Chapter 409 Xu Damao got married
The entrance of the steel rolling mill.

The two went their separate ways.

Silly Zhu walked towards the second canteen on the north side, he was going to cook.

Liu Haizhong went to the security department located south of the steel rolling mill to prepare to meet Qin Huairu. In order to show his value, official fans were even prepared to be accused of being a wild man by Qin Huairu.

He is also a ruthless person.

As soon as he entered the second cafeteria, Shazhu was surrounded by melon-eating people headed by Liu Lan.

Just as Sha Zhu warned Liu Haizhong, the matter of Qin Huairu's pregnancy was too big. While going back to the courtyard to deal with the matter, a new statement came out from the steel rolling mill.

It is a theory to say that Qin Huairu was not pregnant at all, so she was pregnant.

Another theory is that Qin Huairu had always had a crush on a man in the countryside. Because the conditions were not as good as those of Jia Dongxu, the family did not agree, so the two were beaten up. After Jia Dongxu died, Qin Huairu met this man again, and then Qin Huairu had a child. pregnant.

For gossip.

Liu Lan eagerly looked forward to Sha Zhu, and the moment Sha Zhu appeared in the second cafeteria, she surrounded Sha Zhu in the middle, and asked first before Sha Zhu could speak.

"Silly Zhu, what happened in the courtyard again?"


"Just ask, is it related to Qin Huairu?"

Silly Zhu thought for a while.

This matter really has something to do with Qin Huairu.

He nodded.

"I just said that other than Qin Huairu's incident, nothing else could happen. Did that wild man Qin Huairu find him? Was it in your courtyard? At that time, the security department interrogated Qin Huairu again. This woman, too She is very tough-talking and refuses to explain whether she is alive or dead, unless she says that the child in her belly is Jia Dongxu's."

"Jia Dongxu?" Silly Zhu lost his voice, "Did Qin Huairu say that?"

"That's what Qin Huairu said. Now she has two crimes in one. The first one is the matter of pregnancy. It is said that Qin Huairu has committed a problem of male and female behavior. The factory has issued a heavy order and dealt with it seriously. The second one is Qin Huairu. It is said that the child in her belly is Jia Dongxu's fault. I heard that the factory will label Qin Huairu as a fan. This wild man is so fierce that he can make Qin Huairu fight for her so wholeheartedly. "

"Silly Zhu, what happened to the courtyard?"

"The matter of Granny Qin Huairu."

"Mother-in-law Qin Huairu is also pregnant. The child is not Yi Zhonghai's?" Liu Lan's face showed a bit of excitement, "Is this the case?"

"No, Qin Huairu's mother-in-law, Mrs. Jia Zhang, slapped her granddaughter Xiaodang's ear to deafness last night. My wife works as a clerk in the street. They asked me to go back and see how to deal with it."

"Did Qin Huairu really cuckold the Jia family?"

Silly Zhu first looked at Liu Lan who was asking the question, and then at the workers present. He saw that all the workers had the expression that Qin Huairu had cuckolded the Jia family.

Tiger poison does not eat children.

Kiss from another generation.

As a grandmother, Jia Zhang slapped her granddaughter Xiaodang's ears deaf.

Apart from the explanation that Xiaodang was not a child of the Jia family, Liu Lan and the others could not think of any other explanation.

"You have to ask Qin Huairu about this."


When Liu Haizhong arrived at the Security Department, he first revealed his identity to those in the Security Department, saying that he was a seventh-level blacksmith in the 16th Workshop. He came to the Security Department mainly because he wanted to talk to Qin Huairu about something.

The security department did not stop Liu Haizhong.

He happily took Liu Haizhong to the room where Qin Huairu was imprisoned.

Seeing Liu Haizhong, Qin Huairu felt as if she had seen a long-lost relative. She was so excited that she rushed towards Liu Haizhong without thinking, hugged Liu Haizhong's legs, and begged Liu Haizhong to help him.

The second uncle in charge of the courtyard is also a seventh-level blacksmith in the steel rolling mill, and has a good reputation.

This is what Qin Huairu relies on.

Qin Huairu actually wanted to beg Silhu more. Even though Silhu was just a cook, he could speak well in front of the leaders because of the reception.

In addition, Shazhu's daughter-in-law Li Xiuzhi is a street clerk.

It is impossible for the factory leaders not to give face to Silly Zhu.

It's just that Sha Zhu doesn't like Qin Huairu very much, and because of the incident where Yi Zhonghai brought Sha Zhu and Qin Huairu together, Qin Huairu can only dream that Sha Zhu will not pay attention to her at all.

During this period of time in the Security Section.

Qin Huairu's days are like years.

She really didn't want to be here for a moment.

He was begging towards his bangs.

After Liu Haizhong finished telling Qin Huairu her requests, she told Qin Huairu exactly what she wanted to do. She first said that she could not help Qin Huairu and that the only person who could save Qin Huairu was herself. Let Qin Huairu She quickly confessed to the security department who her concubine was and who made her pregnant.

Catch the adulterer.

stronger than anything.

For the sake of Qin Huairu's honesty, the security department did not care about Qin Huairu.

Regardless of whether Qin Huairu agreed or not, he told the story about Jia Zhang's slap in the face and asked Qin Huairu what to do, whether it was private or public.

Qin Huairu's heart.

Wow, so cool.

Mrs. Jia Zhang deafened Xiaodang's ears.

This is how to do ah.

With tear-stained eyes, he looked into his bangs.

Liu Haizhong listened to Jia Zhang's advice and stole something again, and was discovered by the neighbors. At the invitation of the neighbors, he gave Bang Ge a lesson, and Jia Zhang slapped Xiaodang in the face with hatred.

Ask Qin Huairu to come up with a specific charter.

Qin Huairu, who wanted to portray the persona of a filial daughter-in-law, finally chose to stay private.

When Liu Haizhong saw this, he didn't say anything, turned around and left the security department, said a few words to the security department standing at the door, and returned to Workshop 16.

As soon as I came in, I heard someone making a noise.

Busy and gloomy, he walked in.

Seeing Liu Haizhong appear, the noisy man pointed at the person he was noisy and complained to Liu Haizhong.

Just as Sha Zhu told Liu Haizhong, someone saw Liu Haizhong going to the security department, so he put the hat of Qin Huai Ruye on Liu Haizhong's head, saying that Liu Haizhong was old-hearted and actually killed a branch of the steel rolling mill. Hua got pregnant. Liu Haizhong's apprentice heard this and stood up for his master.

As for teaching disciples.

Yi Zhonghai couldn't catch up with Liu Haizhong no matter how hard he tried.

Liu Haizhong has more disciples than Yi Zhonghai, and his disciples do not hide their secrets.

Deep support among the people in the workshop.


Because Qin Huairu insisted that the child in her belly was Jia Dongxu's blood, the security department had no choice but to find a way to solve the matter from the side.

Xu Damao was called to the security department.

last night.

Xu Wood had already taught Xu Damao how to speak and how to clear his responsibilities when he got to the security department.

I was mentally prepared.

Facing the questioning from the security department, Xu Damao very calmly repeated the words he used to fool the neighbors.

Why did he see Qin Huairu busy with work after dinner? He was afraid that it would delay the production progress of the ninth workshop and slow down the production tasks of the steel rolling mill.

Risking a bad reputation.

Ask Qin Huairu to step in front of him and get food first.

It is said that there is no rule in the steel rolling mill that employees can not complete production tasks in order to eat.

Vomiting bitterly.

He said that he did this purely out of the desire to help.

Unexpectedly, in addition to not being praised, he was also criticized, saying that Xu Damao had made Qin Huairu pregnant, and that he was wronged even more than Dou E. Xu Damao kept shouting grievances and said that he and Qin Huairu were innocent.

Seeing that he couldn't get anything out of Xu Damao's mouth.

The security department released Xu Damao.

The person just came out of the security department.

Xu Damao was stunned.

The person in front of him surprised him.

It turned out to be Liu Yufeng, the most powerful woman in the steel rolling mill.

There was a bit of a wry smile on his face and he murmured something.

"How did you come?"

"I'm here to see you." Liu Yufeng looked condescendingly at Xu Damao in front of her, expressing her unconditional belief in Xu Damao in a very sincere tone, "I don't believe those rumors circulating in the steel rolling mill. I believe you are not For a person like that, Qin Huairu's matter has nothing to do with you."

Xu Damao was moved.

He tilted his head.

Looking at the giantess in front of her.

I don’t know what to say.

In the steel rolling mill with tens of thousands of people, most people are saying that Qin Huairu got pregnant by Xu Damao. There are only two people who believe Xu Damao, one is Silly Zhu and the other is Liu Yufeng.

"Thank you."

"Thank you, others don't know about you, don't I know about you?" Liu Yufeng said to Xu Damao: "I heard that your partner blew it because of this matter."

"What object, nothing, how are you?"

"I went on a blind date last time, but I scared him away." Liu Yufeng said the miserable truth in a joking tone, "I guess I can only marry those old bachelors in their forties."

Xu Damao's heart.

A pain.

Liu Yufeng is very good, a very good lesbian, but because of her weight and height, she is not liked by men very much, and she feels very safe with such a wife.

The year before last.

If he hadn't met Liu Yufeng, Xu Damao would have been beaten by those gangsters.

Feeling a little distressed for no reason.

I don't know if he got emotional or something else happened, but Xu Damao confessed to Liu Yufeng by some strange combination of circumstances.

"Comrade Liu Yufeng, I, Xu Damao, formally propose to you that I want to be your lifelong partner. Can you agree to my promise?"

Liu Yufeng has always been carefree.


She had a look of horror on her face.

"Xu Damao, stop joking. You don't like lesbians like me, and I don't like gay men like you. I like honest gay men."

"Who are you kidding? I really want to hold your hand and walk hand in hand for the rest of my life."

Xu Damao just finished speaking.

Suddenly I felt as if my feet were off the ground.

The clothes on my body suddenly became tight.

When he came to his senses, he found that Liu Yufeng was holding his armpits with both hands, and held him up, just like an adult would hold a child.

It’s almost like a parent holding their own child.

How to look.

How funny.

Liu Yufeng held Xu Damao's armpit so that her eyes were level with Xu Damao's, and looked at Xu Damao seriously.

"Xu Damao, if you don't joke with me, I don't want such jokes. You should understand what I mean."

"Liu Yufeng, am I making a joke like this to you now? How many brains do I have? I want to spend the rest of my life with you from the bottom of my heart. Although you are tall and strong, what I just said to you , is the truth, you, I, Xu Damao, are married, there is absolutely no need for you to marry those old bachelors in their early forties whose wives have died or who are not married, because I, Xu Damao, am here, and I, Xu Damao, want to form a lifelong partner with you."


"What am I? Do you agree or disagree?"

"I'm not good enough for you. You're a film projectionist at a steel rolling mill. You're handsome and a capable person. I'm not a good match for you. You should be able to find someone better."

Those in the security department.

I really didn’t expect to see such a good show.

Liu Yufeng is at the steel rolling mill.

Considered a tyrant.

Because of this scary general appearance, many people don't dare to mess with her casually.

Silly Zhu is such an awesome person, and when he sees Liu Yufeng, he also hides away from cats and mice.

Xu Damao and Liu Yufeng got married and lived together.

Full of dissonance.

Moreover, in order to cater to Xu Damao, Liu Yufeng actually told lies. I am not worthy of giving you such a handsome person as Xu Damao, isn't it just a big donkey face?
Inside the rolling mill.

Except for Xu Damao, no one else has such a long donkey face.

Is this Jun?
This is clearly ugly.

It was Liu Yufeng who said this. Those people in the security department did not dare to confront Liu Yufeng. They should just assume that Liu Yufeng was blind.

In the security department, in addition to the staff, there is also Qin Huairu.

Qin Huairu heard what the security department asked Xu Damao about just now, and it didn't matter at first. But after hearing what Xu Damao said about Liu Yufeng's confession, Qin Huairu felt as if someone had stabbed her lungs. It was so urgent that she felt anxious. Balance it out.

I'm locked up here.

You, Xu Damao, are playing a show of expressing your love outside.

Fuck it.

Without thinking, he just shouted.

"Xu Damao, I am Qin Huairu, I am Qin Huairu."

Before the next words were spoken, Liu Yufeng, who had predicted what Qin Huairu was going to say in advance, casually pinched Xu Damao under her ribs. With his free hand, he stretched out the window opened by the security department and gently With so much force, Qin Huairu was slapped to the ground by her.

He looked domineering and protective of Xu Damao.

Let Xu Damao's heart.

Jumping wildly.

Xu Damao, who didn't care about his own embarrassment and was still being pinched by Liu Yufeng, once again confessed his love to Liu Yufeng.

This time.

Xu Damao used his unique skill. He grabbed Liu Yufeng's hand with both of his own and said proudly to Liu Yufeng: "Comrade Liu Yufeng, men and women are not close to each other. I have grabbed your hand. You can only let me be your husband." , if you don’t agree, I will surrender to the Security Department, say I am a hooligan, and ask the Security Department to arrest me and send me to jail.”


"Do you agree or disagree."

"Your parents?"

"As long as I agree, after we get married, you will live with me, not my parents with you. If you are willing to deal with them, you will deal with them. If you are not happy, then forget it. Anyway, I support whatever you do. you."

Xu Damao talked about this.

Liu Yufeng no longer insisted.

She likes Xu Damao.

Otherwise, Xu Damao's big donkey face would not be regarded as handsome, and he would still protect Xu Damao in the steel rolling mill.

(End of this chapter)

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