Chapter 398 Qin Huairu is pregnant
Qin Huairu, who left the Second Canteen and returned to the Ninth Workshop, suddenly remembered that her lunch box was still left in the Second Canteen. Without the lunch box, what would she eat for lunch.

Buying a new lunch box also requires money.

The lunch box that Qin Huairu is using now is the new lunch box that Yi Zhonghai used to trick Sha Zhu into helping the Jia family. Sha Zhu gave it to Yu Yu, used it for a while, and then returned it to the Jia family.

Lunch box made of pure aluminum.

It also costs a lot of money.

If you can save one, it's one.

Qin Huairu returned to the Second Canteen.

The Second Canteen, which had just been calm for a while, was once again boiling because of Qin Huairu's departure and return, and everyone focused their attention on Qin Huairu.

This woman.

The skin is so thick.

You've been turned into a fool, and you still have the nerve to go back to the second cafeteria.

When they thought that this was Yi Zhonghai's daughter, the workers in the second canteen were relieved. Those who were eating stopped eating and looked at Qin Huairu, and those who were buying food stopped buying and looked at Qin Huairu.

Qin Huairu hurriedly walked to the table and took the aluminum lunch box with the words Qin Huairu written on it in his hand.

In order to distinguish them, each lunch box has inlaid writing on it, indicating who it is and which workshop it is, so that there will be no confusion.

Qin Huairu, holding the lunch box, stood there and hesitated for a few seconds, mainly because her stomach grumbled with hunger, thinking that since the second canteen could not buy food, she would have to go to other canteens to buy food.

The closest to No. 2 Canteen is No. 6 Canteen, which takes several minutes to walk.

In the past.

Qin Huairu looked down upon these few minutes.

Today, because Guo Dabo had assigned her some work, and if she could not complete the task, she had to report it, saying that Qin Huairu had delayed the normal production system of the ninth workshop of the steel rolling mill.

Qin Huairu will be deducted from her performance for the month.

Money is important.

Qin Huairu didn't want to deduct money, so she wanted to solve the meal problem in the second canteen, but she was worried about the rumors among the workers, and because Qin Huairu didn't dare to jump in line casually to buy food, she could only queue up honestly. Time was a bit stunned.

At that moment of confusion, someone walked past Qin Huairu.

Qin Huairu didn't know whether she smelled the sweat on the man's body or the smell of rice. Her stomach turned for a while, and the acidic water in her stomach forced open the barrier of her throat and spurted out from her mouth.

It's not an exaggeration.

Really squirting.

Under the influence of negative pressure, Qin Huairu's mouth was used as the starting point, and it quickly sprayed towards the person opposite her.

Xu Damao was also unlucky. He and Qin Huairu came together to find the lunch box, but by chance they encountered Qin Huairu's vomiting attack.

The dirt sprayed out from Qin Huairu's mouth was not wasted at all, most of it fell on Xu Damao's body.

That kind of bloody end.

Smelling this fishy smell, Xu Damao shivered with anger. He was lustful, but he also had some scruples.

Qin Huairu's behavior clearly touched Xu Damao's bottom line, and he opened his mouth to ask about Qin Huairu's eight generations of ancestors.

There was a worker next to him who was distracted from eating by Qin Huairu's behavior and started talking first.

"Qin Huairu, are you a human? What kind of place is this? This is the second canteen, not your Kangtou. You can do whatever you want. Look at me. It's a good dish. After just a few bites, it's all over. You added extra condiments, what do you think I should do? Should I eat or eat your vomit? Is it disgusting?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."

Qin Huairu also knew that she had done something wrong.

The lunch boxes of several workers were all damaged.

This still owes a lot to Xu Damao.

If Xu Damao hadn't blocked most of them, I don't know how many workers had been tortured by Qin Huairu.

Qin Huairu admitted her mistake with a great attitude, and wanted to say a few words of self-reflection. The nauseating feeling came to Qin Huairu's heart again.

After retching, Qin Huairu covered her mouth with her hands and wanted to escape from the second cafeteria, fearing that a bigger trouble would result.

Do not move.

Nothing happened.

This run.

Those workers whose meals were ruined by Qin Huairu thought that Qin Huairu wanted to escape when the situation was bad, and created a drama that they could not afford to avoid, and did not want to compensate them for the loss of their meals.

Who has it easy now?
Supplies are so scarce.

Because of what Qin Huairu did, he couldn't eat at noon and would be hungry at night.

The person closest to Qin Huairu reached out and grabbed Qin Huairu.

"Qin Huairu, don't run. What are you running for? What is there to run for? Right is right and wrong is wrong. You ruined my share of cabbage. You can't just leave like this. It's not my chicken intestines either. Now, Whose family's life is not tight? What's more, this is food, who dares to waste food? You have to give me an explanation, this matter cannot just pass by like this. Don't think that because you are a widow, you can have nothing to worry about. I'm not afraid. If you don't give me an explanation, I'll find Yi Zhonghai. He's your father. Is Yi Zhonghai here?"

Several other people.

Everyone also spoke in agreement.

They all want Qin Huairu to compensate for their losses.

Qin Huairu didn't dare to speak because something was blocked in her mouth and was about to spurt out as soon as she opened her mouth. She could only express her discomfort with pitiful eyes and wanted to leave the Second Canteen first. As for the loss of their meals, she must Compensate them and stop holding yourself back.

It's not the roundworm in Qin Huairu's belly.

Naturally, she didn't know the meaning in Qin Huairu's eyes.

Except for a few workers who make meals.

Liu Lan from the second cafeteria also came out to hold Qin Huairu accountable. Instead of asking Qin Huairu to compensate for the losses, she asked Qin Huairu to clean up the dirt.

This is a place to eat, not a toilet.

Qin Huairu can be shameless, but Er Canteen must be shameless.

The constant accusations made Qin Huairu miserable.

In the end, I had no choice but to open my mouth and the dirt inside spurted out again.

The unlucky person is still Xu Damao.

Xu Damao saw that Qin Huairu was being asked to pay compensation. If he, the person who had suffered the greatest loss, did not express anything, it would appear that Qin Huairu and Xu Damao had some relationship.

She is a widow after all.

Xu Damao didn't dare to joke about his reputation.

Qin Huairu can be shameless, but Xu Damao cannot be shameless.

Mainly because I saw the driver of Lou Xiaoe's family outside, and guessed that Lou Xiaoe's father was in the second cafeteria.

As soon as he walked up to Qin Huairu and before he could speak, Qin Huairu, who was being questioned by Liu Lan and the others, could no longer hold on and gave Xu Damao another taste of what it means to be bloody.

Xu Damao was so angry that he raised his big palm and wanted to slap Qin Huairu. In the end, his hand did not hit Qin Huairu's face. He rushed out of the second cafeteria angrily.

A monk who can run away cannot run away from the temple.

He lives in a courtyard, and he is not worried about Qin Huairu not admitting his account. What about Jia and Zhang? So many people are his witnesses to Xu Damao.

Xu Damao's departure plunged the Second Canteen into an eerie silence. Even the stupidest person could tell that something was wrong with Qin Huairu.

This must be illness.

Some people thought of how Qin Huairu almost drowned when she plunged into a swill bucket some time ago, and felt that Qin Huairu was abused by Jia Zhang.

He said it without thinking.

"This time, Qin Huairu must have been made unable to eat or drink by that evil mother-in-law of the Jia Zhang family. She was unable to work while she was sick, so she vomited."

"I remember the last time Qin Huairu plunged into a slop bucket due to lack of nutrition. If He Yuzhu hadn't pulled her out, she would have died."

"Qin Huairu is not lacking nutrition, but there is no food in her stomach. Her mother-in-law eats all day long and is too lazy to work. Qin Huairu has to go home to serve Jia Zhang's family after finishing her work in the factory. In the evening It’s past ten o’clock and I’m doing laundry outside.”

"This life is really hard." "Yi Zhonghai is her father, don't you care? Just watch your daughter being abused by the evil mother-in-law?"

"What the hell, Jia Zhang is married to Yi Zhonghai. Starting from Yi Zhonghai, Qin Huairu wants to call Jia Zhang his stepmother, and the evil mother-in-law becomes a stepmother."

Qin Huairu wanted to establish the character of a virtuous daughter-in-law.

No words were spoken.

Instead he waved.

This time someone understood the meaning of Qin Huairu's wave.

"Qin Huairu said it wasn't Jia Zhang who made her sick. Could it be that the food in the second cafeteria spoiled her stomach?"

Just finished.

It just felt like something wasn't quite right.

People in the cafeteria stared at him, and people not in the cafeteria also stared at her.

I know I said the wrong thing.

A small slap on the cheek with her hand.

"My mouth deserves a beating. I really can't speak. If there's a problem with the food in the cafeteria, it's not just Qin Huairu who has a problem. We all have a problem."

"If you can say it, say it. If you can't, don't say it."

"Okay." The worker who answered well turned to Qin Huairu and asked: "Qin Huairu, what's wrong with you? Why did you vomit? Tell the truth, and we can help you. Look. I'll take you to the hospital or go back to the courtyard."

Qin Huairu was about to answer.

in the crowd.

I don't know who said something that shocked everyone in the second cafeteria.

"Isn't Qin Huairu pregnant?"

Just a few words.

The noisy Second Canteen immediately turned into a sea of ​​silence, so quiet that you could hear the sound of a pin dropped underground.


It’s not that you can’t get pregnant. It’s normal for women to get pregnant. Otherwise, how would we reproduce humans?
The abnormal thing is that Qin Huairu is pregnant.

Everyone in the steel rolling mill knew that Qin Huairu was a widow. The man Jia Dongxu had been dead for more than a year and almost two years. How could a widow whose husband had been dead for twenty months get pregnant?

Unless it can be explained by the reason that the widow is looking for a man again.

There is now a policy of widows remarrying. In order to promote this policy, some people who did not allow widows to remarry were severely educated.

But none of these can be applied to Qin Huairu.

At a time when holding hands is considered a hooligan, you are a widow, you are not married, there are no rumors of marriage, there are no blind dates, and you are pregnant inexplicably.

It can only be explained by the excuse of fooling around with men.

Who is that wild man?
In ancient times, this guy would have been soaked in a pig cage.

Those people in the second cafeteria all focused their eyes on Qin Huairu, sizing up Qin Huairu to see if Qin Huairu was pregnant.

Feeling the attention of those people, Qin Huairu wanted to die. She was pregnant. How could she not know that she was a widowed woman?

On the seventh day after Jia Dongxu's death, in order to clarify his ambition to remain a widow for Jia Dongxu for the rest of his life, he staged a big show of going to the ring.

The rings are all on.

How to get pregnant?
The reason why Jia Zhang asked Qin Huairu to be ringed was because she didn't want Qin Huairu to cause a drama about her pregnancy, which would cause the Jia family to have their backs stabbed by everyone.

Want to explain.

Just open your mouth.

Vomited again.

The voice that just now said that Qin Huairu was pregnant sounded again.

"Qin Huairu must be pregnant with a baby. The women in our compound all vomit like this when they are pregnant with a baby. They vomit during the day and at night. It's not pregnancy. Why are they vomiting? Vomiting means they have a baby in their belly."

This time.

More people believe that Qin Huairu is pregnant.

Just like that person said, since you, Qin Huairu, are not sick or have a bad stomach, and you are vomiting, it can only mean that you are pregnant.

Countless people became excited.

Yi Zhonghai's daughter is pregnant.

This is a big deal.

Unlike them, Liu Lan, who was blocking Qin Huairu from leaving, was racking her brains to think about who made Qin Huairu pregnant.

I thought about it for more than ten seconds.

A person's name actually appeared in Liu Lan's mind.

Deputy Director Li.

A person who can fool around with Liu Lan can also fool around with Qin Huairu.

Liu Lan knew how popular the widow Qin Huairu was in the steel rolling mill. As soon as she entered the factory, she was nicknamed the Pretty Widow. People in the steel rolling mill did not need to know Qin Huairu, but they had to know the Pretty Widow.

some places.

Liu Lan and Qin Huairu are the same type of people, which is why she dislikes Qin Huairu. She also knows what kind of virtuous person Deputy Director Li is. At the tip of a finger, someone took the bait. Qin Huairu was a widow with three children and a mother-in-law. Her biological father, Yi Zhonghai, was notorious. It was very possible that she would do something embarrassing like Deputy Director Li for profit.

She lamented how confused this person was, knowing that she was a widow and couldn't get pregnant, yet she still made a big drama about getting pregnant.

If his mouth is soft, he will bite out Deputy Director Li.

Liu Lan also had no backer.

There are so many people in the second cafeteria and they talk a lot. It won't take long for Qin Huairu to be pregnant. Rumors will spread. Qin Huairu has no man. This pregnancy is a big deal. I think the elders and sisters of the steel rolling mill will be dispatched.

Qin Huairu is going to be in bad luck.

Liu Lan abandoned Qin Huairu, found an excuse to help clean up, and went into the back kitchen of the second cafeteria. Seeing that Sha Zhu was also looking at Qin Huairu in the middle of the hall stupidly, with a look of curiosity on his face, he shook his head slightly and walked to Silly Zhu came up and asked Silly Zhu if he had any other dishes.

Shazhu knew the relationship between Liu Lan and Deputy Factory Director Li, and also knew why Liu Lan didn't ask.

He smiled and asked Liu Lan to go to the small box and ask if he wanted to add more dishes.

Smooth favors.

It’s impossible not to do it.

But Liu Lan is not the only one who thinks so. Shazhu also thinks that the child in Qin Huairu's belly is the son of Deputy Factory Director Li. There is a description of this in the script. In order to save Qin Huairu, Shazhu beat Deputy Factory Director Li. , and later returned to the Second Canteen, during which time she stopped supporting Qin Huairu. Qin Huairu said that she would help ask Deputy Director Li to plead for mercy.

Shazhu didn’t know the specific method. Anyway, the description above in the script was crossed out, based on Shazhu’s understanding of the script.

The crossed-out content originally existed, but I was worried that due to some reasons, this aspect was artificially deleted.

Silly Zhu couldn't think of anyone other than Deputy Director Li who could make Qin Huairu pregnant.

It's not that he underestimates Xu Damao. Xu Damao may be good at finding women, but Xu Damao really has no talent in getting women pregnant.

She fooled around with Deputy Director Li and got pregnant with Deputy Director Li's child.

I don't know whether Qin Huairu did this accidentally or deliberately. The latter was clearly an excuse to take advantage of Deputy Factory Director Li.

Jia's drama.

It’s becoming more and more interesting.

Mother-in-law Jia Zhang remarried her daughter-in-law's biological father. The widow, who had been widowed for more than a year and two years, became pregnant inexplicably.

Jia Dongxu's head is really green, and he has become the king of green hair.

Does Mrs. Jia Zhang still have the nerve to choke Qin Huairu and say that Qin Huairu has disgraced the Jia family?
Just thinking about it makes me happy.

(End of this chapter)

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