Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 438: Yi Zhonghai, did I give you face?

Qin Huairu's disappearance shattered Yi Zhonghai's hope of providing for his retirement.

The hypocrite is forced to continue to plot against Sha Zhu to support him in his old age. The reason for insisting on talking to Sha Zhu just now is due to this consideration.


Unexpectedly, Shazhu didn't even show his face, and directly sent MCA to reject Yi Zhonghai's proposal to meet.

Don't be discouraged.

The hatred between the two families cannot be explained clearly in a few words, and they also know that Silly Zhu will see his good show.

Get off work in the evening.

Yi Zhonghai, this old guy, was waiting for Silly Zhu at the gate of the steel rolling mill.

Those people at the door saw Yi Zhonghai standing like a wooden pillar at the door. How could they not know what the hypocrite was thinking? There was some unnatural resentment in their hearts. Qin Huairu was fired from the steel rolling mill, so Yi Zhonghai couldn't be fired. Fired?

Belongs to the bastard.

He has a bad reputation in the street, but his life and death depend on the steel rolling mill.

They each complained, fearing that Yi Zhonghai would be angered to death, and even raised their voices. As they spoke, disdainful eyes focused on Yi Zhonghai.

Yi Zhonghai knew very well that these people didn't want to see him, but there was nothing he could do about it. Who made him famous in the street? He pretended not to hear and ignored these people.

Out of sight out of mind.

Seeing Shazhu pushing a bicycle out of the factory, he hurriedly shouted to Shazhu.

Silly Zhu, who heard Yi Zhonghai's call, ignored Yi Zhonghai and rode his bicycle towards the courtyard in a hurry.

When Yi Zhonghai saw this, he could only run behind.

Silly Zhu learned bad things.

He could easily get rid of Yi Zhonghai on his bicycle, but he deliberately stopped the bicycle when Yi Zhonghai couldn't run. When Yi Zhonghai took steps to chase him, he pedaled like a fool. The bike is gone again.

He completely dismissed Yi Zhonghai as a dog.

He also hummed the ditty "We workers have power".

Stop your bicycle at the entrance of the courtyard.

Because the threshold is a bit high, you need to carry your bicycle in. This is also part of the daily life of many cyclists in many compounds.

It's time to exercise.

As soon as he walked into the courtyard, he put down his bicycle. Hearing the noise, Yan Fugui walked out of the house, still holding the little girl Huaihua in his arms.

Silly Zhu frowned slightly, guessing that Yan Fugui had something to discuss with him.

Could it be Sophora japonica?
This kid has nothing to do with Silly Zhu.

In the script, none of the children of the Jia family are good people. The script also makes it clear that everyone in the Jia family headed by Qin Huairu, such as Banggan, Xiaodang, Sophora japonica and the like, are not caring people.

In essence, they are sucking blood and plotting against Silly Zhu, calling Silly Zhu as Silly Dad, and having a close relationship with Silly Zhu. The starting point is nothing more than profit.

There was a bit of vigilance in my heart.

He moved a few steps back, trying to distance himself from Yan Fugui as much as possible.

Yan Fugui's expression paused.

Silly Zhu is too cautious.

There was a smile on his face, but he didn't blame Shazhu. Thirty-three days had passed since Qin Huairu disappeared.

According to conventional understanding, although Huaihua no longer has her grandma, biological father, or biological mother, she does have her own grandfather. She has to live with Yi Zhonghai due to emotional and rational reasons. Yi Zhonghai has the obligation to raise two children, but Yi Zhonghai seemed to have never picked up Sophora japonica, as if he had forgotten the child. On the contrary, he took good care of Xiaodang. When Jia and Zhang were there, Xiaodang was skinny and hungry, but now he is chubby. Zhong Hai shouted like a grandfather.

"Si Zhu." Yan Fugui looked at Si Zhu in a flattering manner, "The third uncle has something that I want to talk to you about."

"If it's a matter about Sophora japonica, it's best to keep your mouth shut. You know my relationship with the Jia family and the Yi family. I won't interact with them or get involved in their family's affairs."

Silly Zhu was vaccinated in advance.

Do not participate in anything related to the Jia family.

She is not afraid of neighbors poking her back.

But what Yan Fugui wanted to tell Silly Zhu was about Sophora japonica.

Seeing that Shazhu had blocked his way in advance, Lao Chi gritted his teeth and said what he said.

"Silly Zhu, the third uncle knows what happened between you and the Jia family, and also knows that you have a grudge against Yi Zhonghai, but the third uncle still wants to chat with you about this child."

Silly Zhu turned around and left.

There is no such person as Yan Fugui in front of Quan Dang.

Yan Fugui could only sigh helplessly.

How cool it was at first.

How desolate it is now.

A month is enough time for a lot of things to happen.

Qin Huairu was gone, but Yi Zhonghai, Sophora japonica's grandfather, had never given Yan Fugui a penny except for a dollar of hard work fee a month ago.

Ask for it.

Just one answer.

No money.

It's urgent.

Yi Zhonghai directly said, "We are all neighbors in the same compound. I, Yi Zhonghai, am also an eighth-level worker in the steel rolling mill, so I can still rely on you for a few cents."

It's obvious that he wants to be a scoundrel.

Yan Fugui inquired about Yi Zhonghai's situation from some neighbors and learned that Yi Zhonghai only had the minimum living standard of five yuan a month.

How can you be an uncle if you don’t have money?

I was so angry that I didn’t know what to say.

The pressure is not only these, but also the pressure of Huaihua herself. Huaihua, who has just turned two years old, during this period of time, she did not know what stimulation she received, and she actually called Yan Fugui daddy and the third aunt as mommy.

Yan Fugui and his wife were so frightened that they almost lost their temper.

The children in their family are all working hard. Because of food problems, the eldest son, who was supposed to get married last year, has not yet gotten married.

This Sophora japonica calls them parents.

Yi Zhonghai was ignoring him again.

Qin Huairu saw neither alive nor dead bodies.

This child has become a child of the Yan family.

Judging from the character of the Jia family, he also knew that this child was not very good.

The couple came up with the idea of ​​Shazhu and his wife. In the courtyard, Shazhu and his wife had the best conditions. One was the monitor of the second canteen of the steel rolling mill, with a monthly salary of fifty yuan, and the other was a street clerk, with a monthly salary of 50 yuan. The salary is over 30 yuan, and the couple’s combined income is more than 80 yuan. Moreover, Silhu is also a chef with family-owned cooking skills. He is not short of talk. He has been married for more than two years and has no children.

Whatever is missing is what you like.

If you don’t have children, you naturally like children.

I was thinking about whether I should let Shazhu and his wife help raise Sophora japonica for a period of time, so I analyzed Sophora japonica's practice of calling her father and mother for a month. When the relationship is over, I really can't let go of the child.

Yan Fugui and his wife also transferred their burdens.

But he didn't expect that Silly Zhu didn't give Yan Fugui a chance to speak out.

There is no other way.

Yan Fugui could only hold the child in his arms angrily, and walked towards his home. He turned around, and after walking a few steps, he saw Yi Zhonghai running in from the outside, panting, and standing in front of Yi Zhonghai.

"Lao Yi, this child is your nephew. It's not appropriate for him to be kept in our house for such a long time."

Yi Zhonghai was fooled by Silly Zhu.

Full of grumbling.

Seeing that his way was blocked by Yan Fugui, who was still talking about Sophora japonica, he felt a little unhappy and casually made a cliché about moral kidnapping.

"Lao Yan, you are the third man in charge of the Siheyuan and a teacher at Red Star School. You must be caring. How can I raise a two-year-old girl by myself?"

"Is this my fault, Yan Fugui's? This child doesn't care whether we call him daddy or mommy. In addition, her child support and living expenses are paid." He hasn't finished speaking yet.

He was interrupted by Yi Zhonghai.

The hypocrite is really going to be a douchebag now.

"Sophora japonica calls you parents, which means you two are good friends. It's a good thing to leave Sophora japonica to you two. I can rest assured, and so can Huai Ru."

Don't worry, uncle.

Yan Fugui and his wife were worried.

"Lao Yi, you can't do this."

He shouted to Yi Zhonghai who was walking away.

As if there was a dog chasing after him, Yi Zhonghai ran as fast as he could and disappeared from Yan Fugui's eyes in three or two steps.

Yan Fugui, who failed to collect the debt, could only go home with Sophora japonica in his arms.

The third aunt did not give him a good look, complaining that Yan Fugui lost a lot because of small things, and was greedy for a few cents, and ended up breaking a lot of white noodles.

The children of the Jia family are also strange. They don't eat steamed buns and insist on eating white flour steamed buns.

What if I'm really hungry?

Yan Fugui and his wife had to go in.

Sadness appeared on the faces of the couple. You looked at me, I looked at you, and they started thinking.

What to do.


Yi Zhonghai, who ran to the middle courtyard, saw the lights of Sha Zhu's house and heard the sound of Sha Zhu and his wife talking and laughing. He felt inexplicably depressed.

Depressed with a bit of irritation.

Let out a long sigh.

Went to the door of Shazhu's house.

He knocked on the door with his hand and shouted the name of Zhuzi.

Some neighbors who were fetching water from the water cage in the central courtyard each cast their eyes on Yi Zhonghai, and they knew to some extent why Yi Zhonghai had the nerve to look for Silly Zhu in the back seat.

Except for retirement.

There is nothing else to do.

Silly Zhu, who was talking to Li Xiuzhi about Qin Huairu's expulsion in the room, cursed several times in his heart when he heard Yi Zhonghai's shouting.

The old bastard is really haunted.

He made a gesture toward Li Xiuzhi saying, "I'm going out to take a look." Then he turned and walked toward the door.

Open the door.

Yi Zhonghai's hypocritical Cixi cheeks were instantly engraved in Silly Zhu's eyes.

No words were spoken.

First he slapped Yi Zhonghai, and then kicked Yi Zhonghai into the courtyard.

Yi Zhonghai, who was thinking about how to trick Silly Zhu, had no idea that Silly Zhu would not follow the routine and took action without saying a word. When he came to his senses, he had been kicked by Silly Zhu and was sitting on the ground.

inside the ear.

Silly Pillar's cursing voice also flew into the air.

"Yi Zhonghai, have I given you face? I don't want to talk to you. Do you think I'm easy to bully? You provoke me again and again. Have I ever told you that our two families never interact with each other? You Can you please give me some face? Do you really think I have no temper? You can do whatever you want, Yi Zhonghai?”

"Qin Huairu didn't become a widow, you plotted against me and ruined my blind date. Qin Huairu became a widow, and you actually let me, a young man, marry a widow with three children and a mother-in-law. I just want to ask you, how easy is it for you? Is Zhong Hai a human? Are you wearing human skin? Why do you think you are a beast?"

"I have been married for more than two years and have been putting up with you. It was my wife who told me that we live in the same hospital and should pay attention to the impact. Unexpectedly, you Yi Zhonghai became more serious. Qin Huairu was expelled today and went to the second cafeteria to find you. I, I ignored you, and now you are blocking the door, what do you mean? "

"Don't think that I don't know what you are thinking. Don't you just think that Qin Huairu is gone and there is no hope for your old age care? You think of me again. I have told you to take care of you in your old age. Don't worry? I don't know what to do every day. He is talking nonsense, Yi Zhonghai, let me tell you, if you provoke me again, I will not tell you so much, I will do it directly, you think about the consequences, bah, garbage, bastard."

Silly pillar's spit.

Spit on Yi Zhonghai's face.

He turned around and said a few words of apology to the neighbors present, then turned back to his home.

The door of the room was slammed shut by him.

After being beaten and choked by Silly Zhu, Yi Zhonghai saw that no one in the neighborhood paid attention to him, so he dragged his aching body up from the ground and slowly moved towards his home.

Behind him came the whispers of the neighbors.

Without exception.

Everyone is accusing Yi Zhonghai of not being a good person.

I also felt that Silly Zhu was unlucky to be targeted by such a thing.


It's about nine o'clock in the evening.

The steel rolling mill came to take possession of the house.

Because Qin Huairu was fired, the Jia family's house would naturally be taken back by the steel rolling mill.

The neighbors came out to watch the show again.

Everyone wants to take advantage of this opportunity.

The newly moved residents will definitely not want the Jia family’s things.

For example, Jia Dongxu’s posthumous photo.

No one would like to have a picture of an unrelated dead person hanging on their wall.

Asked Yi Zhonghai.

Yi Zhonghai didn't say anything. The newly moved family took advantage of the presence of the security department and in front of the security department and all the neighbors, they threw Jia Dongxu's photo on the ground as rubbish. Even the most coveted person in the courtyard The cheap Yan Fugui didn't pick it up either.


The trump card that Jia Zhang was so obsessed with was mixed with the garbage.

The rotten mattresses and other things from the Jia family were also thrown out.

Cleaned up inside and out.

Come prepared.

In the empty house, a thousand firecrackers went off. Amidst the sound of firecrackers, people moved their own pots in and threw a wotou inside.

What's it called "Fan Shan Wo Tou"?

Behind them were cabinets, beddings, dishes and chopsticks, and other furniture. They were all moved in, arranged, and then a two-thousand-ring firecracker was lit outside the door of the house.

A new family.

Officially settled in the courtyard.

The neighbors didn't care, but Yi Zhonghai was unhappy and didn't come out from the beginning to the end.

This newly moved resident is an officer of the Security Department. According to custom, he bought some scattered food such as melon seeds and peanuts, and gave some away from house to house, showing his thoughtfulness.

The focus was on visiting Liu Haizhong and Yan Fugui.

The deaf old lady also went to pay a visit. The ancestors of the courtyard were afraid of the other party's identity as a security officer and did not dare to show off.

The last person to visit was the Shazhu family.

Different from the neighbors.

Facing Silly Zhu and his wife, the security department had a very humble attitude, calling Master He one by one, and also called Clerk Li Xiuzhi by her official title.

Don’t reach out to hit the smiling person.

Silly Zhu and his wife also praised the Security Department as highly as possible and said some words within their power.

The Jia family was completely removed from the courtyard house. (End of chapter)

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