Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 406 Feather duster sucks stick stalks

Originally, Banggeng was able to avoid this severe beating, but because Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu couldn't help fanning the flames, they used the boss's big hat to trick his bangs.

If Banggeng learns something bad, it is Liu Haizhong's responsibility. It is because of his inaction as the steward. When Director Wang finds out, not only will he not promote Liu Haizhong, but he will also remove Liu Haizhong's title of steward. On the other hand, if Liu Haizhong can educate Bangge well, he will also bring peace and prosperity to the neighbors in the Siheyuan. The neighbors will all be grateful to Liu Haizhong, saying that for the sake of Banggen being well educated, the neighbors will jointly donate to the streets and the steel rolling mill. Write a letter of praise praising Liu Haizhong.

Some neighbors who were watching the excitement and not taking it too seriously all agreed one by one.

Especially those neighbors who had suffered from the poisonous hands of Bangjie, but suffered a hidden loss because of Jia Zhang's misbehavior, they showed their attitude and would personally send letters of praise with their names on them to the streets and to the steel rolling mill.

Liu Hai, whose IQ was not high enough, was so deceived that he didn't even know his own surname, so he immediately took on the important task of educating the good guys.

Liu Haizhong is a practitioner and adherent of stick education. He is also a well-known expert in beating sons in the courtyard. The saying that a filial son emerges from the stick can be regarded as a life motto by Liu Haizhong.

On beating your son.

Ranked second in bangs, no one dares to say that he is the first.

After being fooled by the two sons and seeing the neighbors agree, the matter was settled.

A wave of his hand.

The stick was caught in Liu Haizhong's hand.

The Thief Saint fell into Liu Haizhong's hands and was not honest enough to threaten Liu Haizhong.

"Liu Datou, let go of me. If you hit me, when my grandma comes back, I will ask her to call my grandpa to deal with you."

Because of some of Jia Zhang's unconventional behaviors.

The neighbors all treated Jia Zhang as a piece of shit.

The kind of thought that makes one feel unlucky just by looking at it.

In the face of Jia Zhang's behavior, she habitually ignored it, thinking that she was as knowledgeable as Jia Zhang, and lost her own people. This Q-style self-concession method made Jia Zhang even more unscrupulous, and behaved all over the courtyard. .

Over time.

There is a proverb that the Jia family has the final say whether the courtyard is in chaos or not.

Banggeng also misunderstood, mistakenly thinking that Jia Zhang was the empress dowager in the courtyard, Jia Dongxu was the emperor, and he was the real prince of the courtyard.

I think there is nothing that cannot be solved by Jia Zhang's intervention.

Subconsciously he lifted out Jia Zhang.

Liu Haizhong originally wanted to reason with Bangge, but Banggeng's words irritated him, and he suddenly realized that Banggeng must be educated well.

I came up with the idea of ​​beating up the stick.

This kid.

Just fight.

If you don't fight, you won't be successful.

He snorted coldly and became disdainful.

"Banggen, you kid, why are you so ungrateful? I was entrusted by the neighbors to educate you and make you a talented person. You actually let your grandma make trouble with me. When your grandma comes back, am I afraid of her in my bangs? I am the second steward of the Siheyuan and a seventh-level blacksmith in the steel rolling mill."

"Liu Haizhong, I don't want your education. I have my grandma to educate me."

"Did you listen to your grandma and steal things all over the courtyard? You also said that this is not stealing, but taking. Your Jia family is creating opportunities for the neighbors to do good things. Bangge, if you are so shameless, your Jia family How can you say it out loud? If you continue to learn from your grandma, you will really be hopeless."

"Dad, don't talk nonsense to BangGeng. You have to educate this child, otherwise he will go to jail when he grows up. Our courtyard is really a home for reform-through-labor prisoners. How can we work and earn money? Dad, you can talk to BangGeng." , this is saving Bangge and the Jia family. If the streets know about this, they will also support you."

Liu Guangtian spoke nonsense seriously.

Liu Guangfu was more ruthless than him. Taking advantage of the opportunity, he ran to the backyard of his house alone and took out the wooden stool that Liu Haizhong had hit the two brothers on. Along with it, there was a feather duster.

Feather dusters are the devil in the hearts of countless children. How many children have been slapped with feather dusters by their parents.

As long as they can remember, brothers Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu broke at least seven or eight feather dusters.

Let Banggeng taste the power of a feather duster in his bangs.

Liu Guangfu, who came to Liu Haizhong, handed the feather duster to Liu Haizhong.

But Liu Guangtian twisted Banggeng onto the stool, and he and Liu Guangfu worked together. One pressed Banggeng's head, and the other pressed Banggeng's legs, and pressed Banggeng onto the stool.

The buttocks were deliberately exposed.

As long as the feather duster is used on the buttocks, the talent will be fine.

There were so many people watching around, encouraging Liu Haizhong with their eyes, which made Liu Haizhong feel like he was riding a tiger.


A cruel heart.

Stomp your feet.

The feather duster in his hand pointed at Banggeng who was pressed on the stool, and asked: "Banggeng, do you know that you are wrong? At such a young age, do you still dare to steal things? Can't you just study hard if you don't? I didn't do my homework, didn't read the text, and took my two younger sisters to steal things, and I confidently said that I was not stealing, but taking. What on earth do you want to do? Do you really want to go to jail?"

Bangge also realized that his situation was not very good.

It was obvious that he wanted to slap him in his bangs.

Jia Zhang is not here.

Qin Huairu is not here.

Yi Zhonghai is not here either.

In the past, the three major sources of protection that could protect Bang Gang could not be counted on. Bang Gang had no choice but to use words to fool Liu Haizhong.

"Second uncle, I was wrong. I know I was wrong. I shouldn't have stolen. Stealing is wrong. I promise never to steal again. Please forgive me."

Brothers Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu thought about it.

Not right.

According to the saying "BangGeng", it would be a good idea not to use "BangGeng" in bangs.

This is not okay.

As Liu Haizhong's sons, they knew Liu Haizhong thoroughly. They knew that Liu Haizhong was very angry right now. If he didn't fight, he would beat them both when he got home soon.

Getting beaten.

Naturally, if you can avoid being beaten, try not to be beaten.

"Dad, don't listen to Bangge's nonsense. This kid is a habitual liar. He promised well on the front foot. If he doesn't steal, he will definitely steal on the back. In our courtyard, for the sake of the neighbors, we won't follow Bangge. Generally speaking, if Banggeng sneaks into another compound and is caught by someone from another compound, the beating will be light. It is estimated that Banggeng will be sent to a juvenile detention center. After he is released, Banggeng’s future will be But it’s gone. Dad, let’s fight. If you don’t beat the stick, it won’t be effective.”

"My brother is right. When it comes to stealing, the more you steal, the more courageous you become. Just like Banggeng, he started stealing things from the neighbors in the Zhongyuan, such as candies and melon seeds. Now he steals all over the Siheyuan, and even steals sweet potatoes. This is a life-saving thing.”

"Liu Guangtian, Liu Guangfu, you bastards." Banggeng was very surprised and shouted for help towards Shazhu, "Sinzhu, help me, I don't want to be hit by bangs."

"Dad, listen to Bangge, it's all about the same thing. For such a big kid, shouting stupidly, his bones are broken." Liu Haizhong raised the feather duster.

The stick stalk saw this.

Beg for mercy quickly.

Although I have never tasted the feeling of having a feather duster slapped on my body, I have heard the screams of Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu when they were slapped with a feather duster on their bangs.

So miserable.

He had goosebumps all over his body.

Moreover, Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu could not go out for several days.

It is said that he was slapped with bangs on his buttocks.

Bangge didn't want to end up like Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu, so he shouted at Liu Haizhong.

"Liu Haizhong, don't hit me. I know it's wrong. I know stealing is wrong."

"Dad, he doesn't even call you uncle, he calls you by your name."

"Pah." The feather duster in Liu Haizhong's hand hit Banggan's ass, and his mouth did not move. "You kid, your teenage years are the time to learn moral character. If you are good at it, you will not learn it." You follow your grandma all day long to learn evil ways and steal things. In the whole courtyard, whose house has you stolen something from? This feather duster is to let you know that stealing is wrong and you can't steal anything again."

"Silly Zhu's family." After being slapped with a feather duster, he corrected his words in Liu Haizhong, "I have never stolen anything. If you hit me again, when my grandma comes back, I will really let her take care of you."

"You don't steal from the Silly Zhu family? It's because you don't have the chance to steal."

"Don't make any noise, my dad is educating Banggeng." Liu Guangtian smiled at Liu Haizhongmei, "Dad, please continue to educate Banggeng. After receiving this beating from you, Banggeng will definitely not steal anything again. , Mrs. Jia Zhang must be grateful to you when she comes back, otherwise this child will definitely be shot."



Pop, it was the sound made by the feather duster being slapped on Banggeng's butt.

Ah, it's the kind of scream a stick dog makes after being beaten.

"Stop beating me. I don't dare to steal anything anymore. I promise I will never dare to steal anything again. If you want to beat my grandma, my grandma asked me to do this."

Good grandson.

He betrayed Jia Zhang without even thinking about it.

"My grandma said that stealing food is not stealing, it is help. Our Jia family is poor and the neighbors have money, so they should help our Jia family. However, because the neighbors are cold-blooded, it is not easy for our Jia family to suffer orphans and widowed mothers. It was my grandma's idea to find another way to get these things back. My grandma still dislikes you for not donating money and materials to our Jia family, saying that you are all beasts, and that I am doing justice to God by stealing your things."

"What does your grandma say? You are also a teenager. You have gone to school, understand the truth, and can distinguish between good and bad. In school, didn't the teacher tell you that stealing is wrong? If you don't listen to the teacher, Listen to your grandma. If you listen to your grandma, you will go to jail sooner or later. This beating is to make you remember and avoid making such mistakes again."

The bangs were twitched a few times.

I was so beaten that I cried for my father and my mother.

The Saint of Thieves is no longer the Saint of Thieves, but the real good grandson. With tears streaming down his face, he gave Liu Haizhong a promise that he would never steal anything again.

Liu Haizhong ignored it and twitched it a few more times before stopping and looking down at Banggeng.

"Banggeng, let me ask you, can't you still steal things?"

"I don't dare steal anymore because I'm afraid of being beaten."

"Banggen, let me tell you, we have lived in the same compound for so many years. We don't look up when we look down, and we have the friendship of neighbors." The feather duster in Liu Haizhong's hand pointed at Banggen's nose, and he started to teach him a lesson, " If you go to another compound to steal something and you are caught, they will beat you even harder, beat you, and send you to a juvenile detention center. This is the price you pay for stealing."

Silly Zhu doesn't like bangs very much.

Can't stand the bangs.

Those who specialize in beating sons try their best to favor the boss when it comes to his affairs.

But these are some great lessons.

There is some truth in what he said.

Damn this kid.

to be frank.

Just need a beating.

Stealing behavior cannot be developed in a day or two. There must be warning signs. If the stalker just starts stealing things, even if he steals a needle from a neighbor's house, Jia Zhang or Qin Huairu should give him a good education and give him a good education. Dun, Banggeng will definitely not be what it is now.

At a young age.

People in the courtyard find the dog annoying.

This is worse than what is stated in the script.

In the script, Sha Zhu listened to Yi Zhonghai's words and helped Jia's family, including lunch boxes and money. He was meticulous. When Bang Ge was hungry, he went to Sha Zhu to look for food. Sha Zhu's house didn't have any. He searched all over the courtyard and returned. Stole Xu Damao's old hen.

In reality, because Sha Zhu married Li Xiuzhi, did not associate with the Jia family, and did not listen to Yi Zhonghai's advice to help the widow, Qin Huairu could not take the lunch box from Sha Zhu. Naturally, they did not live a good life, but they did not. In the years when supplies were extremely scarce, the Jia family's rations were not enough, and Jia Zhang's family had a rural household registration.

In order to have a full stomach.

Banggeng can only find a solution among his neighbors. Either someone’s potatoes in the front yard are roasted and eaten by Banggeng, or someone’s cabbage in the middle yard is eaten by Banggeng, or someone’s meat in the backyard is eaten by Banggeng. The stalk was stolen.

I know it was stolen by Bangge.

But I didn't catch the stick on the spot.

Jia and Zhang are acting wildly again.

Bang Gang is more annoying than the description in the script, which is why the neighbors encouraged Liu Haizhong to beat up Bang Gang. If they can't offend Jia Zhang, they can only use Liu Haizhong to express the depression suppressed by Jia Zhang.

Some people felt that Liu Haizhong had only been beaten with a stick a dozen times, which was not enough, so they once again encouraged Liu Haizhong to take action.

"Second uncle, you are really the Qingtian eldest son of our courtyard. This kid, Banggeng, was really taught bad by Jia Zhang. It is a blessing for us neighbors to have you, second uncle, as our manager. Our family has been taught a lot by Bangge." I stole it, but if it were a child from another courtyard, I would never be done with them."

"Who says it's not the case? That guy named Kong stole other people's things and had his legs broken."

"That's Kong Yiji. He was hung up and beaten. His legs were broken and he became a cripple." Yan Fugui added, then looked at Banggeng, "Banggeng, the neighbors are really thinking about you. You may as well listen. It doesn’t matter if you don’t listen, anyway, the path in the future is yours to take, whether it is good or bad has nothing to do with the neighbors.”

"Pa, pop, pop..."

Under the words of the neighbors.

Liu Haizhong suddenly felt that he had a heavy burden on him, and he was actually linked to Banggeng's future, in order to give Banggeng a good future.

I whipped the dick a few more times.

A very powerful one.

There were several bloody cuts on the buttocks after the spanking, and he grinned in pain and screamed. (End of chapter)

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