Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 415 Director Yang, Qin Huairu is really not pregnant, believe me

Chapter 415 Director Yang, Qin Huairu is really not pregnant, believe me
Dr. Xia from the Steel Rolling Mill Affiliated Hospital.

This is a quackery.

Others don't know what level she is at.

Yi Zhonghai knows.

When I was in medical school, I was expelled for making a mistake. I later went to study veterinary medicine, majoring in sow postpartum care. I relied on my family connections to obtain a diploma from a night school. I used this diploma to open the door. After walking through the door of the hospital affiliated to the steel rolling mill, she concluded that Qin Huairu was pregnant.

Pregnant is a hammer.

She didn't even know whether the sow was pregnant or not, so how could she tell Qin Huairu was pregnant at a glance.

Yi Zhonghai really wanted to rush to the affiliated hospital and slap him hard, but because when Guo Dabozi just told about Qin Huairu's pregnancy, he also told Director Yang's request to let Yi Zhonghai run to his office.

Which one is more important?

Yi Zhonghai understood clearly.

He knew what Director Yang wanted to do with him.

Apart from treating him to Xunmian, there was nothing else to do.

Prepare to be punished first, and then go to Dr. Xia to seek justice for Qin Huairu.

Under the warning look from Guo Dapizi, Yi Zhonghai ran out of the ninth workshop and sprinted towards the factory office building with all his strength.

Out of breath, he ran to Director Yang.

Just took a breath.

He received a heavy blow on his head.

Yi Zhonghai quickly covered his painful forehead with his hands, looked down, and saw a book on the rules and regulations of the steel rolling mill falling at his feet.

no doubt.

Director Yang used this book to hit Yi Zhonghai.

Yi Zhonghai also knew that he deserved to be smashed, because he was thrown out of the steel rolling mill in embarrassment, making the steel rolling mill a complete laughing stock among his peers.

As long as he is not expelled, Yi Zhonghai will be happy even if he is hit ten more times.

Otherwise, if he leaves the steel rolling mill, Yi Zhonghai will be nothing.

Don't say a word.

He stood still and let Director Yang roar at him.

"Speak, why don't you speak? Aren't you Yi Zhonghai very good at talking in the past? Bad things come out of your mouth, Yi Zhonghai, and they turn into good things. What honor? Put aside the facts, what This is not my responsibility, come on, explain to me, explain what you did to make my steel rolling mill famous this time."

Yi Zhonghai drooped his head.

On the way here.

I have already thought of a countermeasure.

Accept the curses from others with humility.

There was a "pop" sound.

Director Yang's hand slapped the table hard, with such force that the large teapot placed on the table fell to the ground.

The teapot filled with tea fell to the ground, making a dull sound that actually startled Yi Zhonghai.

He subconsciously looked in the direction of the sound, and what caught his eye was Director Yang's face full of anger.

"Yi Zhonghai, I'm going to let you speak. Don't treat me like a mute. Just say it."

"I was wrong."

In desperation.

Yi Zhonghai Ma Liu admitted his mistake.

I thought that I would first put the hat of admitting my mistakes on my head, and then change the rest, and then release them when the time was right, which would be equivalent to smoothing things over for him.

If you know you're wrong, just correct it.

"What did you do wrong? How did you do it wrong?" Factory Director Yang's voice got louder and louder, "It was me, Yang Jianguo, who was wrong, and it was me, Yang Jianguo, who was wrong."

Two fingers.

Standing in front of Yi Zhonghai.

"Open your eyes and see what this is? Do you think it's a finger? It's been two years, Yi Zhonghai, Yi Zhonghai, two years have passed since you were promoted to the eighth level worker, okay Man, that really impressed me."

Yi Zhonghai showed a smile that was little better than crying.

Extremely embarrassing.

"How did you become an eighth-level worker in the first place? Do you really think it was because of your skills? It was the title of morally advanced aid. After knowing shame, you are brave. I thought that after two years, your level would not be the best among the eighth-level workers. , but it’s almost the same. I thought that your reputation in the steel rolling mill, Yi Zhonghai, was ruined. For the sake of the deaf old lady, I pulled you. As long as you complete the task, it will bring glory to the steel rolling mill. "

Did the deaf old lady find Director Yang?

Only the two of them knew.

Anyway, Yi Zhonghai didn’t know.

"With the title of bringing glory to the steel rolling mill, you have a better reputation, but it turns out that you, Yi Zhonghai, are nothing but mud that can't stand up to the wall. I was so blind that I agreed to Deputy Director Li's proposal and let you represent the steel rolling mill. The factory went to provide support and assistance, and this is how you repay me? This is how you repay the steel rolling mill?"

"Director Yang, I was wrong. I ask the steel rolling mill to punish me."

"Of course you have to be punished. You have caused irreparable damage to the honor of the steel rolling mill. Yi Zhonghai, I really don't know what to say to you. Even if your level is not up to the eighth-level worker, the seventh-level worker can always get it." Take action, right?"

In the hands of Director Yang.

I grabbed a notification letter.

"Look, look at what's written here. You, Yi Zhonghai, carry the title of eighth-level worker, and you can't make eighth-level workpieces. For the sake of the steel rolling mill, they let you make seventh-level workpieces. You, seventh-level workpieces When it is done, the data exceeds the standard. This is true for level 6 workpieces, and it is also true for level 5 workpieces. The level 4 workpieces are in line with the data indicators. People now say that your level of Yi Zhonghai is not good, and that the overall capabilities of our steel rolling mill are not good, I have been punished by my superiors. Scold, Yi Zhonghai, what have you been doing in the past two years?"

say what.

He said that I was still obsessed with bringing Sha Zhu and Qin Huairu together.

Are you still thinking about how to destroy the marriage of Silly Zhu and his wife?
Do you want Qin Huairu to call me daddy?
"Yi Zhonghai, the biggest mistake of my life was promoting you to level eight worker two years ago. You really let me down."

The word "got" just came out of my mouth.

The phone on the table rang.

I didn’t say a few words when I got through.

Yang Jianguo could only admit his mistake. The words Yi Zhonghai had just said to him, such as 'I was wrong, please punish me,' flew out of his mouth.

No need to ask.

It must be the superior leader on the other end of the phone who is reprimanding Director Yang.

Brine some tofu.

One thing brings down another thing.

Director Yang, who was reprimanded by his superiors and felt that his future was bleak, slumped on a stool after hanging up the phone. He did not expect that Yi Zhonghai's embarrassing incident would have such a huge impact.

The superiors want to send a working group to the steel rolling mill.

This way.

Does he still have a future?

It's all because Lard was so depressed and thought Yi Zhonghai had reached the level of an eighth-level worker.

It turned out to be bullshit.

He leaned back and his face became unsightly.

Yi Zhonghai actually didn't leave, and stayed there like a wooden pillar.

"Why are you standing here? Just standing here like a fool can raise your level to level eight?"

"Director Yang, me."

"You don't want to ask me how to punish you, do you? I won't hide it from you, you have done something serious this time. You have to think about what kind of punishment the steel rolling mill will punish you, and rack your brains to think about it."

"Director Yang, this time, I, Yizhonghai, have caused unpredictable losses to the steel rolling mill. I admit that no matter how the factory punishes me, I, Yizhonghai, will accept it."

"Then why are you still standing?"

"It's about Qin Huairu." Director Yang looked like he suddenly realized something.

After being a leader for so many years.

It was the first time he lost his composure in front of Yi Zhonghai.

It can be seen that he was very angry at Yi Zhonghai.

I am just like a clay Bodhisattva crossing the river. I am no longer safe, but I am still thinking about Qin Huairu.


Father and daughter.

"If you didn't tell me, I would have forgotten that Qin Huairu is your daughter, and you are Qin Huairu's father. Qin Huairu is pregnant, and she still doesn't admit who made her pregnant. She has no marriage certificate, no partner, and she is pregnant smoothly. Well, the humanistic construction of the steel rolling mill was destroyed by Qin Huairu single-handedly. She also said that it was her husband who had been dead for two years who got her pregnant. She is now being detained in the security department. If you want to go To see her, go as soon as possible, I guess you won’t see her in a few days.”

Yi Zhonghai listened to Director Yang's tone.

Very unkind.

My heart skipped a beat.

Increasingly, I can no longer let things go on like this.

He smiled flatteringly at Director Yang.

"Director Yang, I understand everything you said. I understand who Qin Huairu is. She is really not the kind of person who fools around with others and gets herself pregnant."

"The nickname of the Pretty Widow of the Steel Rolling Mill is for nothing? Yi Zhonghai, do you really think that people will believe whatever you say? Good woman, how come you are pregnant? She is already pregnant."

"Director Yang, think about it carefully. Qin Huairu is already pregnant. How can she get pregnant?"

"The doctors in the hospital have all diagnosed Qin Huairu. If you tell me that Qin Huairu has been misunderstood, should I believe you, a layman, or an expert?"

Director Yang’s hand.

Pointed to the door.

In a cold tone, he issued an order to expel guests.

"go out."

"Director Yang, Qin Huairu is really misunderstood. If she gets pregnant, I, Yi Zhonghai, will lose my head."

"Your head is no more valuable than a pig's head."

"It was Dr. Xia from the affiliated hospital who said Qin Huairu was pregnant. Dr. Xia's skills were not good. How could a person who studied veterinary medicine know that Qin Huairu was pregnant? Back in the countryside, she couldn't even figure out the pregnancy of a sow."

"Xia Xueli?"

"That's her. When she was studying veterinary medicine, her name was Xia Bilian. Later she felt it didn't sound good, so she changed her name to Xia Xueli."

"Is she really a veterinarian?"

"Replacement guaranteed."

Director Yang thought about it.

A working group will be sent to the steel rolling mill in a few days, but the matter of Qin Huairu's pregnancy could not be solved in time, or during the period when the working group was stationed in the steel rolling mill, due to Xia Xueli's poor medical skills, she mistakenly admitted that Qin Huairu was not pregnant. She became pregnant, and because of this, the steel rolling mill went to great lengths to force Qin Huairu to admit and confess to the unreasonable wild man, which really made the situation worse.

The rolling mills can no longer withstand the storm.

Director Yang quickly came to a conclusion and called the security department, asking the security department to bring Qin Huairu to him.

Some words.

He wanted to ask it himself.

Qin Huairu was brought here quickly. She was very nervous along the way until she met Yi Zhonghai, whom she hadn't seen for a long time.

That restless heart.

Then he calmed down slightly.

"Huairu, just tell Director Yang honestly what happened. One is one, and two is two. You can't lie, but you can't hide it either. Otherwise, if Director Yang spares you, I won't let you go either." .”

"Don't say anything." Director Yang glared at Yi Zhonghai and looked at Qin Huairu, "Qin Huairu, have you applied the ring yet?"


"Doctor Xia said you are pregnant, what's going on?"

"Director Yang, I am a woman and a mother of three children. Can I not know whether I am pregnant or not? During this period, I was locked up in the security department. I thought about it for a long time. I really can't remember myself. Who have you been in contact with?"

"You go out."

"Go back to the security department?"

"Go back to the security department and send it to their home."

Factory Manager Yang lost his temper and called the people from the Factory Women's Federation. They had been responsible for Qin Huairu's pregnancy these days.

Professional things must be done by professional people.

The Factory Women's Federation received a call from Director Yang and quickly appeared in front of Director Yang.

The same words as before.

It’s just that the people asking are different.

And the other person's answer is also different.

Although the answer given by Qin Huairu was ambiguous, it showed that she did not know who the wild man was. The answer given by these people from the Factory Women's Federation was that they did not know whether Qin Huairu was pregnant or not, but based on Dr. Xia concluded that Qin Huairu was pregnant, and was forcing Qin Huairu to reveal who the wild man was who got her pregnant. However, Qin Huairu didn't say anything, and they thought Qin Huairu was resisting.

in tone.

With some dissatisfaction.

He said that Qin Huairu should not be released now. As long as Qin Huairu was detained for a few more days, Qin Huairu would definitely tell who made her pregnant.

Director Yang waved his hand.

Let those from the Factory Women's Federation go back to their work.

He asked his secretary to borrow Xia Xueli's personal information from the archives. The content written on it was exactly the same as Yi Zhonghai's description.

Someone was sent to notify Xia Xueli on the spot.

The hospital affiliated with the rolling mill is also within the jurisdiction of the rolling mill.

Although Director Yang is not the direct person in charge of the hospital, he is also one of the leaders.

After receiving the notice, Xia Xueli came to Director Yang from the hospital in a very short time.

Although the door is wide open.

Still he knocked politely.

"Director Yang, are you looking for me? Are you feeling a little unwell? Or is there something wrong with my sister-in-law? Tell me."

"Are you responsible for Qin Huairu's pregnancy?"

"Yes, yes, I am responsible."

"I heard that Qin Huairu was ringed?"

"Director Yang, it is precisely because Qin Huairu has had an IUD that her pregnancy is even more objectionable. Do you think that she can still get pregnant despite having an IUD? This shows that the IUD is not effective. ….”

Director Yang interrupted Xia Xueli's story.

As the director of a steel rolling mill, he really didn't hear any professional explanations from Xia Xueli's words. Instead, he heard a bit of empty talk that seemed like asking for credit.

He was originally doubtful about Yi Zhonghai's words, but now he is a little convinced.

Xia Xueli's few words made Director Yang see her clearly.

A pure straw bag.

A person who was born as a veterinarian is now a doctor at the hospital affiliated with the steel rolling mill.

What a joke.

Are the people at the steel rolling mill treated as livestock by her?
Suddenly I thought of Jia Dongxu.

"Dr. Xia, just tell me how you proved that Qin Huairu is pregnant. What I want is the facts, that is, the evidence."

(End of this chapter)

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