Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 450 Yi Zhonghai was kicked out of the hospital with a broken leg

Chapter 450 Yi Zhonghai was kicked out of the hospital with a broken leg

Silly Zhu didn't believe Liu Lan's words.

On the one hand, Liu Lan's character of listening to the wind and rain made Shazhu a little suspicious. Whatever came into Liu Lan's mouth, she had to add some extra details to it.

On the other hand, it was unbelievable, giving him the feeling of listening to a book from heaven in a fog.

Last night, Yi Zhonghai fell into Liu Haizhong's hands. After being questioned all night, Liu Haizhong brutally broke the legs of the hypocrite Yi Zhonghai because Yi Zhonghai didn't tell the truth.

This is impossible.

Do not believe.

He stared at Liu Lan with doubtful eyes.

Seeing Silly Zhu's expression, Liu Lan was very depressed. As a talkative person who likes to spread rumors, you can question everything about Liu Lan, but you cannot question the authenticity of what Liu Lan said.

I can't hide things in my heart, but I won't spread rumors randomly.

Pointing at Sha Zhu, he murmured something that Sha Zhu didn't hear clearly, turned around and ran outside, as if he wanted to use facts to make Sha Zhu completely shut up his questioning mouth.

Shazhu didn't get angry when he saw Liu Lan going out, so he criticized Liu Lan's relationship with Deputy Factory Director Li. He couldn't possibly give Liu Lan a slap in the face.

The pillow wind is also the wind.

Others in the Second Canteen were not treated like Liu Lan. Silly Zhu looked around and saw that all the workers were looking at him. He vented the evil fire Liu Lan gave him on these people and glared. He shouted at those present.

"What are you looking at? At this time, you still have free time to worry about other people's affairs? Get busy, those who wash the vegetables, those who knead the noodles, don't stand still, get busy, and save yourself from being seen. If it reaches some people’s ears, they won’t be able to eat it.”

This last sentence.

That's the last resort.

What some people are referring to is, of course, the bangs.

With Deputy Factory Director Li pushing Liu Haizhong to the front desk, Liu Haizhong became a big shot that the workers were afraid of. After hearing what Silly Zhu said, they started busy in twos and threes, doing their own things.

Silly Zhu tidied up the tools in his hands. Before doing this, he must have sat on a stool and drank water like an uncle, but now he couldn't do it. His bangs were so frightened that he didn't dare to create pigtails for himself that would be caught. .

Busy and busy.

Time flies by.

It’s half past nine in the morning.

Silly Zhu put down the things in his hands, grabbed the big teapot and just took a sip of tea. The closed door of the second cafeteria was knocked open from the outside, and a fiery figure rushed in from the outside.

It was Liu Lan.

Silly Zhu and the others all focused their attention on Liu Lan. Why did Liu Lan leave just now and for what reason? Everyone knew that it was because Silly Zhu didn't believe Liu Lan's statement. Liu Lan went out angrily to find evidence. Look. Liu Lan's excited expression made everyone think a little in their hearts. Did Liu Lan really find evidence that Yi Zhonghai's legs were short?

Liu Lan threw the thing in his hand directly on the table in front of Sha Zhu, and knocked on it uneasily.

"Silly Zhu, I'm telling the truth. If you don't believe me, you have to tell me that I'm talking nonsense. Let me show you what the evidence is. Take a good look, open your eyes wide and see what this is. Don't shed tears until you see the coffin. If you insist on finding evidence for you, this is the evidence I will find for you.”

The workers in the second canteen gathered around one by one, stretching their necks and looking intently at the things on the table.

The doubts in my heart were relieved.

This is a diagnostic report issued today by the hospital affiliated to the steel rolling mill. It clearly states Yi Zhonghai's name and the number of the workshop where he works.

There may be several rolling mills with tens of thousands of people with the same name as Yi Zhonghai, but there is only one Yi Zhonghai in the Nine Workshops, and that is Yi Zhonghai, Siheyuan No. 95, Nanluogu Lane. What follows is a detailed description of the condition. Anyone who can read knows that person. In a few lines, Yi Zhonghai's right calf was hit by a strong external force and was broken. The tendon is fine. The doctor at the affiliated hospital is performing bone resynthesis procedures. It will take a hundred days to break the tendon and bone. It is recommended that the steel rolling mill give Yi Zhonghai a year of rest. The long vacation gave Yi Zhonghai enough time to recuperate his body, otherwise Yi Zhonghai would become a cripple.

Below is the signature of the attending physician, followed by the hospital's red official seal.

One hundred percent true.

Silly Zhu stopped talking and turned around to sit on the stool.

The emotion in my heart cannot be described in words.

Yi Zhonghai's legs were broken by bangs, which was not in the script.

Silly Zhu's pressure doubled. He thought of himself from Yi Zhonghai's fate. A bang that could break Yi Zhonghai's legs could also break Silly Zhu's arm. He had a thought in his mind that he would strike first to gain the upper hand and then attack later. I hesitated whether I should knock the sap in my bangs. Judging from the fact that my bangs caused chaos in the steel rolling mill, even if I knocked the sap in my bangs, the co-workers wouldn't say anything.

The question is how to start.

Recently, Liu Haizhong has been followed by a group of people when he comes in and out. In the steel rolling mill, there are some people who want to please him. In the courtyard, there are Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu. It is really difficult to deal with them.

Pulled around and moved the whole body.

Once he fails to hit the bangs, the fate of Silly Pillar will not be very pleasant.

Yi Zhonghai was his fate.

His brows knitted together.

Liu Lan was not the roundworm in Sha Zhu's belly, so naturally he didn't know what Sha Zhu was thinking. When he saw Sha Zhu frowning, he thought Sha Zhu didn't believe the evidence he had found and spoke up.

"Silly Zhu, why are you like this? You want evidence. I found evidence for you. What else do you want? Do you have to drag Yi Zhonghai, who has a broken leg, from the hospital for you to believe it?"

"Liu Lan, I support you." Que Genxian, who was watching the excitement, shouted without taking it too seriously, "Let's go now."

"Go away, it has nothing to do with you." Liu Lan rolled her eyes at Quegenxian and looked at Sha Zhu, "Si Zhu, speak."

"What did you say?" Silly Zhu raised his head, "I didn't say I didn't believe you. The big red official seal on it cannot be faked. I just muttered a little bit, why did Yi Zhonghai have his leg broken by Liu Haizhong. "

"Why did you offend Liu Hai and get hit?" Liu Lan's voice suddenly lowered, "I just heard about such a thing, please listen carefully to me, don't tell anyone, you know Yi Zhonghai's How come my legs were broken by my bangs? Tell me and I’ll scare you to death.”

The eyes of the workers were focused on Liu Lan.

I want to know what Liu Haizhong used to break Yi Zhonghai's leg.

"A wrench, a large wrench." Liu Lan gestured with both hands, "Like waving a stick, he hit the big wrench directly on Yi Zhonghai's leg. At that time, Yi Zhonghai's leg was broken into two pieces. Zhonghai was in pain, howling and crying, and even peed. After sending Yi Zhonghai to the hospital, the people saw that Yi Zhonghai's crotch was wet and smelled an unpleasant smell of urine. "

"It's really cruel."

"Who says it's not the case? Liu Haizhong, who seems to be a very honest person, is so ruthless. Director Li is also surprised. He was promoted to captain. Is this because the steel rolling mill is too good?"

"Say less." Silly Zhu said to the complainer: "The matter about Liu Haizhong has nothing to do with Director Li. Director Li is busy with so many big things in a day, and he doesn't have the energy to pay attention to Liu Haizhong. If there is more than one It’s time to eat, it’s too late, don’t delay the workers’ lunch.”

The workers were filled with emotions. Got busy.

Be as careful as possible. Who knows who Yi Zhonghai will be next, and I don’t want it to be me.


Deputy Director Li already knew about Yi Zhonghai's broken leg.

The expression on the face.

Very bland.

Yi Zhonghai didn't act anxious just because his leg was broken, as if the sky was falling.

This incident was both within his expectations and beyond his expectations. Only by showing Liu Haizhong as crazy as possible can the value be maximized, and deputy director Li be able to reap the ultimate huge benefits. He also heard what his co-workers heard. They ignored Liu Haizhong's dissatisfied complaints and even secretly indulged Liu Haizhong. Otherwise, Liu Haizhong would not have made the steel rolling mill with tens of thousands of people full of complaints and miserable in one month.

Liu Haizhong is the cause. Only if Liu Haizhong is evil can he bear the fruit that Deputy Factory Director Li wants and gain the hearts of the workers.

He leaned back lazily on the back of the chair, thought about it for a moment, and then gave Tang Daniu a warning when he was reporting the process.

"Go and tell Liu Haizhong that I already know about this."

Yi Zhonghai has a bad reputation in the steel rolling mill. He looks like a rat crossing the street. This is one factor. On the other hand, Yi Zhonghai has always been Factory Director Yang's man. In the eyes of Deputy Factory Director Li, he is not worthy of even carrying Silly Zhu's shoes.

Ended up with a broken leg.

Also deserve it.

When Deputy Factory Director Li asked Sha Zhu to help with cooking, Yi Zhonghai actually interfered with it and told Sha Zhu to stay away from Deputy Director Li, saying that Deputy Director Li was not a good person and would lead Sha Zhu to bad things, so it was Sha Zhu's fault for this matter. I didn't hear Yi Zhonghai's nonsense.

"Tell him to calm down a little."


Tang Daniu said something, left the office, found Liu Haizhong, and conveyed to Liu Haizhong exactly what Deputy Factory Director Li had said to him. Liu Haizhong felt as if he had been injected with chicken blood. He suddenly became excited and said something to Tang Daniu that Deputy Director Li would like. He happily left the security department and took him to the affiliated hospital.

Seeing Liu Haizhong's attitude, Tang Daniu must have gone to settle the score with Yi Zhonghai.

shook his head.

No words were spoken.

Even though he was well-informed, he was still shocked by Liu Haizhong's mindless behavior. He left no way out for himself and even took his two sons to a dead end. No matter how crazy he is now, he will be miserable in the future. .


Yi Zhonghai grimaced in pain.

The hypocrite still can't accept his fate. He actually had one of his legs broken by Liu Haizhong. He was so angry that his teeth were itching. He cursed Liu Haizhong's eight generations of ancestors in his heart, and at the same time, he was thinking of specific countermeasures. .

The leg is broken.

The bangs were broken.

That's why things happen.

Liu Haizhong must give himself an explanation, and even end up hiding out for a while because of this incident. There are also people serving Yi Zhonghai's three meals a day. He does not believe that the steel rolling mill will turn a blind eye to his experience. If the leader When he came to express condolences, he made some appropriate requests and asked Silly Zhu to cook for him, which was also an excellent thing.

Thinking about it this way, I felt that it was a good thing that my leg was broken by my bangs. At least I wouldn't have to suffer any resentment.

Rapid footsteps.

It came from outside and flew into the ears of Yi Zhonghai who was lying on the hospital bed.

Ignoring the pain, he turned his face towards the door.

A particularly disgusting face of Yi Zhonghai came into Yi Zhonghai's eyes. It was Liu Haizhong. Looking at Liu Haizhong with an angry expression and Liu Haizhong's two unfilial sons, Yi Zhonghai really couldn't understand. You still have the nerve to come find yourself.

He really wanted to point at Liu Haizhong's nose and ask, is your brain in Liu Haizhong filled with shit?
You even broke one of my legs, and you still have resentment in your heart. What are you going to do, really drive me, Yi Zhonghai, to death?
Bastard stuff.

I've never seen a neighbor like you.

Looking at Liu Haizhong's figure getting closer and closer to him, Yi Zhonghai panicked. He saw Liu Haizhong's ferocious face.

He swallowed unnaturally, ignored the severe pain in his legs, and asked in a hoarse voice towards Liu Haizhong.

"Liu Haizhong, what on earth did you do? I've been like this and you still refuse to let me go. Why is your heart so dark?"

"My heart is evil? No matter how evil I am, I can't be as evil as you, Yi Zhonghai. In order to support your old age, you plotted against Sha Zhu's marriage and ruined their marriage. You also wanted Sha Zhu to marry Qin Huairu, a widow with three children. This Is this what a human does? You are worse than an animal. You deserve to have your leg broken. Now I want to send you back to the courtyard so that you can take good care of yourself. As a neighbor, you can also show your friendship with the neighbors. "

Yi Zhonghai's heart.

Completely sunk.

He knew his own condition. Before Liu Haizhong came, he specifically asked the doctor about his situation and learned that he needed to rest in the hospital for a while.

Liu Haizhong wanted to send Yi Zhonghai back to the courtyard under the pretext of helping his neighbors.

This damn thing is going to make him a cripple.

What made Yi Zhonghai even more depressed was the argument given by Liu Haizhong, which was clearly the same argument that Yi Zhonghai used to trick the neighbors into helping the Jia family in the courtyard a few years ago.

The big stick finally hit him on the head.

"I want to see Deputy Director Li. I'm an old man in the steel rolling mill. You can't treat me like this."

"What are you talking about, Director Li? Deputy Director Li is busy with so many things in a day and has no time to pay attention to such a small thing as Yi Zhonghai." Liu Haizhong ordered Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu behind him, "You two are still stunned. Why don't you just put this hypocrite Yi Zhonghai on a cart and send it to the courtyard? The supplies in the affiliated hospital are not such a waste to be used by a person like Yi Zhonghai who does bad things. "

He looked at Yi Zhonghai with keen eyesight.

The tone changed.

"Yi Zhonghai, let me put it this way, you don't deserve to use these supplies from the hospital affiliated to the steel rolling mill. Go back to the courtyard and recover well. Don't worry about those messy things. The neighbors in the province will dislike you."

Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu took advantage of Liu Haizhong's opportunity to complain about Yi Zhonghai and walked towards Yi Zhonghai.

(End of this chapter)

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