Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 396 Jia Zhang, do you still have the nerve to call Lao Jia?

In the courtyard.

Jia Zhang was cursing in the street.

Although it can't be said that the family has four walls, it is almost the same. The food ration in Yi Zhonghai's family was all eaten at yesterday's wedding, leaving nothing for the hypocrite. The noodle vat was empty, with nothing, except air, and the noodle bag was empty. No, even the ingredients such as sesame oil were used up.

Jia Zhang was so angry that she trembled all over.

I woke up early in the morning, thinking that I was tired last night and wanted to eat some delicious food, so I walked around the house.

Apart from drinking the northwest wind, there is nothing else to do.

However, none of the neighbors who were eating at the banquet came with gifts or food stamps.

There are no food stamps.

I don’t want to go hungry.

They can only buy grain at high prices from the black market or ghost market.

This morning, Jia Zhang took advantage of Yi Zhonghai to go to work and asked for money from Yi Zhonghai.

Yi Zhonghai didn't say anything, and turned over his pocket. The empty pocket showed Yi Zhonghai's worth.

I’m really out of money.

In addition to having no money, Yi Zhonghai also set his sights on Jia Zhang.

Jia Dongxu died last year. Yi Zhonghai was eager to let Qin Huairu remarry Shazhu and let Shazhu help the Jia family. However, because Jia Dongxu had just died and it had not been a hundred days, Jia Zhang refused to let go. There was no way Zhong Hai could force Qin Huairu to remarry. Qin Huairu had a bad reputation if he forced her to remarry.

He gave Jia Zhang a thousand yuan to change his story.

As soon as the money was given to Jia Zhang, Si Zhu married Li Xiuzhi with the help of the street director Jia.

Yi Zhonghai was caught off guard.

Yi Zhonghai doesn't have a penny in savings now, and his salary is only a dozen yuan a month. He discussed with Jia Zhang and said that Jia Zhang was her daughter-in-law, and Jia Zhang's money was also Yi Zhonghai's. He took out one thousand yuan as living expenses, and when he had the conditions in the future, he would double the compensation to Jia and Zhang.

Mrs. Jia Zhang was not happy.

You can ask for anything, but you can't ask for money.

This money is the capital for Jia and Zhang to live and work.

I feel angry.

Then he vented all his grievances on the neighbors, scolded whatever came to his mind, scolded whatever was unpleasant, and greeted all the eight generations of ancestors of the neighbors.

Seeing Mrs. Jia Zhang jumping up and down, the neighbors all watched the show.

No matter how many dirty words you curse, it is not as beneficial as eating it in your mouth. Many people did not eat at night, and they really managed three meals in one meal.

Prepare to watch Jia Zhang's show in the days to come.

It is never too late for a gentleman to take revenge.

Yi Zhonghai's family no longer has a ration, and the food they eat can only be black. When the report letter is lost, Jia and Zhang will not be able to eat and walk around.

Everyone returned to their homes laughing.

Jia Zhang was treated coldly by them.

Seeing that the neighbors ignored her, Jia Zhang was very angry. She looked like a person who had eaten a dead fly and felt depressed.

There was a sound of crutches hitting the ground.

No need to ask.

Must be the deaf old lady.

Mrs. Jia Zhang looked in the direction where the sound came from. She was really the old immortal thing of the ancestor of the courtyard. She snorted angrily and gave the deaf old lady a big roll of her eyes.

You can guess with your toes what the deaf old lady is going to do.

Ask her, Jia Zhang, for food.

Mrs. Jia and Zhang are hungry, how can there be food for the deaf old lady?

Moreover, Mrs. Jia Zhang is not prepared to serve the deaf old lady as her own mother like a aunt. She is not unable to have children. Although her son is dead, she has grandchildren, granddaughters, and a daughter-in-law whom she manipulates. , and now that she is married to Yi Zhonghai, her life in the future may not be comfortable.

You won't cause trouble for yourself.

He turned his head to the side and faced Jia Zhang with the back of his head.

Seeing that Mrs. Jia Zhang didn't give her face, the deaf old lady was so angry that she didn't know what to say. She subconsciously tightened the handle of the cane and really wanted to give Mrs. Jia Zhang a hard slap on the crutch.

Let you not regard my old lady as your ancestor.

It's just that the crutch has never been able to be lifted, and naturally it can't fall on Jia Zhang.

It’s different in the past.

Mrs. Jia Zhang is not just a widow of the Jia family. She carries the hat of Yi Zhonghai’s daughter-in-law on her head. Yi Zhonghai has lived with the deaf old lady for so many years. If she really beats Mrs. Jia Zhang, it will look like the deaf old lady has become a little girl. People, mainly the deaf old lady, didn't dare to bet on their status in Yi Zhonghai's heart.

After all, there is no blood relationship.

No matter what you say, Qin Huairu is still the daughter-in-law of Jia Zhang. Yi Zhonghai asked Qin Huairu to call him father, but this matter must be pinned on Jia Zhang.

Does the deaf old lady know what efforts Yi Zhonghai made to get Qin Huairu to call him daddy?

There is some relationship.

Can only be used before.

Now it doesn't work.

On the one hand, those people are getting married, starting a business, and have children of their own; on the other hand, those who are bald don’t dare to fart even after being spanked. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the bald head is getting worse every day.

If the deaf old lady appears in front of others at this time, she may be trapped in a cage.

People are not killed for their own sake.

Those people are very likely to use the deaf old lady to ask for credit and reward, and to serve as a stepping stone for their progress.

in this way.

The deaf old lady had to be careful. She didn't dare to put some things in her hands out casually, for fear that someone would take advantage of her and mess with her.

On the day when Li Yujie brought people to make trouble, someone recognized the deaf old lady. If the deaf old lady hadn't realized that the situation was not good, she made an excuse and hid back at home, and she would probably explain her problems to the police station now.

He has lived in seclusion in the courtyard for more than ten years and can be recognized by others at a glance.

It's better to be careful.

Facing the neighbors in the courtyard and the Jia Zhang family, the deaf old lady could only continue to play the role of a helpless old lady.

She sighed inwardly.

He opened his mouth towards Jia Zhang.

"Daughter-in-law Lao Yi, my old lady didn't eat much yesterday. She was woken up by hunger at night. This morning, her stomach was even more hungry. When Yulan was here, she would give my old lady three meals a day. Take the initiative to bring it to my old lady. Yulan is gone and you are married to Zhonghai. It is up to you to deliver my old lady's three meals a day."

"I send?"

"Send it to me. I have been living together with you two for so many years, and my relationship is in place. My old lady is getting older. Today, there is no tomorrow. It will be good for you to take care of my old lady. At least the neighbors will say When I look at you, Mr. Jia Zhang, I will give you a thumbs up, praise you for your benevolence, your morality, and praise you for being a good person who takes care of the helpless old ladies in the same hospital. They will also be proud of you."

Moral stick.

Was waved by the deaf old lady.

It hit Jia Zhang on the head hard.

Li Yulan was brainwashed by the deaf old lady's remarks about moral kidnapping. She thought that she could not give birth to a child for Yi Zhonghai, so she could only do her best to establish a reputation as a good person who was helped by Yi Zhonghai and serve the deaf old lady meticulously. .


Jia Zhang is not Li Yulan.

Li Yulan's scruples were nothing in Jia Zhang's eyes.

I won't be fooled by the deaf old lady and become a filial son and grandson of the deaf old lady.

Love so and so. "False name?"

Just three words.

Breaking the defense of the deaf old lady.

Looking at Jia Zhang with a greedy face.

The deaf old lady let out a heavy sigh in her heart. This is Jia Zhang. The lazy Jia Zhang married Yi Zhonghai and did not take care of her deaf old lady.

In order to prevent Jia Zhang from marrying Yi Zhonghai, the deaf old lady spent more than thirty yuan in matchmaking money.

Finished dinner yesterday.

The deaf old lady also asked for money from the matchmakers, but she was beaten by the matchmakers and she still hasn't gotten back the money she gave her.

Feeling bad all over.

"Grandma Banggen, when a person dies, he leaves his name, and when a flying goose passes by, he leaves a voice. If you don't think about yourself, you have to think about Banggen and the others."

"I just think about Banggeng and the others, so I feel that the benefits I get are the most beneficial. I am just a country woman with no knowledge. I don't know what it means to leave a name when someone dies and a voice when they pass away. I only know that only by giving can you gain something. You're not stupid, you just say it with red lips and white teeth, and I'll try my best to please you, there's no such thing."

Mrs. Jia Zhang expressed her attitude toward the deaf old lady.

You deaf old lady is a deaf old lady.

My name is Jia Zhang.

"You are responsible for your three meals a day. I will not serve you like my ancestors. I don't even have stick noodles and steamed buns. You still want to eat some delicious and sincere food. What to eat? Delicacies from the mountains and seas? I want to eat too. Isn't that impossible? Well, you also saw what happened during the day yesterday. They all came to eat, but no one came with the gift. I didn’t receive a penny of gift money. It was just for nothing. I ran out of food at home and I was hungry. .”

Jia Zhang's eyes suddenly lit up.

He looked at the deaf old lady strangely.

"Old lady, you just said that our family is living together with you in Zhonghai. Our family can't open the pot now. Can you show your style and contribute the food in your family?"

The deaf old lady looked frightened.

How could Mrs. Jia Zhang say such shameless words?

There is no longer the talisman of the five-guarantee household.

The deaf old lady had to be as careful as possible when doing certain things.

The older.

The less I want to die.

"Old lady, what you are doing is unethical. You live with us as a couple. Together we can only eat our ration? Can't you eat your deaf old lady's ration?"

Jia Zhang didn't know which muscle was cramped.

He sat down with his butt on the ground.

She cried out loudly, and the familiar but unfamiliar words for Lao Jia to come up and help flew out of her mouth.

The neighbors who had been hiding at home watching Jia Zhang's show hurriedly moved their bodies from their houses to the courtyard. Along with the security department, they searched the deaf old lady's house and found a large amount of supplies and money. The old lady is no longer afraid. As long as the deaf old lady acts up, the neighbors will blame the deaf old lady for reselling supplies.

You can watch the deaf old lady's show openly.

Everyone knows the ins and outs of the scene before them.

It's just that the deaf old lady had no one to serve her and was hungry. She went to Yi Zhonghai's house and asked Jia Zhang to serve her. Jia Zhang didn't agree, so she didn't look good on the deaf old lady.

As for why Jia and Zhang called Lao Jia.

The neighbors didn't know.

But judging from the half-raised crutches of the deaf old lady, it seems that the deaf old lady wanted to beat Jia Zhang because she choked her and refused to serve her.

This has happened before.

Taking advantage of being a five-guarantee household, I smashed the windows of other people's houses at night to see who displeased me. I even deliberately chose to smash your glass in that cold weather, and I also beat Mr. Jia and Zhang several times.

Mrs. Jia Zhang was a widow before. When she beat Ms. Jia Zhang, the deaf old lady Yi Zhonghai supported her. Now that Ms. Jia Zhang and Yi Zhonghai sleep in the same bed, the old deaf lady no longer has the five guarantees and has to support herself. What confidence do you have to attack Jia Zhang? Do you really think that Yi Zhonghai will not stand up for Jia Zhang?

His eyes focused on the two of them, guessing whether Jia Zhang was beaten or the deaf old lady was about to hit her.

The result was beyond the expectations of all the neighbors.

The deaf old lady suddenly took back the half-raised crutch and turned to Jia Zhang, who was on the ground calling for Lao Jia to come up and help, and refused.

"Jia Zhang, how dare you ask Changhai to help you now?"

Lao Jia's name is Changhai.

Jia Changhai.

"The day before yesterday, you got a marriage certificate from Zhonghai. You remarried to Zhonghai. When Changhai came, did he help you or not? Help you. You are no longer his wife. If he doesn't help you, you call him to come up again. I am always Madam, I'm warning you, from now on, don't call me Lao Jia, and don't call me Xiao Jia again. Lao Jia and Xiao Jia are staying well down there. If I find out that you have remarried to Zhong Hai, I don't know how uncomfortable you will be. Woolen cloth."

"Pfft" sound.

Someone laughed.

Unexpectedly, the deaf old lady was also a master at hurting others. She asked Mrs. Jia and Zhang to stop calling Lao Jia, saying that Ms. Jia and Zhang were not worthy of calling Lao Jia to help.

Jia Zhang, who was crying on the ground, wiped the tears on her face with her hands, climbed up from the ground, and said to the deaf old lady: "Changhai and Zhonghai are brothers, what's wrong? Let me ask you, okay?" No? Can you take out the supplies from your home to help our Yi family tide over the difficulties?"

Don't wait for the deaf old lady to say anything.

Jia Zhang took a step forward.

Run towards the backyard.

Judging from the cruel words she said before leaving, she was going to the deaf old lady's house in the backyard to look for food.

There are some things in the deaf old lady's house that cannot be seen.

I didn't expect that Jia Zhang would do this.

He hurriedly followed behind, warning Jia Zhang with words as he walked.

"Ms. Jia Zhang, if you come to my house to look for something, I won't be done with you."


Inside a speeding jeep.

Yi Zhonghai was worried.

This was the first time in his life that he rode in a car.

The mood is a little impatient.

I feel so depressed that I don’t know how to describe it.

People require level eight workers.

Although he carries the reputation of an eighth-level worker, he only has the skills of a seventh-level worker. When he arrives at the scene of support and is asked to take action by Yi Zhonghai, what will Yi Zhonghai do?

Don't do anything.

It doesn't make sense.

Do it.

If the processed products are not up to standard, the steel rolling mill will be disgraced. As the initiator of all this, Yi Zhonghai can't do well either.

Inside the rolling mill.


The prestige is gone.

Those new employees actually took it as a wise saying that they could not become people like Yi Zhonghai.

When Yi Zhonghai heard these words, he was almost angered to death. (End of chapter)

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