Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 421: For 7 yuan, Yi Zhonghai asks for a marriage certificate

The deaf old lady made a conspiracy to take advantage of the situation.

All the neighbors in the courtyard were tied to Yi Zhonghai's marriage to the eldest girl.

I haven’t had a meal in more than two years or almost three years.

Whoever destroys the neighbors' feast is the sinner of the courtyard.

This sinner could also be Li Xiuzhi.

After a brief panic, the deaf old lady completely calmed down and calmed down, and the idea of ​​​​using this incident to plot against Li Xiuzhi emerged in her heart.

Li Xiuzhi is known as the most virtuous daughter-in-law in the courtyard. She is good at dealing with people and is also good to her neighbors.


Among these nice neighbors, there is no deaf old lady.

The deaf old lady even put the shit out of the five-guarantee household into a pot on Li Xiuzhi's head, resenting Li Xiuzhi for not interceding on her behalf.

I want to gather the strength of the neighbors to trample Li Xiuzhi.

It would be best to destroy Li Xiuzhi's reputation as a virtuous wife once and for all.

Today it is today.

The members of the pension group still don't give up on Silly Zhu.

Yi Zhonghai never forgets to bring Sha Zhu and Qin Huairu together, because she feels that only Sha Zhu will treat Qin Huairu and Qin Huairu's three children sincerely.

The deaf old lady couldn't forget about the fact that Sha Zhu cooked for her. The ancestor of the courtyard was always greedy for food.

For yourself.

The deaf old lady once again promised the neighbors that Yi Zhonghai would get married and have a banquet.

The neighbors cheered.

Not stupid.

Understand the situation.

Knowing Yi Zhonghai's banquet, how will they eat? The eldest girl brought by matchmaker Liu must marry Yi Zhonghai in order to get the banquet. If she is a widow like Jia Zhang, who has children and grandchildren, out of face Considering this, I definitely won’t treat guests with wine.

When Yi Zhonghai married Jia Zhang, the neighbors did not have enough to support them.

My heart is full of expectations.

On site.

The happiest people are not the neighbors, but the sticklers.

This unlucky kid, taking advantage of Liu Haizhong's violent beating, asked for leave today and did not go to school. At that time, he was preparing to take his two younger sisters to hunt for wild food.

But I heard about the banquet.

Everyone talked.

At first, the neighbors didn't think there was anything wrong. The adults all wanted to have a feast, not to mention the kid Bangge. But after listening to Bangge and Xiaodang's words, they suddenly felt something was wrong.

He is truly a loving father and a filial son.

It was filial piety to the extreme.

For a meal.

Banggan and Xiaodang, two naughty kids, were actually discussing that after eating the feast for Yi Zhonghai's wife, they would eat the feast for their biological mother, Qin Huairu, to remarry.

The neighbors found it funny, but also full of expectations.

Jia Zhang is in jail.

Qin Huairu kept her word in the Jia family. No matter how strong and powerful a woman is, it will not work without a man in the family. Remarrying at that time would have been a big trouble. Now remarrying, there will be no such trouble. If they were Qin Huai Ru, I must take this opportunity to find someone to warm my bed.

So this seat.

It's possible to eat it.

Eat your father's table first, then your daughter's table.

Some people even shed tears.


The person in front of Li Xiuzhi.

From Yi Zhonghai to that young girl.

Come prepared.

After entering the door.

The girl handed her letter of introduction into Li Xiuzhi's hands.

turn on.

It clearly states where you are, why you are here, what you are doing in the capital, and finally a quick summary.

There is also the official seal of the brigade.

Very formal.

Li Xiuzhi couldn't look at people through colored glasses. Starting from the aspect of going to the city to visit her relatives, she had too many similarities with the girl in front of her.

the only difference.

The girl is marrying for her family in exchange for a bride price of 700 yuan.

Li Xiuzhi ran away to the capital to escape her original family.

If it hadn't been for meeting Director Jia, Li Xiuzhi wouldn't have known what she was doing now. She wouldn't have had such a happy marriage, let alone become a street clerk.

When the girl told Li Xiuzhi everything about her matter, Li Xiuzhi was thinking about how to do it and what the consequences would be.

There is no express provision in the law that prohibits Yi Zhonghai from marrying this girl. Without such provision, both of them are over the age of marriage.

Yi Zhonghai has no objection.

The girl is happy again.

No one can stop this marriage.

What Yi Zhonghai said just now is very reasonable. The girl needs 700 yuan in life-saving money. Nowadays, there are very few people who can spend 700 yuan at a time.

And the girl’s rural household registration.

It is also the biggest factor.

Under the policy of children settling down with their mothers, urbanites married countrymen, and the children they gave birth to had rural household registrations. They did not have the rations in the city. In order to survive, they had to buy food at high prices, and they encountered the extreme shortage of materials nowadays. In those days, even if you married someone for free, no one would dare to marry her, not to mention that she asked for 700 yuan in gift money.


This is Li Xiuzhi's only feeling.

A sigh flew out of her mouth.

"Sister, I know you feel worthless for me, but I really need money. Without these 700 yuan, my family can't survive. My brother is waiting for money to marry a wife, and my brother is waiting for money to find a partner. My mother is waiting for money for medical treatment. I know that this is fate. I can't just watch my mother die. I can't watch my brother and my brother who cannot afford a wife and are poked in the back by the neighbors. On the way here, Aunt Liu told me that only this Yi Zhonghai could come up with 700 yuan. Now I don’t think about anything or care about anything. I just want to get it for my parents and brothers. Seven hundred yuan as a bride price.”

"I understand what you mean, where will you stay at night?"

"Last night, I spent the whole night fighting in the garbage dump. I had no money. I walked here and met bad people. If I hadn't run fast, I wouldn't know what I'd be like now, sister. , please help me, just agree to let me marry that Yi Zhonghai, I can see that, if you don't let me go, no Yi Zhonghai will dare to marry me."

"Now it's not a question of whether I agree or not, but a question of whether the two of you are willing to be together. Whether Yi Zhonghai is willing to be poked in the back because you are willing to be poked in the back. I have your letter of introduction, but I don't have Yi Zhonghai's letter of introduction." , Forget it, the two of you being together does not violate the rules. I just received the report and came over to ask about the specific situation. I went back to the street to report to the leader. "

Li Xiuzhi stood up.

Out of Yi Zhonghai's house.

I saw a lot of neighbors standing in the courtyard, some of whom were from their courtyard house, and some who were neighbors of other courtyards. They must have heard about Yi Zhonghai's intention to marry the eldest girl, and came here to check it out.

among these people.

The deaf old lady is the weirdest.

Li Xiuzhi clearly noticed the weird way the deaf old lady looked at her.

I originally wanted to ask the deaf old lady. Suddenly I had no idea about this.

Those who take steps will leave.

The deaf old lady couldn't let Li Xiuzhi leave like that, so she hurriedly asked.

"Silly Wife, what happened between Zhong Hai and that girl didn't violate the policy, right?"

The immortal old bastard.

on purpose.

This is digging a hole for Li Xiuzhi.

Li Xiuzhi, who had been a clerk for more than a year and had never seen anything before, replied calmly: "Old lady, you just saw the girl's letter of introduction. It contains the girl's detailed information. She is older than the legal age for marriage. As for Yi I don’t need to tell you the master’s age.”

Unable to dig a hole.

Instead, he was dug into a trap.

The deaf old lady cursed a few words in her mind.

"Zhonghai is also doing it for the girl and her family. In these days, who can give her a gift of 700 yuan? Some people can earn it without eating or drinking for three years."

Set up a person who is both responsible and established.

Brilliantly performed.

"Anyone's money doesn't come from strong winds. The girl is waiting for the money to save her life. Let's just decide the marriage between Zhonghai and the girl. Last night, the girl slept on the street and met a drunkard. Fortunately nothing happened. , otherwise this is a living life, stupid wife, this letter of introduction? "

"Old lady, because someone reported that Yi Zhonghai wanted old cows to eat young grass, the leader sent me to inquire about the specific situation. Yi Zhonghai is an eighth-level worker in the steel rolling mill, and it is the matter of the Civil Affairs Bureau to quarrel with the certificate. There is no such thing in the street. It’s nothing, I’ll go back and report to Director Jia.”

Li Xiuzhi squeezed through the crowd.

Out of the courtyard.

He went back to the street to report to Director Jia.

Just as Li Xiuzhi thought on the way, it is something that you and I agree on, and it does not violate relevant regulations. No one can say that the other person is wrong, let alone forcefully ask them to separate. From a moral perspective, it is a bit unreasonable to strongly accuse Yi Zhonghai. The old man was disrespectful and later felt something was wrong, so he called the steel rolling mill and explained the matter of Yi Zhonghai marrying a young girl to the leaders of the steel rolling mill.

It also shows the attitude of their streets.

No objection.

Mainly because there is no way to object.


"Big news, super big news."

Liu Lan dove into the second cafeteria.

This time, she didn't keep it secret, but chose to get straight to the point.

"Yi Zhonghai is getting married again."

One word after another.

Very telling.

Those in the second cafeteria all focused their attention on Liu Lan.

Thanks to bangs.

Everyone knew that Yi Zhonghai and Jia Zhang were divorcing in the past few days, so they were very surprised as to how Liu Lan's remarriage came about.

Having worked with Liu Lan for so many years, I know that although Liu Lan is loud-mouthed and unable to hide things in her heart, she never bothers to spread false news.

I want to know what the big news Liu Lan refers to specifically.

Even Shazhu stopped what she was doing, wondering if Qin Huairu had remarried.

"Just now I went to report to the leader. As soon as I entered the door, I saw the leader lecturing Yi Zhonghai, saying that Yi Zhonghai had affected the reputation of the steel rolling mill. He divorced Jia Zhang at ten in the morning and wanted to marry another wife in the afternoon. Listen. Said to marry a young girl."

young girl.

How is this going?

These people in the second cafeteria.

I don't believe it.

He didn't believe that Yi Zhonghai would marry a girl younger than Qin Huairu.

A difference of twenty or thirty years.

Isn't this a joke?

at dusk.

The young girl put on a red dress. Although her face was still a little sallow, her whole demeanor changed drastically, giving people a festive feeling.

It's like a different person.

A man relies on his clothes and a horse relies on his saddle. This saying is very true.

Even Yi Zhonghai put on a clean Chinese tunic suit and leather shoes. Probably to cover the white hair on his head, he wore a black hat as a courtesy.

A false kind face.

There was endless joy.

The deaf old lady sat on the main seat that could only be occupied by Yi Zhonghai's own mother. She was looking at Yi Zhonghai and his wife standing below with a smile, thinking that everything was under control and the elderly care industry was back to its original starting point.

"Silly Zhu, I just heard people talking about our courtyard, saying that someone is getting married in the courtyard and they have to have a banquet at night? Who is holding a wedding?"

Yan Fugui, who was riding a bicycle to the countryside to buy sweet potatoes, had no idea that something earth-shaking had happened in the courtyard.

Toward Shazhu who had just gotten off work.

Asked a question.

Asking is only secondary.

The important thing is that Yan Fugui is considering whether he can eat at the table.

"Third uncle, I will scare you to death if I tell you."

"You idiot, how can the third uncle be scared to death? The third uncle is also a man who has seen the world. Just say what you say. Who will marry you?"

"Stand still, don't be scared, it's Yi Zhonghai who is getting married." Silly Zhu said as if he was laughing, "Yi Zhonghai, the former steward of our courtyard, is getting married today."

Yan Fugui jumped up on the spot.

what the hell.

Yi Zhonghai gets married?
How can this be?

Last night, Yi Zhonghai was still making up his mind to Yan Fugui, asking how he could divorce Jia Zhang. One day later, he got married.

Yan Fugui didn't believe it at all.

"There is something even more frightening for you." Silly Zhu smiled slightly and continued: "Yi Zhonghai divorced Jia Zhang in the morning. At noon, the deaf old lady arranged the marriage for Yi Zhonghai. At around two o'clock in the afternoon, Yi Zhonghai Zhonghai opened a marriage introduction letter at the steel rolling mill."

"Wait a minute." Yan Fugui looked at Silly Zhu with a dull look on his face, "I'm going to get married on the front foot and divorce on the back foot. No, I divorced in the morning and got married in the afternoon."

"My opponent, that's the thing. Do you know who Yi Zhonghai married?" Silly Zhu looked at Yan Fugui with a mysterious face, and leaned his head towards Yan Fugui, "A person who is better than Qin Huairu A much younger young girl.”

"Si Zhu, you can't say this nonsense." Yan Fugui's eyes widened and he stared at Si Zhu in disbelief. The expression on his face changed color, "How can Yi Zhonghai see anyone if word gets out? What are the neighbors outside doing? Are you looking at our courtyard house?”

"Who are you talking nonsense? Silly Zhu is telling the truth." Xu Damao, who ran out of the courtyard after hearing the noise, smiled and spread his palms, revealing several pieces of candy. "This is the wedding candy for Yi Zhonghai's wedding today. The bride I just gave her is twenty-four years old, several years younger than Qin Huairu!"

"Why did such a young girl marry Yi Zhonghai? Is there anything fishy in this?"

Yan Fugui couldn't believe it from the bottom of his heart.

Yi Zhonghai actually married a twenty-four-year-old girl, who was not yet a widow.

"The girl fled to the city from a mountainous area. Her family was anxious for money. Yi Zhonghai gave her a gift of 700 yuan, and they agreed to get the certificate from Yi Zhonghai."

"How much? Seven hundred yuan as a gift?" (End of Chapter)

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