Chapter 434 The disappearing stalk

Silly column's loud and clear answer.

The atmosphere at the scene fell into inexplicable silence.

The neighbors who were watching the excitement before.

Suddenly I came back to my senses.

The child disappeared, and the biological mother did not look for her. Instead, she sat on the ground and howled like a shrew, saying sorry for the Jia family and Dongxu one by one.

If only I could make the child cry again.

It's Qin Huairu's ability.

The problem is that the child won’t come back from crying.

And Yi Zhonghai.

He was stuck in place like a wooden pillar. His nephew was missing, but you helped to find him. Instead, you used this matter to attack Silly Zhu.

The eyes of the neighbors instantly became strange. The expressions on some people's faces were a bit disdainful, as if they had seen through Yi Zhonghai's trick.

Yi Zhonghai saw this.

I cried out in my heart.

He realized a problem. The neighbors in the courtyard were no longer easy to fool. Before, he really couldn't imagine such a thing.


After saying the word "I".

Yi Zhonghai couldn't continue talking.

On the one hand, he didn't know how to explain it. The situation at the scene gave Yi Zhonghai a kind of contradiction that became increasingly unclear the more he explained it.

On the other hand, Shazhu didn't give Yi Zhonghai a chance to explain. After Yi Zhonghai spat out the word "I", he waved his hand to interrupt Yi Zhonghai's explanation.

"Stop me and me. You, Yi Zhonghai, said that Banggeng was missing, and Qin Huairu said that Banggeng had run away from home, and then the two of you stayed motionless in the courtyard. Is Banggeng really missing, or was he hidden by you guys? Get up, perhaps only you yourself know clearly that your Yi Zhonghai’s character is not good enough, so I don’t believe it. Qin Huairu’s character is not good either. Based on what you two are doing now, it’s not the case that the child is missing. Some reaction."

"I like to hear what Silly Zhu said." Liu Haizhong followed up and said, "Last night, Ran Qiuye's visit happened. What did Bangge tell her? He said that he didn't want to be the second donkey, and asked Ran Qiuye to persuade Qin Huai Ru, please don’t remarry. I really don’t believe that Bangge, a child in his early ten years, can think of such a solution.”

His eyes fell on Yi Zhonghai.

His tone became questioning.

"Lao Yi, please tell me carefully, was it you who planned what happened last night? Was it you who told Bangge to do this?"

"Old Liu, me."

Liu Hai imitated Sha Zhu's look.

Interrupting Yi Zhonghai's explanation.

"Don't explain. We have been neighbors for so many years. Ask your neighbors who doesn't know who you are, Yi Zhonghai. No one else can think of this method except you. I don't want to become the second person." Donkey, it turned out that the steel rolling mill said that they would not let Er Donkey's incident happen. You saw that Qin Huairu was going to be remarried. You had no choice but to make a big drama of Banggen running away from home. You thought that the steel rolling mill couldn't do it because of this. Damn it, if you continue to force Qin Huairu to remarry."

He pointed towards Yi Zhonghai.

The expression on his face was that this was what you did, Yi Zhonghai.

"Lao Yi, how could you do such an immoral thing just for your own selfish interests? The widow remarried, but the policy is for the widow's happy life. You always told us before that Qin Huairu, a widow, drags out her children. It’s not easy for a woman. She has to support her mother-in-law, Jia Zhang, and let the neighbors help her, especially Sha Zhu, who brings leftovers to support the Jia family. It’s also a good thing for Qin Huairu to remarry and find someone who treats her well. It benefits the country, the people, and the widow Qin Huairu of the Jia family, why do you, Yi Zhonghai, have to be in trouble with him?"

The more Liu Haizhong talked, the more excited he became.

My thoughts become clearer.

After teaching Yi Zhonghai a lesson, he actually had the idea of ​​teaching Qin Huairu a lesson, and he quickly brought the topic to the widow's head.

"Qin Huairu, I have to say a few words about you. I am the second uncle in charge of the Siheyuan. As a member of the Siheyuan, I have the right to teach you a lesson. Your mother-in-law, Jia Zhang, is here, and you are under Jia Zhang's family. Don't worry, there is no way to remarry. Now your mother-in-law is in jail. It's an excellent opportunity to remarry. How could you give it up in vain? You can't collude with Yi Zhonghai and hide the stick and deliberately say that the stick is missing just to avoid remarrying. Sorry, it’s wrong to use the missing rod as a signal to deal with the remarriage of widows in steel rolling mills.”

"Well said!" Xu Damao, who was not too embarrassed to watch the excitement, shouted "good" and clapped his hands, "Bah, bang, bang! Second uncle, well done!"

Sparse applause.

Let the bangs get more highlights.

The official fan glanced in Xu Damao's direction.

"Qin Huairu, I'm talking to you for your own good. In order not to remarry, you even came up with the crazy idea of ​​letting BangGeng run away from home. In this case, in the future, don't blame the Jia family for their difficulties and the Jia family's inability to open the pot. On your lips, cry poverty to the neighbors and ask them to help you."

A big wave of his hand.

Toward the neighbors watching the excitement.

A dispersal order was issued.

"It's all gone."

Yi Zhonghai became a fool.

Qin Huairu became a fool.

The script is wrong.

It's really not right.

At least according to Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai, the neighbors should not just sit back and watch the show. They should help find the clues. If they can't find the clues, they should persuade them with kind words. Reassure yourself and don't worry about the awesome stuff.

Why did the neighbors not believe that Banggeng was missing? Instead, they believed that this incident was deliberately planned by Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu in order to avoid Qin Huairu's remarriage at the steel rolling mill.

How to do?
What should we do?

Banggeng is really gone. It wasn't me, Qin Huairu, who hid him.

Tears in the widow's eyes.

More flow.

The neighbors who didn't listen to Liu Haizhong's words and were still at the scene started laughing. Some of them pointed at the tears on Qin Huairu's face and started teasing her.

Say anything.

A flurry of verbal content.

"Qin Huairu's tears were really intense. She was really crying. I thought it was fake crying at first."

"The steel rolling mill performance team is where Qin Huairu should go."


The angry widow didn't know if Bangge was really missing or had been hidden by Yi Zhonghai.


She set her sights on Yi Zhonghai.

Yi Zhonghai felt his head hurt when he saw Qin Huairu's contradictory eyes. Why did this girl still doubt herself?

Told the truth.

The neighbors didn't believe it, and even Qin Huairu began to doubt it.

He subconsciously stamped his feet and said a few words to prove his innocence.

"Huairu, stick with him..."

Yan Fugui looked at the expression on Yi Zhonghai's face and felt something wasn't right.

He asked a question.

"Lao Yi, tell me the truth. Banggen is really gone. He was not hidden by you or Qin Huairu. It was not that you and your daughter deliberately used this method to fight against Qin Huairu's remarriage at the steel rolling mill. You’re just making a fuss, can you promise that you didn’t do such a thing?”

Yi Zhonghai's eyes lit up.

Look at Yan Fugui.

It’s rare for someone to believe in themselves.

He hurriedly carried the old man out and swore by the old man.

"Lao Yan, I swear, Banggeng is really gone. Even if I am confused, I won't make a fuss about Banggeng. The old man is here..."

"Qin Huairu."

"Third uncle, I also swear that Banggeng is really..."

"It's gone. You two didn't look for it, so you're still here to criticize others?" Yan Fugui complained in anger, then looked at Liu Haizhong, "Old Liu, do you think this is happening?"

"Then let's look for it."

Liu Haizhong gathered the neighbors and went out together to look for sticks.

Even Silly Zhu and his wife.

Also appeared on the street following the crowd.

As for whether he sincerely helps in the search. Only they themselves know.

Anyway, while walking, I shouted Bangge’s name.

They shouted from Nanluogu Alley to Wangjia Alley, and from Wangjia Alley to Majia Street. They shouted from nine o'clock in the evening to past eleven o'clock in the evening.

Neighbors came back one after another.

Everyone looked exhausted, and their faces looked a little sleepy.

Silly Zhu and his wife came back last.

After entering the door.

Seeing the neighbors gathered in the middle courtyard, chattering something, some were comforting Qin Huairu, some were scolding Qin Huairu, and some said that Shazhu hadn't come back yet, maybe Shazhu had found a clue.

Footsteps are heard.

Turned his head.

Seeing that there was no stick figure behind Silhu and Li Xiuzhi, they didn't know what to say.

Qin Huairu burst into tears.

Yi Zhonghai was squatting on the ground, smoking a cigarette with a cigarette in his mouth.

"I'm going to say something, but it may not sound good. Loyalty may hurt your ears, but it helps your deeds!" Silly Zhu attracted the attention of the neighbors to himself, including Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai, "That's what I think. Yes, is there a possibility that Banggen could go to his grandma's house in the countryside? The neighbors all know that this child is a brat and has his own ideas in his heart. If he thinks that Qin Huairu remarries, it doesn't sound good, and he doesn't want to be the second son. Donkey, it’s possible for a person to go to grandma’s house in the countryside and ask grandma and grandpa to help.”

"Si Zhu is right. There is no chance of an accident happening to this kid Bangge. No one in the neighborhood doesn't know about Bangge."

The meaning behind Xu Damao’s words.

It refers to the matter of Banggeng stealing chickens and dogs.

Silly Zhu was also quite surprised.

in the script.

Bangge's sneaky behavior was the result of Shazhu's words and deeds. After reading the script and knowing the final name, Shazhu stayed as far away from the Jia family's widow as possible, let alone from Yi Zhonghai.

I thought BangGeng changed my destiny.

But I didn't expect Banggeng to become an annoying thief as described in the script.

This is fate.

"Even if Bangge doesn't go back to her hometown in the countryside, the child won't be hungry. Her craftsmanship is incredible. She might be hiding somewhere, and she won't be able to get out. She just wants her family to worry about her."

"Everyone keeps their hearts in their stomachs. Nothing will happen to Banggeng. In this era, the neighbors all know that they can't feed their own children, so they won't feed other people's children. Xu Damao also said it just now, about Banggeng When I’m tired of hiding outside and having enough fun, I’ll come back.”

"Let's all disperse. Go home, go to bed, and go to work tomorrow."

The neighbors dispersed one after another.

Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai, who stayed where they were, were helpless as they watched the neighbors leave.

Although I think what the neighbors said is reasonable.

But the uneasy feeling was even stronger.

Each sighed.

He turned around and went back to the house.


There is no airtight wall in the world.

News that the stick is missing.

on the next day.

It spread like wind throughout the rolling mill.

People at high and low levels were talking and talking about conspiracy theories. They kept saying that Qin Huairu didn't like Jia Gui, he didn't like Golden Standard, and he didn't want to remarry.

Then I thought of a solution that was not a solution.

Under the banner of children's opposition, he fought against the fact that the steel rolling mill remarried Qin Huairu.

He said with certainty that Banggeng was hiding somewhere, how Qin Huairu told Banggeng, and that Yi Zhonghai was involved.

A huge steel rolling mill.

There was an uproar.

They were all stunned by Qin Huairu's magical operation.

Just like the neighbors in the courtyard, they don't believe that Bang Gang is really missing, and they all associate Bang Gang's disappearance with Qin Huairu or Yi Zhonghai's deliberate arrangement.

Follow what others say.

The rumors have taken a new turn.

It was not that Qin Huairu would not remarry, but that she felt that Jia Gui and Huang Jinbiao were ugly and not worthy of her title of pretty widow of the steel rolling mill.

Looking for a young, good-looking gay man.

Such a gay man.

Why should I marry a widow with three children and an evil mother-in-law?
Isn't it good for someone to marry a yellow-flowered girl?

The wind direction changes.

It is said that Qin Huairu is now a shame to the steel rolling mill.

The crowd was excited.

This is roughly the situation.

Yi Zhonghai, who was earning a salary as an apprentice but working as a seventh-level worker, was called to the factory leaders. The bosses of the steel rolling mill were all there, giving Yi Zhonghai a show of interrogation to inquire about the disappearance of Bang Gang. The connection between the two and Qin Huairu’s remarriage incident.

What did Yi Zhonghai say?

no one knows.

But the workers all placed their hopes on Comrade Liu Lan.

Countless steel rolling mill workers shouted one person's name in their hearts.

Liu Lan!
need you.

The great cause of spreading rumors cannot be without you!
Liu Lan lived up to expectations and went to inquire about the news.

Out of the second canteen.

But I'm a little worried.

I don't know what I should do, whether to go to the factory office and listen to the leaders questioning Yi Zhonghai, or go to the logistics department to ask Da Liu and his people to question Qin Huairu.

The disappearance of stick stalks.

It was a bit of a fuss.

Whether Banggeng really disappeared or he disappeared intentionally.

The rolling mills must find out the truth.



the latter.

It's even more tragic.

When Da Liu and those from the Women's Association heard the news, they blocked Qin Huairu in the logistics office and asked if Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai deliberately disappeared as a pretext for the steel rolling mill because they did not want to remarry. This is the first question, and the second question is to ask Qin Huairu whether, as the workers spread the rumor, she wants to be a widow and marry Huang Hua, who is good in all aspects, especially with a handsome face. A great young man.

Qin Huairu's face turned yellow.

My mind went blank.

I didn't sleep well last night because of Banggeng's incident. As soon as I closed my eyes, I saw the scene of Banggeng being hung from the beam and beaten.

Mother and son are connected.

I came to the steel rolling mill dejectedly, thinking I could be lazy and think about what happened to Bangge, where he was, whether he was hiding, or running away to the countryside.

But he didn't expect that Da Liu didn't give Qin Huairu time to fish.

He asked Qin Huairu some difficult questions straight to the point.

(End of this chapter)

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