Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 416 The truth about Qin Huairu’s pregnancy

Chapter 416 The truth about Qin Huairu’s pregnancy
When Xia Xueli heard that Factory Director Yang asked her to provide definite evidence that Qin Huairu was pregnant.

Without thinking, she said that vomiting meant pregnancy.

"Director Yang, what kind of evidence do we need? You were accompanying guests that day, and Qin Huairu was in the second cafeteria, vomiting in front of so many workers. Isn't this pregnancy? As long as a woman vomits, she will pregnant."

I thought I would give one, two or three reasons.

The result is a lot of nonsense.

In an instant, Director Yang was so angry that one soul left his body and the other soul ascended to heaven.

The whole person was really angry to death.

Since Qin Huairu vomited, you concluded that Qin Huairu was pregnant and made the matter so serious.

Is this what a medical professional should say?
Too arbitrary.

"The old lady in her 70s sometimes vomits. Is she pregnant? Those 13 or 14-year-old children also vomit. Do you dare to say that they have it too?"

He slapped his hand on the table.

Butt off the stool.

Stand up.

"It's just playing the piano randomly, Xia Xuelia, if you say that, I must deal with you seriously and tell me about Qin Huairu's pregnancy."

"Director Yang, the vomit Qin Huairu vomited is different from other vomit."

"Why is it different?"

"The smell is even more irritating to the nose." Xia Xueli said: "There were many people present that day, and they all saw Qin Huairu's bulging belly. She was getting bigger and was vomiting. Isn't this pregnancy? She must be pregnant!"

"Xia Xueli, you can leave."

"How to solve the problem of Qin Huairu's pregnancy?"

"You are no longer responsible."

Director Yang for the honor of the steel rolling mill.

Made the call in person.

He asked the people from the security department to take Qin Huairu to the countryside in a car, and planned to find an old Chinese medicine doctor who had retired for more than ten years and was retiring in his hometown in the countryside.

When I left the factory, I suddenly thought of something.

He also brought in Xia Xueli, the instigator who categorically said that Qin Huairu was pregnant.

Seeing is believing, hearing is not.

If Xia Xueli doesn't admit it, and insists on saying that Factory Director Yang found someone to help Qin Huairu have an abortion, this is really a piece of yellow mud that got into her crotch, and I can't explain it clearly.

It would be best to reverse the verdict on Qin Huairu's pregnancy in front of Xia Xuelia.

Xia Xueli from the province was talking nonsense behind her back.

With them were several directors of the steel rolling mill, including Deputy Director Li, and Liu Lan and others who had witnessed Qin Huairu's pregnancy.


This old Chinese medicine doctor is in his early eighties and almost ninety years old.

After asking about the purpose of the security department.

Then he set his eyes on Qin Huairu.

Traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to seeing, hearing, asking, and understanding. It is just four words, but it is deeply inherited by traditional Chinese medicine. With just one look at Qin Huairu, she was sure that Qin Huairu was not pregnant.

The so-called pregnancy of Shanghuan widow Qin Huairu is just nonsense.

Then he checked Qin Huairu's pulse.

I came to the conclusion that it was a bullshit.

The reason why Qin Huairu's belly swelled was not because she was pregnant, but because there was a mass of waste gas hidden in her belly that could not be excreted.

He gave Qin Huairu a few herbs.

Let Qin Huairu swallow it in front of everyone present.

Director Yang was well-informed and sent Xia Xueli and Liu Lan inside the house to check Qin Huairu's bulging belly before Qin Huairu swallowed the herbs.

It looks like she is five months pregnant.

After Qin Huairu swallowed the herbs, she followed the old Chinese doctor's advice and drank a bowl of cold water and then a bowl of boiled water.

not long.

Qin Huairu's stomach rang with a squeaking sound.

What followed was a long, big stinky fart.


The air inside the house.

It's getting stinky.

Liu Lan and the others subconsciously held their breath, and then their horrified eyes fell on Qin Huairu's belly. The belly that was bulging a moment ago has now become flat.

in this way.

This also proves the fact that Qin Huairu's pregnancy is a false rumor.

I left the old Chinese medicine doctor’s house with a lot of gratitude.

Entered the city.

Instead of going back to the steel rolling mill, he went to the 309 Hospital and asked the experts there to check Qin Huairu's body and issued a report that Qin Huairu was not pregnant.

Director Yang was relieved.

Qin Huairu cried aggrievedly. No one knew how she managed to survive this period of time. If she hadn't cared about her three children, she might not be here anymore.

Xia Xueli, on the other hand, looked like her parents were dead. She knew how old Qin Huairu's pregnancy was at the steel rolling mill, so she couldn't afford the consequences of this misdiagnosis.

Thinking about how to solve this matter.

Liu Lan and others who eat melons have an indifferent attitude. When Qin Huairu was pregnant, they could eat melons from Qin Huairu's pregnant wife. Now that Xia Xueli has mistakenly diagnosed Qin Huairu's pregnancy, they can continue to eat melons from Qin Huairu who is not pregnant.

Not stupid.

I know the reason why Director Yang dragged them away together.

Don't you just want to use their mouths to turn things over?

Know what you want to do.

After getting off the jeep, the aunts and sisters acting as representatives walked towards their own departments, thinking about what to say.

This is the case in the ninth workshop.

The same is true in the twenty workshop.

This is especially true for the Second Canteen.

The busy No. 2 cafeteria was really overwhelmed because of the absence of Liu Lan. When Liu Lan appeared, they all threw their complaints at Liu Lan.

Liu Lan didn't panic at all.

He was just spreading rumors under orders.

If you want to cause trouble for her, you have to ask Director Yang if he agrees.

His attitude was even more arrogant than those in the second cafeteria. With a glare and a grin, he told the whole story of the incident, including what he went to do, what he saw, what he heard, and how he came back. They all said it to those in the second cafeteria.

The workers in the second canteen were in an uproar.

What a thing.

Qin Huairu is not pregnant. The so-called big belly means that there is a ball of gas in her belly.

It’s not like they don’t know this kind of gas. The gas that comes out of the mouth is called huffing, which is also called burping. The gas that comes out of the buttocks is called fart.

They all fart in their daily lives.

I have never seen anyone who can keep farts in their stomach.

Isn't this a balloon?
After a long time, it won’t explode.

I don't believe it.

Seeing that the workers were questioning, Liu Lan started preaching again. During the preaching process, the sound of the radio sounded from the loudspeaker of the Publicity Department.

"Attention all workers in the steel rolling mill, I am Yu Haitang, the announcer of the Publicity Department, and I will read out the latest notice issued by the office of the steel rolling mill."

All held their breaths.

He listened with his ears propped up.

"Recently, the pregnancy of Qin Huairu, an employee of the ninth workshop in our steel rolling mill, which caused a lot of commotion. After verification by various departments of the steel rolling mill, it was finally proved that the matter was false and just a pure rumor. We people in the steel rolling mill do not listen to rumors or believe rumors. Don’t spread rumors. We hope that everyone in the steel rolling mill will distinguish right from wrong. We must say no to rumors. We hope that every person in the steel rolling mill can remember the experience and lessons of Qin Huairu being rumored to be pregnant, and think about what others say. Does it have to be true? The old man said this..."...

Qin Huairu is in the ninth workshop.

Cry loudly.

Tears were like an open river, flowing angrily on Qin Huairu's cheeks.

She felt wronged.

She was really wronged.

When Yi Zhonghai saw Qin Huairu crying, he sighed and moved to Qin Huairu. He wanted to hug his daughter, but he was worried about the people around him and reached out to pat Qin Huairu on the shoulder.

It's a comfort.

Qin Huairu felt the power of Yi Zhonghai.

Looked up.

Looking at Yi Zhonghai with tears in his eyes, he murmured the title of father.

When Yi Zhonghai heard this title, his brain instantly went blank. He forgot everything and looked at Qin Huairu in front of him stupidly.

Not stupid.

Knowing that this was Qin Huairu's acceptance of him.

I was filled with emotions for a while.

Logically speaking, he should also join Qin Huairu in resenting Xia Xuelia, who misdiagnosed Qin Huairu as pregnant. After all, she had made Qin Huairu suffer so much.

Then I thought about it.

If it hadn't been for Xia Xueli's misdiagnosis, it would have been a while before Qin Huairu opened her heart to accept Yi Zhonghai as her father.

I feel a little conflicted.

He looked at Qin Huairu at a loss and nodded.

There was a smile on his face.


The loudspeaker of the Publicity Department.

Yu Haitang's beautiful voice came out again.

This time it is the follow-up treatment of Qin Huairu's pregnancy incident.

As the initiator of this matter.

That is, the initiator.

Xia Xueli was directly sent back to the original commune clinic. She misdiagnosed Qin Huairu as pregnant based on the belief that vomiting was a sign of pregnancy, and it was recorded in the file.

Zhao Tianlong from Workshop No. 25 was the first to insist that Qin Huairu was pregnant and then sent Qin Huairu to the hospital for confirmation. He was demoted by one grade and was not allowed to re-apply for three years. At the same time, his salary was assessed for three months. .

Factory Director Yang made an empirical mistake when Qin Huairu was misdiagnosed as pregnant, which caused the incident not to be controlled in time and caused certain harm to Qin Huairu, so he applied for a warning.

After dealing with a bunch of people.

It is compensation for Qin Huairu.

Qin Huairu was detained in the Security Section for more than ten days.

It is impossible to be imprisoned in vain.

I have to give some compensation no matter what.

After discussion and decision by the factory committee, Qin Huairu was transferred from the on-site Processing Workshop No. 9 to the Logistics Department, responsible for the outbound statistics of materials.

Who asked Qin Huairu to hold a junior high school diploma in her hand?

On the basis of Qin Huairu's first-level worker, it was upgraded to another level, and the salary jumped from twenty-seven and fifty-one yuan to thirty-four and two yuan. The previous monetary assessments for Qin Huairu's mistakes were also eliminated.

If you lose your horse, you will know no blessings.

Although Qin Huairu had a hard time for a few days because of the rumor that the widow was pregnant, her salary was increased and she was transferred from the busy processing workshop to the statistics department where the work was relatively easy.

It can be considered a good result.

Yi Zhonghai played an important role in this matter.

If Yi Zhonghai hadn't told Factory Director Yang about Xia Xueli's background in veterinary medicine, Factory Director Yang would have been kept in the dark and would have been embarrassed after the working group entered the factory.

In view of Yi Zhonghai's meritorious service, Yi Zhonghai was given a lenient punishment for his huge mistake this time, and one month's salary was deducted from his salary.


The telephone number of the steel rolling mill office.

Hit the streets.

The person who answered the phone was Li Xiuzhi.

After listening to the content transmitted by the other party, Li Xiuzhi really felt as if he had listened to a book from heaven.

I really didn't expect that Qin Huairu's pregnancy would take such a weird turn.

Was misdiagnosed.

Qin Huairu was not pregnant, but there was a mass of stench hidden in her belly that had not been excreted in time, making her belly slightly swollen, giving people the illusion that she had been pregnant for several months.

Dr. Xia, who concluded that Qin Huairu was pregnant, said with certainty that Qin Huairu was pregnant because of Qin Huairu's bulging belly.

Those at the steel rolling mill firmly believed in the conclusion given by Dr. Xia.

Only then did things such as interrogating Qin Huairu and asking Qin Huairu to explain who her wild man was.


Li Xiuzhi vomited in her heart.

As soon as Qin Huairu's pregnancy happened, the steel rolling mill sent an investigation notice to the street, asking the street to help with the verification.

Before answering the phone.

Director Jia of the street is discussing Qin Huairu's pregnancy with Li Xiuzhi, and is planning to use this matter to launch a related activity within the street.

Look how many widows there are exactly like Qin Huairu.

Danger must be nipped in the bud.

We can't let the widow's pregnancy happen in their streets.

I just had this idea.

The steel rolling mill called and said that Qin Huairu had been misdiagnosed, which made Li Xiuzhi feel helpless as if she mustered all her strength to punch the cotton.

Didn't think much about it.

He hurried into Director Jia's office and explained the contents of the phone call.

Director Jia was also turned into a confused monk. He personally called the steel rolling mill and asked Director Yang for confirmation.

After getting the exact answer.

He showed Li Xiuzhi a smile that was much better than crying.

"Xiuzhi, this incident is a wake-up call for us."

Li Xiuzhi knew the sobriety in Director Jia's words.

What exactly does it mean?

It’s nothing more than a widow’s pregnancy.

She also knew that she heard the implication of Director Jia's words.

The remarriage work of widows in the jurisdiction continues to be strengthened.

Qin Huairu made a misdiagnosis. If a widow comes who is not misdiagnosed, they will be the only ones to sit on the wax.

"Director Jia, I understand what you mean. In a few days, when Qin Huairu's mood has stabilized, I will have a good talk with her and listen to her opinions on remarriage."

"Before, her mother-in-law Jia Zhang was here, and Qin Huairu had to worry about her mother-in-law's opinion when she remarried. Now that Jia Zhang is in jail, Qin Huairu no longer has such scruples, so he took advantage of this period to promote Qin Huairu's remarriage. Two widows, the widowed mother-in-law and the widowed daughter-in-law have remarried one after another. This is the result of the widow remarriage work in our street."

"I know what to do, Director Jia, do you have anything else to tell me?"

"Xiuzhi, if you don't tell me, I almost forgot. My sister-in-law is in high school this year and is also thinking about taking the college entrance examination. Isn't your sister-in-law a college student? I want to ask you, do you still have the textbooks from your sister-in-law's high school? If so If you are here, please lend it to my sister-in-law to read for a while, and after reading it, I will return the original."

"Director Jia, I'll go home and take a look. If you're here, I'll get it for you. If you're not, I'll ask Rainwater for you to see if she has it anywhere."

"Thank you very much."

"They're all colleagues, as they should be. Director Jia, I'm going to get busy."

(End of this chapter)

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