Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 397 Xu Damao and Qin Huairu jumped in line and caused trouble

In order not to be embarrassed.

Yi Zhonghai sitting on the jeep.

In my mind, I thought of many ways to escape from this support.

If your skills are not up to par, you can't force yourself to lose face.

He was sick, his wife had given birth to a baby, the deaf old lady in the compound died, and other excuses ran through Yi Zhonghai's mind.

He even came up with ways to harm himself and prepared to injure himself.

He was reluctant to break his legs and arms, but he was willing to bruise his fingers and draw blood, using the excuse that his hands and feet were not strong enough to end the support.

These little tricks by Yi Zhonghai.

The small flame of hope was extinguished by a word from an enthusiastic passenger in the same car.

The man sitting in the jeep with Yi Zhonghai, wearing a machine shop uniform, probably saw the little Jiujiu in Yi Zhonghai's heart, and kindly reminded Yi Zhonghai.

If you make any excuses or harm yourself, you will be labeled as actively evading construction support. In addition to being permanently retained in the file, you will also be notified of the original unit in the form of accountability. In severe cases, you will be directly expelled from the factory, and in the lighter cases, you will be transferred from the original unit. Department, to make a living like cleaning toilets.

Within the site that supports construction.

There are only two ways to say it.

One is to be slightly injured and unable to leave the line of fire, either lying down and going out with a meritorious service, or walking out wearing a big red flower of honor and returning like a hero.

One is to be sent back to the original unit in disgrace wearing all kinds of bad hats, unable to hold his head up for the rest of his life, having his back poked, and being in disgrace for eternity.

I listened to the words of enthusiastic comrades.

Yi Zhonghai could only put away the little Jiujiu in his heart, and prayed to the gods and Buddhas in the sky, hoping that the other party would treat him decently and not embarrass himself.

Otherwise, with his already bad reputation, he really doesn't know how to face those people in the steel rolling mill.


Inside the second cafeteria of the steel rolling mill.


As the saying goes: If you are not active in eating, there will be something wrong with your brain.

During the meal, the workers who had been busy at work all morning were already hungry. However, in this era of scarcity of materials, they attached great importance to this meal in the steel rolling mill.

I had a little meal with oil and water at noon, but I stopped eating when I got home in the evening, saving a meal. Some people will pack more food and leave the leftovers to eat with their wives and children when they go home at night.

This is also the reason why the security department will not easily check workers’ lunch boxes. You don’t know whether the food in his lunch box is leftover by himself or he is reluctant to eat it, unless he receives a relevant report saying that so-and-so stole supplies from the canteen. Such people are usually people in the canteen. People in the canteen are doing things related to eating. Outsiders don't know the wonders inside.

Because Sha Zhu works as the monitor in the No. 2 Canteen and spends the same money but can eat different meals. The No. 2 Canteen has always been the most popular canteen among the employees in the steel rolling mill.

Queuing is a strange sight in the second canteen.

Just after getting off work, there was a long queue in the second cafeteria.

Some people looked at the small blackboard above the meal window.

It says today's lunch meal.

Stir-fried pork and cabbage.

Sweet potatoes stewed in meat soup.

Vegetarian Fried Zucchini.

The first two are considered meat dishes, and the latter one is considered vegetarian, catering to those whose families are not wealthy. The staple food is divided into two noodles and steamed buns.

This is the foundation of a large factory with tens of thousands of people.

Change to another small factory.

I can only eat steamed rice noodles.

Since Yi Zhonghai was sent to support construction, Qin Huairu effectively had no backer in the ninth workshop. When Yi Zhonghai was there, Yi Zhonghai would help process some parts, but now Qin Huairu has to complete it independently.

Get off work later.

When Qin Huairu came to the second canteen with a lunch box, the second canteen was already crowded.

Looking at the dense crowd of people in front.

Qin Huairu's brows wrinkled unnaturally.

As a famous pretty widow in the steel rolling mill, Qin Huairu knows what her advantages are. She is already a mother of three children, and she is in the ring again.

Nothing to worry about anymore.

He looked around the crowd, trying to find someone to take advantage of.

Very unfortunate.

The few enemies that Qin Huairu was interested in were all gone, and a bit of disappointment appeared on Qin Huairu's face. She had not completed the tasks assigned in the morning, so she wanted to finish her meal as soon as possible and return to the ninth workshop to work.

Guo Dabozi said something.

If Qin Huairu continues to idle around, Qin Huairu will be kicked out.

Without Yi Zhonghai, no one would stand up for Qin Huairu.

Qin Huairu could only obey Guo Dabozi's wishes and complete the tasks assigned to her by the ninth workshop.

Time is tight.

in the crowd.

Suddenly I saw Xu Damao.

Busily walking towards Xu Damao with easy steps.

When Qin Huairu came in, all the people queuing up in the second cafeteria saw Qin Huairu and thought that Qin Huairu would queue up honestly.

It never occurred to me that the widow would take an unusual path.

Find someone to jump in line again.

The whispers gradually grew louder, from naming names to calling them by name.

"Qin Huairu, why did you jump in line?"

"The last few times I met you, I jumped in line directly. People who didn't know better thought that you, Qin Huairu, run the second canteen. You can prepare meals as you like. Can you please follow some rules?"

"Qin Huairu, we are all waiting in line. Is it interesting for you to jump in line? Do you really think that just because you are nicknamed a pretty widow, you can do whatever you want?"

Everyone's accusations.

Qin Huairu didn't take it to heart.

To use Jia Zhang's original words to describe it, he has become a widow, so what else does he need to do? Can face be exchanged for food? In exchange for money? Only the money you get is most important.

When necessary, you can risk it.

Anyway, once the ring is applied, there is nothing to worry about.

Qin Huairu replied, pointing to Xu Damao in front of her, and said: "I came out of the toilet at that time, saw Xu Damao, and told Xu Damao that he would help me line up for lunch at noon."

While giving reasons.

He also took steps to come to Xu Damao.

He smiled at Xu Damao.

Xu Damao wanted to refuse, but after seeing Qin Huairu's mature widow's face, the words of refusal were immediately blocked in his mouth.

He didn't deny or say anything, but he also agreed with Qin Huairu.

"Qin Huairu told me at ten o'clock in the morning, asking me to help her line up."

"I'm not lying, Xu Damao really lined up for me."

Qin Huairu stepped in front of Xu Damao.

Xu Damao was also very bold. He put his hand on Qin Huairu's shoulder and said in a covert manner, "There is something on the shoulder of Qin Huairu's work clothes, so he will help pat it."

Turtle Sun's hand.

I would rather go down.

But considering that there were so many people present, I really didn’t dare to joke with my own life.

He muttered something in his mouth.

"Qin Huairu, why did you come so late? Are you chatting with an admirer again?"

"Busy at work." "Hey, I don't know how busy you, Qin Huairu, can be, no matter how busy you are. Are you with Lao Wang or Lao Li this time? Qin Huairu, I'm not telling you, your father Yi Zhonghai is in the ninth workshop, aren't you afraid that your father Yi Zhonghai's face will be disgraced?"

"He is not here, and is engaged in support construction."

The words just left his mouth.

Qin Huairu regretted it a little.

I don’t know how I told the truth.

deep in the heart.

Still somewhat resistant to Yi Zhonghai as his father.

Not wanting to continue this topic, I started talking about something else.

"Xu Damao, I heard that you are going to marry into the Lou family's uncle?"

"What kind of marriage? We gave her face, it was her Lou family who begged grandpa and grandma to beg me, Xu Damao, to marry her."

"You wouldn't be?"

Although Qin Huairu didn't say what he said next, Xu Damao clearly knew the meaning of Qin Huairu's words. He was instantly shocked and hurriedly threw the blame away.

Nowadays, anyone who holds hands may be severely punished.

Pregnancy before marriage.

This is just rushing to eat peanuts.

No matter how courageous Xu Damao was, he would not be stupid enough to tell Qin Huairu what he did to Lou Xiao'e. If Qin Huairu took advantage of him and blackmailed him, he would be in trouble.

"Nonsense, I am a gentleman."

"Bah, if you were a gentleman, there would be no villains in the steel rolling mill. Xu Damao, what on earth is going on between you and Lou Xiao'e?"

"What is the identity of the Lou family? What is my identity, Xu Damao? I can marry her without asking me."

Xu Damao was originally a boaster.

Unexpectedly, Lou Xiao'e's father came to inspect the unit today, but he was still eating in the small box next to the second cafeteria. He happened to see Qin Huairu and Xu Damao playing in public, and heard Xu Damao's irrelevant remarks. Subconsciously I felt that Xu Damao was not a good match for Lou Xiao'e.

This marriage.

Then he gave up.

Xu Damao, who still didn't know that his marriage was in trouble, was still chatting with Qin Huairu.

It’s just their behavior.

It fell into the eyes of those waiting in line.

A word came to mind.

Dog men and women.

Are there any other words to describe Xu Damao and Qin Huairu in front of them?

You, Qin Huairu, can jump in line with Xu Damao, but we can't?
A smart person muttered something to a few people around him, and the whole team was instantly in chaos.

They repeated the reason Qin Huairu brought out just now, saying that the brothers or colleagues in front had already lined up for them.

Some people did not jump in line, but handed their lunch boxes and meal tickets to the people in front of them to help them buy food.

The well-organized dining hall.

It instantly became a mess.

Xu Damao and Qin Huairu, who were at the front of the team, actually made it to the end.

The two of them were not angry.

Mainly Qin Huairu was making trouble.

Xu Damao didn't seem to have reacted, and he was stunned, but Qin Huairu spoke categorically about the workers who deliberately provoked trouble and bullied the widow.

Disjointed sounds.

He flew into the small box next door.

Among the few heads who were eating, the one at the bottom came out to maintain the situation, revealed his identity as the deputy factory director, and called the security department.

The workers may not give face to the deputy factory director, but they must not give face to the security department.

The mouth that was flying with various words suddenly stopped talking.

The deputy director was so angry that he was shaking all over.

Haolai is also the deputy director of the factory, but in the eyes of the workers, he is just a dispensable stinker.

He slapped the dining table in front of him with his hand and yelled viciously.

"What's going on? It's a mess. What does it look like? A vegetable market? He Yuzhu, come out here."

In the cafeteria.

Silly Zhu, who was busy cooking, scooped out the vegetables in his hand, asked Liu Lan to carry the dishes to the box, and then appeared in front of everyone with a shovel.

Silly Zhu, who hadn't read a book, really looked like the boss of the world. Except for Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady, he didn't pay attention to anyone. Deputy Factory Director Li was beaten at every turn by him.

After reading the book, knowing the plot, and marrying Li Xiuzhi, Shazhu's temperament has changed a lot, at least he will no longer be as arrogant as before.

Know that sometimes you have to support the other person and give the other person face.

Just a few nice words that cost no money.

Silly Zhu said to the deputy director in a very humble manner: "Director Zhao, are you looking for me?"

I learned this from Li Xiuzhi. Regardless of which department he is responsible for, as long as he is the deputy director of the factory and there is no permanent director in front of him, the modified "vice" will be removed.

When Deputy Director Zhao saw that Sha Zhu was giving him face like this and was concerned about the leaders in the small box, the expression on his face, although serious, softened a lot.

He knew that the second cafeteria was so messy.

In fact, it is no different from Silly Pillar.

Otherwise, where did the food in the small box come from?

"Squad leader He, you have to be responsible for the order of the second cafeteria."

"What you're teaching is." Silly Zhu asked Ma Hua next to him: "Ma Hua, you were cooking at the window just now. What's going on?"

"Master, this is what happened, Qin Huairu..."

Ma Hua explained the whole story to Shazhu.

He said he was explaining to Silly Zhu, but he was actually talking to Deputy Factory Director Zhao about Qin Huairu cutting in the queue, about Xu Damao flirting with Qin Huairu, and about the workers quitting and calling Qin Huairu's tricks on Qin Huairu. Qin Huairu made a fuss over this and explained it in detail.

Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai were at the steel rolling mill.

Basically synonymous with bed bugs.

Yi Zhonghai has good skills.

Qin Huairu had no skills at all, and was only a first-class worker until now. He was a god who had become a first-class worker by relying on his years of service. He broke the record for the longest time for a first-class worker to be promoted in the steel rolling mill.

I was scolded by those in Workshop No. 9 every day.

Now that I'm a widow, I still can't bear to part with my big black and shiny braids.

The incident was caused by Qin Huairu. If she hadn't insisted on cutting in front of Xu Damao, she wouldn't have caused such a mess.

Deputy Director Zhao waved his hand and called Qin Huairu and Xu Damao to him. He was scolded and told to write a 2,000-word inspection for Qin Huairu and a 500-word inspection for Xu Damao, with deductions Qin Huairu’s performance and bonus for the month.

Deputy Factory Director Zhao is no longer popular, but he is still a leader with the title of Deputy Factory Director.

Qin Huairu and Xu Damao could only accept their fate honestly and rolled out of the second cafeteria without even eating.

Silly Zhu looked at Xu Damao's leaving figure, and a big word "sorrow" appeared on her forehead.

I remember that there was such an explanation in the script that Qin Huairu jumped in front of Xu Damao, but that was after Xu Damao married Lou Xiao'e.

It seems like something happened in 66.

It's 62 now.

Could it be that something happened outside of the script because of something?
Xu Damao, Xu Damao, you kid must not be confused. Qin Huairu is a cannibal who eats people without spitting out their bones. Behind them are Jia Zhang and Yi Zhonghai, another widow with a baby.

Talk about flirting with Qin Huairu, you really don’t want to have it.

What Dorgon couldn't handle, you Xu Damao can handle. (End of chapter)

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