Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 410 The sensational courtyard house and the deflated deaf old lady

Chapter 410 The sensational courtyard house and the deflated deaf old lady
Seeing that Xu Damao wanted to marry Liu Yufeng and made such a big show of confessing his love in public, Liu Yufeng agreed to Xu Damao's confession.

The security departments who acted as witnesses helped find the relevant leaders and issued a certificate.

The two of them didn't care much and hurried to the Civil Affairs Bureau with the certificate in hand. In a short time, their marriage certificate was issued.

Today's marriage certificates are different from those of later generations. There is no photo of the couple on it, and it is still the kind of handwritten content. Who and so and so and so and so got married on what year, month and date. Usually it is done by someone who is very good at writing. Just write the names of the two people and the date of marriage on the marriage certificate, and stamp it with an official seal.

At the entrance of the Civil Affairs Bureau.

Xu Damao and Liu Yufeng held a certificate-sized marriage certificate, each filled with infinite excitement, and their hands were trembling slightly.

Xu Damao is better, he doesn't have so many thoughts and feels quite at ease.

Xu Damao had just brought Liu Yufeng to apply for a marriage certificate, and Xu Damao could clearly see the panic and surprise on the staff's face.

There is such a bodyguard wife.

Who dares to provoke Xu Damao?

The problem now is how to convince his parents.

Did Xu Damao know that his parents had always hoped that Xu Damao could marry a daughter from a wealthy family and realize their purpose of using marriage to seize other people's property.

But he married Liu Yufeng.

A little troublesome.

Liu Yufeng was more excited than Xu Damao. She liked Xu Damao from the bottom of her heart, but she always felt inferior because of her height and weight.

once Upon a time.

I thought I was going to be someone else's stepmother.

Unexpectedly, Qin Huairu's pregnancy incident accidentally led to the marriage of Liu Yufeng and Xu Damao.

Up to now.

Liu Yufeng still couldn't believe that she got married smoothly!
"Da Mao, let's go back to the courtyard!"

Liu Yufeng took the initiative to hold Xu Damao's hand, with a sweet look on her face.

She also has that kind of little daughter-in-law charm about her.

Liu Yufeng had heard about the doorways in the Red Star Courtyard. He also discussed it with Shazhu specifically and felt that Shazhu was right.

A mixed bag.

There are no good people.

Just like Xu Damao, he wanted to express his opinions bravely in the courtyard and did not want his hard-earned money to be used as a favor for no reason.

I acted opposite some of the stewards.

Xu Damao was artificially isolated by those in the courtyard. In order to show their nobility, they deliberately made up lies about Xu Damao, who was a philanderer and slept with a young widow.

Being a film projectionist at a steel rolling mill would be highly sought after in the countryside.

Now that he has become the focus of attention, Xu Damao dares to play with those tricks?
Unless he is a fool.

Xu Damao is not stupid.

Some people say that Xu Damao is a homeless person. With Liu Yufeng here, how can Xu Damao become a homeless person?

"Let's go home."

"Is there a wedding banquet?"

"No way, let's get married. Why should we make them happy?"

"Listen to you."

"You don't feel wronged, do you?"

"What's the point of being aggrieved? Those people in your courtyard, Silly Zhu, all told me that they are all bastards who don't want to see you. Just like you said, why should we make them happy when we get married? And Those people who eat our food will not say good things about us, and they will scold us in their hearts for showing off."


The entrance of the courtyard.

The couple haven't entered yet.

I heard a shout from behind.

"Xu Damao?"

Xu Damao and Liu Yufeng both looked in the direction of the sound.

The person who saw the shouting was Li Xiuzhi.

Everyone smiled.

While they were laughing, Li Xiuzhi held a bag in her hand and came to them in three steps and two steps at a time, looking at the strange pair in front of her with curious eyes.


Height is two meters.

Big shoulders and round waist.

The body is very strong.

Gives people a strong visual impact.

Xu Damao was taller than Shazhu, but standing in front of Liu Yufeng, Liu Yufeng compared him to a child who had not grown up.

Just like a parent holding a naughty child under their arms, Xu Damao was now held under Liu Yufeng's ribs.

Regarding the affairs between Liu Yufeng and Xu Damao, last year, when Silly Zhu had nothing to do at night, he had a chat with Li Xiuzhi. Li Xiuzhi knew that there was a female giant in the steel rolling mill.

Seeing Xu Damao being brought back to the courtyard in this way.

It is speculated that the two came together.

Otherwise, he would not be able to explain this scene clearly.

"You are Liu Yufeng, right? Our head of the household mentioned you to me."

"Silly Zhu?" Liu Yufeng frowned and pretended to be dissatisfied, "Let me guess, he said bad things about me. He must have blamed me for losing his face a few times."

"Our boss didn't say that about you!" Li Xiuzhi glanced at Xu Damao and said to Liu Yufeng, "He said you were capable and honest."

"For your sake, I believed what he said." Liu Yufeng said with a smile: "I also heard Damao talk about you, saying that you are good and powerful, and you are a street clerk."

"A clerk is someone who serves the neighbors." Li Xiuzhi smiled slightly and asked, "When will you two get a marriage certificate?"

The finger pointed at Xu Damao.

He complained a few words like a joke.

"This matter of yours is so secretive that the neighbors didn't even hear about it. Can't we have a banquet? There are regulations on the street now, so you can't be extravagant and wasteful."

"Why are you still complaining about me?" Xu Damao said with a little anger, "Sister-in-law, it's not like you don't know the people in our courtyard. If I let them hear about my blind date, they might do harm to me, just like a fool At that time, all the blind dates were ruined, and their parents came to ask about it, but they didn't say it was good, but they said it was bad."

"I also called her sister-in-law."

Liu Yufeng's eyes widened and she looked at Li Xiuzhi in disbelief. She really couldn't understand how Li Xiuzhi concluded that they were married. On the way back to the courtyard, Xu Damao fell behind because Liu Yufeng had long legs and a long stride. The eager Liu Yufeng took Xu Damao under her ribs like a son and strode back to the courtyard.

along the way.

people you meet.

They didn't even think about the two of them getting married, so they thought this scene was a bit inconsistent.

Li Xiuzhi is the first and only one.

"Sister-in-law, how did you know that we two were married?"


"Sister-in-law is sister-in-law, you can guess right." Liu Yufeng lifted Xu Damao from her ribs to the ground, reached out and took out the marriage certificate, and showed it to Li Xiuzhi, "We got the marriage certificate this afternoon."

She took it from Xu Damao's pocket.

Grab a handful of sugar.

Passed it to Li Xiuzhi.

"Sister-in-law, this is the wedding candy for Damao and I. It's not much, so don't mind!"

"I don't mind. I also want to thank you. It's you who made me happy to get married."

Li Xiuzhi receiving the wedding candy.

I still don't believe it in my heart.

Xu Damao actually got married without saying a word.

And married such a giantess.

The two of them had not had much contact, but Liu Yufeng's behavior and remarks just now made Li Xiuzhi feel a little unguarded. Such people will not harm you.

She said a few words of congratulations to Xu Damao and Liu Yufeng, and put the wedding candy in her pocket. This thing is a rare thing.

I don’t know if it was Xu Damao or Liu Yufeng who did it.

It is White Rabbit toffee that is not commonly seen on the market.

Not long after Li Xiuzhi put the candy in her pocket, some neighbors in the courtyard, probably hearing the conversation between the three of them, came out like a swarm.

They each greeted Xu Damao with a smile.

"Xu Damao, is this girl your wife?"

"So burly!"

"It looks good at first sight."

"There's another happy event in the courtyard!"

"This daughter-in-law looks really elegant."

The enthusiastic aunts said congratulations for free, and from time to time used words with connotations to Xu Damao and Liu Yufeng. They all heard the words of congratulations to Li Xiuzhi.

Thinking that I have said so many good things, it is another happy day to get married.

You can't help but express it.

They were treating Xu Damao the same way they treated ordinary neighbors.

I don’t even think about who Xu Damao is.

A pure evil person, Liu Yufeng has similar views to Xu Damao on certain matters. They both believe that there are no good people in the courtyard and have no intention of having a close friendship.

The candy was not given to them either.

He also made special excuses.

"Neighbors, this is my wife Liu Yufeng, a worker in the 16th workshop of the rolling mill. Today is our wedding day. I would like to thank the neighbors for their blessings."

Now judge whether the quality of life of a family is good or not.

There is a standard.

Is it a dual-income family?

Nowadays, one person can support a whole family. If two people make money, life will definitely be happy.

I heard that Liu Yufeng was also a worker in the steel rolling mill.

Neighbors have more ideas.

On the one hand, I feel that I can have a banquet without formalities, and on the other hand, I am envious. The steel rolling mill has regulations that allow employees to apply for houses after they get married.

As for whether this house can be applied for, at least they have regulations in this regard.

The words became more enthusiastic, with a bit of envy in the enthusiasm, and they started to praise without any money, and all kinds of modifying words flew towards Xu Damao and his wife.

The praises from the neighbors were not exchanged for the heavy benefits.

It's like wasting your breath.

Xu Damao's words about new people, new things, and new atmosphere made the neighbors who were angry didn't say anything and looked at the couple entering the courtyard in a daze.

Until he could no longer see it, he spat hard on the ground and cursed Xu Damao for being stingy and Liu Yufeng for not being a good person.



The deaf old lady sat in front of the door as usual, watching the people coming in and out.
People become better with age.

There is nothing wrong with that.

The deaf old lady can see things in the yard most clearly.

She also knows what she needs and what she doesn't need, and she also knows that she is now a fallen phoenix, not as good as an old hen that can lay eggs.

After my eldest mother died.

Jia Zhang married Yi Zhonghai.

The deaf old lady lived a hard life.

Mrs. Jia Zhang is not like a aunt who brings the meals to the old lady three times a day. After finishing the meal, she clears the dishes and chopsticks. She also helps the deaf old lady clean the house and wash the clothes she changed.

Nowadays, the deaf old lady has to do all these things personally. Sometimes Jia Zhang will bully the deaf old lady.

I originally wanted to chat with Yi Zhonghai, but Yi Zhonghai didn't know why he was gone. After seven or eight days of walking, the deaf old lady could only think of another way.

Find yourself a spare tire to take care of and see if you can turn him into a regular person. It is best to take care of him with Yi Zhonghai.

In the courtyard.

There are only two people who can make the deaf old lady live well without her parents. One is Silly Zhu, who is married and does not associate with the deaf old lady, and the other is Xu Damao.

this time.

For her own happiness in her later years, the deaf old lady came up with Xu Damao's idea.

As a result of arranging for Yi Zhonghai's wife, the deaf old lady came into contact with the matchmaker. Although she did not get back the money she paid for Yi Zhonghai's matchmaking, the deaf old lady did not gain anything. The matchmaker used a piece of news related to Xu Damao. The deaf old lady's debt.

This news is that Xu Damao's parents are bringing Xu Damao and Lou Xiao'e together.

Lou Xiao'e is Director Lou's daughter.

A real lady.

Before doing it instead.

Such a girl has no worries about getting married.

It's difficult now.

Identity is the biggest obstacle!
The trustee inquired about Lou Xiao'e and learned that Lou Xiao'e was well-educated and sensible. After marrying Xu Damao, Xu Damao would go to the countryside to show movies every now and then. As long as the neighbors were encouraged to use Lou Xiao'e's background to talk about Lou Xiao'e and take advantage of Lou Xiao'e, and she could stand up and support Lou Xiao'e appropriately, Lou Xiao'e would definitely be right. She is grateful.

As for Xu Damao, there is nothing to worry about.

The target of the deaf old lady is Lou Xiao'e, not Xu Damao.

I really look forward to Lou Xiaoe marrying into a courtyard house.

Hearing the commotion in the front yard, saying that Xu Damao was getting married today, the deaf old lady specially moved from her home to the courtyard and sat on the only way back to Xu Damao's house.

The meaning is obvious.

On this big day, you can’t turn a blind eye when you see my old lady.

My heart is also full of expectations.

Prepare to impress Lou Xiao'e with your knowledge.

Along with the footsteps, the deaf old lady's heart rose to her throat, and she tried her best to put on a kind expression on her face.


The moment Xu Damao led Liu Yufeng into the backyard, the deaf old lady who was sitting on a stool waiting for Lou Xiaoe looked at the two-meter-tall giantess in front of her.

Take a deep breath.

Even if she has never met Lou Xiao'e, she still knows that the woman in front of her is not the Lou Xiao'e she expected.

Lou Xiao'e is the daughter of a wealthy family, and her aura is different from others.

Holding Xu Damao's hand, she looked like a mother taking care of her son. She didn't have that ladylike temperament at all.

The deaf old lady was a little dumbfounded.

Xu Damao even held hands with others.

This is the relationship between husband and wife.

Otherwise, neither of us want to live anymore.

Where has my Lou Xiao'e gone?

Without Lou Xiao'e, what will happen to my old lady's life?
When thinking about it.

The deaf old lady felt as if there was an extra wall in front of her eyes, making it difficult for her to breathe. After a short time, the suffocating feeling disappeared.

They looked at Xu Damao and his wife who ignored the deaf old lady.

The lungs of the ancestors of the courtyard are about to burst with anger.

Do you treat me like a piece of shit?
"Xu Damao." The deaf old lady couldn't bear it anymore and said to Xu Damao: "You bastard, you saw my old lady here and you didn't even say hello?"

(End of this chapter)

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