Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 392 Listening to the root of the wall, Yi Zhonghai mistakenly grasps the stick

With the thought that if you don't eat, you won't eat for nothing, and one meal is worth two meals.

The neighbors didn't speak.

They were all eating and drinking.

It's a bit like a competition to eat.

Adults eat the way adults eat, wolfing down a steamed bun in two or three mouthfuls. They often bite the steamed bun into their mouths before the steamed bun in their mouths is swallowed into their stomachs. No one drinks. They didn't drink any soup, they were all scrambling to eat the greasy stew and fluffy white-flour steamed buns.

Those children, I don't know if the adults in the family had specifically told them, but each of them held two big steamed buns in their hands, and they secretly hid the big steamed buns in their clothes when no one else was paying attention.

This scene.

Didn't hide it from Silly Zhu.

Look at the adults who are devouring it, and the children hiding the white flour buns.

A hint of a smile.

Appeared in the corner of Shazhu's mouth.

I've been busy all morning, isn't it just for this moment?

Let you plot against me, I will let you Yi Zhonghai drink from the northwest wind.

No one follows the gifts, no one follows the food stamps.

Jia Zhangshi does not have a ration.

Yi Zhonghai had no other choice but to drink from the northwest wind.

Unless the deaf old lady takes action.

It can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone. Silly Zhu also wanted to test the deaf old lady through this matter.

It wasn't Silly Pillar's idea.

It was the method proposed by Zhang Shihao and Yang Jiguang. Yesterday morning, these two people found Silly Zhu and mentioned the inside story of He Daqing running to Baocheng. They said that they suspected that the deaf old lady planned all this, but because of the deaf old lady, The information was impeccable and there were no problems in every aspect, so they asked Silly Zhu to help them test the deaf old lady.

Silly Zhu was entrusted by Yang Jiguang and Zhang Shihao and learned about Yi Zhonghai's marriage to Jia Zhang, so he staged a big drama of Louis Zhonghai hosting a banquet.

The harder the neighbors eat now, the greater Yi Zhonghai's losses will be, and the more he can help Zhang Shihao and Yang Jiguang.

I made this meal using all I have learned in my life.

Thanks to Shazhu's craftsmanship and the special circumstances of the year, this banquet allowed the neighbors to get over their gluttony, and when they left, all of them had their bulging bellies.

The only one who was unhappy.

I guess the only one left is the deaf old lady.

On the one hand, Mrs. Jia Zhang married Yi Zhonghai, which ruined the old deaf lady's plan for old age care, which made the old lady very unhappy. The ancestors of the courtyard could guess how Jia Zhang would deal with it just by guessing with their toes. she.

Today is the wedding day for Jia Zhang and Yi Zhonghai. In front of such a courtyard of neighbors, Jia Zhang is too lazy to perform the drama of filial piety to the deaf old lady, let alone in the future.

On the other hand is the deaf old lady who doesn't like her seat.

According to the deaf old lady's wishes, it was good for me that Yi Zhonghai was more of a godmother than a godmother. None of the neighbors knew that Yi Zhonghai treated the deaf old lady as his own mother.

When Yi Zhonghai got married, the deaf old lady had to sit in the main seat, and Jia Zhang and Yi Zhonghai had to kowtow to the deaf old lady in public.

Neither of these two wishes was achieved by the deaf old lady. She neither sat in the seat that only a biological mother could sit in, nor was she kowtowed in front of Jia Zhang and Yi Zhonghai.

While eating the banquet, the deaf old lady wanted to take advantage of Jia Zhang's kowtow to get a good handle on Jia Zhang and let her know who the big and small kings were.

As a result, Mrs. Jia Zhang had no intention of kowtowing to the deaf old lady.

The deaf old lady was so angry that her teeth were trembling.

Out of the corner of my eye.

Sweeping it towards the bangs.

This idiot, at that time, he deliberately hinted at Liu Haizhong with words, saying that he was the oldest person in the courtyard.

Liu Haizhong patted his chest and said he understood what the deaf old lady meant.

The result is a hammer.

The deaf old lady had no appetite at all to eat those meals, and was so angry that when she came to her senses and realized that this was the meal cooked by Silly Zhu, she wanted to eat but it was already too late. Looking around, she could see that everyone had finished eating. The mess of rice.

Nothing at all.

Those people are really cruel.

Licking the bowl clean.

The crutch in the old deaf lady's hand was poking the ground hard. She was getting a rare meal, but she got angry and gained nothing.

When I got up to leave, I saw some steamed bun residue on the table. Seeing that there was no one around, I held it in my mouth and chewed it for a few times.

Don't say it.

It tastes really good.

Shazhu not only cooks delicious food, but also makes delicious noodles.


Yan family.

Looking at the family’s bulging bellies.

Yan Fugui smiled.

A look of pride on his face.

No money was spent and I was so full.

Presumably there is no need to eat at night.

This is equivalent to saving two meals of food at once.

Suddenly he thought of Shazhu and Li Xiuzhi, and shook his head slightly.

I really don't know how to calculate.

While eating, Li Xiuzhi was arranged to visit He Yuyu.

No wonder Shazhu can't make a fortune.

Not calculating.


In the dark corner.

A strange figure appeared, bending over and hiding his figure in the shadows as much as possible.

I saw this figure, moving his steps cautiously, as if he was doing something shameful. While taking steps, he also looked around vigilantly at the movements around him.

After confirming that no one was paying attention to him, the figure quickly ran towards the left side room of the central courtyard and sneaked to the corner of the house in two or three steps.

He stopped and moved his body towards the window sill of Yi Zhonghai's house not far away.

This matter is visible and shameful.

He was as careful as possible, while moving, while observing the surrounding movements vigilantly, and his body also maintained a posture that could quickly slip away if he was not careful.

After spending some time, he finally moved under the window sill. Looking at the backs of those squatting there in advance, he realized that he was still a step too late.

There are really kind-hearted neighbors in the courtyard.

Jia and Zhang remarried Yi Zhonghai, and together they were more than a hundred years old, so there was nothing they could do about it.

It just so happens that there is such a person in the courtyard.


Under the window sill of Yi Zhonghai's house, there were several strange black figures squatting with their ears pressed against the wall.

The chubby figure among them was clearly the one with bangs, the one who pushed the bridge of his nose with his hand from time to time must be Yan Fugui, and the horse-faced man among them was no one else but Xu Damao.

Good guy.

The three heroes of the courtyard appeared together, Xu Damao, Liu Haizhong, and Yan Fugui.

Silly Zhu originally wanted to leave, but he was not here to listen to Qiang Gen. When he went out to use the toilet just now, he met Zhang Shihao who was on patrol. The two chatted for a few more words, and they talked about things related to the deaf old lady.

After returning to the courtyard, Silly Zhu, who thought he should help Zhang Shihao, thought of Ting Qianggen's idea.

Just in case Yi Zhonghai and Jia Zhang said something about the deaf old lady.

I came to the base of the wall with the signal of getting up at night, but someone climbed up first.

Sha Zhu originally wanted to leave, but when Xu Damao turned his head, he accidentally saw Sha Zhu and recognized Sha Zhu.

In this case, if Silhu goes back, it will appear that he has a guilty conscience.

Then he moved to the three of them.

It must be because they all recognized who the other party was. The way they looked at Silly Zhu in Liu Hai was like a look that hates the iron. It's so boring.

Things like squatting in a corner.

He actually bumped into an acquaintance.

"Si Zhu, why are you here?" Liu Haizhong, who spoke first, lectured Si Zhu in a voice that only they could hear, "It almost scared us."

Fortunately, Liu Haizhong spoke first.

There are holes in words.

If it were Yan Fugui, Shazhu really didn't know how to answer.

Seizing the loophole in Liu Hai's question, Silhu looked righteous.

"Am I scaring you?" Silly Zhu also lowered his voice and said in a low voice: "Second uncle, third uncle, you don't sleep at night, what are you doing squatting here? I just got up at night and saw a few dark figures, I thought there was a thief and wanted to observe quietly, but I didn’t expect it was the three of you.”

"Si Zhu, don't think of yourself as so high-ranking. We are all neighbors in the courtyard. Who doesn't know who? Outsiders don't know you, Si Zhu. How can I, Xu Damao, not know? You are here to listen to the news just like us. .”

For the first time, Xu Damao felt that Silly Zhu was so shameless.

It was obvious that several of them were doing the same thing, but Silly Zhu put what he said in a moral perspective and even caught the thief, even the thief.

who do you think You Are?

Just a cook.

"Silly Zhu, I'm not here to listen to Jia Zhang and Yi Zhonghai's whispers. I'm worried that the two of them will have a conflict. You all know what happened during the day. The neighbors didn't follow the etiquette. I was making friends at that time. When it was time to pay the bill, Yi Zhonghai was dumbfounded. Marrying a man, marrying a man, dressing and eating. Yi Zhonghai estimated that he had spent all his ration for the next two months on this banquet. If the Jia Zhang family made a fuss, the three of them would It’s good for you to be prepared, this is called being prepared.”

Yan Fugui made up a reason towards Silly Zhu.

This is called a reason to use Silly Zhu, leaving Silly Zhu speechless.

You said you were arresting people.

I said I was here to finish things off for the neighbors.

Everyone weighs half a pound to eight ounces.

Don't dislike anyone.

"We are helping the third uncle to testify." Xu Damao took advantage of Yan Fugui's words and found a reason for himself, "Second uncle, do you think so?"

Liu Haizhong nodded.

It's better than having the reputation of being caught at the base of a wall.

"You are all right, I have convinced you."

"It's okay not to be convinced. Who told me that my brother is Xu Damao?" Xu Damao suddenly became cautious and said to Silly Zhu: "Silly Zhu, do you know about that thing during the day today?"

Silly Zhu looked straight at Xu Damao.

I really don’t understand what Xu Damao is referring to in his words.

Could it be that he withheld half a pound of pork?

As a cook.

There must be a way to beat the hair plucking.

There were ten kilograms of pork. Silly Zhu secretly withheld one kilogram in front of the neighbors, thinking that he would take time to deliver it to He Yuyu tomorrow.

I guess Xu Damao saw him intercepting the pork.

Because there were Liu Haizhong and Yan Fugui in front of him, Silly Zhu stiffly shook his head.

"Brother will tell you tomorrow."

"Stop talking and listen."

Under Yan Fugui's greeting, Yan Fugui, Shazhu, and Liu Haizhong stood calmly outside the window, each with their ears propped up, listening to what was going on in the house.


It was as quiet as silk inside the house.

There was no movement at all.

Did the two of them sleep?


Mrs. Jia Zhang is the one who suffers a loss if she doesn't pick up things while walking. Yi Zhonghai suffered such a big loss, but Mrs. Jia Zhang didn't react at all?

In the moment when they were thinking about it.

There was movement in the house.

It was the conversation between Yi Zhonghai and Jia Zhang.

"As the head of the house, the male is in charge, and the female is in charge. I will take care of the affairs at home, and you are responsible for the affairs outside."


"I took a look at it at that time. Some things at home are no longer usable and need to be replaced with new ones. You give me the money and I will go to the supply and marketing cooperative to buy them tomorrow."

"You want money from me?"

Three people outside the window sill.

I feel that Jia Zhang is still the same Jia Zhang.

On the first day he remarried Yi Zhonghai, he opened his mouth and asked for money from Yi Zhonghai.

Then I thought about it.

Yi Zhonghai is rich.

Who doesn't know Yi Zhonghai's salary of 99 yuan a month.

Jia Zhang remarried Yi Zhonghai just because Yi Zhonghai could earn so much money in a month. She speculated whether Yi Zhonghai would give Jia Zhang money, how much money he would give Jia Zhang, and whether Jia Zhang would I won't make a fuss with Yi Zhonghai on the wedding day because of money.

Yan Fugui and Xu Damao were looking forward to making a fuss.

Silly Zhu has almost the same idea. Only a fight between Jia Zhang and Yi Zhonghai can inspire the deaf old lady.

Liu Haizhong didn't think so.

Whether Yi Zhonghai has money or not, he knows best in his bangs.

The hypocrite has no money now, and he can't wait to turn a penny into a flower with two petals.

Today, the neighbors didn’t show any courtesy and just ate for free.

Yi Zhonghai had no money to give to Jia Zhang.

What's next?

Still have to listen.

Liu Haizhong continued to listen to the movements in the house with his ears open. The voice that sounded like Jia Zhang's sounded a bit shocking.

"Yi Zhonghai, what are you talking about? I'm asking you for money? You are my man and I am your woman. I have no job and my registered residence is in the countryside. You are an eighth-level worker in the steel rolling mill and you earn ninety-nine yuan a month. You don't Who will support me? As your woman, isn’t it normal for me to ask you for money? I can’t go to Yan Fugui to ask for money!"

"Cough cough cough."

Yan Fugui was eavesdropping in the courtyard.

He was blinded by Jia Zhang's words.

I couldn't help but cough.

In the silent night sky, these coughs seemed particularly harsh.

Inside the house, Yi Zhonghai's face instantly turned pale, and he ran toward the door to see who was so shameless and shameless as to listen to him.

By the time he pushed open the door and came out of the house, Xu Damao and the others who were eavesdropping at the base of the wall had already disappeared.

Fools don't run away.

Jia Zhang followed closely behind.

He followed Yi Zhonghai out, looked at the deserted middle courtyard, and cursed loudly.

"Shameless bastard, you stay up late at night and listen to my old lady's fault. You are really wicked and shameless. If you do such a disgusting thing, my old lady will curse you to die."

"Okay, just say a few words."

"Master, they are listening to the wall. I scolded them. Why are you still not happy?"

"Look who that is?"

Jia Zhang looked in the direction of Yi Zhonghai's finger.

I was stunned for a moment.

What a great joke. (End of chapter)

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