Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 437 The steel rolling mill fires Qin Huairu

The mysterious disappearance of the Jia family's mother and son caused an uproar in the courtyard and the steel rolling mill, and countless people were involved.

Persecution theory gradually took over the mainstream.

Countless people took advantage of their ability to speak and spread rumors without any scruples. Rumors that were originally based on rumors became more bizarre and outrageous after their processing.

It was said that Qin Huairu offended some people because of her remarriage, and was sent down there, accompanied by Bangge, who reunited with Jia Dongxu's family down there.

Some people couldn't sit still.

Especially those in charge of the steel rolling mill.

After all, they were the ones who promoted Qin Huairu's remarriage. Qin Huairu suddenly disappeared. They wanted to give an explanation both emotionally and rationally.

Quan should be trying to prove his innocence.

All members of the security department were dispatched to thoroughly investigate the matter, and the police station was also invited to participate. Some people who had had disputes with Qin Huairu were found one after another and asked about some things.

Liu Datou from the first workshop, Zhao Yufeng from the second workshop, Ding Zhijian from the third workshop, Niu Yujie from the fourth workshop, Zhang Datou from the fifth workshop, Tang Sigeda from the logistics department, Song Yujun from the statistics department and so on.

A crowded situation.

The workers at the steel rolling mill were dumbfounded.

She never expected that Qin Huairu would have troubles with so many people in the steel rolling mill. She bought steamed buns, paid for meal tickets, and borrowed money, almost more than a hundred people.

Covering all major departments and workshops of the steel rolling mill.

Yi Zhonghai's face.

Completely green.

This is equivalent to a slap in the face. Everyone knows that Qin Huairu's biological father is a hypocrite like him. Qin Huairu's bad style also makes Yi Zhonghai's character doubtful.

What Yi Zhonghai couldn't accept even more was that in addition to these people in the steel rolling mill, some people in society also had entanglements with Qin Huairu, such as Yang Er, Zhang San, Wang Si, they were all said to have had troubles. He is Qin Huairu's friend.

People suddenly sympathized with Jia Dongxu.

People are dead.

But his reputation as a cuckold was also spread in the steel rolling mill.

He was also relieved that the reason why Sha Zhu did not interact with Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai was that he was just a walking cuckold wholesaler. If it were them, they would have ignored Qin Huairu like Sha Zhu.

She lamented that Sha Zhu had a bad life and was actually targeted by Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu.

I didn't eat pork, and I got a bit horny for no reason.

At a time when it is not certain whether Qin Huairu is missing, murdered, or running away from marriage, everyone is suspected and is a subject of suspicion, including Silly Zhu.

Sha Zhu was taken away from the Second Canteen by the Security Department, saying that he wanted to ask about Qin Huairu. In view of the grudge between Qin Huairu and Sha Zhu, there was reason to suspect that Sha Zhu had something to do with this matter. Silly Zhu didn't resist, and followed him obediently into the security department.

The workers saw Si Zhu being called away.

I don't understand.

After Qin Huairu became a widow, Sha Zhu had no contact with Qin Huairu for the rest of his life. He and Qin Huairu's father Yi Zhonghai even became enemies. How could Qin Huairu's murder be related to Sha Zhu?

Just because they don’t interact with each other?

This is too nonsense.

I cried out for Silly Pillar.

On the contrary, the client, Shazhu, showed a high degree of understanding. Faced with the comrades from the security department and the police station of the steel rolling mill who came to his door, he honestly explained some situations. If there was anything, just say it, and how he had no contact with Qin Huairu. , why there is no contact, what role Yi Zhonghai played in this, and other facts were explained clearly.

Finally, Silly Pillar was released.

But Shazhu was not the only one to enjoy such treatment. Many of the neighbors in the courtyard were also called to the security department and the police station to explain the situation. Among the bangs in the backyard, there were several deaf old ladies, Yi Zhonghai, and others in the middle courtyard. Wang Liuwu and the others, and Yan Fugui in the front yard.

It seems that even Ran Qiuye, Banggan's head teacher, has been informed.

No one knew what Ran Qiuye said. In short, after questioning Ran Qiuye, those people went back to the courtyard to search the Jia family.

Unexpectedly, they found the hundreds of dollars that Jia Zhang had hidden under the bed board, and also found the ten-yuan note with Yi Zhonghai's name written on the back of Jia Dongxu's deceased photo.

Yi Zhonghai was taken away.

This ten-dollar bill was originally intended to be left by Yi Zhonghai for the Jia Zhang family, but it accidentally became evidence of Yi Zhonghai's suspicion.

The security department uncovered a certain rumor between Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu in the factory and asked Yi Zhonghai to explain it in detail.

Helpless, Yi Zhonghai told the Security Department that Qin Huairu had become a widow and that he had plotted Qin Huairu to remarry Shazhu out of retirement, saying that it was money for Jia and Zhang to change their relationship.

Because of Liu Lan.

The word got out.

Countless people cursed Yi Zhonghai.

Silly Zhu also once again won the sympathy of his coworkers.

This situation is not what the Security Department wants to see. Apart from adding rumors out of thin air, it does not provide any concrete help to Qin Huairu's disappearance.

That afternoon.

They found Jia Zhang who was doing a labor camp.

Looking at the security department and the police station who came together, Jia Zhang behaved very calmly and honestly at first, but when she heard about the disappearance of Qin Huairu and the disappearance of Bang Gang, she suddenly became irritable. Contrary to his usual honest and honest nature, he became excited and started to curse.

"Qin Huairu, the Qin Huairu who has killed a thousand swords, is not a good person because she does not observe the rules of a woman. Why is our Jia family so unlucky? Marrying such a bastard daughter-in-law like Qin Huairu has brought us eight lifetimes of bad luck. The reputation of our Jia family has been ruined." Destroyed by this shameless daughter-in-law.”

"Dongxu, you are so wronged. It's because I, the mother, didn't take good care of you for your father, so you died. Mom, I'm sorry for the Jia family, I'm sorry for you. God, my old wife's life, why is it like this?" It’s bitter, the old man died, I became a widow, my son also died, and my daughter-in-law also became a widow.”

"Yi Zhonghai, my wife has been your ancestor for eight generations, and you are a complete hypocrite. In order to provide for your retirement, you plotted against my Jia family and my son Dongxu. Now you are not even letting your biological daughter go. You are simply not human. , God, please kill Yi Zhonghai quickly."

"Banggen, grandma's good grandson, where have you gone? Nothing can happen to you. If something happens to you, grandma really doesn't want to live anymore. Grandma's lifeblood, Banggen, come back quickly."

Comrades from the security section and police station.

Each frowned.

He looked at Jia Zhang without saying a word.

When Jia Zhang had finished cursing and lost all her strength, she asked her comrades to arrest Yi Zhonghai and said that Qin Huairu was missing and it must be Yi Zhonghai's fault.

Reasons given.

It’s actually connected with elderly care.

Jia Zhang said that Yi Zhonghai was very selfish and had a strong desire to control people. When Jia Dongxu was Yi Zhonghai's apprentice, Yi Zhonghai had to be involved in whatever friends he made and who he talked to.

The same principle also applies to Qin Huairu.

Qin Huairu is Yi Zhonghai's biological daughter.

Not fake.

It's even more true.

But it is more true that Yi Zhonghai wants Qin Huairu to help with the elderly care.

Yi Zhonghai's biggest wish in this life is for someone to break the pot for her.

As for old-age care, it was also the kind of care that Yi Zhonghai had the final say, so Qin Huairu was destroyed by Yi Zhonghai, and along with it, there were sticks.

Mrs. Jia Zhang said that Banggen was the only child of the Jia family, and the follow-up incense of the Jia family must not make any mistakes, so the comrades from the security department and the police station caught Yi Zhonghai and rescued Banggen.

Comrades from the security department and the police station did not listen to Jia Zhang's words and arrested Yi Zhonghai.

This morning.

Yi Zhonghai made it very clear. He really didn’t know where Qin Huairu had gone, let alone where Banggeng was now. He admitted that he didn’t want Qin Huairu to remarry casually, acknowledged the fact that he wanted to bring Shazhu and Qin Huairu together, and also used Banggeng to delay Qin Huairu had the idea of ​​remarrying, but did not put it into action.

When the hypocrite explained the situation, the comrades at the police station carefully observed his eyes.

in a hurry.

The kind of anxiety that worries about the safety of the child.

Looks can't deceive.

Unless Yi Zhonghai has received special training.

According to Yi Zhonghai's information, he is just an ordinary person. If he had been trained in all aspects, his reputation would not be ruined.

Qin Huairu's disappearance has nothing to do with Yi Zhonghai, and Bangge's disappearance has nothing to do with Yi Zhonghai.

This mother and son.

where it goes.

It became an unsolved case.

The security department has been busy for more than a month, but they have not found any useful clues. However, they have found a lot of useless clues, such as those who have had entanglements with Qin Huairu, like three tiger heads and four confused people. , slovenly, stammering, etc., which confirmed the fact that they paid for Qin Huairu's meal tickets and lent money to Qin Huairu. They were severely punished by the mothers-in-law of each family, which invisibly proved that Qin Huairu's reputation was not good. Good thing about the fact that the rolling mill messed around.

If Qin Huairu's disappearance had not happened, such scandals would not have happened.

For the sake of the reputation of the steel rolling mill.

The factory leaders took a quick approach to cut the knot. On the grounds that Qin Huairu violated the rules and regulations of the steel rolling mill, they determined that Qin Huairu had a great impact on the reputation of the steel rolling mill and caused immeasurable losses. According to the factory rules and regulations, Qin Huairu was Ru took the punishment of expulsion from work.

The penalty notice was read out due to Haitang.

"Attention all workers in the steel rolling mill. The following is a penalty notice issued by the office of the steel rolling mill. After verification, Qin Huairu, an employee of the logistics statistics department, had a bad style of work during his employment and was in disagreement with everyone outside the steel rolling mill. Unclear relationship.”

"It has caused huge losses to the honor of the steel rolling mill. The employee refused to change despite repeated admonitions. In order to prevent such incidents from happening, the steel rolling mill committee studied and decided, and solicited the opinions of the employee representatives and some employees of the steel rolling mill, and decided to punish Qin Huai Ru should take the punishment of expulsion from work.”

"From the day the punishment was issued, Qin Huairu was no longer an employee of the steel rolling mill. The steel rolling mill took back all Qin Huairu's welfare benefits at 1962:5 on May 6, 16."

"I hope that the workers in the steel rolling mill can learn lessons from this, strictly demand themselves, and be a rolling mill person worthy of the steel rolling mill."

Yi Zhonghai is busy in the ninth workshop.

After listening to the radio.


Stupidly stuck in place.

No one knew Yi Zhonghai's mood at this time.

When Jia Dongxu died, he was not promoted to his post due to a series of things. In order to provide for his old age, and because Qin Huairu was her daughter, Yi Zhonghai couldn't bear the thought of Qin Huairu being kicked out, so he tried every means to spend money to buy Qin Huairu a quota.

More than 3,600 yuan.

Up to now.

The money for buying indicators is still being deducted by the steel rolling mill on a timely basis.

I thought that Qin Huairu could live a comfortable life with guaranteed harvest due to drought and flood, but I really didn't expect that things would develop to this point. Qin Huairu disappeared, neither alive nor dead, but the steel rolling mill issued a notice to expel Qin Huairu.

That's not bad.

Even if Qin Huairu comes back in the future, this job will not be given to Qin Huairu.

The problem is that it will take three or four years for Yi Zhonghai to pay back the money he spent on the indicators.

Take a turn.

Back to where we were.

Still ended up getting nothing.

Yi Zhonghai felt his head was a little dizzy.

He turned off the machine.

I found a seat and sat on it, thinking about Qin Huairu and myself, and suddenly I wanted to cry.

For some reason, things turned out unexpectedly for Yi Zhonghai.

The workers in Workshop No. 9 saw that Yi Zhonghai looked depressed, so they did not force him to continue working. They were mainly worried about unnecessary troubles.

If it really kills someone.

Things are going crazy.

Yi Zhonghai suddenly wanted to talk to Shazhu.


Just talk to Shazhu.

Yi Zhonghai was in a irritable mood. When something happened, the first person he thought of was Silhu, who ignored him and wanted to talk to him.


Second canteen.

Silly Zhu was also a little dazed.

He listened to what Yu Haitang read word for word.

Some couldn't believe it.

The pretty widow of the Chizha Steel Rolling Mill was fired just like that!
The plot takes a turn.

When Qin Huairu disappeared and was fired from the steel rolling mill, the following things happened like stealing chicken stalks, asking Silly Zhu to help steal things, etc.

All gone!
Silly pillar's heart.

Unexpectedly heavy.

It was not because Qin Huairu was fired from the steel rolling mill that he became angry, but he felt that this matter seemed to be full of mystery.

When Qin Huairu is fired, will the house in the courtyard be taken back?

Take it back.

Qin Huairu had no place to stay in the courtyard, and Jia Zhang had no place to stay.

Silly Zhu couldn't wait to fly home now and take a look at the script that had become devoid of handwriting to see if there would be any new content on it.

A cry.

rang in his ears.

Looked up.

Found out it was MCA.

He frowned slightly.

Ma Hua quickly told Yi Zhonghai that he wanted to meet Sha Zhu outside the second cafeteria.

Yi Zhonghai wants to see him?
When Qin Huairu was fired, Yi Zhonghai wanted to talk to him?

A wave of his hand.

After saying "missing", he started thinking wildly by himself again. He kept thinking until get off work, then followed the crowd out of the steel rolling mill and walked towards the courtyard. (End of chapter)

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