't know what to say. He said that these ten pounds of meat could make two meals.

Stewing here, directing a few helping aunts there, steamed all the white noodles bought by Yi Zhonghai into steamed buns. The whole hospital cost more than 100 yuan for the neighborhood, almost two bowls of stew and five white steamed buns per person. .

He went there specifically to make Yi Zhonghai lose money.

So Shazhu used his best skills to make the dishes fragrant and delicious, and the smell made him salivate.

Looked at the time.

I found Liu Haizhong and Yan Fugui and said hello.

"Second uncle, third uncle, it will be fine if I have more than ten minutes on my end. How about our end?"

"Our end is almost here." Liu Haizhong said: "When the scene is set up, let Yi Zhonghai go to Jia's house to pick up Jia Zhang. After that, we can say a few words and we can start the banquet."

"Second uncle, if you do things, the neighbors can rest assured."

Silly Zhu gave a small pat on the back of his bangs and gave him a thumbs up.

Then he seemed to think of something.

I mentioned it on purpose.

"Second uncle, what should I do with the old lady in the backyard? The old lady has been living with Yi Zhonghai and two people. Although she is no longer a five-guarantee household, Yi Zhonghai has taken care of the old lady for so many years. This is a fact. What if the old lady smashes you at night? The glass at home, don’t blame me for not reminding you.”

"Let me think about it and see what the old lady wants to do."

The worry about the deaf old lady in Liu Hai went away.

Yan Fugui, who did not move, sniffed in the direction of the pot, and gave the flattery that Silly Zhu had just thrown to Liu Haizhong to Silly Zhu intact.

"Shazhu, your cooking skills are getting better and better. The third uncle only knows how to taste this dish, and he can't go wrong with it."

"Third uncle, why do I not believe what you say?"

"Believe it or not," Yan Fugui said, "Where is your wife?"

"The rain hasn't come back for a long time. I took advantage of today and Sunday to go see the rain."

"Why go and see it today? It's such a loss."

Yan Fugui has a calculating nature.


The whole Yan family went out to help. Even if they didn't survive, they still stood with those who helped.

To use Yan Fugui's original words to describe it, if you help him, you can't skip meals. It is equivalent to saving one meal of food. If you eat a little more, you can skip meals in the evening, saving two meals of food at once.

What is saved is also something earned.

If Li Xiuzhi were a member of the Yan family, Yan Fugui would not let her see He Yuyu today.

A wasted meal.

"Si Zhu, I suddenly remembered something, this?" Yan Fugui took the gift bill and asked Si Zhu to look at it, "I'm worried, what should I do?"

Silly Zhu looked at the empty gift bill.

Nothing at all.

It was exactly as he imagined. This time, the neighbors came to the feast purely with their mouths, without any gifts or food stamps.


Along with the gift, part of the food stamps will be paid.

You can't just have a banquet and let the person who hosted the banquet drink the northwest wind next month.

The neighbors in the courtyard wanted to let Yi Zhonghai and his wife drink the northwest wind.

The first page of the gift account was torn off by someone for some unknown reason.

Silly Zhu guessed that the person who tore off the first page of the gift list should be Yan Fugui.

As for the reason for the tearing, Yan Fugui was the first to record his name on it and write down the gift money. However, because the neighbors behind him did not follow the gift, Yan Fugui felt that he would be at a disadvantage if he followed the gift alone. I had the idea that if I don’t eat for free, the neighbors all eat for free, and I can’t be an exception, so I tore up the first page of the gift list without leaving any traces.

Shazhu saw through it without saying anything, and smiled at Yan Fugui.

"Silly Zhu, why don't you just go along with it?"

"Third uncle, for my craftsmanship, if I go out to make a banquet, it only costs two yuan to start. I don't charge Yi Zhonghai for the craftsmanship. It's like a gift."

"This, this, this."

Yan Fugui shook the gift list in his hand with a constipated look on his face.

"Third uncle, the neighbors are not rich. We have to understand that Yi Zhonghai's salary is ninety-nine yuan a month, so he is not short of money. This is a second marriage, and he is married to Jia Zhang. If the neighbors can come, this is for Yi Zhonghai. Zhonghai Mianzi, do you think this is true?"

"Si Zhu, what you said makes some sense." Yan Fugui suddenly pushed Si Zhu and winked in the direction of the Jia family, "Look, Yi Zhonghai took out Jia Zhang from the Jia family. "

Silly Zhu looked at the Jia family.

It really is.

Yi Zhonghai took Jia Zhang's hand and led Jia Zhang out from Jia's house. Amidst a crowd of congratulations, the two slowly walked to the open space in the middle courtyard of the courtyard.

This is where the two held their wedding.

On a table, there was a portrait of an old man. Yi Zhonghai and Jia Zhang stood opposite the portrait, the man on the left and the woman on the right. Liu Haizhong, who was Dai Dong, started talking.

"Dear family members, Yi Zhonghai and Jia Zhang are getting married today. This is all thanks to your blessing. It is you who gave them the opportunity to be together. In front of you, Yi Zhonghai I and Jia Zhang made an oath to carry out the great thing to the end, respond to your old man's call, strive to give birth to future generations, and continue..."

Silly Zhu covered his mouth with his hands.

Don't do it.

He was worried that he would laugh out loud.

Bangs in the bangs also means bangs in the bangs. This term is really inappropriate to use. They even tried to let Jia Zhang give birth to a child for Yi Zhonghai, without even thinking about how old Yi Zhonghai was and how old Jia Zhang was.

Don’t be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of what happens.

What if Jia Zhang gave birth to a child for Yi Zhonghai?

The ten-year-old Banggeng carries his one-year-old uncle on his back.

But this uncle was born to his grandmother Jia Zhang.

It's too inconsistent.

Liu Haizhong must have known that he said something he shouldn't have said, so after adding a few words, he announced that he was going to eat.

Silly Zhu directed the helping neighbors to bring pots of stewed vegetables to the table, along with white-flour steamed buns. (End of chapter)

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