Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 413 Jia Zhang was sentenced to 3 years

After three rounds of drinking.

The food tastes delicious.

Liu Haizhong and the others drank from 7:30 to 9 o'clock in the evening.

It was getting late.

Worried about disturbing the wedding night of Xu Damao and Liu Yufeng.

Sha Zhu and his wife and Liu Haizhong left one after another, while Yan Fugui and his wife stayed at the end under the guise of helping to clean up.

I know Yan Fugui’s calculating character.

Xu Damao generously gave all the leftover food to Yan Fugui.

Yan Fugui and his wife got what they wanted.

Full of joy.

He packed it up quickly.

He left Xu Damao's house with half a bowl of leftovers.

The night wind blows.

The smell of rice penetrated the deaf old lady's nasal cavity along the crack in the window. The deaf old lady, who was already hungry, was stimulated by the smell of rice, and the Five Zang Temple made a strong protest.

I searched all over the house.

No food was found.

The deaf old lady had no choice but to drink half a ladle of cold water, which barely stabilized her internal organs.

No more fuss.

Without Yi Zhonghai, Jia Zhang was locked up on the street again. Even if Jia Zhang was in the courtyard, she would not take care of the deaf old lady's daily life.

The deaf old lady now supports herself.

The neighbors saw this and murmured privately that people like the deaf old lady had to be dealt with by Jia Zhang.

Nowadays, the deaf old lady lives a life where she cries more than she pees. She is thinking more and more about the kindness of her eldest mother.

It's too late to regret.


It was around three o'clock in the middle of the night.

A shrill scream sounded.

In the silent night sky.

Extraordinarily harsh.

The sleeping neighbors were frightened and woke up. They mistakenly thought something had happened and came out of their homes wearing clothes and slippers.

Look at me.

Let me look at you.

Finally a clear answer was reached.

The screams seemed to come from the backyard.

We met in twos and threes and walked towards the backyard together, wanting to see what was going on. There was also a fool in there.

The miserable cry just now felt familiar to Shazhu.

Like Xu Damao shouted.

Combined with the posture of everyone walking to the backyard.

My heart skipped a beat.

He must have hit the mark, Xu Damao, that turtle grandson, really collapsed the bed board when he went to bed at night.

People walked to the backyard.

Seeing that the lights in Xu Damao's house were suddenly turned off.

Neighbors understood instantly.

Then he turned back again.

Everyone goes back to their homes.


The next morning.

The neighbors who were washing were all looking in the direction of the backyard.

Yan Fugui must have seen through the neighbors' thoughts, saying that Xu Damao and his wife had gone out a long time ago, and it was Yan Fugui who helped open the door.

Very surprised.

Why are you going out so early?

Are you going to serve tea to your parents-in-law?
When thinking about it.

Several carpenters carried the guy to the door of the courtyard, asked where Xu Damao's home was, and then followed the directions pointed by the neighbors to the backyard.

A carpenter?

I thought about the scream last night again, and it seemed that before the scream, there was a slight click.

Following the footsteps of the carpenter, they rushed to the backyard.

Some people were not afraid and entered Xu Damao's house, while some were afraid and watched what was going on inside the house through the glass.

Good guy.

Seeing the miserable situation of Xu Damao's family, people called out for good guys in their hearts.

The wooden bed in Xu Damao's house.

The bed board collapsed.

No wonder there were screams last night.

Xu Damao set a record in the courtyard. On his wedding night, he slept so much that the wooden bed collapsed. No wonder he ran away early in the morning.

Turtle Sun feels embarrassed.


Jia Zhang stayed in the small room all night.

Finally saw a living person.

When someone opened the door and came in, he wanted to explain the situation in a hurry.

She wants to go home.

But those people didn't give Jia Zhang a chance to speak.

Yesterday, Jia Zhang was given a chance, but Jia Zhang didn't cherish it.

What did you do earlier?

They greeted a few people whom Jia Zhang didn't know, and those people walked towards Jia Zhang.

Although Jia Zhang doesn’t know what these people do.

But from the uniform on the other party, he knew that he was a police officer.

My heart was in my throat.

She never expected that she would be arrested by the police. She thought about what she had committed. Was it a crime to curse, act violently, be lazy, bully her daughter-in-law, and bully her granddaughter?

Want to explain.

But her mouth seemed to be covered with hands, and she couldn't say a word. It wasn't until a pair of shiny handcuffs were placed on her wrists, and the cold and biting feeling made Ms. Jia Zhang scream.

"I am innocent."

"If you were innocent, we wouldn't arrest you. Do you know why we arrested you? You committed a crime."

There is no room for explanation.

He took Mr. Jia Zhang out of the street, pressed him onto the gangster, and drove towards the Hongxing Police Station at lightning speed.

On the road.

Passed by the Red Star Courtyard.

Some of the neighbors who were either working or going to the toilet focused their attention on Ms. Jia Zhang and secretly said: Ms. Jia Zhang was also in a good position because she rode on a three-wheeled motorcycle owned by a comrade from the police.

Who asked her to slap Xiaodang's ears deaf, and I heard that one eye was saved.

Some people think Xiaodang's life is really hard.

Some people also think that Xiaodang was misdiagnosed. In the Hospital Affiliated to the Steel Rolling Mill, those with superb medical skills were providing counterpart support in other places, leaving a bunch of unskilled Erduo Dao on duty.

Yesterday, a neighbor had a headache, and the medicine the doctor prescribed was actually for stomach problems.

Ask the doctor.

People said the stomachache caused the headache.


Jia Zhang was taken to an interrogation room.

Then someone started asking about Jia Zhang.

He must be afraid.

While Mrs. Jia Zhang was answering those people's questions about her name, she told them everything, why she was so lazy and so lazy, why she didn't let Qin Huairu remarry, why she didn't go back to her hometown in the countryside, and burst into tears. He talked about his difficulties and said that he wanted to take care of the Jia family's family business for his dead son.

The bull's head is in the right place.

They brought her here.

Not for these trivial things.

It's Xiaodang's business.

The old policeman, after Jia Zhang finished telling these things, spoke to Jia Zhang.

"Zhang Cuihua, we are not a street. The things you just said have nothing to do with us, and we don't care."

"These are none of your business."

Jia Zhang’s heart.

He actually relaxed.

Looking at Mrs. Jia Zhang.

The old policeman shook his head slightly. This was another standard case of legal illiteracy.

"Xiaodang, you know, right?"

"I know." Mrs. Jia Zhang's tone was still very relaxed, "My granddaughter, old comrade, I see your appearance and think you are a good person, so I tell you the truth. If the daughter-in-law of our Jia family is not good, just give it to me. The old woman gave birth to a grandson, and the two she gave birth to were all money-losing goods. She belonged to the girl’s family. No matter how good she was, she was still from someone else’s family. Unlike my grandson, his name was Bangge and he was very smart. Our Jia family will be the future It’s up to him.”

"What are you talking about? Women can hold up half the sky. This is what the old people say. What do you mean?"

The younger one.

Bad temper.

He scolded Jia Zhang loudly.

"Your granddaughter is a loser. What are you? Are you an old loser? Do you know why we brought you here? It's because you slapped your granddaughter Xiaodang's ears and one eye. You can't save it. Well, Zhang Cuihua, your problem is serious, you intentionally caused harm, you will go to jail."


Jia Zhang farted.

In the interrogation room.

Suddenly the smell was overwhelming.

Ignoring the scandal of farting, I wanted to kneel down and beg for mercy, but because the stool I was sitting on was a special stool, I couldn't kneel down at all.

I can only justify it with words.

"Xiaodang is my granddaughter, I am her grandma, and she is from my Jia family. As the oldest person in the Jia family, what happened if I slapped her? Who told her not to protect her brother? I slapped her She is also educating her, so why is she in jail? Isn’t this a family matter?”

"Even if you are your own grandma, you cannot beat your own granddaughter so harshly. Yesterday we asked Xiaodang, you slapped her unconscious at around nine o'clock in the evening, and you ignored her, ignored her, and let her go. The child was left to fend for himself. The child was woken up by the pain at 1 or 2 in the middle of the night. He didn't sleep all night. When he got up in the morning, he didn't dare to tell anyone. He endured the pain alone. If the neighbors in your courtyard hadn't discovered it, the child would probably have died. It will be gone soon.”

"Those bastards who killed a thousand swords in the courtyard, why are they so nosy? What does the affairs of my Jia family have to do with them? My wife is a widow, and my daughter-in-law is also a widow. There is also a pregnancy incident, and my wife is also angry. , slapped the child."

"Zhang Cuihua, it's not that children can't be spanked. They can be spanked, but there must be severity and reasons. You can't spank your children without any reason."

"The second man in charge of Liu Haizhong in our courtyard house beats the children for no reason until they can't get out of bed."

"In bangs?"

"Does this count as atonement for my sins?"

"Atoning for your sins? Are you thinking about good things? We will notify the street to deal with Liu Haizhong's matter. Now let's talk about the matter of you hitting Xiaodang. Let's tell the story of last night honestly. Do you understand? ?”

Mrs. Jia Zhang honestly talked about what happened yesterday.

When He returned home and saw Banggeng being beaten, he was so angry that he hit Xiaodang, and then went to find Liu Haizhong to settle the score. Liu Haizhong said everything he said without any concealment.

The faces of the two police officers turned green with anger.

I've seen a lot of weird things.

I have never seen a weirdo like Jia Zhang. She keeps saying that Bangge is very smart and is the hope of the Jia family in the future, but she allows Bangge to steal things in the courtyard, and forcefully raises Bangge into a person who hates dogs. Something that is despised by countless people.

Said it wasn't stealing.

This is take.

It is the Jia family that helps the neighbors create opportunities to do good things and do good deeds. The neighbors gain a good reputation and it is the neighbors who make money.

Taking into account the current special circumstances, we decided to let the street come forward to educate Bangge well. As for Jia Zhang, she was imprisoned.

It's two sins equal to one.

A slap in the face will deafen Xiaodang's ears, and he will have to squat for several years.

If you encourage minors to steal things, you will have to stay there for several years.

The specific length of time to stay inside depends on the assessment of Xiaodang's injuries by relevant departments.

In the 603 Hospital, after expert examination, the previous conclusions given by the two-handed doctors at the Affiliated Hospital of the Steel Rolling Mill were overturned.

Xiaodang's ears are not deaf, nor does it affect his eyes.

Just like in war movies, artillery shells exploded around the protagonist. The protagonist's ears were shocked and bleeding, and he could no longer hear anything. After a while, the protagonist's hearing could be restored.

Xiaodang is in such a situation now. The slap Jia Zhang gave her hit her ear. The breath in the palm of her hand formed an air cannon, causing the organs in Xiaodang's ears to He was injured, which was the reason for the bleeding and the reason why he couldn't hear the sound.

After resting for a period of time, you can recover as before.

Although Xiaodang's ears are fine, it is true that Jia Zhang slapped Xiaodang unconscious, and he has a history of inciting Banggeng to steal things.

Add up.

He was sentenced to three years in total.

Otherwise, it will start in five years.

The night when Jia Zhang was sent to prison to serve her sentence.

Street Director Wang personally organized a courtyard-wide meeting. At the meeting, she said three things.

the first thing.

Jia Zhang was sentenced to three years in prison.

Relaxed and happy, this was the true emotion shown on the faces of the neighbors when they learned that Jia Zhang was in jail.

Without Jia Zhang as a troublemaker in the courtyard, the lives of the neighbors would be much easier.

Second thing.

Director Wang also praised the neighbors in the hospital, especially Yan Fugui, for his great contribution in Xiaodang's case. He carried Xiaodang to the hospital on his bicycle and took the initiative to pay the medical expenses in advance, which was very good.

In front of the neighbors, the medical expenses that Yan Fugui had paid for Xiaodang were returned to Yan Fugui in full.

The Hospital Affiliated to the Steel Rolling Mill made such a big mistake. It was really embarrassing. It was clear that everything was fine, but it had to be said that something was wrong, and the matter was made so serious.

I have no shame in collecting Xiaodang’s medical expenses.

And a letter was sent to the experts who were going to support the counterpart construction to quickly return to the steel rolling mill.

Although Xiaodang's matter has been resolved, Qin Huairu's matter has not yet been resolved. Up to now, Qin Huairu is still locked up in the security department of the steel rolling mill, and is being asked who is Qin Huairu's wild man.

The leaders of the steel rolling mill, drawing inferences from one case to another, believed that the doctors at the affiliated hospital could have misdiagnosed Xiaodang's condition and described the minor illness as a serious one. They could also misdiagnose the fact that Qin Huairu was pregnant. They speculated that Qin Huairu was not actually pregnant. It was possible. She was just sick, but that doctor Xia with two swords insisted that she was pregnant.

The third thing.

Director Wang did not say anything about the content.

He called Liu Haizhong in front of him.

Liu Haizhong looked proud. Regarding the Xiaodang incident, he had the greatest credit for arranging for Yan Fugui to take Xiaodang to the hospital. He was wondering if Director Wang was going to announce that he would be the temporary clerk of the street, just like Li Xiuzhi. , I started out helping the street. Because I helped the street a lot, I was specially recruited by the street and became a clerk of the street. After internship, I am now an official clerk of the street.

He straightened his back unnaturally.

Just when he was feeling proud.

Director Wang’s words.

It was like a basin of cold water poured on Liu Haizhong's head. Liu Haizhong instantly became more honest and no longer wanted to work as a clerk on the street.

"Liu Haizhong, I heard that you often beat your children?" (End of Chapter)

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