Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 400 proves once again that Qin Huairu is pregnant

Chapter 400 proves once again that Qin Huairu is pregnant

Doctor's words.


The noisy hospital corridor instantly turned into a sea of ​​silence, and countless people cast their eyes on Qin Huairu.

Strictly speaking.

Everyone was looking at Qin Huairu's belly.

Not sure if it was an illusion, but these people vaguely felt that Qin Huairu's belly seemed to be slightly bulging.

Another doctor gave evidence that Qin Huairu was pregnant.

My imagination was instantly opened.

Even if Qin Huairu was pregnant, she showed her pregnancy.

There was a lot of quarrel.

Say anything.

Someone accused Qin Huairu of being pregnant, but they wanted to put a shit basin on Jia Zhang's head and let Jia Zhang excuse her. This is unbecoming of a son of a man. Some people started scolding her on the spot, scolding Qin Huairu for not observing women's ethics, scolding Qin Huairu for being a shameless woman who could do anything for her husband. She was pregnant. They also said that she was abused by the evil mother-in-law Jia Zhang and was not worthy of being a human being. Some people even put a big hat on Qin Huairu, saying that Qin Huairu was pregnant, which brought shame to the steel rolling mill and caused great damage to the reputation of the steel rolling mill. The steel rolling mill would fire Qin Huairu.

What the workers said.

Qin Huairu mostly went in and out of the left ear and ignored it at all. She only remembered the words of a co-worker.

That was the one who said that Qin Huairu might be kicked out of the steel rolling mill because of this incident.

Yi Zhonghai was an eighth-level worker, but his reputation was so bad that he couldn't protect Qin Huairu at all. If the steel rolling mill really fired Qin Huairu because of Qin Huairu's pregnancy, Yi Zhonghai wouldn't be able to say anything.

Qin Huairu's fate was to roll out of the steel rolling mill in despair.

When I married into a courtyard house, I wanted to enjoy happiness.

Because of his job in the steel rolling mill, the Jia family has a rare right to speak.

Jia Zhang didn't dare to touch Qin Huairu.

If this damn girl didn't have a job in the steel rolling mill to rely on, Qin Huairu would be relying on Jia Zhang's face to eat, and her life would definitely not be easy, and she would become the little maid bullied by Jia Zhang's face again.

Qin Huairu didn't want to leave the steel rolling mill just like that.

She knew she was not pregnant.

After Jia Dongxu died, he never had that kind of relationship with a man.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the workers who believed in her pregnancy statement. Qin Huairu's heart was filled with chills. Looking at the expressions on the workers' faces, she knew that they did not believe her. Qin Huairu.

Who asked the doctor to say that Qin Huairu was pregnant?

I trust the doctor but not Qin Huairu.

Plan for today.

We can only place our hope on the doctor. As long as the doctor denies it and says that Qin Huairu is not pregnant, Qin Huairu is not pregnant even if she is pregnant.

Qin Huairu begged the doctor.

“Dr. Checking for me."

The doctor glanced at Qin Huairu.

Smiled a little.

"You mean, I was wrong?"

The voice then rose.

"I have been working for five or six years. Others may be mistaken. Who is pregnant and who is not pregnant? This matter will never be mistaken. You, Qin Huairu, are pregnant."

He took a step closer to Qin Huairu.

He casually grabbed the spittoon in his hand and asked Qin Huairu to look at the vomit objects.

Tell the difference inside.

"Can vomiting due to illness be the same as vomiting during pregnancy? Vomiting during pregnancy does not have that fishy smell. Vomiting due to illness is particularly unpleasant because there are some sick bodies in the vomit. I can still tell the difference clearly. I guarantee with my personality that Qin Huairu's vomiting is caused by pregnancy, which is why I asked you whether you had the ring or not."

Qin Huairu wanted to cry but had no tears.

I didn't expect people to object like this.

She almost cried.

Have any of the ringed widows given birth to children?

Want to refute.

But I don’t know how to refute.

Qin Huairu couldn't adapt to the other party's professional terminology.

"Qin Huairu, you said that you were pregnant, and the widow who was pregnant couldn't be pregnant. This is wrong. Everything is possible, including the widow who was pregnant. Your pregnancy is very important to our hospital affiliated with the steel rolling mill. , which can be called a new milestone and very meaningful.”

"Dr. Xia, I'm really not pregnant. I'm not pregnant."

Qin Huairu was so anxious that she was stamping her feet.

Want to die.

It's all there.

"You are pregnant. No matter how much you deny it, it will not change the fact that you are pregnant."

The exact tone.

Breaking through Qin Huairu's defense.

Seeing that he could not find a breakthrough from Dr. Xia, Qin Huairu began to beg the security department who came with him.

His surname is Zhou, his name is Zhou Wenbo, he is the captain of the security department of the steel rolling mill, he is also a leader, he has a name and his words have weight.

"Captain Zhou, please help me. I, Qin Huairu, am really not pregnant. I am not pregnant. If I am pregnant, can I not know?"

Captain Zhou saw Qin Huairu's pitiful expression.

His tone sounded a little like he had been wronged.

He knew that this matter was of great importance and must be treated with caution.

He turned to look at Dr. Xia.

“Dr. , just in case, our Security Section will send two female comrades over to coordinate your inspection, you can rest assured that they will not disrupt your normal work."

Dr. Xia thought for a moment.

Agree with Zhou Wenbo's suggestion.

Zhou Wenbo turned around and called someone from the security department to come over and asked her to help go to the steel rolling mill to call a few lesbians. Qin Huairu's innocence and the honor of the steel rolling mill must be treated with caution.

The security department took the order and left.

not long.

I came back with several lesbians, and Liu Lan was among them.

The reason why Liu Lan came was because Liu Lan met the security department and heard that Qin Huairu complained and refused to admit that she was pregnant. Liu Lan was so angry that she trembled all over. Swearing dirty words and saying whether Qin Huairu dared to do it or not, she volunteered to be a witness.

When Qin Huairu saw Liu Lan coming, she said nothing and did not let Liu Lan go out.

The calculating mind took over, and she was going to use Liu Lan's big mouth to reveal the fact that she was not pregnant, to prove her innocence and let the steel rolling mill know that she was a good widow.

Therefore, Qin Huairu cooperated very well with Liu Lan and even deliberately leaned closer to Liu Lan.

When I went to check inside the house, I even said a few words to Liu Lan.

Liu Lan, who saw Qin Huairu's thoughts, did not expose Qin Huairu's trick and followed the doctor into the room dedicated to examining the body of pregnant women.

Seven people entered, two doctors, one nurse, and four employee representatives from the steel rolling mill.



Those people were all looking at the tightly closed door.

Wondering what is going on inside.

Why doesn't Qin Huairu admit that she is pregnant until now? Who is the culprit who made Qin Huairu pregnant?

Suddenly he thought of Xu Damao, who had just queued up for Qin Huairu.

The workers all know more or less about Xu Damao's reputation in the steel rolling mill. He is a good talker and is engaged in the most prestigious profession at the moment.

Motion pictures.

Go there.

They are all the masters who are looked down upon.

This is not the point.

The point is that when Xu Damao was young, he was caught peeking into the women's restroom and was beaten.

She is lustful deep down.

Qin Huairu is a pretty widow from a steel rolling mill, and she lives in a courtyard with Xu Damao. According to this speculation, Qin Huairu may have been deceived by Xu Damao and became pregnant with Xu Damao's child!
Fortunately, Shazhu is not a roundworm in the stomachs of these people, otherwise I really think it is possible. In the script, Xu Damao wants to use a few steamed buns to get Qin Huairu to follow him into the warehouse. …


Xu Damao was blocked by Jia Zhang.

He was also unlucky.

As soon as he returned to the courtyard, Mr. Jia Zhang saw his desolate appearance.

Jia Zhang suffered a lot from Xu Damao.

Always thinking about how to take revenge on Xu Damao.

Seeing that Xu Damao came back in such a dejected state, he deliberately howled loudly. When all the neighbors came out, Jia Zhang kept asking Xu Damao if he had fallen into the toilet.

Who is Xu Damao?


When he gets married, he doesn't even want his neighbors to follow Lehe's family.

You can suffer the loss of Jia and Zhang.

He replied without thinking, saying that Qin Huairu vomited in the second cafeteria, and the filth on his body was Qin Huairu's masterpiece.

Let Jia Zhang pay money quickly.

Otherwise, Xu Damao would find someone to blame.

Banggeng is Jia Zhang's pet peeve, but she can't let Xu Damao make fun of her. Jia Zhang is acting wildly and Xu Damao is swearing in the street. You come and I go back and forth, and the quarrel is very fierce.

In the end, the deaf old lady came forward and the fight was settled.

Xu Damao returned to his home.

Jia Zhang returned to Jia's house.

The neighbors also chatted with each other, talking about why Qin Huairu vomited and why Xu Damao was treated like this.

Don't know who.

Yelled loudly.

Qin Huairu must be pregnant, otherwise how could she vomit?
Due to the limitations of cultural level, a woman is thought to be pregnant if she vomits, and it is the same reason as a couple who cannot give birth to a child will think that the woman is not good enough.

Qin Huairu was a widow, and she was so closely watched by the Jia Zhang family that she even got raped.

How can I get pregnant?
Could it be that Qin Huairu took the ring secretly?

There is no other explanation other than this.

The truth is that Qin Huairu met a man she liked again and was worried that Jia Zhang would object, so she came up with the idea of ​​​​cooking the rice before cooking, and wanted to solidify the matter.

Good guy.

Qin Huairu is pregnant.

The Jia family must not be in chaos.



Closed door.

be opened.

Those people who were eagerly waiting for the results stretched their necks one by one and cast their eyes full of curiosity into the room.

Want to know the results as soon as possible.

Amid the eager eyes of everyone, Liu Lan and the others walked out first.

Although we don't know the result, judging from the strange expressions on Liu Lan's and others' cheeks, it seems that Qin Huairu is pregnant.


The sound of gasping for air.

They kept flying out of the workers' mouths.

Qin Huairu is pregnant. She is pregnant without remarrying. This is a big deal.

If things go wrong, people will die.

The eyes of the co-workers fell on Qin Huairu who came out behind Liu Lan and the others. Seeing Qin Huairu's helpless expression and moving around like a wooden man, they knew that the matter was settled.


A sigh.

flew out of the workers' mouths.

Qin Huairu is also Qin Huairu.

Before today, no one would have thought that Qin Huairu would be pregnant, let alone that Qin Huairu would become pregnant while wearing the ring. They could only use the idiom "fate" to modify it.

The last person to come out was Dr. Xia.

Zhou Wenbo walked quickly to Dr. Xia. Before asking, Dr. Xia told Qin Huairu the results of her examination.

"Captain Zhou, after our examination, Qin Huairu's lower abdomen is slightly bulging, which is a symbol of pregnancy. We can give a clear answer to the speculation about whether Qin Huairu is pregnant or not. Qin Huairu's vomiting analysis, Qin Huairu's lower abdomen is bulging, All prove the fact that Qin Huairu is pregnant and she has a child."

"Captain Zhou, Qin Huairu is really pregnant. I didn't expect her belly to be so big. It looked like she was several months pregnant. We were all dumbfounded."

While Liu Lan was speaking, he also made a circle the size of a watermelon with both hands.

Several other women.

Everyone also agreed.

I didn't want to say it.

But the impact of this incident is too bad.

The widow who got the ring got pregnant quietly.

It is simply the most ridiculous thing in the world.

"Liu Lan is right. Qin Huairu's belly is almost that big. When I was pregnant with our second son, I didn't have a belly as big as Qin Huairu's."

"I'm vomiting again, and I have a big belly. It's not pregnancy, it's definitely pregnancy."

"Qin Huairu, can you save some face? Although you are a widow, you have also lost all of your widow's face. I heard that your mother-in-law also remarried."

"You all just say a few words, and that's it." Zhou Wenbo said to Qin Huairu: "Qin Huairu, come with us. We have some things to explain to the Security Department."

It doesn’t matter whether Qin Huairu agrees or not.

He took Qin Huairu directly to the security department.

First, he reported the fact that Qin Huairu was pregnant to Deputy Director Li over the phone.


In the office, Deputy Director Li, who heard Qin Huairu's pregnancy report, made it clear that he wanted to investigate strictly and asked Qin Huairu to tell the man about it, and the couple would deal with it together.

not married.

Just dare to kill people.

How brave.

It's better for Liu Lan, at least no one will die.

Deputy Director Li broke out in a cold sweat.

He suspected that Yi Zhonghai was the man who was fooling around with Qin Huairu.

The so-called father-daughter theory is purely to deceive others.

The problem now is how to get Qin Huairu to explain the problem.


In the second cafeteria.

Silly Zhu stared blankly at Liu Lan, who was showing off.

He was amazed that Liu Lan could participate in such an important matter. What surprised him even more was the fact that Liu Lan revealed that Qin Huairu was pregnant.

I thought it was a rumor.

As a result, countless people proved that Qin Huairu was really pregnant.

Doctor's words.

Are there any fake ones?
Vomiting again, belly bulging again.

According to Liu Lan, this can only be pregnancy.

Silly Zhu couldn't understand.

How could Qin Huairu, such a shrewd woman, get pregnant under such circumstances? Even if he didn't know anything, he still knew that Qin Huairu would have to shed her skin this time.

(End of this chapter)

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