Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 417 Li Xiuzhi questions Yi Zhonghai

Qin Huairu would never have thought that although she had successfully gotten rid of the stigma of being a widow and pregnant, she would also be trapped in the trap of being a widow who remarried.

This matter will also be led by Li Xiuzhi.

During the quarrel between Jia Zhang and the deaf old lady, she accidentally let it slip that Yi Zhonghai was still thinking about bringing Qin Huairu and Silly Zhu together.

As the wife of Silly Pillar.

Li Xiuzhi has the obligation and responsibility to vigorously promote Qin Huairu's remarriage.

Once and for all, the root cause of Yi Zhonghai's scheme against Silly Pillar was eliminated.

She won't show up in person.

Professional matters must be left to professional people.

In terms of women's work, there is no better candidate than Sister Xu.

After coming out of Director Jia's office.

Li Xiuzhi found the Street Women's Federation and told Sister Xu and the others what happened to Qin Huairu in detail.

some things.

Choose to hide.

some things.

I chose to confess.

For example, during the quarrel between Jia Zhang and the deaf old lady, she said, "Yi Zhonghai had a dream and said that he would destroy the marriage of Sha Zhu and his wife and let Sha Zhu marry Qin Huairu."

this matter.

Li Xiuzhi told Sister Xu and the others the truth.

When the elder sisters heard this, they were immediately furious. Since Li Xiuzhi was transferred to the street as a clerk, she has been really sincere and conscientious. Everyone who has dealt with Li Xiuzhi gave her thumbs up and praised Li Xiuzhi.

Such a good lesbian was plotted by the former steward of the courtyard to destroy her marriage.

Just because the daughter of the man in charge was a widow with three children, she did not hesitate to destroy other people's marriages in order to make the widow live a better life.

This is immoral.

Sister Xu and the others promised Li Xiuzhi that Qin Huairu would remarry within half a year.

How many widows were more stubborn than Qin Huairu, but they had done ideological work and lived a good life.

Li Xiuzhi left with satisfaction.

Qin Huairu remarried, let's see how Yi Zhonghai still plots against Silly Zhu.


Yi Zhonghai returned to the courtyard.

The steps have just crossed the threshold.

In my ears, I heard the voices of some talkative women.

I didn’t want to take any notice.

But because what these people were talking about was Qin Huairu's pregnancy, there was a lot of speculation about who was the culprit of Qin Huairu's pregnancy.

In addition to mentioning Qin Huairu's pregnancy, Yi Zhonghai was also mentioned, saying that the fact that Qin Huairu was pregnant as a widow highlighted Yi Zhonghai's family tradition.

It's about your own interests.

Yi Zhonghai stopped and deliberately snorted.

I would like to remind those tongue-tied women that I am back and should pay attention to the impact of some words.

But he didn't expect that because Yi Zhonghai was notorious and his reputation was nothing in the courtyard, the few neighbors who were chatting and talking did not restrain themselves, but became more emotional.

Their voices were much higher than before, and their words were more intense.

Feeling that he had been humiliated, Yi Zhonghai also lost his patience and started to choke at those talkative women.

The situation suddenly deteriorated.

Several women yelled at Yi Zhonghai together.

In the end, Yi Zhonghai was disgraced.

Because during a quarrel, a woman started to hold the toilet bowl for Yi Zhonghai, saying that Yi Zhonghai was peeping at her when she went to the toilet. Several other women actually agreed with this woman, saying that they were Yi Zhonghai peeping at women. Witnesses going to the toilet.

Speaking of which.

Why is this noisy?
Yi Zhonghai rolled back to the middle courtyard in despair.

Thinking that most of the neighbors were employees of the steel rolling mill, as long as they came back at night, the truth about Qin Huairu's misdiagnosis of pregnancy would be revealed.

Mainly because I can't afford to offend these shrews.

I pushed open the door of my house and saw a layer of light dust on the furniture. I cursed Jia Zhang a few times in my heart, saying that Jia Zhang was so hot for three minutes that she didn't clean up the house for him.

I found a broom and a rag and tidied up the house.

The deaf old lady who was in the backyard heard that Yi Zhonghai was back. She didn't care much and showed up at Yi Zhonghai's house with a cane.

The first time I saw Yi Zhonghai.

The deaf old lady had tears in her eyes.

The crutch in his hand poked the ground hard and howled at Yi Zhonghai.

"Zhong Hai, why did you come back? Do you know what kind of life my old lady lived during this period? A life worse than even a beggar's wife."

Yi Zhonghai, who was busy with housework, was shocked when he looked at the crying deaf old lady.

Not blind.

It can be seen that the deaf old lady is not doing well.

His hair was a mess, there was eye mucus on his eyes, his face was yellow, his body was a little stooped, and he looked like he didn't have much time left.

"Old lady, you?"

"How did I become like this? She is not the Jia Zhang who killed a thousand swords, she is just a beast. During your absence, she bullied me. She bullied me to death. She didn't give me food every morning. She doesn't care whether I have eaten or not at noon. It depends on my mood at dinner. If I am in a good mood, she will give me a steamed bun. If I am in a bad mood, there will be no steamed buns. She still asks me to wait on her, saying that I am self-reliant. Zhonghai, you are back, I'm old My wife thought she would never see you again in this life."

The deaf old lady cried more than she peed.

If we could go back in time.

She must not be willing to let her aunt die.

"If Mrs. Jia Zhang hadn't been in jail, my old lady might have died in the hands of Mrs. Jia Zhang. Zhonghai, Mrs. Jia Zhang is not a good person. She is far from Yulan. Listen to my old lady and hurry up. Divorce Jia Zhang, she is a person who has been in jail for three years, she is not worthy of you, an eighth-level worker in a steel rolling mill."

The melon seeds in Yi Zhonghai's head were buzzing.

It accurately captured several words in the deaf old lady's speech.

Go to jail.

Three years.

Putting it all together, Jia Zhang was imprisoned for three years.

What happened, why was Jia Zhang in jail?
"old lady."

"You want to ask me why Mrs. Jia Zhang is in jail. Let me tell you, I don't blame anyone for this matter. I just blame Mrs. Jia Zhang for not being a human being and not worthy of being someone else's grandmother. You must divorce Mrs. Jia Zhang... .”

It comes down to it.

The deaf old lady still does it for herself.

I'm worried that if Yi Zhonghai doesn't divorce Jia Zhang now, Jia Zhang, who returns from prison three years later, will still be Yi Zhonghai's nominal daughter-in-law.

In other words.

The deaf old lady will continue to be manipulated and bullied by Jia Zhang.

This is not a situation the deaf old lady wants to see.

She wanted to take advantage of Jia Zhang's imprisonment to divorce Yi Zhonghai from Jia Zhang. She helped find a widow who could be filial to her and take care of her as Yi Zhonghai's wife.

Yi Zhonghai's face turned pale.

Mrs. Jia Zhang deafened Xiaodang's ears with a slap, and the neighbors helped send her to the hospital.

The body swayed slightly for a few steps.

He looked up at the deaf old lady.

"You don't believe me? Silly Zhu's wife is back, go and ask her." The deaf old lady pointed at Li Xiuzhi who had just entered the middle courtyard, and said to Yi Zhonghai: "Li Xiuzhi knows all this."

Yi Zhonghai lifted his legs and came out of his house. He stopped Li Xiuzhi who was about to push the door open and enter the house.

"Silly Wife-in-law, I have something to ask you."

Li Xiuzhi stopped.

He looked at Yi Zhonghai who was walking towards him with a calm expression.

Suddenly there was a smile.

He asked Yi Zhonghai in return.

"Master Yi, if you tell me, I know, I will definitely tell you. If I don't know, I can't help you."

In other words.

It depends on my mood.

When you are in a good mood, you can say things you cannot say. When you are in a bad mood, the things you can say become the secrets of the street.

Some neighbors in the middle courtyard who were fetching water or chatting all focused their attention on Li Xiuzhi and Yi Zhonghai.

They all heard the quarrel between Jia Zhang and the deaf old lady.

And because of the past between Silly Zhu and Yi Zhonghai.

Although he guessed what Yi Zhonghai wanted to ask Li Xiuzhi, he still wanted to watch the show.

"Jia Zhang's family?"

"Master Yi, the Jia Zhang you are talking about should be your future wife, Yi Zhang, right?"

Yi Zhonghai's heart.

A sour.

This soft nail.

So fucking awesome.

"Grandma Bangge."

"I know a little about Yi Zhang's matter. The streets are carrying out relevant studies these days to avoid making the same mistakes as Yi Zhang's. She almost deafened Xiaodang's ears with a slap, and almost made Xiaodang blind in one eye. Neighbors all know about this matter. It was the help of the second uncle Liu Haizhong and the third uncle Yan Fugui who saved his life. Considering that Xiaodang’s ears and eyes are in the recovery period, your wife was sentenced to two years. ”

"Xiuzhi, it's been three years. The notices have been posted at the entrance of our compound." Goudanniang interrupted, "Didn't you read it when I came back?"

"In the case of Xiaodang, Yi Zhang was sentenced to two years. He was sentenced to one year for inciting Banggeng to steal things for a long time. A total of three years." Li Xiuzhi thought of something and added, "Strictly speaking, it is three years." Half a year. Because Jia Zhang felt that she should not be in jail, she publicly called out Lao Jia and Xiao Jia in front of many people, so she was given an additional half year. "

The neighbors were convinced by Jia Zhang's advice.

He abruptly increased his sentence from three years to three and a half years.

Strong man.

"Master Yi, is there anything else?"

"there is none left!"

Yi Zhonghai turned around and walked towards his home.

His face seemed calm.

But in my heart I hated Liu Haizhong so much that the deaf old lady just said that when Mrs. Jia Zhang slapped Xiaodang's knot away, it was Liu Haizhong who beat up the stick.

If there is no stick in the bangs, how could Jia Zhang fly away from Xiaodang, and how could she go to jail for this matter?

He cursed the eight generations of ancestors in Liu Hai in his heart.

Just as he was about to cross the threshold of his home, Li Xiuzhi's questioning voice suddenly came from behind.

"Master Yi, I have something to ask you. Can you answer it?"

Yi Zhonghai will take the step forward.

Received it back.

Turn around.

Look at Li Xiuzhi.

The neighbors of the Central Courtyard felt their hearts in their throats. The drama they had been waiting for for a long time was finally about to be staged. Is Li Xiuzhi going to attack Yi Zhonghai?

"You said."

"Our leader, if there is something about him that you think is good or something that attracts you, tell me and I will ask him to change it, even if it means breaking the rules."

Yi Zhonghai frowned.

What is Li Xiuzhi going to do?
This matter should be blamed on the deaf old lady, who did not tell Yi Zhonghai about Jia Zhang's revelation of Yi Zhonghai's sleep talk, so Yi Zhonghai did not know about it.

He looked at Li Xiuzhi.

"Silly wife, I don't understand what you mean."

"It's best if you don't understand. I just want to tell you that some things are too wicked."


"As the old saying goes, it is better to demolish ten temples than to destroy a family. I have been married to the head of our family for two years. How are we doing? Whether we live happily or not, the neighbors all see it. I, Li Xiuzhi, I think I have never done anything to regret my neighbors, nor to you, Yi Zhonghai. Why do you, Yi Zhonghai, insist on ruining our marriage? You asked me to divorce our husband, and you still have to marry your widowed wife. Three slutty widows and daughters?”

Yi Zhonghai's body shook unnaturally a few times.

His steps subconsciously moved back a few steps.

Because my back is to the threshold.

His back heel accidentally hit the threshold, and he fell backwards, falling to the ground like mud.

"Yi Zhonghai, there are many unmarried old bachelors in the capital, and there are also many widowers whose wives have died. Aren't they worthy of your widowed daughter? Why do you insist on letting me, the head of the household, marry your widowed daughter? With you, Yi Zhonghai We can only rely on our family to provide for our retirement?”

The voice suddenly rose.

Roared towards Yi Zhonghai.

"Do you, Yi Zhonghai, think that I, Li Xiuzhi, a lesbian who fled to the city from the countryside, am not worthy of marrying He Yuzhu, who has an urban registered permanent residence? Do you think that I, Li Xiuzhi, marrying He Yuzhu with a rural registered permanent residence have tarnished the eyes of your Holy God, Yi Zhonghai?" You still want to let Qin Huairu, who has an urban registered permanent residence, remarry He Yuzhu, who has an urban registered permanent residence? "

Yi Zhonghai just got up from the ground.

Listening to Li Xiuzhi's questioning.

People are stupid.

This hat.

Each one is heavier than the other.

If his front foot dares to admit it, his back foot will have to report below.


He forcefully explained: "Silly wife, don't blame me for things that don't happen."

"Yes, just call me nonsense."

Li Xiuzhi did not beat up the drowned dog.

It's not the right time yet.

During this period of time, she knew what kind of life the deaf old lady was living, and she even knew that the deaf old lady had actually been dissatisfied with the fact that Jia Zhang had remarried Yi Zhonghai.

Jia Zhang was imprisoned, and Yi Zhonghai returned to the courtyard.

The selfish deaf old lady will definitely instigate Yi Zhonghai to divorce Jia Zhang for her own benefit.

Jia Zhang's starting point for remarrying Yi Zhonghai was that she did not want to be sent back to her hometown in the countryside and live such a hard life.

Yi Zhonghai divorced her, and Jia Zhang, who came out three and a half years later, had no choice but to return to her hometown in the countryside, and lost the glory that had given Jia Zhang a widow for more than 20 years.

Whether Lao Jia's family members want to be the Jia Zhang family or not is a matter of course.

When I go back to my parents’ home, I have to choose even more.

As long as Jia Zhang is not stupid, she will definitely consider these gains and losses. If Li Xiuzhi gives her a chance to atone for her crimes, I believe Jia Zhang will definitely seize this opportunity.

Li Xiuzhi saw the deaf old lady appear at Yi Zhonghai's house just now, and she must have talked to Yi Zhonghai about his divorce from Jia Zhang.

In view of these interest entanglements, Li Xiuzhi decided to postpone the matter for a while.

A good meal is not afraid of being late.

There is plenty of time to play with Yi Zhonghai. (End of chapter)

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