Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 423 Yi Zhonghai encountered a scam

Silly Zhu can be regarded as making the mistake of being clever but being misled by his cleverness.

his explanation.

He did not clear himself of the suspicion.

Instead, both Zhang Shihao and Yang Jiguang were shocked.

Especially the modification of the last sentence "I really didn't know anything happened to Yi Zhonghai" seemed to confirm that Yi Zhonghai's incident was related to Si Zhu, because after they took Si Zhu to the security department, they did not give any information related to Yi Zhonghai's accident. describe.

Judging from past experience in solving crimes, Silly Zhu said this, either he was personally involved in this matter, or it was related to him. After all, last night was the wedding night of Yi Zhonghai's bridal chamber. The curtains were always drawn and there was no clairvoyance. How to see clearly the situation of Yi Zhonghai's family.

Silly column is suspected.

They looked at Silly Zhu with an unnatural look of scrutiny.

"You don't suspect that this matter has something to do with me, do you?"

A self-deprecating smile.

appeared on Silly Zhu's face.

Explain it.

"Yi Zhonghai and I have a deep hatred. Many people know what he did to me. Before Jia Zhang was imprisoned, he exposed Yi Zhonghai's evil deeds of dreaming and talking in his sleep at night and ruining our couple. In your eyes, this is the motive for committing the crime."

His tone became sincere.

His expression was even more serious.

"To be honest, my wife is a clerk in the street. There are some things that are exaggerated by the ears and eyes, and it is impossible to do illegal things. You can also inquire about this from the steel rolling mill or the courtyard. After marrying my wife, I will go home to take care of her at night. The lunch boxes are all empty. I have to listen to my wife's words. Even if I take revenge on Yi Zhonghai, I won't end up dancing with Yi Zhonghai with swords and guns. I'll be injured or dead. I go in, but my wife is outside and doesn't know who is cheaper. You bastard, now I am competing with Yi Zhonghai to see who can live longer, I just want to see what will happen if Yi Zhonghai dies and no one burns paper or throws basins for him."

"Yi Zhonghai's matter really has nothing to do with you?"

"It really doesn't matter. As for why I knew something happened to Yi Zhonghai, I won't hide it from you two. You two also know who I am, otherwise people wouldn't care about me shouting like a fool, last night, Yi Zhonghai Zhonghai set up wine at home and called some neighbors. I didn't go, and they didn't call me. I told you this. Xu Damao and Yan Fugui drank with me. The three of them drank two and a half kilograms of white wine... ….”

Silly Zhu gave a reasoning explanation.

Said he got up in the morning.

I saw that Yi Zhonghai's house still had the curtains drawn.

Didn't think much about it.

I mistakenly thought that Yi Zhonghai was old and wanted to do that kind of thing at night, and was a little powerless.

As the old saying goes.

If you have a spoiled wife at home, you can make the old Chinese doctor angry to death.

It's just that the dry firewood encountered a fierce fire. The fire was strong and there was not much firewood, so it was burned to ashes.

This was the answer given by Sha Zhu. He speculated that Yi Zhonghai had some kind of wind disease and was reported to the police station by his wife.

The real situation is not what Silly Zhu speculated.

Something did happen to Yi Zhonghai, but it was not the kind of accident that Shazhu expected, but the kind of accident that almost killed Yi Zhonghai.

It has something to do with women.

I almost put into practice the theory that even if you die under the peony flowers, you can still be romantic.

The cause of the matter is this.

After Sha Zhu left the courtyard to go to work at the steel rolling mill, the idle neighbors gathered together to chat for a while about Yi Zhonghai and his wife. They deliberately chatted loudly in the courtyard, almost to the point of shouting. , wanted to use this method to wake up Yi Zhonghai and her wife.

The night of flowers and candles in the bridal chamber is said to be worth a fortune.

But now it's three o'clock in the morning and it's almost noon. It's a bit unreasonable to stay in bed again. Yesterday, I heard someone say that the steel rolling mill was very dissatisfied with Yi Zhonghai because of his divorce and marriage. He felt that Yi Zhonghai was lost. Without the reputation of the steel rolling mill, it is impossible to give Yi Zhonghai a wedding leave.

In other words.

Yi Zhonghai has to go to work today.

day off.

He just skipped work.

Absenteeism is not as simple as deducting wages. It will give him a reputation of avoiding production and construction. The consequences are serious. No one wants to wear such a label.

I feel that Yi Zhonghai will not make such a low-level mistake for the sake of small things.

But the situation of the Yi family is full of weirdness.

During the quarrel, the neighbors looked towards Yi Zhonghai's house from time to time.

The deaf old lady who was in the backyard also appeared in front of the neighbors on crutches. Seeing that the neighbors were looking at Yi Zhonghai's house, she lost her temper and disliked the neighbors for doing nothing and watching the fun, so she asked the neighbors to go their own way. Disperse.

Without the golden body of the five-guarantee household, the deaf old lady was doing nothing in the courtyard. The neighbors would not give her any face, so no one left.

The deaf old lady snorted coldly and subconsciously looked towards Yi Zhonghai's house.

While looking towards Yi Zhonghai's house, he was still complaining in a low voice that the neighbors couldn't hear.

It's a dirty mouth.

The ancestors of the courtyard thought they were kind to Yi Zhonghai and allowed Yi Zhonghai, who was over fifty, to marry a girl in her early twenties. At the wedding banquet last night, she sat in the main seat reserved for Yi Zhonghai's parents. Thinking that today is the second day of Yi Zhonghai's wedding, according to the old rules, Yi Zhonghai will take his newlywed daughter-in-law to pour tea for the deaf old lady, get up early, dress up, and wait all morning, not to mention Yi Zhonghai Zhong Hai took his wife to kowtow and pour tea for her. He didn't even give breakfast to the deaf old lady. The hungry deaf old lady couldn't wait any longer and came on her own initiative.

I thought Yi Zhonghai and his wife had woken up, but they saw the tightly drawn curtains of Yi Zhonghai's house.

They are all people who have been there.

Know what is going on.

Since she was the oldest and was equivalent to Yi Zhonghai's godmother, the deaf old lady shouted and asked Yi Zhonghai's wife to come out to see her.

The neighbors told the deaf old lady the truth, saying that Yi Zhonghai had not left home.

The deaf old lady started calling Yi Zhonghai's name, her mouth went dry, but she still couldn't call out Yi Zhonghai and his wife, and she felt a little depressed.

A breeze blew.

The door of Yi Zhonghai's house was blown open by the wind, revealing the inner door that was not closed tightly.

Ignoring the many deaf old ladies, she hurriedly entered Yi Zhonghai's house. She guessed that something had happened to Yi Zhonghai and his wife, and that they were coveting something comfortable and hurt themselves.

Entering Yi Zhonghai's home, wherever he looked, he saw the horrified scene of the deaf old lady. The cabinets and tables in Yi Zhonghai's home were in a mess, and they had obviously been turned over. There were either shoes or clothes scattered on the floor. , Yi Zhonghai was naked, lying on the bed, his head almost drooped to the ground, and there was a mass of blood on the ground. The old deaf lady was so frightened that she collapsed on the ground and shouted for help.

When the neighbors who were waiting to watch the show heard this howl, they knew something was really going on. With various thoughts, they swarmed in and saw the deaf old lady paralyzed on the ground, pointing with trembling hands at the naked buttocks on the bed. Yi Zhonghai, who looked like he was about to die, had his heart in his throat. Some people fainted, some had weak bones, and some hurriedly ran to the police station.

The police station sent people to check and found that Yi Zhonghai had been knocked unconscious from the back of the head. The blood on the ground was the nosebleed that came out when her nose touched the edge of the bed. It was not caused by someone knocking her out. Otherwise Yi Zhonghai would have died long ago.

They all knew something about Yi Zhonghai. They knew that Yi Zhonghai, the former steward of the Red Star Courtyard, married a woman who was thirty years younger than him.

He also made some jokes.

It is said that Yi Zhonghai is eating young grass in an old cow.

As a result, the next morning, we received a report from the neighbors of Hongxing Siheyuan, saying that Yi Zhonghai had fainted at home. The house was turned into a mess as if it had been attacked by a thief. More importantly, the neighbors were inside Yi Zhonghai's house. I didn't see Yi Zhonghai's lovely wife, nor did I see her going out.

It is speculated that this is a case of defrauding people of money under the guise of finding a partner.

Yi Zhonghai was plotted by them.

After inspecting the scene, I asked some of the neighbors present, because the third aunt and the second aunt in the backyard had been sitting at the door of the courtyard doing needlework since eight o'clock, and had never seen Yi Zhonghai's little daughter-in-law.

Zhang Shihao and others speculated that Yi Zhonghai's young wife left the courtyard between twelve o'clock in the evening and eight o'clock in the morning.

Because someone had squatted at the base of Yi Zhonghai's wall at twelve o'clock last night and heard Yi Zhonghai's voice.

And because Sha Zhu was the last person to go to work in the quadrangle, and lived in the same courtyard with Yi Zhonghai, and there was a holiday, Zhang Shihao and Yang Jiguang found Sha Zhu first, and they did not just ask Sha Zhu alone, Liu Haizhong also informed Bar, on the way.


What did Silly Pillar say?

His story proved that he had nothing to do with it.

The suspicion of Sha Zhu looking for someone to plot against Yi Zhonghai was cleared.

From Sha Zhu's narration, they found some useful clues for them. Sha Zhu said that Yi Zhonghai's newly married daughter-in-law had a sallow complexion, which made Sha Zhu feel as if she was suffering from a serious illness.

From a professional perspective, this is not a physical illness, but an artificial cover-up of her appearance, which shows that she is a veteran.

After saying a few words to Sha Zhu, Zhang Shihao and Yang Jiguang let Sha Zhu leave.

When Sha Zhu opened the door and came out, he bumped into Liu Haizhong. Official fans bumped into Sha Zhu and wanted to ask what happened to Sha Zhu. How did he bring Liu Haizhong to the security department, but because Sha Zhu didn't give it to him? Given the opportunity, he could only give up the idea of ​​asking for information from Silly Zhu, opened the door and walked in.

Stopping, he glanced in the direction of the Security Department, and with a groan, Silly Zhu returned to the Second Canteen.

Liu Lan and the others, who were eagerly waiting for the news, swarmed around Si Zhu and asked for the specific reason.

After thinking for a while, he found that Silly Zhu was not allowed to tell the truth about Yi Zhonghai being deceived, so he told Liu Lan and the others the truth.

"It has nothing to do with me. Something happened to Yi Zhonghai."

An opportunistic approach was adopted.

Taking the opportunity to prove his innocence, he talked about Yi Zhonghai.

Even if Zhang Shihao and the others find fault in the future, it cannot be said that it is Si Zhu's responsibility.

Encounter something.

They all want to avoid their own responsibilities.

"People came over to inquire about the situation."

"I knew something was going to happen. How old is Yi Zhonghai? How old is his new wife? Lao Niu must have died from exhaustion. He deserves it."

"Sent to the hospital?"

"It looks like he was sent to the hospital."

"Is it really like what Que Genxian said, that you have that wind disease? I heard that this disease can cause hemiplegia if you get too anxious."

"Then you can eat, drink, poop, and sleep in bed?"

"Retribution, who asked him to marry a young girl."

"You are all wrong. It's not that Yi Zhonghai has that wind disease. It's that Yi Zhonghai met a liar. Just now, the deaf old lady went to call him, but she didn't hear anything. She opened the door and entered Yi Zhonghai's house. She saw Yi Zhonghai He was lying naked on the bed, with his head tilted. The house was in a mess, and it looked like he had encountered a robber. His newly married little wife was also missing. Didn't Yi Zhonghai and I have a holiday? Someone came to ask about the situation. "


"So Yi Zhonghai didn't do anything like that? What a loss this would be."

"Okay, let's not talk about Yi Zhonghai. It's almost dinner time. Bring the staple food and food to the window. I know everything about what happened just now. I just have one request. You are not allowed to shake the spoon. How much is the right amount? ”


Security Section.

Liu Haizhong smiled at Zhang Shihao and the others.

He sat on the stool where Silly Pillar had sat.

"In bangs, right?"

"I am Liu Haizhong, a seventh-level forger in the forging workshop of the steel rolling mill. I heard the broadcast just now. I know a little bit about the affairs between Silly Zhu and Yi Zhonghai. Yi Zhonghai ruined Silly Zhu's blind date before. This is immoral. I really don’t blame others for being stupid, but Yi Zhonghai..."

Liu Haizhong misunderstood the intention of people calling him here.

Talking about the past between Silly Zhu and Yi Zhonghai, how Yi Zhonghai was sorry to Silly Zhu, and the security department wanted to step on Yi Zhonghai and take the opportunity to show off himself.

"We called you here not because of what happened between He Yuzhu and Yi Zhonghai, but because someone said that you had a quarrel with Yi Zhonghai last night and almost got into a fight."

"Drinking a little too much."

"You said that Yi Zhonghai is old enough to be the bride's grandfather. If you marry a girl in her early twenties at such an old age, the reputation of the courtyard will be affected by Yi Zhonghai, and Yi Zhonghai will also suffer retribution. How can you Do you know that Yi Zhonghai will be punished? "

"There is Qin Huairu between the two of them. How can he avoid retribution? He divorced Yi Zhang in the morning and married the eldest daughter in the afternoon. This is immoral. I was kind-hearted and tried to persuade him a few words. Unexpectedly, not only did Yi Zhonghai not Thank you for being so talkative. Comrades, can you ask me what's wrong with Yi Zhonghai? "

"It's not a wind disease, it's Yi Zhonghai's daughter-in-law who knocked Yi Zhonghai unconscious last night and took away all the savings of Yi Zhonghai's family overnight, including a pair of gold bracelets given by the old lady in your compound."


"Did you encounter anything suspicious this morning?"

"I got up at around six o'clock in the morning to go to the toilet and found that the door of our compound was open. Does this count?" (End of Chapter)

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