Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 404 Xu Damao, are you Qin Huairu’s wild man?

After Jia Zhang was taken away.

Liu Haizhong did not announce the end of the compound meeting.

Instead, a wave of people took advantage of the situation.

Looking around at the people at the scene, he said a few insignificant words, and then suddenly took out five dollars from his pocket and proudly raised it above his head. For fear of not attracting the attention of the neighbors, he deliberately used his hands to He shook the banknotes in his hand.

That sound that money makes.

Very pleasant.


No one dislikes it.

Brand new banknotes.

It instantly attracted the attention of the neighbors present.

five yuan.

Some neighbors work hard for a month and earn only seventeen or eighty yuan. The five yuan in Liu Haizhong's hand is close to one-third of their monthly salary.

He swallowed unnaturally.

Finally, their puzzled eyes were fixed on Liu Haizhong. They didn't understand why Liu Haizhong took out five yuan. Was he going to hold a tea party and treat the neighbors to eat melon seeds.

Only Silly Zhu frowned.

He seemed to have guessed what Liu Haizhong was going to do with the five dollars.

as predicted.

Just as Silly Zhu guessed, these five dollars were the bait Liu Haizhong used to fish. As the saying goes, there must be a brave man under a heavy reward. In order to show his value and make himself look high on the leader, Liu Haizhong resorted to I found a way to buy clues with money. I don’t believe that no one is willing to earn these five dollars.

If five dollars doesn't work, then add five dollars more.

Liu Haizhong thought so. Qin Huairu's mistress could not be from the steel rolling mill. Do you really think that the widow's nickname of a flower in the steel rolling mill was for nothing?

When he entered the factory, there were people looking at Qin Huairu. There were men and women. It was daytime, so it was impossible to reproduce offspring behind the backs of the workers.

Moreover, it is in the same workshop as Yi Zhonghai.

The two also made a lot of jokes.

There are spies all over the factory who dare to mess around in the factory. I really don’t know how the word “death” is written.

Liu Haizhong suspected that the person who could get Qin Huairu pregnant was actually a neighbor of Siheyuan and a worker at the steel rolling mill. The reason why he was so determined was because Liu Haizhong suddenly discovered that the night in Siheyuan was a blank period. Although Jia Zhang's Looking at Qin Huairu, he couldn't keep an eye on her day and night.

The tiger still takes a nap.

Not to mention people.

A few days ago, the security department came to the courtyard to check for clues, and they found clues from the vegetable cellar.

According to Liu Haizhong's speculation, Qin Huairu and his mistress should have taken advantage of the opportunity of the neighbors to sleep, to have a date in the courtyard, or to do this unorthodox thing in the vegetable cellar. Other than that, there is no other explanation. .

More than a year and two years after Jia Dongxu's death, Qin Huairu was already pregnant, which meant that she had been fooling around with her mistress for at least several months.

There is no airtight wall in the world.

Maybe someone saw Qin Huairu fooling around with others, but because it had no practical benefit to him, they didn't bother to pay attention to it.

Jia Zhang's behavior is obvious to all, so they won't offend Jia Zhang, Qin Huairu, and Yi Zhonghai just for the sake of quick talk.

But it's different now. Giving him five yuan is equivalent to giving her income in terms of benefits.

The wages of avarice is death.

five yuan.

There are many things that can be done.

Liu Haizhong raised the money in his hand, looked around, and said slowly: "Who knows who Qin Huairu's mistress is? Tell me, these five yuan belong to her."

"Old Liu, are you telling the truth?"

Yan Fugui spoke first.

He looked at the five dollars and his eyes turned red.

They didn't notice at all that the tone of his inquiry had caused the neighbors to misunderstand him.

Silly Zhu, standing in the crowd, shook his head slightly.

This old man is really giving up his life rather than his wealth.

"Of course what I said is true?" Liu Haizhong looked at Yan Fugui, "Who do you know?"

"I don't know, but I can ask."

Yan Fugui’s reasons.

powerful enough.

"We all know who Jia Zhang is, not to mention Qin Huairu is Yi Zhonghai's daughter. She's pregnant. It's a big deal. It costs five yuan."

In other words.

Need to add money.

Liu Haizhong decisively took out a ten-dollar bill.

The neighbors, who were already noisy because of Qin Huairu's pregnancy, became even more enthusiastic. Even the seven or eight-year-old furry kid started to move.

Fifteen dollars.

This is fifteen dollars.

Many people thought Liu Haizhong would pay a high price of fifteen yuan for clues.

In their expectant eyes, Liu Hai put the five yuan he took out into his trouser pocket again.

It was obviously not their own money, but the neighbors sighed a little unwillingly, why was it still five yuan short?

"Ten dollars. If you know anything, tell me in private. I promise not to tell anyone."

"I really have a suspect." Yan Fugui eagerly seized the opportunity, "Should I tell you now? Or should I tell you later?"

Not a bad idea.

Prepare to make up someone's name at random.

Earn Liu Haizhong's ten yuan first. If Liu Haizhong is sued for debt in the future, at worst, he will return five yuan to Liu Haizhong, which is equivalent to making five yuan.

Not stupid in bangs.

One look at Yan Fugui's anxious look.

He quickly added.

"I will definitely give you the money. In front of so many neighbors, I can't do anything that is not true to my word, but the names provided by the neighbors must also be valid. I really have a relationship with Qin Huairu and made Qin Huairu pregnant. But you can't fool me by just saying names casually. If you do this, more than a hundred people in our courtyard will be suspected, including Shazhu, Yan Fugui, Zhao Laoliu, Yan Jiefang, and Liu Guangtian." Old Liu, according to what you say, I have to think about it again."

"Lao Yan, you."

"Third uncle, your appearance is a little too ugly. You are now the person in charge of the Chinese language department of our Red Star Primary School."

"Xu Damao, what are you talking about?"

Yan Fugui felt as if someone had stepped on his tail.

Jumping anxiously.

This little old man is a smart man.

He always talked about his salary of twenty-seven yuan a month and his family members to show his family's difficulties, but when it came to promotions, job titles, etc., he always knew it in his heart and never said it to the outside world, unlike Yi Zhonghai and Liu Haizhong couldn't wait to talk about their grades all day long.

"Xu Damao, if the third uncle hadn't mentioned your name." Liu Haizhong's eyes fell on Xu Damao, "I would have forgotten that there is such a number one person in the courtyard like you."

Gossip in the rolling mill.

Liu Haizhong listened for almost an afternoon, and he also knew what happened in the second cafeteria. He knew that Qin Huairu had jumped in front of Xu Damao, and the two of them fought openly with excuses such as "she is my sister and I am his brother Xu" Because of this incident, the people in the second cafeteria almost surrounded Xu Damao.

Ever since the news of Qin Huairu's pregnancy spread, there was a sudden rumor in the steel rolling mill that Xu Damao was the one who made Qin Huairu pregnant.

As time goes by, this statement becomes more and more believed.

Xu Damaohua, this is a recognized fact.

The reason given by the workers was that if Xu Damao hadn't been fooling around with Qin Huairu, how could Xu Damao have flirted with Qin Huairu in public?

Such rumors.

Silly Zhu also heard it.

to be frank.

He still didn't believe it. He knew Xu Damao very well. Xu Damao, even if he was a flower, was the kind of flower who carried people on his back.

Now is another critical period for Xu Damao to find a partner.

It was rumored that Xu Damao was having an affair with Qin Huairu and Qin Huairu became pregnant with a child. How could he marry Lou Xiao'e?

According to the script, the person who really flirted with Qin Huairu was Silhu. Qin Huairu was washing clothes in the middle courtyard. Silly Zhu came back with a lunch box, deliberately walked to Qin Huairu lightly, and first used He lightly patted Qin Huairu's left shoulder, and then quickly moved his body to Qin Huairu's right shoulder.

Want to scare Qin Huairu.

Qin Huairu noticed Sha Zhu's trick and flicked her hand covered in cold water towards her right shoulder, letting Sha Zhu drink some of the hand water from her washing clothes.

Later, Mrs. Jia Zhang kept coughing at home.

A biting dog will not bark, and a barking dog will not bite. This principle can also be applied to people. When Xu Damao paid for Qin Huairu's meal, he deliberately made dirty jokes with Liu Lan.

Given these.

Silly Zhu decided to take another look at the situation.

Liu Haizhong asked Xu Damao.

"Xu Damao, you didn't go to the steel rolling mill in the afternoon. Do you know that there has been a lot of rumors about the steel rolling mill?"

"It's good to make a big fuss about it, but I'm just afraid that this matter won't make a big fuss."

Xu Damao mistakenly thought that what Liu Haizhong said was referring to Qin Huairu's pregnancy. Just now there was a visitor from the Women's Federation and a hospital meeting. As a participant, Xu Damao saw everything.

He didn't take matters into his own hands.

Liu Haizhong also misunderstood the meaning of Xu Damao's words, and mistakenly thought that Xu Damao admitted the matter between him and Qin Huairu, and acknowledged the fact that he had made Qin Huairu pregnant.

I felt a little happy unnaturally in my heart.

There was even a scene in his mind of him holding a meeting as the director of the steel rolling mill to tens of thousands of people in the steel rolling mill, which was very elated.

There is color on the face.

Unexpectedly, Qin Huairu's pregnancy, which caused a sensation in the steel rolling mill, was finally solved by his bangs, and he saved the ten yuan he planned to spend without much effort.

Looking at Xu Damao sternly, he was about to ask Xu Damao when he started fooling around with Qin Huairu and where they were, in the courtyard of the courtyard under the cover of night or in the vegetable cellar.

Just when he was making plans in his mind.

Silly Zhu in the crowd looked at Xu Damao and reminded him.

"Xu Damao, Qin Huairu's pregnancy has been confirmed by Dr. Xia from the factory-affiliated hospital. During your absence, the factory was full of comments about how Qin Huairu became pregnant and who was Qin Huairu's mistress. Among these comments , you, Xu Damao, said that you, Xu Damao, were the man who got Qin Huairu pregnant. Most of the workers believed this statement. What you just meant was to admit that you got Qin Huairu pregnant? Dr. Xia said, Qin Huairu, as a superior Ring's widow, pregnant, this is a very meaningful thing."

Silly Zhu's words.

It seems like there's nothing wrong with it.

In fact, everything is wrong.

It was like reminding Xu Damao.

Yan Fugui understood what Sha Zhu meant, but Liu Haizhong didn't. Official fans thought that Sha Zhu was echoing him, so they followed Sha Zhu's words and revealed what they had in mind.

"Silly Zhu is right. Did you, Xu Damao, admit that you were fooling around with Qin Huairu? As the second steward of the courtyard, for the sake of the honor of the courtyard, I have to figure out some things. When did you start fooling around with Qin Huairu? ? Before Jia Dongxu died, or after Jia Dongxu died, where was he fooling around? Is it the middle courtyard? Or the backyard? Or your home? Have you ever been to the vegetable cellar? How many times have you been there? Tell me honestly, tomorrow Come with me to the steel rolling mill to confess, and with my presence, the security department will treat you leniently."

The bangs really make me look like a green onion.

Return the honor of the compound.


He does it for himself.

Xu Damao cast his grateful eyes on Silly Zhu. If Silly Zhu hadn't reminded him, he might have said some unpleasant words.

These words seemed to add insult to injury to Qin Huairu, but they were just big stones that fell on Xu Damao's own head.

Fortunately, Shazhu reminded him in time.

"Xu Damao, what do you think Silly Zhu is doing? Look at me, now I am presiding over the hospital meeting, and I am also a seventh-level forger in the steel rolling mill. I can speak in front of the factory leaders, so please explain quickly."

"Explain what happened between me and Qin Huairu?" Xu Damao changed his tone, "I have nothing to do with Qin Huairu, and I'm not stupid. What's going on with Qin Huairu, and what's going on with me? A widow with three children, and she's still dragging her feet. I marry Qin Huairu with an evil mother-in-law who loves to eat and is too lazy to do anything. I want to marry Qin Huairu? I’m crazy! My Xu family doesn’t want any descendants!"

The tone suddenly became serious.

His expression also became serious.

"It's a fact that Qin Huairu is pregnant, but the child in Qin Huairu's belly has nothing to do with me, Xu Damao. Who am I, Xu Damao? A film projectionist in the publicity department of the steel rolling mill. I earn more than 30 yuan a month." For a salary of ten yuan, I will marry a widow instead of marrying my daughter."

"Since you have nothing to do with Qin Huairu, why did you openly flirt with each other in the second cafeteria? Why did you help Qin Huairu jump in line? Because Xu Damao is Qin Huairu's younger brother, and Qin Huairu is your Xu Damao's sister. I had already lined up for my sister. Team, not only my Liu Haizhong heard this, but also the more than a thousand people eating in the second cafeteria heard it, what do you say?"

"Second uncle, what is the relationship between me and Qin Huairu? It's a pure relationship between workers in the steel rolling mill. I was queuing in front, and Qin Huairu came and said that Yi Zhonghai was not here, and Guo Dabo had assigned her too many tasks and she couldn't complete them. She was asked to undergo an assessment and was told to go back to work in Workshop No. 9 as soon as she finished her meal. I kindly promoted my style, was I wrong? "

Xu Damao transformed into a righteous moral king.

Liu Haizhong asked back.

"Qin Huairu's failure to complete the task does not affect her alone, but affects the entire ninth workshop and the entire steel rolling mill. For the sake of the ninth workshop and the steel rolling mill, I asked Qin Huairu to jump in front of me and give priority to the meal. , is this wrong? The rules and regulations of the steel rolling mill are written, so that for the sake of food, the workers do not have to complete the production tasks?" (End of this chapter)

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