Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 399 The doctor proves that Qin Huairu is pregnant

Liu Lan asked whether she wanted to add more food, so she entered the small box and met the leaders who were chatting.

As the shady lover of Deputy Factory Director Li.

Both of them knew the basics.

With a casual glance, Deputy Director Li knew that something was going on, something serious that could cost lives.

After Liu Lan left, he had a drink with those present and walked out of the small box on the pretext of going to the bathroom.

I saw Liu Lan anxiously waiting at the door.

His face tightened.

Although he was fooling around with Liu Lan, it didn't mean that Deputy Director Li wanted everyone to know about him and Liu Lan.

Can start a business.

It all depends on the power of the father-in-law's family.

When my wife found out that Deputy Factory Director Li was fooling around outside, he became Deputy Factory Director Li, and his fate was no better than that of a dog.

He looked at the kitchen and found that Shazhu was guarding the front alone, some distance away from him.

I feel much better.

But he still choked Liu Lan angrily.

"Is there something that must be said at this time?"

"Of course it's a life-threatening matter." Liu Lan looked around, lowered her voice, and told Deputy Director Li about Qin Huairu's pregnancy, "Qin Huairu from the ninth workshop, you know, her nickname is Qiao. The widow’s widow, she’s pregnant.”

In the process of speaking.

Keep staring at Deputy Director Li.

I want to see if Deputy Director Li will change his expression.

Although Deputy Factory Director Li's face changed, it was not the kind of change Liu Lan expected, but a change stemming from the loss of honor of the steel rolling mill.

Liu Lan's heart.

Instantly relieved.

Judging from the expression on Deputy Director Li's face, he shouldn't be fooling around with Qin Huairu.

Otherwise, Deputy Director Li would have to give an explanation for the child in Qin Huairu's belly.

"Qin Huairu is pregnant. She was trying to cut the queue while eating in the second canteen, but was scolded by her coworkers for a long time. As a result, she vomited. It looked like morning sickness."

"Does vomiting mean you're pregnant?"

Deputy Director Li rolled his eyes at Liu Lan and walked forward.

It’s about the honor of the rolling mill.

As the deputy director of the factory, I have to take care of it no matter what.

When those people in the hall saw Deputy Director Li coming, they subconsciously squeezed out a path, allowing Deputy Director Li to arrive in front of Qin Huairu smoothly.

Looking at Qin Huairu who was vomiting in front of her.

Deputy Director Li was really shocked.

It doesn't look like he's sick.

I thought: Is she really pregnant?

He felt a little lucky in his heart, but he knew that he had been attracted to Qin Huairu at the beginning, thinking that he was a widow anyway, so he was just fooling around, what could he do to him.

Later, a lot of things happened around Qin Huairu, which made Qin Huairu become a celebrity in the steel rolling mill. It was at that time that Deputy Director Li suddenly realized that Qin Huairu was not the kind of person he could handle, so he decisively stopped talking. Show off Qin Huairu.

Now it is thought that Qin Huairu is pregnant.

Even more scared.

It's a good thing that he didn't fool around with Qin Huairu, otherwise who could tell clearly about the child in Qin Huairu's belly? If Qin Huairu deliberately kept the child and used the child to blackmail Deputy Factory Director Li, Deputy Factory Director Li would have no choice but to submit obediently.

"Deputy Director Li, this is Qin Huairu. Look at her, she vomited all over the floor. This is all the result of Xu Damao blocking most of the disaster. Otherwise, this place would not be able to eat."

"She must be pregnant. She's not pregnant. How can she vomit like this?"

"By the way, I remembered that this morning, Qin Huairu was eating pickles alone. She is a sour girl and a spicy girl. Qin Huairu must be pregnant with a son."

In order to verify his statement, this person also opened Qin Huairu's lunch box in public.

There was indeed a small piece of pickle lump inside that had been bitten by someone.

Possessed by the detective.

He had to compare Qin Huairu's teeth with the bite marks on the pickle bump to verify whether Qin Huairu had bitten the pickle bump.

A series of evidence.

Deputy Factory Manager Li had to believe that Qin Huairu was pregnant. Qin Huairu, the widow of the steel rolling mill, was pregnant. Didn't she say she was pregnant?
Now that I have the ring, how can I get pregnant?
He snorted coldly.

Just about to speak.

Qin Huairu spoke first. With the shit basin on her head, she had to explain everything she said, otherwise Zhenshe would die on the spot.

"Deputy Director Li, please listen to my explanation. I am not in a marriage. I am a widowed woman. I am pregnant. Can I still survive? I am sick."

Qin Huairu seemed to have strengthened her belief in her heart.

He emphasized his tone.

"Yes, I am pregnant."

The words just left his mouth.

I knew things were bad.

"No, I'm not pregnant. The co-workers insist that I'm pregnant. I'm not. I'm sick. The pickle dumplings in the lunch box belong to me, Qin Huairu. When I eat pickle dumplings, I'm not a sour girl. I It’s about changing the taste of the dishes.”

"Qin Huairu, don't explain. The food cooked by Master He in the second cafeteria is not to your Qin Huairu taste. He also changed the taste of the dishes. Do you know what the dishes are? The truth is that you are pregnant. You feel embarrassed. You You are deliberately telling lies and want to reconcile this matter. You are pregnant in ten months, how can you reconcile it? Follow me, you should admit it honestly. "

"Qin Huairu, you are a widow. Now there is a policy of widows remarrying. It is not shameful. Who do you think made you pregnant? The man who made Qin Huairu pregnant. If you are a man, stand up honestly and don't let Qin Huairu get pregnant. A woman is in front."

I saw someone speaking for me.

Qin Huairu was so moved that she almost cried.

Could you shut up?

Who told you to say that?

"Qin Huairu, how many months have you been here? When did this happen? Women in the steel rolling mill can't just ignore this matter. You can't put up your pants and refuse to admit it."

"Qin Huairu, please tell the truth."

"Deputy Director Li, what should I tell you? I'm really not pregnant, I'm sick."

"Qin Huairu, what you say now is of no use. Telling the truth honestly is the most important thing. You are still sick. Why are you sick? Is it your mother-in-law's fault?"

"Yes, that's my mother-in-law. My mother-in-law doesn't work every day and wants to eat something good. I'm busy with the work in the factory, and I have to be busy with the family business. I have to do laundry after ten o'clock in the evening. It's eleven. It’s a lot, and I’m still mending Bangge’s clothes, because I’m tired.”

Qin Huairu was really ill and resorted to medical treatment indiscriminately.

Without thinking about it, I wanted to put the shit basin on Mrs. Jia Zhang’s head. I mistakenly thought that as long as Mrs. Jia Zhang used her reputation on her back, I would go to the courtyard and the neighbors would just tell the truth to the Security Department. Confirm the fact that Jia Zhang’s evil mother-in-law abused Qin Huairu.

Not only did Qin Huairu clear up the suspicion of pregnancy, she also took the opportunity to give Jia Zhang a hard time and intercede on Jia Zhang's behalf when necessary.

The persona of a virtuous daughter-in-law was also established.

It's really a matter of killing three birds with one stone.

Her tone was somewhat determined.

"I'm not pregnant, I just didn't get a good rest last night."

"It's possible that Qin Huairu was really abused by Jia Zhang and got sick. This mother-in-law is not a good thing. She has become a parasite." "What's the matter with you? You were the one who said Qin Huairu was pregnant just now. Now You are also the one who said Qin Huairu was not pregnant. It was not you who made Qin Huairu pregnant and deliberately confused the public here."

"Don't be ridiculous. With my appearance, Qin Huairu can't like me. I would like to have something happen with Qin Huairu. Now Qin Huairu..."

"Shut up, everyone."

Deputy Director Li shouted.

A messy scene.

It suddenly became peaceful.

"Qin Huairu despises me, but I want to talk to Qin Huairu. What can I say? Really want to take a shot? Sometimes I'm pregnant, sometimes I'm not pregnant. So are you. Why are you making noises? Listen to me. People from the security department are here. Is it done?"

"Deputy Director Li, we are here, please give us your orders."

"You take Qin Huairu to the hospital affiliated to our factory to check up on Qin Huairu to see if Qin Huairu is really pregnant or really sick. If she is pregnant, act as if she is pregnant. If she is sick, send a letter to the street to let the street know. Treat this evil mother-in-law who bullies her daughter-in-law well."

Qin Huairu's heart.


She knows whether she is pregnant or not.

She thought that after the doctor checked her body, he could prove her innocence.

Follow the security department and walk towards the hospital.

After Qin Huairu left, the workers who were eating had no interest in staying here and followed Qin Huairu in a swarm.

Want to hear the final outcome of things.

Qin Huairu did not stop these people from following her. On the one hand, she had no such rights and could not control these workers. On the other hand, Qin Huairu had a plan. As the saying goes, hearing is false and seeing is believing. It is a mule or a horse. , pull it out, and through the mouths of these workers, let the steel rolling mill know that she is a good and clean widow.

A large group of people poured into the affiliated hospital.

The people at the affiliated hospital were shocked.

I thought there was another major accident in the steel rolling mill. Just when I was about to invite someone to help, I heard mixed sounds. Qin Huairu from the ninth workshop vomited and ate pickles. I guessed that Qin Huairu was pregnant. Qin Huairu said that she was not pregnant, but was sick, and so on.

Because we are engaged in academic exchange activities these days.

Experienced doctors led a team to exchange and learn.

A dozen or two knives are here to show off.

The doctor responsible for delivering the baby was called to Qin Huairu by the nurse. He looked at Qin Huairu's cheek. Before he could ask, Qin Huairu vomited again in front of them.

The nurse in front of me has experience.

The first time Qin Huairu vomited, he held a clean spittoon in front of Qin Huairu's mouth.

Qin Huairu's vomit was all thrown into the spittoon.

The doctor carefully observed Qin Huairu's vomit in the spittoon for a long time and smelled it. Then he stood up straight and stared at Qin Huairu intently.

The concentrated attention startled Qin Huairu, and he opened his mouth, wanting to say something.

The doctor didn't give Qin Huairu a chance to speak, so she asked first.

"Are you a widow?"

"My man died last year, almost two years ago."

"Have you ever been in a ring?"

Qin Huairu's heart.

Raised his throat.

Those who were watching the fun felt almost the same way.

They didn't think about the bright side of the matter, and began to make wild guesses. They asked Qin Huairu if he had the ring on or not.

Is Qin Huairu really pregnant?

That's why I asked Qin Huairu if he had been ringed.

Otherwise, they would ask Qin Huairu if he felt unwell. This was the key to proving that Qin Huairu was ill.


I feel like something shocking is about to appear.

An enthusiastic worker answered Qin Huairu's question about whether the widow had the ring on or not.

"Comrade, she is Qin Huairu from the ninth workshop. She must have been ringed."

The incident of Qin Huairu being ringed did not originally cause a sensation in the whole factory, but because Yi Zhonghai insisted on introducing Qin Huairu to Sha Zhu and letting Sha Zhu marry a widow with three children and a mother-in-law, Sha Zhu finally exploded The secret of Qin Huairu's ring was revealed, which was also the reason why Yi Zhonghai had Sha Zhu exterminated.

The workers at the steel rolling mill all knew about this, and they all knew that Qin Huairu had been ringed.

As for whether Qin Huairu took the ring.

They don't know.

In line with the principle of watching the excitement, no matter is too big, make the matter as big as possible. The pregnancy of a widow with a ring is more interesting than the pregnancy of a widow without a ring.

"I'm asking about Qin Huairu, not you. Are you her man? Are you so familiar with Qin Huairu?"

Harsh words.

The workers no longer dare to speak casually.

With Qin Huairu's pregnancy, they didn't dare to take on this burden.

This damn thing is going to cause death.

"Qin Huairu, I'm still saying the same thing. Have you ever gotten a ring? Answer me whether you have taken it out or not."

Qin Huairu shook her head and nodded again.

"Yes or no, you speak, don't nod and shake your head, I can't understand, yes means yes, no means no, give me a definite answer, this is related to your reputation."

"I've had the ring, but I've never taken it off."

"It's a strange thing." The doctor murmured, "I applied the ring but didn't take it out. Why am I pregnant? Your vomiting can't be due to illness."

Qin Huairu was lost in thought.

With his mouth wide open, he stared blankly at the doctor in front of him, his mind going blank.

She never expected that it would be such a result.

I'm pregnant.

How come I didn't know I was pregnant?

This kid.

Whose is it?

Could it be Jia Dongxu’s?
The key point is that Jia Dongxu has been dead for more than a year and almost two years. It is impossible to be pregnant. It is not Nezha, so how can she be pregnant in two years.

How to explain?

How to meet Jia Zhang?
Does Qin Huairu know who Jia Zhang is? After Qin Huairu became a widow, she was worried that Qin Huairu would cuckold the dead Jia Dongxu, so she instilled the so-called loyalty to Qin Huairu every day and asked Qin Huairu to keep Jia Dongxu's integrity.

If this guy knew that Qin Huairu was pregnant, Jia Dongxu would be the first to tear Qin Huairu to pieces.

Things are tricky.

“Dr. Clearly, it is about the honor of the steel rolling mill and we should take it 100% seriously."

"Who said Qin Huairu was vomiting due to illness? Could this be a disease?" The doctor raised his voice, "You have no knowledge at all, you are just making nonsense." (End of Chapter)

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