For the widow.

Jia Gui and Huang Jinbiao started to argue.

One gave the reason why the widow remarried and they did not need to change their surname, and the other gave the answer that Qin Huairu did not need to remarry, but he could join Jia's family.

The public is right.

My mother-in-law said that she was right.

For a while.

No one can convince anyone.

Then he handed over the initiative to Qin Huairu and let Qin Huairu decide whether to marry the handsome man Jia Gui or the handsome man Huang Jinbiao.

It depends on what Qin Huairu means.

These two people were no better than ghosts. Qin Huairu really couldn't arouse the slightest interest in them. His heart felt cold and he wanted to scold his ancestors for eight generations.

He looked at the two people and then at Da Liu.

Know well.

He knew that this was Da Liu deliberately embarrassing himself.

Seriously thought of a reason.

"Sister Liu, I don't live alone now. I have three children. I have to listen to the three children's wishes about remarrying. I know it is for my own good, Qin Huairu. I, Qin Huairu, am grateful to the organization for its support. I care about you, but I don’t want my three children to resent me and dislike me because of my remarriage. When they grow up, they won’t associate with me or even cut off relations with me. Sister Liu, we are all women and mothers. We all have it. Children, I hope Sister Liu can understand my thoughts as a mother and let me go back to discuss this with the children."

Da Liu brought Jia Gui and Huang Jinbiao to a blind date with Qin Huairu. He didn't insist that Qin Huairu choose one of them, but he wanted to force Qin Huairu and let Qin Huairu see the intention of remarrying her at the steel rolling mill. , it’s not just a matter of showing off.

Agree to Qin Huairu's proposal.

Let Qin Huairu give the answer as soon as possible.

Jia Gui and Huang Jinbiao wanted to please Qin Huairu, but Qin Huairu drove them away.

The two left here angrily, complaining about each other on the way out.


Because Liu Lan is here.

There is no shortage of news for these people in the Second Canteen.

Soon they learned about Qin Huairu's blind date with Jia Gui and Huang Jinbiao at the steel rolling mill.

I was stunned for a while.

Mainly because it happened too suddenly.

Yesterday the widow was still shouting that she could not remarry, but today someone took the initiative to go on a blind date with the widow, which caught her off guard.

eat melon.


One by one, they put down their livelihood.

Liu Lan was surrounded in twos and threes.

This made Liu Lan feel like a star, and she became even more interested. Not only did she talk about Qin Huairu's blind date, but she also talked about the backgrounds of Jia Gui and Huang Jinbiao.

"Jia Gui and Huang Jinbiao are both from Anqiu. One has been the captain of the security team and the other has been the captain of the detective team. They like to eat donkey meat from Dingxianglou."

"This is a traitor." Quegenxian complained, "All traitors deserve to die."

"Traitors deserve to die, but Jia Gui and Huang Jinbiao made a lot of mistakes in Anqiu. Their mouths are like colanders. The devil told them..."

Liu Lan told the reason why Jia Gui and Huang Jinbiao did not die.

These two people.

God man.

They tricked the little devil, that's called a fool's errand, but the little devil believed in them deeply, and continued to leave many things to these two people.

In Silly Pillar's mind.

Thinking of someone.

Jia Zhang.

In some things, Jia Zhang is similar to Jia Gui and Huang Jinbiao. They both go further and further on the road of cheating their teammates.

Chatted for a while.

Everyone began to talk about speculation about whether Qin Huairu would remarry Jia Gui and Huang Jinbiao.

for this matter.

Silly Zhu gave the answer conclusively.

The eyes of the co-workers were all fixed on Sha Zhu. If I remember correctly, this was the first time after Qin Huairu became a widow that Sha Zhu publicly exposed some of the widow's affairs in front of them. Give specific answers to express your attitude.

"Don't you know who Qin Huairu is?"

Silly Zhu said something.

He pointed at his hair.

The co-workers immediately understood what Silly Zhu meant.

Qin Huairu's big pigtails have already shown Qin Huairu's character and love for beauty in her bones. Therefore, when choosing a partner for marriage, she first sticks to those good-looking gay men. They have all seen the dead Jia Dongxu, with thick eyebrows and big eyes. Jia Gui and Huang Jinbiao are extremely handsome young men. They are incredibly tall. Qin Huairu, who likes handsome men, will naturally not marry two men who she cannot swallow.

This marriage.

It will not succeed either.

Rejection is inevitable.

The only uncertainty was what excuse Qin Huairu used to refuse the marriage. This was something linked to the honor of the steel rolling mill.

My heart is heavy.

Thinking about what excuse Qin Huairu made up.


With doubts.

Silly Zhu returned to the courtyard.

As soon as people stepped into the courtyard, they saw the courtyard in a mess. Some people were gathered together in twos and threes talking, and some were crying miserably.

Although I didn’t see anyone crying.

But with this familiar crying sound, Shazhu could still tell who was crying.

Qin Huairu.

The sound of crying was very similar to that of Jia Zhang. She was also crying and talking about her bad fate, the difficulties of the Jia family, and said that she had no way to live, so she might as well die.

Presumably Qin Huairu herself didn't realize that she had finally become the person she hated.

The evil mother-in-law Jia Zhang.


After passing through the front yard, Sha Zhu came to the middle yard. From a distance, he saw Qin Huairu slumped on the ground like Jia Zhang, slapping her thighs and shouting, her hair was messy, and her cheeks were covered with tears. Yi Zhonghai was there. Qin Huairu stood not far away, with a frown on her face and a cigarette in her mouth.

Maybe he heard footsteps.

Looked up.

He looked in the direction of Silly Pillar.

Silly pillar's heart.

When he raised his throat, he actually saw a strange light in the eyes of Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai.

I couldn't help but cursed in my heart.

He ignored him and walked towards his home.

As soon as he reached the door of his house, before he could open the door and go in, he heard Yi Zhonghai's voice calling him.

"Zhuzi, wait a minute, I want to talk to you about the Jia family."

"What does the Jia family's affairs have to do with me? Yi Zhonghai, I still say the same thing. I have never had any contact with the Jia family and your Yi family. I have said this for no less than five times in front of the neighbors. Come on, can you please give me some face? I'm married, and we are a happy couple. Does this hurt your heart, Yi Zhonghai? Are you obsessed with plotting against me? There are so many unmarried men in the entire capital, and none of them are worthy of it. Are you going to marry Qin Huairu? If I, Silly Zhu, divorce and marry Qin Huairu, will you, Yi Zhonghai, be satisfied? "

"Zhuzi, it's not Huairu's thing." Yi Zhonghai smiled bitterly: "It's Bangge's thing."

heard movement.

Li Xiuzhi coming out of the house. Whispered a few words to Shazhu.

Only then did Shazhu know why Qin Huairu was crying and why Yi Zhonghai told him such ridiculous things.

The stick is gone.

This is what Li Xiuzhi confided to Shazhu.

When he came back from get off work today, Qin Huairu saw that the expressions on the neighbors were wrong. He guessed that someone told the neighbors that the steel rolling mill forced Qin Huairu to remarry and took Jia Gui and Huang Jinbiao on a blind date with Qin Huairu.

He didn't even care.

After becoming a widow.

Qin Huairu encountered too many such things.

Say something that is not afraid of jokes.

Qin Huairu was used to the strange looks from her neighbors.

back home.

Instead of cooking, he sat on a stool alone and remembered the matter. The steel rolling mill gave Qin Huairu two days to think about it, forcing Qin Huairu to pay attention to the matter of remarriage.

It's not that she can't remarry, but those people look down on Qin Huairu.

In fact, it's not that she doesn't like Qin Huairu, it's that she doesn't want to marry Qin Huairu, but she wants to get into a warehouse with Qin Huairu.

This is a bit difficult to handle.

Qin Huairu fell in love with the person Qin Huairu disliked because his parents were ugly and not as handsome as Jia Dongxu, such as Jia Gui and Huang Jinbiao. Qin Huairu fell in love with the person, but they in turn disliked Qin Huairu's bad reputation and worried that he would become... after marriage. Cuckold.

Qin Huairu had no choice but to start with Banggeng.

Use sticks to excuse it.

It’s just that Bangge doesn’t agree with her remarriage.

I have thought about the countermeasures, that is, how I want to say the good jokes and how I want to perform.

Prepare to wait for Banggeng to come back and form an offensive and defensive alliance with Banggang.

Waiting left and right, until after seven o'clock, Xiaodang came back, but Banggeng hadn't come back yet. Qin Huairu didn't take it seriously at first, mistakenly thinking that Banggeng had gone out to play, and started cooking. After cooking, he greeted Xiaodang. Having dinner with Sophora japonica, Banggeng had not come back yet, but Qin Huairu saw the other children in the same hospital returning home one after another through the glass. Her heart skipped a beat and asked Xiaodang where Banggeng had gone.

Xiaodang said that she didn’t see Bangge at all when she was out of school.

Qin Huairu was anxious.

He ran to Yi Zhonghai's house.

Ask Yi Zhonghai if he arranged for Banggeng to hide out.

Qin Huairu also understood the meaning of last night's drama. It was the work of his biological father Yi Zhonghai. Otherwise, with his superb IQ, he would not have been able to do this kind of borrowing. The second donkey came to talk and dragged Ran Qiuye into trouble.

Yi Zhonghai was confused when he heard Qin Huairu ask him this.

Today is daytime.

After hearing that Da Liu took Jia Gui and Huang Jinbiao to go on a blind date with Qin Huairu, Yi Zhonghai was keenly aware that his pension business was in a huge crisis. If such a person is a traitor, marrying Qin Huairu means that Yi Zhonghai will provide money to support him.

This is not okay.

Yi Zhonghai racked his brains and came up with such a way.

Use stick stalks as a trump card.

He was going to come back tonight and arrange for Banggeng to run away from home. The public signal was that Banggeng did not agree with Qin Huairu's remarriage, so he lost his temper and ran away, and arranged for the neighbors to look for Banggeng.

With such a name.

The steel rolling mill cannot force Qin Huairu to remarry too much.

It means there is room for relaxation.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he might be able to ruin the marriage of Sha Zhu and his wife by making some careful plans, and force Sha Zhu to marry Qin Huairu.

Things can change.

Something happened to BangGeng.

This is how to do?
Yi Zhonghai asked Qin Huairu with an innocent face if Qin Huairu had hidden the stick.

Qin Huairu was dumbfounded when she heard Yi Zhonghai's words.

The two began to confront each other.

You say a word.

I said a word.

After their respective explanations, we found out that they all had the idea of ​​​​using Banggeng to solve the problem, but they did not tell Banggeng about these things, and Banggeng disappeared.

Behind him, Qin Huairu sat on the ground in mourning, while Yi Zhonghai stood beside him in a daze.

Qin Huairu cried for almost twenty minutes.

This is the cause and effect of the matter.

Silly Zhu had a strange look on his face.

This incident gave him a very strange feeling. The steel rolling mill forced Qin Huairu to remarry, but Qin Huairu's son Banggeng disappeared.

What a coincidence.

Things that are too coincidental are often not coincidences but premeditations.

He glanced at Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu, turned his head, and prepared to go home.

Yi Zhonghai saw Si Zhu's attitude.

It was completely different from what he imagined.

The stick figure is gone, but you, Silly Zhu, want to go home for dinner as if nothing has happened. That’s not bad. Do you still have any sympathy?

This is one aspect.

On the other hand, Yi Zhonghai is worried that Silhu's silent character will treat Qin Huairu badly and himself even if he marries Qin Huairu.

That's the big deal.

For the sake of your own retirement.

Yi Zhonghai spent a lot of time brainwashing Silly Zhu in the past few years.

He clenched his back teeth.


"Zhuzi, wait a minute, Banggeng is gone. There is only one child in the Jia family. If something happens, it will be a big deal. When Jia Zhang comes back, she can really tear Huairu apart."

"Yi Zhonghai, the neighbors are all watching, don't put a blame on me."

"Zhuzi, I'm not blaming you, but I want to discuss this matter with you and see what to do."

Silly Zhu was amused by Yi Zhonghai's words.

Discuss what to do.

"Yi Zhonghai, firstly, I am not the boss in charge, and secondly, I am not a member of the Jia family. What are you discussing with me?" He pointed towards the middle of his bangs, "The second uncle is here, and the third uncle is also here. You discuss with them, I don't have any." Participate in the Jia family’s affairs voluntarily.”

Yi Zhonghai saw that there was no way to get to Silly Pillar.

I was a little angry for a moment.

He said angrily: "Zhuzi, why do I hate hearing what you say? Even if you are not the boss or a member of the Jia family, you are still a neighbor of the Jia family. Distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors. If something happens to the Jia family, the good news is gone." Well, as a neighbor, what can you do if you extend your hand? Your wife is the street clerk."

The last sentence.

Yi Zhonghai emphasized his tone.

Shazhu's anger.

The stool also increased sharply.

It's OK to bully Silly Zhu, but you can't bully Silly Zhu's wife.

Li Xiuzhi is the bottom line of Silly Pillar.

"Yi Zhonghai, what you said, are you really not afraid that the wind will flash your tongue? What's wrong with the neighbors? What's wrong with my wife being a clerk in the street? How is my wife? You don't need to judge, Yi Zhonghai, the neighbors have it all. Come and judge, how can you, a notorious person, speak of my wife?"'

"Pillar, you."

"What am I? Banggen is your nephew. Dear, he is Qin Huairu's son. Dear, the child is missing. You two relatives of Banggen, one is sitting on the ground crying like a fool, and the other is like a wooden pillar. You stood still and asked me to make up my mind. I said a few words and then blamed my wife? Is this what you Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu should do?" (End of Chapter)

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