Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 427 Qin Huairu's remarriage must be resolved

The relationship between Yi Zhonghai and Shazhu.

The neighbors all know it.

Use an idiom to describe it.

Hatred is as deep as the sea.

I was surprised what Yi Zhonghai would say to Silly Zhu. Everyone focused their eyes on the two of them.

Yi Zhonghai didn't pay attention to the neighbors. His attention was on Sha Zhu. He watched Sha Zhu lock the door with the lock and walked out of the courtyard as if he didn't hear Yi Zhonghai's voice.

When the hypocrite saw this, he hurriedly chased after him. However, as he was running, he only paid attention to the stupid pillar in front of him and did not pay attention to the road under his feet. When his left foot stepped on the air, his right foot accidentally crossed in front of his left foot. His body instantly He lost his balance and fell to the ground.

By chance, my chin touched the brick.

Under a violent collision.

Several teeth were knocked out.

There was blood oozing from the corners of his mouth.

The body rolled on the ground.

The deaf old lady who came out of the toilet saw Yi Zhonghai in such a state and hurriedly shouted for help.

After a while, Yi Zhonghai was still lying on the ground.

Because of the fact that Yi Zhonghai married a young girl but was deceived again, the neighbors felt that Yi Zhonghai was not a good person, thought that Yi Zhonghai was unlucky, and were worried about being scolded as an ancestor of eight generations.

They adopted a relatively extreme method to show their innocence, and their behavior of ignoring Yi Zhonghai showed that they were not the same type of people as Yi Zhonghai.

Seeing that the neighbors ignored Yi Zhonghai's life and death, the deaf old lady was so angry that she trembled with anger. She subconsciously wanted to show off her identity as the ancestor of the compound, but she stopped in time.

She remembered that her five-guarantee household was fucked.

There is no golden body for households with five guarantees.

She's no better than stinky shit.

Yi Zhonghai simply got up from the ground. Looking at the neighbors who regarded him as a scourge, he felt a chill in his heart. He looked forward and found that Silly Zhu's figure had already disappeared.

There was a helpless sigh in my heart.

He begged Liu Haizhong, who was about to go to work, and asked Liu Haizhong to ask for leave. He wanted to go to the hospital to check his health.

Liu Haizhong reluctantly agreed.

Arrive at the steel rolling mill.

I found Guo Dabo and told Yi Zhonghai the tragic story.

Guo Dapian promised well, but he turned around and told the personnel department, recording an absence from work on the spot for Yi Zhonghai.



After Li Xiuzhi reported the relevant work to Director Jia, she finally got Director Jia's instruction and dialed the phone number of the steel rolling mill committee.

The steel rolling mill was informed about Qin Huairu's remarriage.

It is equivalent to forced uterus.

Qin Huairu is an employee of the steel rolling mill. Her remarriage is actually managed by the steel rolling mill. However, because Hongxing Courtyard is under the jurisdiction of Hongxing Street, Hongxing Street also has certain jurisdictional rights. In particular, the remarriage of widows has always been the responsibility of the street. Take the lead and cooperate with other units.

The purpose of the call was to ask the steel rolling mill whether it could solve the problem of Qin Huairu's remarriage. If the steel rolling mill promised to be responsible for Qin Huairu's remarriage and gave the relevant time and time for Qin Huairu to successfully remarry, then the street would no longer Ask about this matter.

on the contrary.

The neighborhood committee will take the lead in taking charge of Qin Huairu's remarriage.

Director Yang's secretary put down the phone in his hand, found Director Yang who was making tea, and reported on the special call from Hongxing Street due to the Qin Huairu remarriage incident.

Without even thinking about it.

This matter was handed over directly to the factory women's meeting.

The main person in charge of the Women's Association is Da Liu from Workshop No. 9, the same Da Liu who had an quarrel with Qin Huairu because Qin Huairu refused to cut her hair.

They are considered acquaintances.

When Liu heard that the steel rolling mill had entrusted such an important matter to his hands, he hurriedly agreed.

He also disliked Qin Huairu.

In the steel rolling mill, there are many widows like Qin Huairu. They all support their children and their mothers-in-law, but they all rely on their hands to make money. For example, Liang Ladi in the welding workshop entered the factory at the same time as Qin Huairu. Ru relied on her seniority to become a full-time worker, and was not even found as a first-level fitter. She became a first-level welder by relying on her own ability, and passed the assessment for a second-level welder a few days ago.

All are widows.

The time is still the same.

The issue of ability is completely different.

When it comes to beautiful widows, even ten Liang Ladi tied together are no match for Qin Huairu.

some days ago.

Someone complained to Da Liu, saying that lesbians in the steel rolling mill were looked down upon by other factories when they went out, and they compared Qin Huairu to them. Their reputation was really bad.

Originally, she wanted to take the time to talk to Qin Huairu, but she was asked to take charge of Qin Huairu's remarriage.

Sleepiness met the pillow.

After greeting several lesbians who had similar personalities to hers and couldn't stand Qin Huairu's methods, she walked toward the back office in a mighty manner.

On the road.

Met Deputy Director Li.

Upon hearing that they were looking for Qin Huairu, Deputy Director Li kindly helped point out the specific direction and even gave up his office.

Da Liu and the others also felt that there were some things they couldn't say in front of their co-workers, so they accepted Deputy Director Li's kindness.

They were divided into two teams.

The first team went to Deputy Factory Director Li's office.

One team went to the logistics to call Qin Huairu, and more people went to call Qin Huairu.

The heart of a villain measures the belly of a gentleman.

Worried that Qin Huairu would not come with him, he had no choice but to drag Qin Huairu here.

He will not give Qin Huairu any face.



Qin Huairu, who was doing nothing, suddenly felt that her eyelids were twitching, as if something bad was about to happen, just when she was puzzled.

Several female comrades appeared in front of her as uninvited guests.

Qin Huairu was startled and broke into a cold sweat.

Qin Huairu knew one of them and knew that he was a director of the Women's Association.

My heart skipped a beat.

Busy pretended to be busy and said hello to those people.

Unexpectedly, those people directly exposed Qin Huairu's little trick, saying that they had just seen Qin Huairu sitting in a daze, indicating their intention to come, saying that their comrades from the Women's Association were appointed by the leaders of the steel rolling mill, and now Come and talk to Qin Huairu.

You can use your toes to figure out what to talk to her about.

Except for remarrying.

Anything else?
Qin Huairu has also considered this factor during this period and feels that she can marry, but she cannot marry casually.

If you have better looks, even if you are not as good as Jia Dongxu, you still have to be on par with Jia Dongxu.

In addition, there cannot be a mother-in-law.

She had suffered a lot from Jia Zhang, but she didn't want to remarry and meet a mother-in-law who was even worse than Jia Zhang. In that case, it would be better not to marry.

I know it won’t work if I don’t remarry.

Yi Zhonghai called Sha Zhu this morning and said that he wanted to talk to Sha Zhu. The workers had already figured it out. Just now, some workers came over to inquire and asked if Yi Zhonghai wanted to talk to Sha Zhu because of Qin Huairu's remarriage. Let’s have a good talk and ask Qin Huairu if she would not marry unless she was a fool.

Qin Huairu made up excuses and reluctantly dealt with the matter.

Since she said she would not remarry, those people thought that Qin Huairu was still thinking about Silly Zhu.

Putting aside Silly Zhu’s mature appearance. Silly Pillar is pretty good in every other aspect.

Qin Huairu had conflicting thoughts about remarrying. Unable to avoid it, she had no choice but to follow her to Deputy Factory Director Li's office.

On the road.

My mind is not idle either.

Thinking about what reasons to use to convince those people.


A group of people surrounded Liu Lan.

There is no silly pillar here.

Silly Zhu has feelings towards Liu Lan that he doesn't know how to describe. He is grateful that there is such a person in the second cafeteria. Liu Lan will always report any trouble to you as soon as possible.

Just like now.

He told the workers that the steel rolling mill would dispatch women to arrange for Qin Huairu to remarry.

this content.

It attracted Shazhu's concern.

Qin Huairu's remarriage would eliminate Yi Zhonghai's plan to use Qin Huairu to scheme against Silly Zhu. He was very happy to see such a thing happen.

I just don’t know if there is any handwriting from my daughter-in-law Li Xiuzhi.

some days ago.

The couple also talked about this, saying that only by finding a future wife for Qin Huairu could Yi Zhonghai's plot be completely extinguished.



His eyes glanced to the side subconsciously.

Shazhu was almost frightened out of his wits.

Good guy.

Liu Lan and the others gathered around him at some unknown time, looking at him eagerly with a somewhat strange expression.

"What are you doing?"

"What are you doing?"

"I asked what you are doing?"

"We are looking at you, Silly Zhu, why are you suddenly in a daze?"

"Hey!" Silly Zhu was also shrewd and quickly changed the topic to something else. "Someone asked me just now if the Second Canteen can feed them today."

"I thought you were thinking about Qin Huairu." Liu Lan rolled her eyes at Si Zhu, "Si Zhu, Qin Huairu remarried, do you really have no idea?"

"Isn't my wife better than Qin Huairu? I'm not a fool."

"Dede, I know you have a good wife."

"Who do you listen to, Qin Huairu is going to remarry?"

"The streets are calling the rolling mill. Do you know what that means?"

Silly Zhu shook his head.

Looking at Liu Lan stupidly.

"It shows that the steel rolling mill has seriously lagged behind in the work of widow remarriage. It's not like you don't know about the trouble Yi Zhonghai caused. The working group is coming soon. At this juncture, if Qin Huairu makes trouble, what can the factory leaders do? Good fruit to eat? In addition to Qin Huairu, other widows have to remarry."

"It's better to remarry, it will save you a lot of trouble."

"Silly Zhu, do you know? I just went out to inquire, and the workers all have a good impression of Liang Ladi in the welding workshop. As for Qin Huairu, they all regard Qin Huairu as a stinking piece of shit."

"What do you mean? Qin Huairu is not worth anything?"

"It's best for a woman like Qin Huairu not to get married. If she gets married, whoever is willing to marry her will marry a good woman who can live a good life."

"That's true."

"Silly Zhu, why is Yi Zhonghai calling you today? Is it related to Qin Huairu?"

"I ignored him. The two of us have never interacted with each other."

"That's right. You guys are busy in the second cafeteria. I'll go out to get some news from you."

He left the Second Canteen in a hurry.

To spread rumors.

Really hard work.

Si Zhu was just about to arrange for the workers to cook when he saw Que Genxian looking at him eagerly. He couldn't help but look serious and said seriously: "You want to follow too?"

"Master He, I knew you would let me go."


"Qin Huairu, do you know why we called you here?"

Da Liu sat opposite Qin Huairu.

Asked Qin Huairu.

Several other lesbians sat around, surrounding Qin Huairu.

This is also a rule of thumb.

There have been tragedies of being scratched in the face before.

Nip the threat in the bud.

"I don't know." Qin Huairu pretended to be confused, "My dad's matter really has nothing to do with me. Even if I don't agree, I won't break them up. They are liars. The police from the police station have intervened in this matter."

"It's not your father Yi Zhonghai's business, it's your business."

"My thing? What's wrong with me? During the time I was transferred to the logistics department, I worked conscientiously and I didn't have any big troubles."

"Qin Huairu, are you pretending to be confused with me?"

Da Liu looked at Qin Huairu with a smile.

There was a bit of gaze in his eyes.

She hadn't seen anything.

After serving as the head of the Women's Association of the Steel Rolling Mill, I have seen too many scheming women like Qin Huairu, and I have also dealt with many evil mothers-in-law who were more difficult to deal with than Jia Zhang.

"What would you not know if we came to find you?"

"I really do not know."

"There is such a rumor circulating in the steel rolling mill today, and it has something to do with you."'

"It has something to do with me? Why didn't I know?"

"Since you don't know, then I will tell you carefully. You heard me clearly. Today your dad called Shazhu to stop and said he wanted to talk to Shazhu. The co-workers guessed that what your dad talked about with Shazhu was to let him Silly Zhu’s divorce and marriage to you, Qin Huairu.”

When it comes to this.

Da Liu sighed deliberately.

"The women working in our steel rolling mill were suddenly trampled into the mud. Do you know what those people outside are talking about our steel rolling mill?"

"Sister Liu, this matter has nothing to do with me. I would rather demolish ten temples than destroy a family. Even if I, Qin Huairu, are not a human being, I will not do anything to divorce the stupid couple and marry me, Qin Huairu." Come on, the steel rolling mill is not just a stupid man."

"Qin Huairu, you thought of this idea with me. I knew that this matter had nothing to do with you. We have also worked together in the same workshop. You love to be beautiful, but you have a certain bottom line. "

Da Liu deliberately held Qin Huairu high.

"We all know the principle of three people becoming a tiger. The factory leaders have been confused by this incident. You have also heard about the coming of the working group. What if the working group comes and hears about you, Qin Huairu? The situation of the steel rolling mill will be made even worse by plotting the marriage between Silly Zhu and his wife, and the leader will really be punished. "

Looking at Qin Huairu.


"Qin Huairu, I am a few years older than you. Your business is my sister's business. I really can't bear to see you being spread by rumors. I have come up with a solution for you. See if it works. They are all people who have been here before, so there is no need to hide them. My sister is looking for a partner for you. What do you think?" (End of Chapter)

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