Liu Lan was a little angry.

There was a ball of depression in his stomach that he got from Qin Huairu.

She just followed the workers to question Qin Huairu, asking what role Qin Huairu played in the Yi Zhonghai incident, and whether it was the kind that the workers whispered in private, despising her stepmother for being younger than her, and worried that her stepmother would give birth to a baby for her. Her brother named Yi asked her to say goodbye to the properties of Yi Zhonghai's family a hundred years later.

I mistakenly thought that Qin Huairu would give a proper explanation, whether he had participated, whether he had scared away his stepmother, or whether Yi Zhonghai had suffered a fairy-leap scam, and explained it to the workers.

Plans can't keep up with changes.

Qin Huairu didn't say a word. She responded to Liu Lan and others' questions with her hard-working action.

This made Liu Lan, who didn't see it as a good show, returned to the Second Canteen angrily and complained to Silly Zhu and the others.

She said that something was wrong with Qin Huairu, something related to her biological father Yi Zhonghai, but she actually turned a blind eye and looked like a cold-blooded beast, letting Silly Zhu comment and see whether Qin Huairu did something wrong or they did something wrong.

Silly Zhu ignored Liu Lan and concentrated on doing his own thing.

this matter.

He wasn't going to get involved.

The rolling mill will clean up Yizhong Hai.

Just be a delicious melon.

Liu Lan, who was bored with Silly Zhu's place, rushed out of the second cafeteria. She had been holding back a breath of depression in her heart, and she had to vent it out no matter what she said.

Prepare to spread gossip with the co-workers.

It had only been ten minutes since Liu Lan left. The resentment she had felt before was gone, and her face was filled with elation. She told the people in the second cafeteria the truth about the matter in a showy tone.

The steel rolling mill posted Yi Zhonghai's penalty notice on the public notice board.

Yi Zhonghai was directly demoted from the eighth-level worker to an apprentice. The salary and benefits were based on the standards of apprentices. He was not allowed to be promoted within three years. After three years, the assessment for promotion began from the original first-level worker.

At the same time, the title of the quarterly moral assistance advanced individual honorary awarded to Yi Zhonghai by the steel rolling mill two years ago was taken back. The large honorary tea vat with the words "steel rolling mill" and which was regarded as an important treasure by Yi Zhonghai was taken back by the steel rolling mill.

Lowering Yi Zhonghai's work grade and salary does not mean that Yi Zhonghai can only make a living as an apprentice and continue to do what he did before.

It is equivalent to becoming the cattle and horses of the steel rolling mill.

In addition, because of buying work indicators for Qin Huairu, and because Yi Zhonghai made mistakes and was evaluated by the steel rolling mill, he could only receive a minimum living fund of five yuan per month.

There is no way to continue the assessment of Yi Zhonghai.

After a short discussion, the leaders of the steel rolling mill unanimously determined that the rules and regulations of the steel rolling mill could not be broken, and extended the period of assessment for Yi Zhonghai from the current ten-year assessment to a fifteen-year assessment. Within fifteen years, each of his It’s only five yuan a month, no more.

Materials and spirit go hand in hand.

Every day, Yizhonghai still has to spare a certain amount of time to participate in the independent meetings set up by the steel rolling mill for Yizhonghai. Afterwards, Yizhonghai also has to share his experience with the company.

I blame Yi Zhonghai for being too suicidal.

His marriage to a young girl had far-reaching consequences.

If the latter things hadn't happened, the girl would have even given birth to a child for Yi Zhonghai, and the child would have inherited Yi Zhonghai's work, which would be a good story.

But the consequences of this incident were beyond everyone's expectations.

Tens of thousands of people working at the steel rolling mill were discussing it hotly. Even Hongxing Street and Hongxing Police Station personally stepped in. The situation of meat rotting in the pot suddenly changed to meat rotting outside the pot.

Yi Zhonghai's so-called incident of being deceived into marrying a girl made the leaders of the steel rolling mill, who were already extremely depressed, all upset.

I never thought that they would be in a situation where they were sitting on wax.

The injustice has its end.

Debt has its owner.

After receiving the relevant case report from the Hongxing Police Station, targeted countermeasures were taken.

This way.

The person involved in the incident, Yi Zhonghai, who was also deceived, became a thorn in the side of the factory leaders.

Every mistake was Yi Zhonghai's fault.

After learning that there was no threat to Yi Zhonghai's life, he decisively called Yi Zhonghai to the steel rolling mill.

Just the same meaning.

I can't deal with that liar, and I can't deal with you, Yi Zhonghai, the culprit.

Yi Zhonghai, who had gauze wrapped around his head, had to leave the hospital and returned to the steel rolling mill with his heart full of worries. He could guess what situation he was in now just by guessing with his toes.

as predicted.

Before Yi Zhonghai reached the ninth workshop, the voices of those in the workshop who were laughing at Yi Zhonghai's jokes first flew into Yi Zhonghai's ears.

There are all kinds of gossips.

Without exception.

They all stood on a moral level and hammered Yi Zhonghai, saying bluntly that what happened to Yi Zhonghai now was simply what he asked for and he deserved to be deceived.

Bitter emotions.

Instantly came to Yi Zhonghai's heart.

He suddenly lost the courage to enter the ninth workshop.


Become a street rat that everyone shouts to beat.

How to do?
Think again and again.

He bravely entered the ninth workshop and walked to his work station without saying a word. He already knew that he had been demoted to an apprentice.

The advantage is not mine.

You can only pretend to be honest.

"Yi Zhonghai, please clean up the hygiene in the workshop first, and then tidy up the machines." Guo Dabo exercised his rights as the workshop director and really regarded Yi Zhonghai as an apprentice who had just joined the factory, "You too Don’t the old people in the steel rolling mill not know the rules of the steel rolling mill? All apprentices must start from the most basic level."

Huluo Pingyang was bullied by dogs.

At that time, Yi Zhonghai thought that even if he was demoted to an apprenticeship, but still doing errands as an eighth-level or seventh-level worker, as long as he had the skills in hand, he would still be the master of technology.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Guo actually regarded him as a new apprentice and asked him to do cleaning work.

He moved his lips.

Want to say something.

Finally, he reluctantly swallowed this breath, grabbed the broom and dustpan next to him, and swept the floor in the huge nine workshop.

Guo Dapizi will not let Yi Zhonghai go easily.

He stabbed Yi Zhonghai's lungs with a murderous heart.

"Sweep carefully, taking into account every corner and every corner. Don't make the surface smooth. You are an old man in the workshop. You must lead by example and set an example for young people. Don't think that I am making things difficult for you. There is no such thing. What I mean is, I am giving you a chance to atone for your sins, clean up well, work hard, and don’t be petty and think that you are so awesome or invincible, this is wrong."

Those people in workshop nine.

I knew that Guo Dabo was trying to deal with Yi Zhonghai for some reason.

Inexplicably, I felt a little sorry for Guo Dabo. This guy was transferred to the ninth workshop and became the director. He really never had a good day. He was either wiping Yi Zhonghai's butt or on his way to wipe Yi Zhonghai's butt.

I feel angry.

Venting Venting is normal.


Mrs. Jia Zhang received the bad news of her life.

She heard from the guard that she was divorced by Yi Zhonghai.

He instantly turned into an unconscious wooden man.

He paused on the spot. during this time.

Although working all day long made Ms. Jia Zhang miserable, she still held on to hope in her heart. The guards told her that as long as she performed major meritorious deeds, she could leave early.

After going out.

Naturally, she will continue to be her daughter-in-law of Yi Zhonghai. With her identity as Yi Zhonghai's daughter-in-law, no one can use Jia Zhang's household registration to threaten Jia Zhang from time to time and send her to her hometown in the countryside.

This is a divorce.

Why stay in the city?

Before coming in, the street turned a blind eye to Jia Zhang's behavior of staying in the courtyard for the sake of her being an orphan and widowed mother. She stayed here for three and a half years. After leaving, With the label of a wrongdoer on his head, he is despised no matter where he goes.

Returning to the courtyard, those people in the courtyard will also try their best to drive away the Jia Zhang family, because the existence of the Jia Zhang family has had a certain impact on the neighbors in the courtyard. Young girls cannot find their husband's family, and young descendants, The inability to find a wife is related to the interests of the neighbors. The neighbors will really form a rope and work together to deal with the Jia Zhang family.

Jia Zhang has only one way to go back to her hometown in the countryside.

There was no other way for her to go.

Having been a widow for so many years, I know the difficulties of being a widow. After being away from Qin Huairu for three and a half years, Qin Huairu will probably remarry, and the street will not just watch Qin Huairu not remarry.

Something that is on my mind.

No more.

Qin Huairu became someone else's daughter-in-law, and Banggan, Xiaodang, and Huaihua became someone else's children. They had to call their stepfather daddy, and they were even whipped by their stepfather in various ways, like Liu Haizhong beating Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu violently. That way.

The thought of this.

Jia Zhang's heart was broken.

She never expected that Yi Zhonghai would choose to divorce her.

Yi Zhonghai, the man who killed a thousand swordsmen, my old lady is not done with you.


Zhang Shihao and Yang Jiguang walked separately from the south to the north, taking the courtyard as the starting point.

This is a necessary path.

See if the scammer has any clues or anything else he accidentally missed.

They actually know it too.

It's just like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Without careful planning, the other party would not have chosen Yi Zhonghai.

After the two met.

The thoughts of Yi Zhonghai's enemy committing the crime emerged.

But it felt impossible.

It seems that Yi Zhonghai's biggest enemy is no one else but Silly Zhu, but Silly Zhu didn't have the time to commit the crime, and Silly Zhu didn't give them the feeling that he had plotted against Yi Zhonghai.

Sadness floated in my head.

This is completely a mystery.

Based on the descriptions of the liar by Yan Fugui, Liu Matchmaker, Liu Haizhong, the deaf old lady, and others, seven or eight portraits were drawn, and everyone gave specific answers. Every portrait was similar, and every portrait was similar. It doesn't look like either.

This undoubtedly makes the case more confusing.

The liar described by Yan Fugui has a round face.

The liar described by Matchmaker Liu has a square face.

The most amazing thing is the deaf old lady. The liar she described turned out to be a triangular head.

Everyone looks the same.

How to check this?

They could only pin their hopes on Yi Zhonghai. The two came to the steel rolling mill for the second time and found Yi Zhonghai who had just cleaned the workshop and was sent to clean the toilets. They placed seven or eight portraits on the table one by one. Let Yi Zhonghai take a look and see if he has any specific impressions.

After all, Yi Zhonghai spent the longest time with that liar.

Yi Zhonghai looked at the portrait carefully for a while, either shaking his head or nodding, or shaking his head and nodding at the same time, saying that he didn't know what the liar looked like. His only impression was that the liar's face was withered and yellow.

The yellowish complexion provided no clue.

The first thing a liar does after he succeeds is to wash off the disguise on his face.

Chatted for a few words.

No useful clues came out of the conversation, so I could only say goodbye and leave.

Standing in the factory area, looking at Yi Zhonghai who was carrying a stool spoon to go to the toilet, the two of them could not say anything, who made Yi Zhonghai not do this beautifully.

Deserve it.

If we lose our horses, we can't know what a blessing is.

Yi Zhonghai found no useful clues here, but he learned some useful truth from Qin Huairu.

With Zao Mo Zao thinking about playing three shots, he found Qin Huairu.

After questioning, Qin Huairu revealed a very important clue.

Last night, at Yi Zhonghai's wedding banquet, because Qin Huairu didn't like that woman for no reason, she just felt that the woman was not a thing, which made her skin crawl all over, so she didn't stop Bangge's mischievous behavior. Bangge While grabbing meat to eat, he accidentally dropped a piece of meat on the woman's body. Qin Huairu pointed at Sang and scolded Huai and said some unpleasant words. It was at that time that Qin Huairu discovered that there was an uneven patch behind the woman's left ear. Birthmarks with a regular triangular pattern.

A clue is better than no clue.

Zhang Shihao and Yang Jiguang left the steel rolling mill with this clue and continued to investigate.

When passing by a courtyard, I met an old deaf lady. She asked them if they had caught the liar and learned that there were no concrete clues yet. The sadness on the old lady's face was visible to the naked eye.


Yi Zhonghai cleaned three toilets in total.

There was a stench all over the body.

Returned to Workshop 9.

greet him.

But not flowers.

It was the expression of disgust among the workers. Some even deliberately pinched their noses with their hands and asked Yi Zhonghai if he had fallen into the toilet and why he smelled so bad.

This question.

Yi Zhonghai didn't answer.

Instead, he looked at Guo Dapai to see what else Guo Dapai asked him to do.

Guo Dabo didn't assign him any work.

Instead, he took advantage of the rare rest time to hold a brief meeting around the matter of Yi Zhonghai being deceived. He said that he was doing Yi Zhonghai's ideological work and asked Yi Zhonghai not to think nonsense. In fact, he was doing something to Yi Zhonghai. To add insult to injury, Yi Zhonghai had to talk about what happened last night, and he had to be specific.

How specific?

Yi Zhonghai didn't know either.

I kept mumbling for a long time, but didn't say a single reason. On the contrary, those workers who were watching the excitement and didn't mind the big deal didn't give Yi Zhonghai any face. They talked all over the place in front of Yi Zhonghai. It's salty.

Just started.

The topic was relatively conventional, about men being lustful and liking women. This is all human nature and human nature. I understand Yi Zhonghai's behavior in marrying a spoiled wife.

to the back.

The style of painting became abnormal.

They asked Yi Zhonghai and the liar what happened, because someone said with certainty that when Yi Zhonghai was discovered, he fainted on the bed with his buttocks bare. (End of chapter)

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