Chapter 426 The liar may be a man
Yi Zhonghai could not give an explanation.

Even if he told the truth that he was wearing clothes before he fainted.

The workers in the ninth workshop still didn't believe it. Instead, they looked at the hypocrite with expressions that looked down on Yi Zhonghai, showing contempt for what he dared to do.

The hypocrite is helpless. Who made Yi Zhonghai infamous now? That's bullshit.

The time to die simply is very short.

Only thirty minutes.

He was called in front of the factory leader and was scolded by the factory leader. Yi Zhonghai was so disoriented that he didn't even know how he got out of the office or how he returned to the courtyard. When he came to his senses, When he arrived, Liu Haizhong had already organized a hospital-wide meeting with the neighbors.

Said a few scene words.

He grabbed a document in his hand and stuttered through the contents.

"What the police station means is that this matter is very important. Let the neighbors think about it and see if there is something about the liar that they don't know about..."

Neighbors were confused.

I really don’t understand what Liu Haizhong said. From beginning to end, there are fragments of this and that. Some of the words are even wrong. One moment, what Yi Zhonghai did was wrong, and the next, we have to support Yi Zhonghai.

Yan Fugui couldn't stand it anymore, so he whispered a few words to Liu Haizhong, took the document out of Liu Haizhong's hand, and read it again.

"To inform all the neighbors of Hongxing Siheyuan, since there are no detailed clues about this case, in order to solve the case as soon as possible and bring the criminals to justice, I hope that all the neighbors of Hongxing Siheyuan can actively cooperate..."

Only then did the neighbors know that today's hospital-wide meeting was actually held at the invitation of the police station.

There is strength in numbers.

Yesterday day.

Matchmaker Liu brought a liar to the courtyard for a blind date with Yi Zhonghai. The neighbors all watched a good show, and maybe someone discovered the liar's clues.

For example, Qin Huairu gave clues that there was an irregular triangular pattern birthmark behind the left ear of the liar.

If there are jujubes but there are no jujubes, how many poles will be used?

If a neighbor really sees through the other party's disguise, there will be another clue in the case. You can't go all over the capital to check people's left ears one by one.

Millions of people.

You have to check it out in the year of the monkey and the month of the horse.

This is based on the scammer not fleeing the capital.

See you inspect with great fanfare.

All fools know how to run away.

Therefore, this matter can only be done by pooling everyone’s strengths.

The three cobblers are better than Zhuge Liang.

I hope the neighbors can speak freely, and in order to mobilize the enthusiasm of the neighbors, the police station has given a pound of pork as a reward. The premise is that the clues you provide must be useful. If you make up the clues on your own, there will be no reward.

As for the same document, why did Liu Haizhong read it out and read it out completely opposite to what Yan Fugui read out?

Very simple.

There were some words that Liu Haizhong didn't recognize. Just like he knew this character, Liu Haizhong pronounced it as "only", so the neighbors were confused when they heard it. They were just confused.

Liu Haizhong knew that he had been humiliated, and out of the desire to make up for it, after Yan Fugui finished reading the notice, he waved his hand and asked the excited neighbors to shut their mouths one after another.

He looked around at the neighbors present.

Opened up.

"That's what it means. The clues provided are useful. They give a pound of pork as a reward. To our neighbors, the important thing is not the pork, but this matter is honor."


In the rolling mill.

Liu Haizhong thought about it.

In the evening, he went back to the courtyard to hold a hospital-wide meeting, and asked someone to help him write a manuscript. He memorized it by rote and recorded it in his mind.

In front of the neighbors, he carried it out like a cat and a tiger.

"Think carefully and see if there is anything that feels wrong. For example, the liar is not a woman, but a man. Such clues are very important and can help Zhang Shihao and the others."

Yi Zhonghai's face didn't look very good.

The deaf old lady also looked bitter as if she had eaten a dead fly.

Liu Haizhong is saying that they are blind and cannot even distinguish between men and women.

Not blind.

I saw it was a woman.

No matter how confused he was, he would never marry Yi Zhonghai a man.

Because of his reputation, Yi Zhonghai was embarrassed to speak out.

The deaf old lady had no such scruples. Although she was no longer a five-guaranteed household, she was still the ancestor of the courtyard. Except for Si Zhu and his wife, Xu Damao, she paid no attention to anyone. The crutch in her hand was ruthless. He poked the ground hard and stared fiercely at Liu Haizhong.

Feeling the murderous eyes of the deaf old lady, Liu Haizhong took tit-for-tat measures.

"What do you mean, the old lady, am I wrong? I was at the steel rolling mill today and heard this sentence, everything is possible and anything can happen."

Change of tone.

Take Yi Zhonghai as an example.

"A year ago, who among the neighbors dared to say that Auntie would die? But Auntia was dead! After Yi Zhonghai became a bachelor, who dared to say that Yi Zhonghai would marry Jia Zhang? Until the day when the two got married, the neighbors I still don’t believe it! Who dared to say that Yi Zhonghai would divorce Jia and Zhang just a few days after their marriage. On the day of the divorce, he married a woman many years younger than him, but this is what really happened in front of the neighbors."

"Second uncle, you are definitely this one."

Xu Damao was afraid that the matter would not become a big deal.

gave him a thumbs up.

He also drew his attention to the couple. Looking at Liu Yufeng, who was two meters tall and had a big waist, he really looked like a biological mother raising a biological son.

"Xu Damao."

The deaf old lady glared at Xu Damao dissatisfiedly.

Just use your eyes to warn the other person.

She didn't dare to provoke Liu Yufeng.

some days ago.

I don't know where I got stuck, but I insisted on showing the family tree of the courtyard in front of Liu Yufeng. In the end, Liu Yufeng kept it in a hand and threw it on the roof. The old deaf lady was so frightened that she bared her teeth and howled.

"Old lady, I think what the second uncle said is very good. Everything is possible. I don't rule out that the liar is a man. I don't think women have such courage."

"Xu Damao is right. I'm not just thinking about it. I remember that there was that opera singer before. He was obviously a man, but he was raised as a girl. When he grew up, he looked more like a woman than a woman, so I think the liar is The matter of men is very possible. Of course, we have no evidence. If we have evidence, we will just go earn that pound of pork. Tonight, we invite the neighbors to hold a compound meeting. That’s what it means. Think about it carefully. , think about it, go directly to the police station, don’t tell others, it will save you trouble in the future.”

in the crowd.

Standing stupid pillar.

He frowned unnaturally.

He found.

The general meeting held by Liu Haizhong was more fair than the general meeting held by Yi Zhonghai. At least he would consider the interests of the neighbors, unlike Yi Zhonghai, who favored the Jia family in everything.

Right is right.

Wrong is wrong.

The only bad thing.

It was Liu Haizhong's act of beating the second and third sons violently.

This guy teaches apprentices and has no idea of ​​teaching apprentices to starve the master to death. Among the dozen or so apprentices in Liu Hai, the highest level is already Level 5 blacksmith, and the lowest level is Level 2. Unlike Yi Zhonghai, who taught Jia Dongxu such a In recent years, Jia Dongxu was still a second-level worker until his death.

A cough of "Hmm". Drawing Silly Zhu's attention from his thoughts to Liu Haizhong's body.

I saw Liu Haizhong preaching to Yi Zhonghai.

He looks like a moral saint.

"Yi Zhonghai, your incident has created an indelible bad impression on our courtyard house. During the day, many people were gossiping about our courtyard house. How can this make the neighbors look up to see people? Last night, I I told you that something was wrong. How could a woman ask for 700 yuan as a bride price? You still choked me and said that if I gave you 700 yuan, you would not marry me. You didn’t listen to the old man’s words. The consequences are imminent.”

"Bangs, are you talking about my old lady?"

"Old lady, I didn't mean that. I just think this incident has affected the neighbors. Forget it, let's break up the meeting and think about it carefully. Think about the characteristics of that woman or man."

The neighbors dispersed one after another.

Liu Haizhong did not return to his home, but chatted with Yan Fugui for a while, and chatted with Xu Damao for a while before returning to the backyard.

It was rare that the second and third children were not beaten violently.

A man sat on a stool and thought about it.

Don't know why.

The more I think about it, the more I feel my analysis makes sense.

Xu Damao said that women are not so courageous at all. Men are stronger than women at any time. If they fail, they will be asking for trouble.

It reminds me of the male actors I watched when I was a child who were raised specifically to be women.

Grab the clothes.

Head outside.

Arrived at the hospital.

Looking at the dark courtyard, I realized that it was already night, and Zhang Shihao and Yang Jiguang had gone back to their respective homes.

I can only report to them the next day.

Think this is a clue.


Inside the police station.

Zhang Shihao held a steamed bun in his hand, chewing on it while sorting out the interview data in front of him.

After a busy day, a not-so-thick paper notebook was almost filled with content. Zhang Shihao had two notebooks in front of him, one was his own and the other was written by Yang Jiguang.

The clues are often hidden in the subtleties.

You must search carefully.

Yang Jiguang is similar to him, but he just looks at the old files.

It was also an idea.

feel this case.

It gave him an inexplicable sense of familiarity, and he wanted to look through the old files. If there was a case similar to it, he could refer to it.

The two had a clear division of labor and each worked hard.

I was busy until about three o'clock in the middle of the night and almost four o'clock in the evening.

Not willing to go home.

I found a few stools, put them together, and built a simple temporary resting place, and lay down on them with my clothes on.

It's past seven o'clock.

I woke up with a yawn, stretched out, moved my limbs as much as possible, and washed myself briefly.

Then a voice of inquiry was heard.

"Hello Comrade Zhang, hello Comrade Yang."

Turn your head away.

They saw a fat man wearing work clothes from a steel rolling mill standing cautiously but flatteringly at the door, looking at the two of them with open eyes.


The second steward of Hongxing Courtyard is Liu Haizhong.

Yesterday, I also received the relevant notice from Zhang Shihao.

My heart moved.

Are there any concrete clues?
Seeing Yang Jiguang also walking up to him.

Zhang Shihao greeted Liu Haizhong.

"Comrade Liu Haizhong, how about you, come in."

"Then I'm in." Liu Haizhong stepped in and looked at the surrounding environment while saying flattering words, "It's quite hard for you to come so early."

"Why are you here so early? The two of us didn't go back all night." Yang Jiguang brought boiling water to Liu Haizhong and placed it in front of Liu Haizhong. "Look for us. Do you have any clues?"

"I don't know if it's a clue."

"Sit down and talk."

Liu Haizhong sat on the stool obediently, looked at Zhang Shihao and Yang Jiguang sitting opposite him, and recounted the process of the hospital meeting last night.

"Last night at the conference, I talked about the clues. I was just thinking about it. Do you think it's possible that the liar is not a woman at all, but a pure man?"

He looked at the two of them eagerly.

The two of them seemed a little unconvinced.

Liu Haizhong added.

"That's what I think. At night, it's pitch dark. Sometimes men are a little scared when they walk on the street. A woman knocks Yi Zhonghai unconscious and takes away the money from Yi Zhonghai's family. How do you think about it? Why do you feel so uncomfortable? Maybe, we all know that this man is stronger than the woman. There is such a big difference between the two, is he really guaranteed to knock the man unconscious? "

"Why do you think so?"

"When I was a child, I heard my father say that the opera troupe deliberately raised some good-looking boys as girls. When they grew up, they looked more like girls than girls. Yesterday, the neighbors also said that the liars had sallow complexions. I can't find the troupe's request. I think it's the same. I came here specifically to report to you and see if it works. I'm not doing it for the pound of pork. I think if the other party is really a liar, there is no way he will do it this time. Judging from the way the other party is familiar with the road, he may have done this before. "

"What you said is not impossible. The specific truth depends on finding key clues. Comrade Liu Haizhong, we have received the content of your report and will pay attention to it."

"It's nothing. I'm going to work. I'll go to the factory to help you with questions."


Yi Zhonghai looked a little dazed.

last night.

Don't know who.

The glass of their house was smashed with bricks.

It is speculated that someone in the courtyard did this, but because of his current reputation, even if he found the other party, it would not help.

Adding insult to injury.

But it is a specialty of the neighbors in the courtyard house.

The old trope of being praised and disapproved of.

Standing at the door of his house, looking at the neighbors coming in and out, he sighed in his heart, never expecting that he would become like this.

A crunching sound drew Yi Zhonghai's attention to Shazhu who opened the door and came out of his house.

He shouted out of nowhere.

"Zhuzi, I want to talk to you."

(End of this chapter)

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