Seeing that he had forgotten about Xiaodang.

It was Yan Fugui who reminded me.

Just remembered.

There was a hint of sadness on Shazhu's face.

"Third uncle, look at my brain. I forgot about this matter. Thank you for reminding me. What's going on? Is it serious or not? At that time, the second uncle said, how much will it cost? He will be responsible for paying the Jia family If you ask for it, don’t worry that the Jia family will rely on this money and refuse to give it. If you don’t give it, won’t there be a steel rolling mill?”

"Silly Zhu, the third uncle doesn't care about money."

Silly Zhu looked at Yan Fugui strangely.

Who among the neighbors in the courtyard does not know Yan Fugui's calculating nature, and the mantra he always talks about is that he will have enough food and clothing, and he will suffer poverty if he fails to calculate.

Ever since I can remember, I have been calculating.

Even if your own children live at home, they have to charge for watching TV, TV wear and tear and electricity bills. The gene of calculation is engraved in their bones.

One day.

Suddenly told Silly Zhu that he didn't care about money.

Is this still the stingy third uncle that Sha Zhu knew?

"Third uncle, I have to take a closer look." Silly Zhu pointed at the setting sun and said jokingly: "See if the sun has risen from the west."

"Silly Zhu, the third uncle is not joking with you."

"Third uncle, you are definitely like this, you are so grand." Silly Zhu gave Yan Fugui a thumbs up, then waved to Liu Haizhong who had just entered the hospital, "Second uncle, are you off work? I'll follow you You said, the third uncle is absolutely open today."

"Si Zhu, Lao Yan, you are both here by chance. Come to my house and I will talk to you about Qin Huairu."

Let’s change it to the past.

Yan Fugui might have agreed to Liu Haizhong's suggestion.

I followed Liu Haizhong to his house.

When we arrived at his house, we chatted for a while, talked about things, and just had a meal. Liu Haizhong could not ask Yan Fugui to eat.

Yan Fugui virtually saved a meal.

But today is different. Today is Xu Damao's wedding day. Just now, Silly Zhu praised Yan Fugui again, saying that if Xu Damao didn't invite anyone else, he would also invite Yan Fugui.

There is no need to go to Liu Haizhong's house for dinner.

He pointed directly at his house and let his bangs in.

Liu Haizhong was in front, Shazhu was behind, and they followed Yan Fugui into Yan's house.

The third aunt poured boiling water for them.

"I just finished drinking the tea at home and forgot to buy it. Drink some boiled water first and deal with it briefly. Then buy new tea so you can come and taste tea again."

"Put the tea leaves away first. Don't worry, let's get down to business."

Liu Haizhong spoke first.

He talked about Qin Huairu. Today they were divided into two groups. Yan Fugui was responsible for sending Xiaodang to the hospital for treatment, while Liu Haizhong and Shazhu were responsible for finding Qin Huairu.

Official fans will now tell Yan Fugui what Qin Huairu meant.

"We agreed at that time that I would be responsible for Qin Huairu's work. I met Qin Huairu in the security department and told Qin Huairu about Xiaodang being slapped deaf by Jia Zhang. Qin Huairu's It means, Jia Zhang is her mother-in-law, and Jia Dongxu is gone. It will be difficult for the Jia family to be orphaned and widowed. If she sues her mother-in-law, the neighbors will poke her in the back."

Yan Fugui was stunned for a moment.

Unexpectedly, Qin Huairu did not hold Jia Zhang accountable.

Silly Zhu doesn't care.

in the script.

The answer has been given a long time ago. Qin Huairu was manipulated by the Jia Zhang family. They all said that Qin Huairu was a white lotus. The Jia Zhang family who had manipulated Qin Huairu all his life was the biggest mastermind behind the scenes.

The third aunt sighed.

"Qin Huairu is a foolish filial piety, Jia Zhang is her mother-in-law, and Xiaodang is the meat that fell off her body. If she is deaf, what will she do in the future?"

"I was in trouble all day at the steel rolling mill because of this." Liu Haizhong, who muttered, raised his head and looked at Yan Fugui, "Old Yan, how about Xiaodang?"

"I was just about to tell Silly Zhu that you are back. Let me tell you about Xiaodang's condition." Yan Fugui talked about what happened after he sent Xiaodang to the hospital. "I used a bicycle to carry Xiaodang." I took Xiaodang to the hospital, and the doctor gave me the advice that Xiaodang was completely deaf..."

Because he did not receive timely treatment.

Xiaodang's situation is not optimistic.

After all, I was slapped by Mrs. Jia Zhang at about nine o'clock last night. I fainted and woke up around one o'clock in the middle of the night. I crawled into bed and snuggled in front of Sophora japonica. I was in so much pain that I didn't sleep all night. I wasn't beaten until about nine o'clock the next morning. Neighbors discovered that it was almost eleven o'clock when Yan Fugui took her to the hospital by bicycle, which was a total delay of thirteen or four hours.

Thirteen or four hours of delay made Xiaodang's ears completely deaf, and he could no longer hear any sound.

This is only secondary.

the most important thing.

It's the deaf one, which may affect one of Xiaodang's eyes and make it blind.

Sad truth.

Let the heart in the bangs feel heavy.

Suddenly he felt that this matter had something to do with him. It was him who slapped the stick, so Jia Zhang slapped Xiaodang, making Xiaodang deaf and blind.

Then I thought about it.

It has nothing to do with myself.

If Bangge hadn't stolen Goudan's life-saving food and refused to admit it, saying that it was Jia Zhang who taught him, Liu Haizhong wouldn't have taught Bangge a lesson in public.

It's better to be beaten by bangs than to be sent to juvenile detention center with a stick.

Moreover, the Jia and Zhang family favored boys over girls and acted on their own merits, so they could not be blamed on themselves at all.

Silly Zhu doesn't have so many thoughts as Liu Haizhong. Deafness means deafness, and blindness means blindness. What does it have to do with him? Compared with the final ending of Silly Zhu in the script, Xiaodang's ending is very good.

In the script, Silly Zhu, who was kicked out of the house by the Jia family and died tragically, was the one who suffered the most.

He sighed.

"This is life."

Yan Fugui misunderstood Silhu's sigh.

He added a few words.

"When the doctor asked me why, I told him everything. He said that I was the third man in charge of the Siheyuan and a teacher at Hongxing Primary School. Xiaodang was neither my daughter nor my relative, but a neighbor from the same hospital. The child’s father is dead, and there is a widowed grandmother and a widowed mother who said that Xiaodang’s ears were deafened by a slap from her grandmother last night.”

"What did the hospital say?"

"The hospital called the security department on the spot. I said what I just said again in front of the security department. They asked me to sign and sign. After Xiaodang's treatment, they asked Xiaodang some questions. I was not there. I don't know what Xiaodang said. Nothing, but it gives me the feeling that this matter is a big deal."

"If it's too big, let's make it big. As a grandmother, Ms. Jia Zhang slapped her granddaughter's ears deaf. As neighbors, what's wrong with us?"

"Si Zhu's words are in my heart. This matter is Jia Zhang's fault. If Jia Zhang hadn't encouraged Bang Gang to steal, could I have taught Bang Gang a lesson in public? I beat Bang Gang to prevent Bang Gang from going to jail in the future. ." Liu Haizhong, who defended himself, suddenly came back to his senses and said to Yan Fugui: "Didn't Qin Huairu not hold Jia Zhang accountable? Why did it cause such a big fuss?"

"Qin Huairu did not hold Jia Zhang responsible, but the hospital did. Anyway, before I left, I heard people scolding me, saying that I had never seen such a beastly grandma." Yan Fugui looked at Silly Zhu, "Silly Zhu, you said... If Jia and Zhang's situation really comes to the public attention, what will they do?"

"I don't know, I'm a cook."

"Isn't your wife working as a clerk in the street? There is an idiom called "eyes and ears exaggerate."

"I think it will take a few years anyway."

"It's good to go in and get an education, which will save Jia and Zhang from harming our courtyard house."

"It's nothing, let's go back first."

"Old Liu, Xu Damao is married, do you know that?"

"Xu Damao got married?" Liu Haizhong looked at Silly Zhu with confusion on his face, "When did it happen?"

"My second uncle, you are too busy with Qin Huairu's affairs. You don't even know about Xu Damao's marriage. As for what happened today, you are still marrying Liu Yufeng from the 16th workshop."


"Liu Yufeng." "The bed at Xu Damao's house can accommodate Liu Yufeng. If the bed collapses, it will be fun. No, can Xu Wood agree to Xu Damao marrying Liu Yufeng?"

"I have received the marriage certificate, you said."

"Lao Yan, I'm going home."

"Old Liu, it's about money."

Yan Fugui stretched out his arm and looked at Liu Haizhong who was leaving quickly, feeling that he had been cheated.

His eyes shifted to Shazhu.

Silly Zhu hurriedly thought of a reason, and ran away with oil on his feet.


Jia Zhang was locked in the house.

It can be regarded as an insult to Jia Zhang.

Today is daytime.

They first asked Qin Huairu about her pregnancy, saying that Mrs. Jia Zhang had thought about it all night, and she should have figured it out, so she asked Mrs. Jia Zhang to explain it quickly. Then she asked Mrs. Jia Zhang about stealing things with a teaching stick. , why deliberately teach bad jokes.

If it were anyone else, if you know, you know, and if you don’t know, you don’t know.

The county magistrate is not as good as taking charge now.

At the very least, let the other party see your attitude.

But Jia Zhang was not afraid at all.

Be aggressive with others, act recklessly, and make trouble unreasonably.

Seeing that Mrs. Jia and Zhang were so disrespectful and affecting their normal work, they bluntly said that Mrs. Jia and Zhang would be sent back to their hometown in the countryside if they were not honest.

Faced with people's talk of deporting her, Jia Zhang instead gave an explanation that she was Yi Zhonghai's daughter-in-law. She said that if she married Yi Zhonghai, she would have to live with Yi Zhonghai in the city. She said that no matter how awesome the streets were, she had no right to let her go. She, Jia Zhang, and Yi Zhonghai lived separately.

They didn't say anything, and left Jia Zhang in the room alone, asking Jia Zhang to think carefully and give them a specific answer tomorrow morning.

Clearly tell Jia Zhang that she can escape, but let Jia Zhang think clearly about what will happen, saying that they can't deal with Jia Zhang, but they can deal with the stick.

Banggeng is Jia Zhang’s favorite.

Instantly honest.

She stayed alone in the house, cursing those people's eight generations of ancestors in her heart, saying bluntly that these people were not a thing, and did not say to give her anything to eat.

Qin Huairu was also scolded by the Jia Zhang family for eight generations.

She said that if Qin Huairu hadn't been pregnant, she wouldn't have been imprisoned here, and asked people to ask how Qin Huairu got pregnant.

last night.

Jia Zhang was thinking hard, but she couldn't figure out how Qin Huairu got pregnant. She guessed that the man who made Qin Huairu pregnant was not from the courtyard. She looked at Qin Huairu tightly in the courtyard, and the widow didn't follow anyone at all. The only opportunity for fooling around is the steel rolling mill.

Made up my mind.

As long as Qin Huairu comes back, no matter what he says, Qin Huairu will kneel in front of Jia Dongxu's photo and repent seriously.

If the old woman doesn't show off her power, you don't think I am your mother-in-law.


Comrades from the police station.

Riding a bike.

Stopped at the door of the courtyard.

As soon as he got off the bicycle and walked in, he heard Yan Fugui complaining that Xu Damao was getting married today and was about to serve wine in the backyard.

The two looked at each other for a moment.

They come on people's happy days.

Seems a bit unruly.

I thought about visiting again tomorrow.

I can't run away anyway.

One was in the security department of the steel rolling mill, and the other was sitting in the street meeting room. They checked the surrounding neighbors and mistakenly thought that the neighbors had gone to have a wedding banquet, so they immediately turned around and went back out.

He met his bangs head on.

Liu Haizhong was shocked when he saw the police coming out of the courtyard. He mistakenly thought something happened again and hurriedly greeted them, not forgetting to show his identity as the second uncle in charge.

The leading police officer made up an excuse for them to find Courtyard No. 86.

Liu Haizhong believed it to be real and kindly pointed out the way to No. 86 Siheyuan.

This is the difference between Liu Haizhong and Yi Zhonghai. If it were Yi Zhonghai, the first time he saw the police, he would definitely associate it with Jia Zhang's slap in the face.

I don’t know what the pig brain in the bangs is thinking.

Return to the courtyard.

Didn't mention it to anyone.

He met Yan Fugui who was coming out of Yan's house and was about to go to Xu Damao's house for a wedding banquet. The two followed each other and walked towards the backyard together. Passing by the middle courtyard, they shouted in the direction of Sha Zhu's house.

The second aunt who came out of Jia's house told Liu Haizhong that Shazhu and his wife had just gone over to help.

Because Jia Zhang didn't come back, Xiaodang was hospitalized, Qin Huairu was sent to the security department, and Jia's Banggen and Huaihua had no one to take care of them. Liu Haizhong felt that as the second uncle in charge, he had to fulfill this responsibility.

Ever since.

Arrangements were made for the second aunt to deliver two Bangzi noodles steamed buns and two bowls of sorghum rice porridge to Banggan.

As for whether to eat the stick stems or not.

That's a cool thing.

What Liu Haizhong wants is the process of delivery, not the result of eating or not eating the stick.


Silly Zhu was attracted by Xu Damao.

Help with cooking.

The couple named Shazhu, the couple Yan Fugui, the couple Liu Haizhong, and the couple Xu Damao.

Eight people in total.

He prepared four meat and four vegetarian dishes.

no way.

Who asked Yan Fugui to go back later and bring back some greasy leftovers?

The turtle grandson got married, and Shazhu showed off his skills and cooked four meat dishes based on the materials on site, namely braised carp, braised pork elbow, braised pork with pickled vegetables, stir-fried pork, four vegetarian dishes, scrambled eggs, Vegetarian fried shredded potatoes, spicy cabbage, dried lentils.

Nowadays, supplies are tight, so wedding dinners usually only consist of these few dishes.

As a chef, Shazhu has done many banquets and is very familiar with banquet dishes.

It didn't take long.

All eight dishes were ready.

Place them one by one on the table.

Yan Fugui and the others, who were chatting and saying congratulations, also sat down one by one at the invitation of the two hosts, Xu Damao and Liu Yufeng.

I don’t know if it was an intentional arrangement, but next to everyone was their mother-in-law, with Shazhu facing Xu Damao, and Yan Fugui facing Liu Haizhong.

Xu Damao said a few words, and Liu Haizhong and Yan Fugui echoed a few words.

The banquet begins. (End of chapter)

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