Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 422 Something happened to Yi Zhonghai

Seven hundred yuan in gift money.

Yan Fugui was so frightened that his voice was trembling when he asked. Regarding the marriage between Yu Li and their eldest son, they asked for five yuan as a gift, but they thought it was expensive, and they wanted to discuss whether it could be half less.

That's two and a half dollars.

Good guy.

Yi Zhonghai spent 700 yuan to marry a woman 30 years younger than him.

Still a country girl.

Interest came.

Park the bike and take the sweet potato inside the house.

Walking towards the middle courtyard, on the one hand, I wanted to see Yi Zhonghai's bride, and on the other hand, I wanted to see if I could be of any help. I wanted to save some gift money by helping.

Do not see do not know.

I was shocked when I saw it.

The girl with a sallow complexion gave Yan Fugui a feeling that his life was not long.

I was wondering whether to remind Yi Zhonghai.

When he saw the excited expression on Yi Zhonghai's face, he knew that his persuasion was in vain. Yi Zhonghai, who became the groom's officer for the third time, was much happier than when he became the groom's officer for the second time.

Jia Zhang is no match for this young girl.

Yan Fugui focused on the dining table.

Taking into account the current special circumstances, Yi Zhonghai did not entertain everyone, but selectively called out a few people, including Yan Fugui, Liu Haizhong, and several other prominent neighbors who did not have names. , guessing that Sha Zhu and his wife would definitely not come. They didn’t want to bring trouble to themselves, so they didn’t notify Sha Zhu and his wife to come to the banquet.

For the remaining neighbors, Yi Zhonghai decided to give each household a bowl of pork stew.

This is the promise the deaf old lady made to the neighbors today.

The rice was not cooked by Yi Zhonghai, nor by Qin Huairu, nor by the deaf old lady. The deaf old lady hired a cook to cook.

The cook had probably heard of Shazhu's name, and he first paid homage to Shazhu's wharf before going to cook for Yi Zhonghai.

Heads were counted.

There were eight people eating at the table, so he cooked food for eight people.

Made seven dishes.

There were three meat dishes, braised fish, and the ingredients were provided by Yan Fugui. Only Yi Zhonghai and Yan Fugui knew the details. The remaining two meat dishes were braised pork with pickled vegetables and roasted chicken.

Four vegetarian dishes, potato slices, spicy cabbage, stir-fried beans, and chorizo ​​cabbage.

Also cooked an egg soup.


After a small crack of whip.

Wine began to be served at Yi Zhonghai's house.

Those who were invited attended one after another.

on the wine table.

Some people sincerely congratulated Yi Zhonghai and wished him and his wife a long and happy life together, and that they would give birth to a fat boy soon. Others were hypocritical, with fake smiles on their faces, and used words that were not respectful to say that Yi Zhonghai and his wife were getting married. happy words.

Yi Zhonghai also smiled.

He was toasting with a wine glass, and his eyes fell on Shazhu's house through the glass.

He thought that his behavior of serving wine and entertaining guests but not inviting the Silly Zhu couple had brought shame on the Silly Zhu couple in front of the neighbors. He thought that Silly Zhu or Li Xiuzhi, who had not been able to get along with their good wine and good food, should now It blew up their lungs.

In fact.

That's not the case at all.

Yi Zhonghai invited Xu Damao and his wife to attend his wedding banquet, but Xu Damao and his wife refused on the spot. This guy took his wife Liu Yufeng to the door of Sha Zhu's house and asked Sha Zhu to cook for them quickly.

How can I swallow this breath?

He sneered.

But because Xu Damao and his wife shouted at Li Xiuzhi, Li Xiuzhi rebelled and joined Xu Damao and his wife. The three of them unanimously asked Sha Zhu to cook.

Helpless stupid column.

Using what he had learned throughout his life, he cooked three very ordinary side dishes with great color, aroma and taste.

Xu Damao gave him a thumbs up.

He took out an unopened bottle of Fenjiu from his pocket.

When it comes to Yi Zhonghai drinking, the two brothers cannot be looked down upon. He Xu Damao invites Silly Zhu to drink.

After three rounds of drinking.

The food tastes delicious.

Yan Fugui suddenly broke in.

Xu Damao and Silly Zhu were surprised by how happy they were drinking.

Looking at Lao Xi lying on the ground after entering the door, it was obvious that someone had kicked him in.

Got into a fight?
They each looked outside. It was pitch dark, and they couldn't see clearly. They also heard a few chaotic noises in their ears. It seemed that Yi Zhonghai and Liu Haizhong were quarreling, and there was also deafness in the middle. The voice of the old lady adding fuel to the fire.

He said that on Yi Zhonghai's big day, he invited Liu Haizhong over for a drink to give Liu Haizhong face, but not to let Liu Haizhong act drunkenly because of his drinking power, saying that she would smash the glass of the deaf old lady's house.

After a few 'bang bang bang' sounds.

Everyone in the house knew.

The deaf old lady did what she said and smashed the glass of Liu Haizhong's house.

Instead of going out to watch the fun like the neighbors did, Shazhu walked up to Yan Fugui, helped Yan Fugui up from the ground, and asked Li Xiuzhi to get an empty wine glass, and pulled Yan Fugui to join their drinking party.

Yan Fugui drank a glass of wine first, ate a few bites of food, and slowly told the whole story.

"Si Zhu, Si Zhu's wife, Xu Damao, things..."

The banquet at Yi Zhonghai's family was messed up from the beginning. The two children, Banggan and Xiaodang, were like starving ghosts reincarnated, grabbing meat dishes with their hands and eating them.

Qin Huairu ignored the two children and took care of the Sophora japonica beside her.

Yan Fugui said that Banggan and Xiaodang's deliberately causing trouble was actually Qin Huairu's special instruction.

It was said that Qin Huairu and her stepmother started butting the cow before they even got to the wine table, and they disliked each other.

Probably because same-sex people repel each other.

Everyone knows what kind of character the other party is.

White Lotus despises green tea, and green tea dislikes White Lotus.

This is a wave of reasons.

Another reason is why Liu Haizhong and Yi Zhonghai fought.

Liu Haizhong probably drank too much and made some accusations. He said that Yi Zhonghai was old enough to be the bride's grandfather. At such an old age, marrying a girl in her early twenties did not violate the relevant laws. It is a rule, but it violates morality. The reputation of the courtyard will be affected by Yi Zhonghai.

Yi Zhonghai did not accept Liu Haizhong's remarks. He hated Liu Haizhong in his heart. He used the wine to talk back to Liu Haizhong, saying that he was doing something to save several lives and that the young girl needed seven hundred yuan. Help, this is equivalent to two to three years of salary for some people. If Liu Haizhong takes out this money, Yi Zhonghai will divorce the girl now.

Neither of them gave in to the other.

They all say that they stand on moral ground.

Finally took action.

During the fight, Yan Fugui was kicked by Liu Haizhong or Yi Zhonghai, and he ran directly into Shazhu's house.

This is how it all happened. Silly Zhu and the others did not speak.

This matter has nothing to do with them.

Holding wine glasses, they toasted to each other.

After drinking all the Fenjiu brought by Xu Damao, Shazhu took out another bottle of Xinghuacun and continued to fight.

Xinghua Village drank to the bottom.

Xu Damao made a suggestion and said that he must listen to Yi Zhonghai's Qiang Gen at night.

Just finished speaking.

People became drunk on the wine table.

Liu Yufeng smiled sheepishly at Shazhu and Yan Fugui, held Xu Damao in her arms, the way a mother would hold her son, and walked towards the backyard.

Yan Fugui actually made a sound of envious praise, and then said goodbye to Shazhu.


Silent all night.

Silhu woke up the next day and looked at the clock on the table.

nine in the morning.

He is a cook, so he doesn't have to go to work as early as Liu Haizhong and the others, as long as he doesn't delay the workers' lunch.

Li Xiuzhi has already gone to work.

Silly Zhu was the only one at home. He got dressed, washed his face, brushed his teeth, opened the door and walked out, stretched out and let out an ouch.

Lock your door.

Heading towards the front yard.

When he walked to the middle courtyard, he accidentally looked at Yi Zhonghai's house in the east wing and found that the curtains were still drawn on the windows of Yi Zhonghai's house.

Everyone knows what's going on.

It can only be said that Yi Zhonghai’s sword is not old yet.

Just walked to the front yard.

The neighbors surrounded Silhu in the middle.

"Silly Zhu, are you going to work?"

"Why go to work or not? We have been living in the same neighborhood as Silly Zhu for so many years. If you don't know who is who, just say what you want. Don't beat around the bush."

"Did you see the curtains at Yi Zhonghai's house when you came out? It's already nine o'clock. Why doesn't Yi Zhonghai go to work?"

"One moment of a spring night is worth a thousand pieces of gold."

"Third aunt, just show that you are educated. Silly Zhu, we think something is wrong. Do you want to call Yi Zhonghai? Or go into their house and have a look."

"Yi Zhonghai is a man, but Yi Zhonghai's wife is a woman, and she is still a young girl. It is not appropriate for me to go. It will be fine for you to go. You are all well-informed anyway."

"I like to hear what Silly Zhu says, so I'll shout."

"Stop shouting. I guess Yi Zhonghai must still be sleeping. How old is he? How old can he be compared with the older guys? He probably slept until noon or got up in the afternoon."

"That's not right. Yi Zhonghai is old, but Yi Zhonghai's wife is not very old. It's time to get up at this point."

"Whatever you like, it doesn't matter. I have to go to work anyway. It's a big deal if I delay my co-workers' meals."

Silly Zhu carried the empty lunch box and walked towards the steel rolling mill.

His bike.

Now it is ridden by Li Xiuzhi.

After walking for almost thirty minutes, we entered the second cafeteria.

Just as Shazhu expected.

Someone just came in.

All the melon eaters in the second cafeteria gathered around and asked Yi Zhonghai and his wife about the specific details of their evening.

This question.

How does Silly Pillar respond?

He simply ignored it and pointed at the watch on the wall, asking the workers to move.

It's past eleven o'clock.

The police comrades from the police station came to see Shazhu on a tricycle. Probably because there were some matters that were not convenient to ask in front of the co-workers, they took Shazhu directly to the security department.

In the eyes of ordinary people.

If you are taken to the police station or security section by the police, it means that you have committed a crime and the police have come to arrest you. They will not consider you in terms of the situation you are being questioned about.

After Si Zhu was taken away from the Second Canteen, the people in the Second Canteen began to have various opinions. Some people encouraged Liu Lan and Que Genxian to go to the Security Department to inquire about the specific situation.

Liu Lan and Que Genxian were stunned to accept this life-threatening matter and walked confidently towards the security department.

at the same time.

Workers in other workshops of the steel rolling mill also talked about this incident and speculated that Sha Zhu was arrested for something. Some people even thought that Sha Zhu was arrested because Sha Zhu carried him with him all day long. Lunch boxes were filled with food and materials from the canteen of the steel rolling mill, and the people in the canteen were scolded.

It was originally a nonsense.

Wait for Silly Zhu to come out without incident.

This rumor will disappear automatically.

But because people in the canteen mistakenly heard this sentence, all the people in the canteen were unhappy. In the current year of shortage of supplies, the materials distributed by logistics to various canteens were simply not enough. One thousand people The canteen can only give you rations for 700 people a day, or even more than 500 people a day.

Make bricks without straw.

Those in the cafeteria could only try their best to make the food look not so small.

As a result, the people in the workshop gave them a shit basin and said that they had embezzled the rations of the workers.

That's not bad.

Do you really think those people in the security department are just doing it for a living?
With tens of thousands of eyes staring at the canteen, how dare these people in the canteen play tricks under their noses?

People from the ten cafeterias crowded under the office building and demanded proof of their innocence.

The frustrated Director Yang could only blame Deputy Director Li, who was the deputy director in charge of logistics.

Deputy Director Li saw Director Yang's excuses and made things difficult for him. He came to the Publicity Department and directly read out the amount of materials the steel rolling mill had received from superiors in the past few months. He also announced that in the afternoon, the logistics incoming and outgoing data would be provided. , made a public announcement on the bulletin board, calling on the workers to understand the difficulties of the steel rolling mill and the suffering of the superior units. Finally, it was stated that Sha Zhu was taken to the Security Section by the police because he was cooperating with the police comrades in investigating the case. It was not that Sha Zhu had committed anything. He guaranteed that Silly Zhu was fine with his personality.

Silly Zhu is in the security department.

Suddenly I felt that Deputy Factory Director Li's rise was not unreasonable.

Look at Deputy Director Li's attitude on this matter.

Let’s see how Director Yang treats this matter.

Silly Zhu also knows that Director Yang is worried about the working group stationed in the steel rolling mill recently. He will not resent Director Yang, but he will give an appropriate tilt to Deputy Director Li. Who wants Deputy Director Li to live a few years? The real big shot at the rolling mill.

Taking advantage of Deputy Director Li's personality to vouch for himself on the radio, Silly Zhu also expressed his attitude. With sincere eyes, he looked at the two guys in front of him who were vaguely acquaintances.

Zhang Shihao and Yang Jiguang from the Hongxing Police Station.

The case of withholding Si Zhu's living expenses was solved by these two people.

"Two comrades, what I just said is the truth. If my character was not good, my superior leader would not say that on the radio, saying that he used his personality to guarantee that I was fine. Regarding Yi Zhonghai, I really I don’t know. As I said just now, I drank wine with Xu Damao from the Publicity Department and Yan Fugui, a teacher from Hongxing Primary School, last night. The three of us drank a bottle of Fenjiu and a pound and a half of Xinghuacun. I didn’t know anything, not even how to get into bed. When I woke up at nine o’clock, I washed my face and went to work. In the meantime, I met some neighbors from our compound and chatted with them for a while. I really didn’t know something happened to Yi Zhonghai.” (End of chapter)

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