Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 414 Yi Zhonghai: Such a big thing happened

Chapter 414 Yi Zhonghai: Such a big thing happened

As an expert in stick education.

Bangs holds a point of view.

A dutiful son emerges from under the stick.

But he was reluctant to beat the eldest child, and instead attacked the second and third eldest children. It was not entirely to educate the two children, but purely because he was angry and used the two children as a target for venting.

Think that you are not wrong.

It is natural for me to beat my son.

No one can say a bad word about bangs.

He faced Director Wang calmly and gave his answer.

His tone was very nonchalant. In addition to admitting that he beat two children, Liu Haizhong also told the story of beating a stick violently, as if it was a coincidence.

What he got in return was a scolding from Director Wang.

He scolded Bangzhong.

She told Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu that if Liu Haizhong beat them until they couldn't get out of bed again, they should go find her and she would definitely send Liu Haizhong to stay there for a few days.

He also asked Yan Fugui to take on the responsibility of managing the third uncle. He should not just settle his own small accounts, but also help the neighbors settle their neighbors' accounts.

Then left the courtyard.

The neighbors did not go home, but gathered together in twos and threes. Some people were talking about Jia Zhang's imprisonment, and some were talking about the fact that beating children will lead to imprisonment.

I didn’t expect that spanking a child would have such serious consequences.

Others drew inferences and thought about whether beating their wives would lead to jail time.

We chatted until almost 10 o'clock late at night.

He walked towards his home without finishing his thoughts.


Silly Zhu family.

The couple hugged each other.

We talked for a while.

Li Xiuzhi fell into a deep sleep.

Silly Zhu put his arms under his head, not feeling sleepy at all.

In the darkness, he stared at the roof that could not be seen due to the darkness, and thought about what happened to the Jia family diagonally across the street.

Today is a watershed for the Jia family.

Jia Zhang is in jail.

Three years.

Qin Huairu seemed to be relieved.

in the script.

The biggest reason why Qin Huairu did not remarry and turned into a parasite who made a living by sucking blood was the Jia Zhang family member of the Jia family who did not work but had to keep an eye on Qin Huairu.

The widow made Mrs. Jia Zhang unhappy because of a trivial matter.

Jia Zhang took advantage of Qin Huairu's work and arranged the Jia family into a mourning hall. When Qin Huairu returned home, she was almost frightened to death.

Jia Zhang pointed to Jia Dongxu's photo and asked Qin Huairu to kneel down and swear in front of Jia Dongxu's photo that she would never remarry and work as a horse for the Jia family.

you could put it that way.

There is no Jia Zhang family.

Qin Huairu may take another path.

Hesitating that he could make a fuss about this matter, Yi Zhonghai was still thinking about Silly Zhu all day long.

A few days ago, Ms. Jia Zhang had an argument with an old deaf lady and accidentally let something slip.

He said that Yi Zhonghai was dreaming at night and talking in his sleep.

Let Shazhu have more contact with Qin Huairu, saying that Qin Huairu is a good woman. Although she is a widow with three children and supports a wicked and lazy mother-in-law, she is still the best widow who is hard to find even with a lantern. The widow should be Sha Zhu’s wife. She said that Sha Zhu should not marry Li Xiuzhi but should marry Qin Huairu. She said that she would find a way to divorce Li Xiuzhi and marry Qin Huairu as his wife. He said that Yi Zhonghai would be relieved. If Si Zhu doesn't marry Qin Huairu, he will not close his eyes even if Yi Zhonghai dies.

These words were relayed to Shazhu by Xu Damao, Yan Fugui and Er Aunt respectively.

Silly Zhu believed it.

He wanted to point at Yi Zhonghai's nose and question Yi Zhonghai fiercely, whether I ate your rice or dug your ancestral graves.

You are still plotting against me.

You can't just sit back and wait for death, you have to take the initiative.

The fact that Jia Zhang is in jail is a rare opportunity for Shazhu. He only needs to get Qin Huairu to remarry before Jia Zhang is released from prison.

The situation is a done deal.

Yi Zhonghai was at his wits end.

How to get Qin Huairu to remarry?

Li Xiuzhi is his wife, and Silly Zhu also learned some details about the widow's remarriage from Li Xiuzhi's mouth.

It's not like people say, just drag someone over and assign this person to you regardless of whether you agree or not. The two of you must be together.

That's not the case.

Will seek the other person’s opinion.

The marriage can only take place if both the man and the woman agree.

In other words.

Qin Huairu disagrees, and no one can force Qin Huairu to marry unless she remarries.

This is the really hard thing to do.

Sha Zhu racked his brains to think about the contents of the script, and found that there was no description of Qin Huairu's willingness to remarry. Even if he and Sha Zhu slept together, it was because the Jia family had received Sha Zhu's support for so many years. Great When Geng reached the age of marrying a wife, she needed money, a house, a job, and a reputation. If Qin Huairu didn't marry Fuzhu and continued to hang Fuzhu, the neighbors would poke her in the back.

How can we get Qin Huairu to remarry?

Silly Zhu cannot come forward in this matter.

Annoyed him.

Turned over.

I bumped into Li Xiuzhi next to me by accident.

"Master, why aren't you asleep yet?"

"I'm thinking about Qin Huairu."

Silly Zhu suddenly felt a pain in his ears.

No need to ask.

Li Xiuzhi pulled it.

He knew he had said the wrong thing.

Just about to explain.

Li Xiuzhi bit Shazhu's nose, which hurt so much that Shazhu wanted to kneel down to her.


How can I cook and be a chef if my nose is bitten off?

"Daughter-in-law, I was wrong. I said a few words less. I was thinking about Qin Huairu's remarriage."

"Remarry?" Li Xiuzhi became interested, turned over and lay down next to Sha Zhu, tilted her head and looked at Sha Zhu, "Why did you suddenly think of this?"

"It's not Yi Zhonghai who caused the trouble." Silly Zhu smiled bitterly, "Have you heard about the quarrel between Mr. Jia Zhang and the deaf old lady a few days ago?"

"what happened?"

"Ms. Jia Zhang said that Yi Zhonghai was talking in his sleep. The hypocrite didn't give up and wanted to destroy our marriage. He asked me to marry Qin Huairu. I think that if Qin Huairu remarries, Yi Zhonghai can't plot against us. ”

"Isn't it that Yi Zhonghai wants to destroy our marriage? It's because he's crazy. He's just like a person who gets into trouble. They come out but he doesn't come out and continues to get in. But your words reminded me. Now, Qin Huairu’s matter can’t be delayed any longer.”

"What if Qin Huairu doesn't agree to remarry?"

"Do her ideological work until Qin Huairu changes her mind and agrees."

"You can have this."


A few days later.

Yi Zhonghai appeared in the ninth workshop disgraced.

Frustrated face.

It shows Yi Zhonghai's mood at this time. Very bad.

Being sent out by the steel rolling mill to provide counterpart support construction, the representative is not Yi Zhonghai, but the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill. If he makes a fool of himself or gets into trouble, people will not say what happened to Yi Zhonghai or how unbearable they are, they will only talk about the level of the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill. No matter how bad it is, the quality of the workers is terrible.

Yi Zhonghai is undoubtedly the latter.

He had high hopes from the steel rolling mill, but he messed up the errand assigned to him by the steel rolling mill.

During this period of support construction.

Yi Zhonghai's life is almost like years. He lives a very miserable life. He thinks that if he stays in the local area, everyone will look at him in a bad way.

For the task of an eighth-level worker, the number of processed parts processed by Yi Zhonghai seriously exceeded the standard. He was asked to make seventh-level workpieces, and the eighth-level worker made seventh-level workpieces. In the eyes of outsiders, it was a proper dimensionality reduction attack, but Yi Zhonghai The processed seventh-level workpieces still seriously exceeded the standard. When people asked him to make sixth-level workpieces and fifth-level workpieces, Yi Zhonghai failed without exception.

Yi Zhonghai made the fourth-level workpiece perfectly.

He holds the title of Level 8 worker, but can only make Level 4 workpieces.

Yi Zhonghai suddenly became famous.

Some workers who had nothing to do wanted to get to know Yi Zhonghai. In the end, these people formed a group to see Yi Zhonghai.

In the end, Yi Zhonghai felt ashamed to stay here and rolled back to the steel rolling mill in despair.

As soon as he left the support site, the person in charge of the support site notified the steel rolling mill of Yi Zhonghai's situation in writing.

Factory Director Yang looked at the briefing instructions sent by his superiors.

His whole body was shaking with anger.

My throat was on fire.

Two years ago.

When Yi Zhonghai was promoted to the eighth-level worker, Director Yang knew that Yi Zhonghai's level could not reach the eighth level. However, because Yi Zhonghai helped the Jia family, he won the title of Moral Advanced Individual for a quarter, and it happened that the steel rolling plant was being promoted. , if you have this requirement, you can get extra points. With the title of Quarterly Moral Advanced Individual, Yi Zhonghai barely passed the eighth-level threshold and became an eighth-level worker in name only.

Everyone is looking forward.

Two years have passed.

Although Yi Zhonghai has constant scandals in the steel rolling mill.

But Director Yang has no doubts about his technology. Your reputation has been ruined, so you will naturally rush to improve your own technology first. You mistakenly think that after two years of hard work, Yi Zhonghai's technical level has far reached eight. This was the reason why he agreed to the suggestion of Deputy Director Li and others to send Yi Zhonghai, thinking that if Yi Zhonghai won face for him, his face would also be bright.

No matter how many times I calculated, I didn't calculate it.

Yi Zhonghai in the past two years.

Guang Guang was planning how to get Qin Huairu to call him daddy.

Energy and time are not put into improving one's own level.

Contending for glory has turned into being glorified.

Nothing anymore.

There is only one piece of chicken feathers.

Outsiders only saw that the title of the eighth-level worker in the steel rolling mill was inconsistent with the reality, and even Director Yang himself was implicated because of this incident.

The workers are all of this level.

Can be imagined.

What level is the manager?

This had an impact on Director Yang's career.

After calling the security department to report that Yi Zhonghai had returned to the steel rolling mill, Director Yang called Guo Dazhi and asked him to go to the ninth workshop and invite Yi Zhonghai to his office. He wanted to see Yi Zhonghai. What on earth is this thing and why is it so rubbish?


Guo Dayi ran to the ninth workshop in a hurry.

Along the way.

Don't dare to stop for a moment.

Although he didn't know exactly what happened, judging from the furious expression on Director Yang's face, Yi Zhonghai might have dug up Director Yang's ancestral grave.

He tried his best to suck the milk.

Rushed to the ninth workshop.

He also scolded Yi Zhonghai in his heart.

This bastard.

It will hurt him as much as possible.

Ever since Guo Dabozi was transferred to the ninth workshop director, he has not had a good day.

My hair is all white.

Aging day by day.

When I ran to the ninth workshop, I saw Yi Zhonghai sitting alone in his work station in a daze. He was so angry that he was already on fire. You, Yi Zhonghai, still have the leisure to sit here and talk nonsense.

He shouted rudely.

"Yi Zhonghai, who asked you to sit here?"

"Director Guo, can't I just sit down for a while?"

"After a few days of going out to provide counterpart support, my temper got worse."

"It's not that my temper is rising, but there are some things that shouldn't be taken too far." Yi Zhonghai looked at Guo Dabo and asked about Qin Huairu, "Why isn't Qin Huairu in the ninth workshop?"

Back then.

I went to Qin Huairu's work station to have a look.

See above cleanly.

At first glance, it is the result of no one using it for a long time.

Yi Zhonghai did not think about the fact that Qin Huairu was locked up in the security department, but he thought that Qin Huairu was kicked out of the ninth workshop by Guo Dayi.

Knowing that Qin Huairu's skills were not good and he had no ambition, he fished in troubled waters all day long.

He was disliked by the workers in Workshop No. 9.

It is speculated that those people took advantage of his absence from the steel rolling mill to persuade Guo Dabozi to transfer Qin Huairu to work in another department.

As far as Qin Huairu's level is concerned, other departments don't want him either.

The departments you want to enter, such as factory office, finance, logistics, and quality inspection, all require professional knowledge.

Qin Huairu only has a junior high school diploma.

There are departments that do not require professional knowledge. One is the sand foundry workshop, where even a man can’t work for long, and it requires great physical strength. The other is the cleaning department, which is a cleaning team that cleans the factory area and is responsible for cleaning the toilets. Group.

Qin Huairu was Yi Zhonghai's daughter. The reason why he asked Qin Huairu to marry Jia Dongxu was that he didn't want Qin Huairu to suffer in the countryside.

Run to the toilet.

This was a slap in Yi Zhonghai's face.

Even though Yi Zhonghai was outside, no matter what, in the ninth workshop, he really didn't take Guo Dayi to heart.

"Did you send her to the cleaning department?"

"You didn't tell him?"

Guo Dabozi looked at the workers in the ninth workshop.


The employees were all shaking their heads.

I sighed inwardly.

Knowing that the co-workers were resentful of Yi Zhonghai because of Qin Huairu's incident, otherwise he would have told Yi Zhonghai the cause and effect of the incident, and Yi Zhonghai would not have lost his temper with him, Guo Dabo.

When Yi Zhonghai heard the tone of Guo Dabozi's question, he subconsciously felt a little uneasy.

His eyes glanced at the workers.

I saw the expressions on the faces of all the workers as if they were watching a show.

I knew something had happened to Qin Huairu.

"What happened to Qin Huairu?"

"Yi Zhonghai, let me tell you, I'll tell you what happened to Qin Huairu." Guo Dabo acted as a good guy and told Yi Zhonghai in detail, "Something happened to Qin Huairu some time ago. She was pregnant. ….”

Yi Zhonghai's brain was about to burst.

What's the matter?
Qin Huairu is pregnant?

How can this be.

He knew that Qin Huairu was forced by Jia Zhang to go to the hospital to get an annulus after Jia Dongxu died. Now these people at the steel rolling mill say that a widow who got an annulus is pregnant, and it has been confirmed by a so-called doctor. Which statement? The doctor who confirmed that Qin Huairu was pregnant was Dr. Xia from the Affiliated Hospital of the Steel Rolling Mill.

(End of this chapter)

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